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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: September 20th, 2008


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twitterthe logic will not break, worse than useless is a trapSep 20 01:11
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 20 01:16
twitterSlashdot uses perl.  There's lots of java in the world.  Is there anything big and useful running .NET?Sep 20 01:16
twitterWhy would anyone want to learn .net when there are lots of good free alternatives?Sep 20 01:17
*pombat42 ( has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving")Sep 20 02:13
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 05:16
*ZiggyFish ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 05:32
*ZiggyFish has quit ("Leaving.")Sep 20 06:58
*[H]omer_ (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 07:13
*[H]omer has quit (Nick collision from services.)Sep 20 07:14
*[H]omer_ is now known as [H]omerSep 20 07:15
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerSep 20 07:15
*[H]omer is away: sleep beer sleep beer sleepSep 20 07:15
*moparx has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Sep 20 07:19
*neighborlee has quit (Connection timed out)Sep 20 07:19
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 07:24
schestowitzThe crackdown continues: 20 08:19
AVRS2Has no one asked the U.S. presidential candidates about KDE2 and FreeBSD yet?Sep 20 08:25
schestowitz 20 08:26
schestowitzAVRS2: why KDE2?Sep 20 08:26
AVRS2schestowitz: 20 08:26
schestowitzHmmm... "world+dog" comes to mind. :-)Sep 20 08:29
AVRS2hmm… ? is it something inexistent?Sep 20 08:32
AVRS2It looks like The Register mentions it in titles, but not what it is :-)Sep 20 08:32
AVRS2*but doesn't say what it isSep 20 08:33
AVRS2ahSep 20 08:33
AVRS2:-)Sep 20 08:33
AVRS2(my problem was that I've found "World+dog scrambles to fight Windows flaw" first)Sep 20 08:34
schestowitzYes, that too. It always amuses me because I read The Reg.Sep 20 08:34
schestowitzBTW, I know it OT, but Bruce Perens' site has these: , 20 08:34
AVRS2And I forgot that Medvedev only talked about FidoNet, and not the KDE question.Sep 20 08:36
schestowitzYou know the person?Sep 20 08:37
AVRS2Dmitry Medvedev, the president of Russia; a FidoNet question has been asked under a fake name at one of those Internet interviews.Sep 20 08:38
schestowitzWow, I've really lost track of Russian politicsSep 20 08:38
AVRS2He wasn't president at that time yet, though.Sep 20 08:39
schestowitzI wonder if Russia will rise when the west continues a demise.Far east  Asia seems promising.Sep 20 08:42
AVRS2(OT) “Zunächst waren Mailinglisten und das Fidonet, die russische Variante der global”…Sep 20 08:44
AVRS2fortunately, the original PDF shows that it is at least not called the Russian variant of Internet, but newsgroups.Sep 20 08:45
-christel-[Global Notice] Happy Software Freedom Day! I hope you're all marking the day and spreading the word -- if you haven't yet considered marking SFD, check out to see if there is a local event you can attend! Have a great day!Sep 20 09:13
AVRS2Does Jabber, Inc. have anything to do with Jabber, except for using it and sponsoring XMPP Software Foundation?Sep 20 09:32
schestowitzThis one is funny: "The prosecution in Munshi’s trial accused the boy of browsing websites which promoted Jihad – although Fox news is perfectly acceptable browsing– and downloading ‘how to’ guides for making detonators and explosives."Sep 20 09:32
schestowitz*LOL* @ "although Fox news is perfectly acceptable browsing"Sep 20 09:33
*AVRS2 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Sep 20 09:48
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 10:03
schestowitz     ""Novell is the preferred Linux vendor for Microsoft customers," he added." Sep 20 10:09
*AVRS2 (n=AVRS2@wikimedia/AVRS) has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 10:33
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Sep 20 10:53
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 11:18
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 11:40
*tessier_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Sep 20 12:31
*tessier_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 12:31
schestowitzHappy Software Freedom day.Sep 20 12:32
TallkenLOL thanks :DSep 20 12:39
Tallkento you too :)Sep 20 12:39
schestowitzOver 500 teams are organising events, so this must be catching on this year.Sep 20 12:40
Tallkenschestowitz: I've been unable to follow BN closely, so I'm sorry if I drop duplicatesSep 20 12:48
Tallken 20 12:48
