DreamWorks Animation's Kung Fu Panda, which opened today, June 6, 2008, was created entirely on Linux-based Hewlett Packard workstations. The digital studio has been using HP workstations since 2001 successfully on its films. Ed Leonard, CTO at DreamWorks Animation discusses the company's digital workflow, history of the HP-DreamWorks alliance, and the benefit of multi-core processing systems.
The linux-staging tree was created to hold drivers and filesystems and other semi-major additions to the Linux kernel that are not ready to be merged at this point in time. It is here for companies and authors to get a wider range of testing, and to allow for other members of the community to help with the development of these features for the eventual inclusion into the main kernel tree.
The Linux OS runs from an embedded storage device and operates on a very simple and quite well featured Mini-ITX board with some interesting features, including two Sata controllers. When you first get the device, it's immediately ready for use and can be setup to be used as is, or you can configure it to do a variety of other things.
SystemRescueCd 1.0.3 is an amazingly handy tool that's essential for system administrators and IT technicians. However, it's also very easy to use that I think even a regular Linux user can handle it. I'm so glad that I found SystemRescueCd because it has all the tools that I need to keep me from being paranoid of losing all of my essential files.
In summary, the new Puppy 4.00 release is the cat's meow. Puppy Linux 4.00 is fast, reliable (on my systems it ran for days with no issue), has good wireless support, new scanner tools that work well, all the necessary multimedia codecs, and has a minimalistic yet usable approach that allows older computers to be functional machines again.
Saxnet is shipping three versions of its Debian Linux-powered wireless mesh-networking router. The standard Meshnode III offers a self-organizing transmission system with up to four 100 mW 802.11a/b/g radios, while a "Power" version ups the Wattage to 600 mW and a "Custom" version adds hardware customizability.
It’s hard to explain with screenshots, but Pat has gone to the trouble of making a video of his work. Enjoy!
Several decades ago the software 'industry' managed to re-write our perception of history and make most people believe that proprietary software is normal, and open source is the aberration, while in reality software actually started out as open.
It is time to change our thinking and to stop trying to justify the use of open source software. It doesn't need justification like that. Free and open software should be the logical, sensible default choice in all cases, with proprietary software only to be considered when there are compelling reasons for it.
An open source library system has been created for managing administration of public libraries and was funded by both the Romanian and Italian governments. Meanwhile eLearning vendor Timsoft has created an open source e-learning project in cooperation with the Politehnica University in Timisoara and the University of Helsinki.
June's Patch Tuesday has brought a substantial crop of updates for Windows, including three critical patches for Vista =and other versions, calling into question Microsoft's "secure by design" claim for its latest operating system.
2008-06-12 20:08:21
Roy Schestowitz
2008-06-12 20:21:23