Tallken< What’s behind GregKH’s (latest) Rant? >Sep 20 12:49
Tallkennormalizing Greg's numbersSep 20 12:49
schestowitzThanks, I see it earlier. There's also something about it in the LF site.Sep 20 12:50
schestowitzHeh. It must be rainy in Seattle today. They still wait for DRM Day 2008. Anyway, let me find the post.Sep 20 12:50
schestowitz (I left a comment, but it hasn't showed up yet)Sep 20 12:51
*Tallken has quit (Remote closed the connection)Sep 20 14:11
*macabe has quit (Remote closed the connection)Sep 20 14:13
*_Doug_ (n=emacsuse@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 14:13 isn't working ..Sep 20 14:14
schestowitzIs it mibbit's issue? Or channel/site-specific?Sep 20 14:15
_Doug_seems to be mibbit .. just waiting ...Sep 20 14:16
_Doug_"connecting to chat server"Sep 20 14:17
-_Doug_-DCC Chat ( 20 14:17
*Received a DCC CHAT offer from _Doug_Sep 20 14:17
_Doug_PM ..Sep 20 14:17
schestowitzSome 'spies' come from there sometimes. By spies I mean people with malicious intent who just want to sniff around. :-)Sep 20 14:20
_Doug_did you get that video ?Sep 20 14:20
schestowitzI haven't, no. It's too short.Sep 20 14:23
schestowitzThat said, you've explained to me what was there as far as Novell goes. Novell is just doing Microsoft dishes while Microsoft sleeps with the next-door neighbour.Sep 20 14:24
_Doug_Yea .. :)Sep 20 14:32
schestowitzI'll do a cartoon-ishSep 20 14:34
_Doug_yo AVSR2 ?Sep 20 14:51
AVRS2_Doug_: why DCC chat?Sep 20 14:51
_Doug_er I want to ask you something ?Sep 20 14:52
AVRS2_Doug_: you can use /msgSep 20 14:53
_Doug_leme see ..Sep 20 14:53
_Doug_?Sep 20 14:54
_Doug_So, that's why no-one would respond - DOH !!!Sep 20 14:57
schestowitzYes, you sent me these too.Sep 20 15:06
_Doug_ahh .. well sorry .. I don't nornally use this crapware ..Sep 20 15:07
_Doug_Wouldn't it be great if they innovated a DeskTop that had all the functionality built in, so as you didn't need a different app to do things.Sep 20 15:20
schestowitzemacs?Sep 20 15:21
MinceRlolSep 20 15:22
_Doug_Yea .. how did you guess type an expression in the body of the document and it's evaluated ..Sep 20 15:22
MinceRemacs needs a better text editorSep 20 15:22
_Doug_Haaa ..Sep 20 15:23
MinceRperhaps viper without all the patronizing about learning emacsSep 20 15:23
schestowitz[rant] IDG are spreading this Palamida 'advert' FOSS FUD) all over the place (they have many sites): 20 15:25
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 15:37
_Doug_Hi, I'm a PC advert that was made on an Apple computer .. :)Sep 20 15:46
neighborleeAre you my neighbor in disguise as a guy ?Sep 20 15:49
neighborleeShe just got her new apple laptop, and she's been ON it all the time..hmmm suspicious o_0Sep 20 15:49
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 20 16:34
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 16:35
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Sep 20 16:41
_Doug_"VMware has fixed critical security bugs in two of its virtualization products that could allow a remote attacker to remotely install malware on a host machine."Sep 20 16:53
_Doug_ 20 16:53
_Doug_What's VMware for again, apart from using less electricity ?Sep 20 16:53
neighborleevirtual hostingSep 20 16:54
schestowitz_Doug_: you sound like Microsoft in 2003.Sep 20 16:55
_Doug_Was that before they bought one ?Sep 20 16:56
_Doug_If I have bigiron then it is usefull , yea ?Sep 20 16:56
_Doug_Convert my mainframe into 50 Linux virtual boxes ?Sep 20 16:56
_Doug_Let the client departments deal with the user 'issues', how do I open an attachment etc ...Sep 20 16:57
_Doug_serious question: convince me to buy your VM solution .. go on .. anyone ..Sep 20 16:58
schestowitz_Doug_: I think they bought one in 2005 or 2006Sep 20 16:58
schestowitzThey bought more than one piece, IIRC. Novell too is doing it and Microsoft uses CitrixSep 20 16:59
_Doug_You still need 'virtual' licenses, so what are the benefits? reduced admin ? less electricity :) what ?Sep 20 17:01
_Doug_Red Hat acquires Qumranet's virtualization solutions ..Sep 20 17:03
_Doug_ 20 17:03
_Doug_time for a break, but while I'm gone can anyone tell why a CIO would want to buy a VM solution, go on, convince me ..Sep 20 17:04
schestowitzIt's compartmentalisation. useful stuff.Sep 20 17:05
schestowitzAsk Novell why they want to run all GU/Linux servers under WS08, which is worse than WS03,says Didiot.Sep 20 17:06
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 17:17
_Doug_ 20 17:36
_Doug_Zune BalmerSep 20 17:36
schestowitzHe's still crazy.Sep 20 17:36
schestowitz "At Microsoft’s company meeting today, CEO Steve Ballmer was in full cheerleader mode, running around the stage, high-fiving Microsoft employees at Safeco Field, breathing hard and yelling into the microphone, said one observer, who asked to remain anonymous while describing an event that was closed to the public."Sep 20 17:37
_Doug_Naw .. just middle age creeping on ..Sep 20 17:37
schestowitzI think he's afraid of cancer.......... you know, like Linux.Sep 20 17:37
schestowitzHad Free software not existed, Microsoft could charge ~250 million Chinese people for Windows rather than give it for 'free'Sep 20 17:38
_Doug_"if you build the phone operating system -- as Microsoft does with Windows Mobile -- there's a much larger potential market to capture"Sep 20 17:40
_Doug_Only if they're dumb enough to let you do it .. again :)Sep 20 17:40
schestowitzI reckon he might be in jail some day, but seeing how the system pardons rich people, I'm not sure. I reckon there's lots of fraud with that new CFO.Sep 20 17:41
_Doug_notice the emphasis: capture the market, so the phone sellers only function wil lbe to sell the phone OS ..Sep 20 17:41
_Doug_I couldn't possible comment ..Sep 20 17:41
schestowitzMicrosoft needs to sell hardware.Sep 20 17:41
schestowitzIt tried with Zune and XBox and failed. In fact, if Zune was an IP conquest for MS-Phone, then it's already in the dust.Sep 20 17:42
schestowitzToshiba is bad.Sep 20 17:42
_Doug_'Innovation' only works if your the only player in the market :)Sep 20 17:43
_Doug_ot: 20 17:43
_Doug_ot: welcome to the desert of the real ..Sep 20 17:43
schestowitzThey have the Palm puppet on their side now, but they hardly sell. Microsoft loses billions in Mobile, IIRC.Sep 20 17:43
_Doug_Mobile: you make your money back on the call charges and services ..Sep 20 17:44
_Doug_Only if you own the telecom networks ..Sep 20 17:44
_Doug_same with IPTV, only if you own the content and the tubes ..Sep 20 17:44
schestowitzAT&AppleSep 20 17:45
_Doug_see the iPlayer and the ISPs complaining about it hogging the bandwidth.Sep 20 17:45
schestowitzTiVo razor.Sep 20 17:45
schestowitzI'm sure they can spread the cost(=burden. We all pay for that Windows-only junk.Sep 20 17:46
_Doug_A content owner + an interTubes owner + a platform owner .. licence to print money !!!Sep 20 17:46
_Doug_It may be a case of the tail wagging the dog, at least in one case :)Sep 20 17:47
_Doug_The ISPs currently bear the burdonSep 20 17:47
schestowitzSo they elevate the prices.Sep 20 17:48
schestowitzSame with blank CDs and the MAFIAA.Sep 20 17:48
_Doug_I mean for al these new Web 111 services, it's goign to take major investment, who is goign to pay ?Sep 20 17:48
schestowitzAnyway, on topic again.Sep 20 17:48
schestowitzHow much do you know about Myhrvold?Sep 20 17:49
_Doug_€£6:00 for a €£00.05 piece of plastic .. a very good deal ..Sep 20 17:49
schestowitzI notices that one of his pests has just created a new companySep 20 17:49
schestowitzThis is important and I wonder if PJ, who not only posts once a day, is even aware of this.Sep 20 17:49
schestowitz*now onlySep 20 17:49
_Doug_ Myhrvold: former Microsoftie, IV ventures, patent troll .. but a very nice man .. :)Sep 20 17:49
_Doug_I sure someone will mention it ..Sep 20 17:50
schestowitzThat's pretense, like Gates.Sep 20 17:50
schestowitzBalmer is a psycho case, like Ellison.Sep 20 17:50
_Doug_irony chip malfunction .. :)Sep 20 17:50
schestowitz_Doug_: I'm writing about it later, but it came as a surprise to me when I spotted this in the press release.Sep 20 17:51
_Doug_I prefer not to get personal .. stick to the issues ...Sep 20 17:51
schestowitzThere\s also Acacia to keep track of. Many former trolls/Softies end up in this new 'profitable' 'business'. Unlike SCO, they actually receive protection money/Sep 20 17:51
_Doug_what's the name of the new company ?Sep 20 17:51
MinceRthey're all sociopaths if they went through with all thatSep 20 17:51
schestowitzLet me check quickly. RBX or something.Sep 20 17:52
_Doug_Is Your Boss a Psychopath?Sep 20 17:52
_Doug_ 20 17:52
schestowitz 20 17:52
schestowitzRPXSep 20 17:52
_Doug_It has been said that sociopaths make good CEOs :0 I do know mine was ;]Sep 20 17:53
schestowitz "... says RPX co-founder and former Intellectual Ventures hotshot John Amster in the release."Sep 20 17:53
schestowitz 20 17:53
schestowitzI read the book at the time, which is rare. I didn't like the film.Sep 20 17:54
_Doug_When is anyone going to realize that these IP firms are not there to 'protect' you but the exact opposite ..Sep 20 17:54
_Doug_"The startup is one of a growing number of companies sprouting up to address the problem of trolls"Sep 20 17:55
_Doug_The startups are the trolls - fucking doh ...Sep 20 17:55
_Doug_"John Amster, one of two former Intellectual Ventures executives that formed RPX"Sep 20 17:56
_Doug_You do realize that all this IP is worthless as the rest of the world will ignore it, it will drain the US economy, it will deny entry to the market for foreign companies who in turn wil ldeny US companies entey to their markets.Sep 20 17:57
_Doug_Like the Chinese going for their own Mobile standard ..Sep 20 17:58
_Doug_who couldn't sell DVD players in the US a while back ?Sep 20 17:58
_Doug_This kind if bullshit is going to create wealth ?Sep 20 17:59
schestowitzYesSep 20 17:59
schestowitzI was gonna say something about 'protection' as extortionSep 20 17:59
schestowitzThey try to perfume what they do.Sep 20 18:00
schestowitz_Doug_: they already ruin the economySep 20 18:00
schestowitzA professor wrote to me accusing Myhrvold of ruining the US economy and his country without even caring about it. Mind you, him and Gates are close. They are selfish users.Sep 20 18:01
_Doug_The real companies have nade a devils bargain here.Sep 20 18:03
_Doug_What they don't seen to realise that the 'protection' on offer is only against other patent trolls, it's not going to improve your market share.Sep 20 18:04
schestowitzWorry not. Implosion is near.Sep 20 18:05
_Doug_"Google, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco, Verizon and Ericsson are among the companies rumored to be behind the formation of the Allied Security Trust"Sep 20 18:06
schestowitzI look forward to the day trolls and USPTO sellout become beggars (not in the literal sense) and revolutionise the system. With such a considerable debt, it could take forever to recover though. It's like living on drug. The budget ran out now. The debt is too much and you lose the house.Sep 20 18:06
_Doug_So I guess it's an anti-patent-troll TROLl outfit :)Sep 20 18:06
schestowitzPatent pool/umbrella.Sep 20 18:07
_Doug_And at the same time they want to export the USPTO to Europe ???Sep 20 18:07
schestowitzYou need a monopoly to join the club.Sep 20 18:07
schestowitzYes, McCreevy has already let them export copyright extensions.Sep 20 18:07
schestowitzEPO took it to the streets rcently.Sep 20 18:08
_Doug_Oh .. wait .. this is good ...Sep 20 18:08
_Doug_"The large company’s second move is to try to buy the small company on the cheap.  While the two firms negotiate, the large company will attempt to learn the small one’s secrets, and improve its clone."Sep 20 18:08
schestowitzThey want other systems to be "equally F* up"Sep 20 18:08
_Doug_Haaa .. reminds us of anyone ?Sep 20 18:08
schestowitz"I lost my leg, now I'll take off yours" attitudeSep 20 18:08
schestowitzNot Yahoo!Sep 20 18:09
_Doug_First I buy a patent on logs, then form an IP company, then go after everyone else for a LAL, leg access license ...Sep 20 18:11
*AVRS2 tried to find something on small telescopes (or monoculars, or whatever they are called) really quickly, and found something useless: an online shop selling gift ones… by Innovation Technologies, LLCSep 20 18:15
AVRS2At least they (claim to) sell something.Sep 20 18:16
schestowitzUnlike SCO, almostSep 20 18:17
AVRS2(note: the company is called ООО €«ÃËœÃÂ½ÃÂ½ÃÂ¾ÃÂ²ÃÂ°Ã‘†Ð¸Ð¾Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ðµ технологии€»; I've just translated the name into English.Sep 20 18:18
AVRS2)Sep 20 18:18
schestowitzWhich company?Sep 20 18:24
AVRS2The one which owns the online shop.Sep 20 18:27
AVRS2Were you commenting on my /me msg, or on something above?Sep 20 18:27
AVRS2 is in Russian.Sep 20 18:28
schestowitzOh, I didn't notice that one *blush*Sep 20 18:29
AVRS2It says the company's business field is sales and manufacturing of various innovational technical goods. (sorry, I can't translate that properly)Sep 20 18:30
_Doug_Dirac 1.0.0 Released ..Sep 20 18:34
_Doug_ 20 18:34
AVRS2Another company is owned by a very proud woman: it is called by her name, has a crown in its symbol, and a scan of patent on its website (the URL was .org, now it's been changed; the old URL is n…Sep 20 18:34
AVRS2Are there any Dirac encoders in Debian?Sep 20 18:38
AVRS2i.e. usableSep 20 18:39
AVRS2oh, oggconvertSep 20 18:40
_Doug_dunno, I do know it will pay that WMA file I just downloaded ..Sep 20 18:43
schestowitzAVRS2: not that I know of.Sep 20 18:45
schestowitzThe BBC ought to have used its codecs (or something like ogg or whatever Sun says it has in its pipeline).Sep 20 18:45
AVRS2oggconvert claims to support it; but oggconvert is GUI-onlySep 20 18:45
_Doug_Turn your PC into a Mac with a dongle ..Sep 20 18:50
_Doug_ 20 18:50
schestowitz:-S TGDail accept input from EnderleSep 20 18:53
_Doug_Shoosh .. don't mention ....Sep 20 18:53
schestowitzWhy not?Sep 20 18:54
schestowitzAre you afraid that they'll sent one of the moles to your house?Sep 20 18:55
schestowitz:-)Sep 20 18:55
_Doug_HAs nothign of interest to say ...Sep 20 18:56
schestowitzYou..?Sep 20 18:56
schestowitzOr the mouth?Sep 20 18:56
_Doug_Enderle~1Sep 20 18:57
schestowitzGimme 5 minutes and I'll write about MOG.Sep 20 18:59
_Doug_no way ...Sep 20 19:00
_Doug_Getting to grips with Linux ..Sep 20 19:01
_Doug_ 20 19:01
schestowitz_Doug_: slammed to hell (the article)Sep 20 19:01
schestowitzI wrote about it here: 20 19:02
AVRS2hm… is AVI container free?Sep 20 19:02
_Doug_Well ..Sep 20 19:02
AVRS2There are MJPEG .avi files in Debian.Sep 20 19:02
AVRS2no, the one in kphotoalbum is MJPEG; the one in Xine is MPEG-somethingSep 20 19:03
AVRS2v1Sep 20 19:03
_Doug_"The music management program .. wouldn't sync anything I loaded on to my iPod"Sep 20 19:04
_Doug_Feeture fud ...Sep 20 19:04
_Doug_This is from 2006 .. guess he didn't do a lot of research ..Sep 20 19:06
_Doug_ 20 19:06
_Doug_"new iPod Classic, Touch, and Nano includes a new security measure that prevents users from synchronizing their portable media players with anything other than Apple's iTunes software"Sep 20 19:08
_Doug_ 20 19:08
schestowitzHere is the one which mentions MOG (posted seconds ago): Sep 20 19:09
schestowitz 20 19:09
_Doug_"Gary Parkinson Editor, Wake Up To Money"Sep 20 19:10
_Doug_they got their bean counter to test it .. ? and not Bill Thompson ?Sep 20 19:11
twitterHave you changed the anti-spam check on Boycott Novell?Sep 20 19:11
schestowitztwitter: which one?Sep 20 19:12
twitter I thought 13 + 5 was 18 but I'm getting an errorSep 20 19:12
*DCC CHAT to _Doug_ aborted.Sep 20 19:13
schestowitzOh.Sep 20 19:13
schestowitzDid you try refreshing?Sep 20 19:13
schestowitzI haven't changed a thing.Sep 20 19:14
twitternot yetSep 20 19:14
_Doug_did you try octal ?Sep 20 19:14
AVRS2Looks like I can create dirac files, but have nothing installed to play them.Sep 20 19:14
schestowitzNothing on 20 19:14
twitterThat got it.Sep 20 19:15
AVRS2I mean from Debian: xine, mplayer, vlc.Sep 20 19:15
AVRS2They don't play the file. None of the video players installed depends on gstreamer either. Those that do are gnash, ultrastar-ng and similar stuff.Sep 20 19:16
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 19:16
schestowitztwitter: did it ever happen before?Sep 20 19:16
schestowitzNo-one has ever reported such an error.Sep 20 19:17
_Doug_Luxul Wireless patent digital AGC ..Sep 20 19:17
_Doug_http://press-releases.techwhac...Sep 20 19:17
schestowitzIs it soft?Sep 20 19:17
_Doug_It's a bloody hack is all .. cleaning up a noisy signal .. kids stuff ..Sep 20 19:18
_Doug_"Power Over Ethernet (POE) capability"Sep 20 19:18
_Doug_put a coil in the power circuit and you can pump data through it ..Sep 20 19:19
_Doug_OLD OLS technology ..Sep 20 19:19
_Doug_OLD OLD ..Sep 20 19:19
twitternever happened before, reloading fixed it.  I may have typed it wrong the first time. no big deal.Sep 20 19:19
twitter:)Sep 20 19:19
_Doug_Qualcomm vindicated ..Sep 20 19:20
_Doug_ 20 19:20
AVRS2According to Dirac's news, VLC has released a version with Dirac support 3 days ago.Sep 20 19:22
schestowitzI got Dan angry.Sep 20 19:22
schestowitzI asked him who he works for.Sep 20 19:22
schestowitzHe says "they" want to hie Jeff Stedman/Steadman (Mono booster)Sep 20 19:22
_Doug_Wells Fargo patent anonymous charitable donations over ATMs ..Sep 20 19:23
_Doug_ 20 19:23
schestowitzWTF??/Sep 20 19:23
schestowitz 20 19:23
schestowitz"(I thought we were talking about Mr. Steadfast who obviously works for Novell currently)."Sep 20 19:23
schestowitzIt all makes sense now. The Mono boosting, the rebuttals to Boycott Novell and what neighborlee believes to be the guy who is marketing Mono in Ubuntu Forum (we don't know for sure yet)Sep 20 19:24
schestowitz*ping* neighborlee Sep 20 19:24
neighborlee...Sep 20 19:28
neighborleeah yesSep 20 19:28
AVRS2 20 19:29
AVRS2(is that relevant? is that FUD? was it worth writing that article for anyone?)Sep 20 19:30
AVRS2“When you drill down and look at realize it’s just a kernel.”Sep 20 19:31
schestowitzneighborlee: did you know?Sep 20 19:34
schestowitzAVRS2: you don't have to drill down to find that out. It has always been just a kernel.Sep 20 19:35
_Doug_re: <@schestowitz> Is it soft?: the question is, can you patent a mathematical formula, for that is what most of these patents actually do.Sep 20 19:35
_Doug_Power Over Ethernet: a coil and a capacitor (a tuned circuit) a mixed signal applied to this, and the power goes through the coil and the signal goes through the capacitor. This 'invention' has been known about for decades. So how can it be claimed as now in 2008 ?Sep 20 19:35
schestowitz:-) Symbian is afraid of Linux. That's nothing news. There were patterns of FUD from them for 1-2 years.Sep 20 19:35
_Doug_So someones patented the tuned circuit - all tuned circuits .. !!!Sep 20 19:36
schestowitz_Doug_: in the US you can. You just need to disguise it with words like "apparatus"Sep 20 19:36
AVRS2schestowitz: I don't think those who prefer to not know will notice that in that articleSep 20 19:36
AVRS2(re: the phrase I cited)Sep 20 19:36
schestowitzThat's why I typically type "GNU/Linux desktops" and "Linux phones".Sep 20 19:37
schestowitzWhen it comes to phones, a lot of the stack (e.g. from Motorola) is proprietary and obscure. Android is changing that (out this Tuesday)Sep 20 19:38
MinceRif only android supported native codeSep 20 19:39
*trmanco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 19:40
*trmanco has quit (Nick collision from services.)Sep 20 19:40
*trmanco_ is now known as trmancoSep 20 19:40
_Doug_Tumbleweed Communications sues Sendmail Inc for patent violation ..Sep 20 19:42
_Doug_ 20 19:42
_Doug_"Tumbleweed .. alleged that .. Sendmail .. infringe several of Tumbleweed's patents covering the management of e-mail traffic at an enterprise’s gateway"Sep 20 19:42
_Doug_Tumbleweed patented a regx filter ?Sep 20 19:42
schestowitzTumbleweed should be counter-sued for trolling.Sep 20 19:45
_Doug_email filtering at the gateway .. GOOD GRIEF ..Sep 20 19:47
_Doug_"the management of e-mail traffic at an enterprise’s gateway"Sep 20 19:47
_Doug_The US patent system is a joke ..Sep 20 19:48
AVRS2Gah, an IP user has removed a piece of OOXML article in ruwiki with a comment "non-free license is not a drawback"Sep 20 19:49
AVRS2But probably the piece is badly-worded… will fixSep 20 19:50
schestowitz"IP user"?Sep 20 19:50
Tallkenschestowitz: have you considered adding something like this to BN? The Groklaw link gotta be beautiful to read. Site: 20 19:50
schestowitzAs in unregistered?Sep 20 19:50
AVRS2yesSep 20 19:50
schestowitzI saw this before.Sep 20 19:51
schestowitzDid GL put it in News Picks?Sep 20 19:51
schestowitzI have't checked yet.Sep 20 19:51
schestowitzI think that Sebara knows this quote because I posted it somewhere.Sep 20 19:51
TallkenYes but the summarizing in a single short page all there is to know about Astroturfers, with an irreprehensible source, is priceless.Sep 20 19:52
Tallkeninstead of adding that text comment just calling someone an astroturferSep 20 19:53
Tallkendo as in (wait a min, searching link)Sep 20 19:53
schestowitzYes, there's more than that in the document. It's a smoking gun. I put it in: 20 19:53
schestowitzTallken: I thought about doing the same thing as RuiSep 20 19:53
Tallken 20 19:54
TallkenSearch for: "Sou um astroturfer"Sep 20 19:54
schestowitzAt one point, due to the trolls we get, I thought about adding an image next to their comments, but decided not to (he advised me to, actually). It makes the site seem less professional.Sep 20 19:54
TallkenLOL ok, you're rightSep 20 19:54
Tallkenbut at least link to a similar page explaining in few words what is an astroturferSep 20 19:55
Tallkenthe part that says (spam coming):Sep 20 19:55
Tallken> Channel of Information, On-line ForumsSep 20 19:55
Tallken> Monitor the relevant Usenet groups at all timesSep 20 19:55
Tallken> Write wellSep 20 19:55
Tallken> Be exceedingly formal and politeSep 20 19:55
Tallken> It is very easy to give offenseSep 20 19:55
Tallken> Always assume that you are wrong; ask others to explain it to youSep 20 19:55
Tallken> Developers are impressed by clear, precise, polite communicationSep 20 19:55
Tallken> Don’t sound like a prigSep 20 19:55
Tallkenis extremely important, as a troll is usually dismissed by everyoneSep 20 19:56
Tallkenas usually their spelling sucksSep 20 19:56
Tallkenhowever people need to know how an Astroturfer works and that he is not your average trollSep 20 19:56
twitterSharing information is not professional?Sep 20 20:02
twitterIf you know a troll IP, you should mark troll comments as such with a link to a page explaining the mark.Sep 20 20:02
_Doug_"Some customers have told us they want to be able to run Windows Server and Linux together seamlessly, but in many cases, they need help with the transition to (Novell`s) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server from other Linux environments,"Sep 20 20:05
_Doug_ 20 20:05
_Doug_You read it here first ..Sep 20 20:06
_Doug_"Is Microsoft buying Citrix? Novell"Sep 20 20:06
_Doug_ 20 20:06
twitterWindows will never run seamlessly with anything including itself.Sep 20 20:06
twitter"Interoperability" has always been a bad joke.Sep 20 20:07
_Doug_Haaa .. not one mention of the LSE meltdown in the media ..Sep 20 20:07
_Doug_It takes great skill to make Windows not work with SAMBA with each new iteration ..Sep 20 20:08
schestowitzTallken: they swap IPs and zombies.Sep 20 20:09
MinceRthey're obviously working hard at thatSep 20 20:09
schestowitzI got an E-mail regarding Munchkins this afternoon. It's private, but it's generally about people who spend a lot of time writing well to do the trolling.Sep 20 20:10
schestowitzThe one who was mentioned in the mail also stalks me in IRC, my sites, he mod me down systematically in Digg and harasses me in USENET. He goes by the name harlowmonkeys, AKA "Tim Smith"Sep 20 20:10
_Doug_ot: Hadron Collider failed as predicted ..Sep 20 20:10
_Doug_ 20 20:11
schestowitzPeople tend to think that Microsoft picks idiots from the streets to troll, but that's ineffective. It actually hires people who know their stuff. Their shills must therefore be very well paid and Microsoft is definitely still doing it. Right now Google is blasting Microsoft for single-handedly attaching the Yahoo dealSep 20 20:12
_Doug_tell me something I don't know ...Sep 20 20:13
schestowitzIIRC, it's a proven definite fact that Microsoft paid LawMedia (a shill agency that describes itself differently), when then hires Hispanic people and demands secrecy. Their job is to pollute the Web or pressure politicians to crack the Google/Yahoo thing and have Yahoo run back to Microsoft.Sep 20 20:13
schestowitzFrankly, the US system is so f* up at the moment that I don't see such disgusting realities ending. In my eyes, given what I hear from European people, Microsoft's unethical behaviour is partly responsible for resentment against an entire nation. If Bush refuses to police them, which he does, then he does not favours to people who elected him.Sep 20 20:14
trmanco -> beautifulSep 20 20:17
*fefo_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 20:22
Tallken_Doug_: LOL that page you gave had a Vista adSep 20 20:22
*fefo_ is now known as PetoKrausSep 20 20:22
PetoKrausHello...Sep 20 20:22
PetoKrausi am reading this article on Gobuntu at your pageSep 20 20:22
PetoKrausit reminds me of... my gentoo installation has failed (NEVER use jfs for mission-critical...), so i installed ubuntu on a flashdrive... and the first thing it does after it boots up is, that it asks me to install proprietary ATI driverSep 20 20:24
PetoKraushow free is THAT/Sep 20 20:24
_Doug_Tallken: I see no adverts :)Sep 20 20:25
TallkenLOLSep 20 20:25
neighborleeschestowitz,that bush is out of touch aint no news ;)Sep 20 20:25
AVRS2PetoKraus: That's why Gobuntu was er… talked aboutSep 20 20:25
TallkenPetoKraus: Ubuntu or Gobuntu?Sep 20 20:26
AVRS2I don't know what state Gobuntu is in.Sep 20 20:26
TallkenPetoKraus: because Ubuntu is supposed to...Sep 20 20:26
Tallken(do that)Sep 20 20:26
PetoKrauswell i don't knowSep 20 20:26
PetoKrausi just dont like the idea at allSep 20 20:26
neighborleePetoKraus, thats weirddddddSep 20 20:26
AVRS2Gobuntu is the "free" one.Sep 20 20:26
neighborleeyesSep 20 20:26
schestowitztrmanco: why not a projector?Sep 20 20:26
neighborleePetoKraus,oh wait installed ubuntu..of course it asked youSep 20 20:27
trmanco 20 20:27
schestowitzUnless you need many pixels (sitting close to the screen, it's expensive for little value (also electricity)Sep 20 20:27
PetoKrausneighborlee: yes, i did, though... it's not niceSep 20 20:27
PetoKrausi read on the cd about promoting of free softwareSep 20 20:27
PetoKrausand then it does this...Sep 20 20:27
trmancoschestowitz, showoff maybe :PSep 20 20:28
schestowitzTallken: Gobuntu is folded into Ubuntu Jono Bacon said so.Sep 20 20:28
neighborleePetoKraus, I feel similarly about them calling nvidia drivers restricted..poor choice of wording and gives a bad connoation to a otherwise good driver..its not like they had to support us so I always felt it was a slam.Sep 20 20:28
PetoKrausneighborlee: which nvidia drivers?Sep 20 20:28
neighborleeany of themSep 20 20:28
neighborleeerr the ones from their siteSep 20 20:28
neighborleenot nvSep 20 20:28
schestowitztrmanco: who to? Geek friends?Sep 20 20:28
PetoKrausaha, the proprietary ones.Sep 20 20:29
schestowitzMy friends like my dual-head Compiz.Sep 20 20:29
twitterM$ is a small part of the IP Empire trouble makers.  Other publishers are larger but cooperate.  Bigger problems come from big pharmacy, food and agricultural companies.  It would be interesting to read a history of IP insanity.Sep 20 20:29
neighborleePetoKraus, yupSep 20 20:29
schestowitztwitter:  and arms.Sep 20 20:29
trmancoschestowitz, yes, geek friends :P -- and YoutubeSep 20 20:30
twitterOh yeah, defense companies - they are small but important trouble makers.  With outsourcing, there's hardly anything left of them here.Sep 20 20:30
AVRS2Maybe you can tell… is gNewSense free by all FSF definitions, or only by their free software distribution definition?Sep 20 20:31
_Doug_It's 1929 al lover again YoGi . .al lwe need now to stimulate the economy is a war .. oh wait .. lets piss off the Russians ...Sep 20 20:31
AVRS2Or, to word it differently, is non-functional stuff in gNewSense free?Sep 20 20:31
neighborleeAVRS2, if what I hear is true that they include have to say 'theirs' lolSep 20 20:31
TallkenI think gNewSense is 100% free as in libreSep 20 20:32
AVRS2neighborlee: I don't mean that.Sep 20 20:32
twitterMy debian distro passed virtual rms.Sep 20 20:32
schestowitztrmanco: I thought about it, but I have no video camera, just a webcam.Sep 20 20:32
AVRS2I mean that FSF allows non-free artwork and game data files in a free OS.Sep 20 20:32
neighborleeohSep 20 20:32
TallkenAVRS2: AFAIK it doesn'tSep 20 20:32
AVRS2 20 20:32
AVRS2Tallken: what doesn't?Sep 20 20:32
AVRS2or whoSep 20 20:33
TallkenAVRS2: AFAIK it doesn't allow non free stuffSep 20 20:33
schestowitztwitter: can you see the RMS halo around your PC?Sep 20 20:33
AVRS2twitter: virtual rms is a Debian program ;)Sep 20 20:33
twitterNo video camera?  Almost all cameras have movies these days.Sep 20 20:33
TallkenAVRS2: AFAIK it doesn't allow non free data, artwork, pics, firmware, binary blobs, whateverSep 20 20:33
twitterYou can edit them together with kino.Sep 20 20:33
AVRS2Mine doesn't pass, because I have tango-icon-theme installed.Sep 20 20:33
_Doug_gtg ..Sep 20 20:34
*_Doug_ has quit ()Sep 20 20:34
schestowitztwitter: I don't need a camera. Everyone can take many photos these days.Sep 20 20:34
schestowitzEven me: 20 20:34
AVRS2Tallken: ah, ok. Thanks (though a source would be useful… IIRC, an old gNewSense FAQ says it is completely free, but it is very old; a newer FAQ was different)Sep 20 20:34
AVRS2(on vrms) Information: tango-icon-theme is under CC BY-SA 2.5, which is FSF-free, but not DFSG-free.Sep 20 20:36
TallkenAVRS2: links to the FAQsSep 20 20:36
TallkenAVRS2: give me links to the FAQs, plzSep 20 20:36
AVRS2Tallken: - the old one. Although it says "by FSF terminology", it lists artwork.Sep 20 20:37
AVRS2Oops, it's a "non-programs" question, sorry.Sep 20 20:38
AVRS2The new FAQ is completely different: 20 20:38
AVRS2Is the old FAQ still relevant though not edited for 2 years?Sep 20 20:39
AVRS2Hmm does it have backlinks? Wiki now links to 20 20:40
neighborleeAVRS2, as if I'd be doing anything where at some point I wont need 3d accelration o_0<no thanks>Sep 20 20:42
AVRS2neighborlee: what are you doing that needs it (just curious, because I am using nouveau)Sep 20 20:42
AVRS2?Sep 20 20:42
neighborleeahhhSep 20 20:42
neighborleewellSep 20 20:43
neighborleeAVRS2, blender  as well as 3d gaming , and well game development as wellSep 20 20:43
neighborleehuge for meSep 20 20:43
AVRS2Yeah, IIRC Blender didn't look good for me.Sep 20 20:43
neighborleewell its the best oss app of its kind so its all we have does alot ;)Sep 20 20:43
AVRS2As for games, depended on settings.Sep 20 20:43
neighborleeyeahSep 20 20:44
AVRS2I mean it didn't look good with nouveau (or with NVIDIA, for that matter, when Debian testing contained a buggy Blender).Sep 20 20:44
AVRS2it's been crashing back then (2005 or 2006)Sep 20 20:45
schestowitzThe Free ATI driver does 3D now.Sep 20 20:45
AVRS2…or 2007Sep 20 20:45
schestowitz*cough* NovellSep 20 20:45
AVRS2schestowitz: do you mean off-topic or driver?Sep 20 20:46
AVRS2*the driverSep 20 20:46
AVRS2Anyway, good night.Sep 20 20:46
PetoKrausschestowitz: well it ....Sep 20 20:47
PetoKrausyeah, it does 3dSep 20 20:47
PetoKraus1/3 performanceSep 20 20:47
PetoKrausit's a good start, though\Sep 20 20:48
AVRS2"AMD partners with Novell to open source ATI graphic drivers" I seeSep 20 20:48
neighborleeoh the ironySep 20 20:49
PetoKrauswell, xfree86-drivers-ati and xfree86-drivers-radeonhd are DEFINITELY one of the good things that came outSep 20 20:49
PetoKrauswith novell involvementSep 20 20:49
TallkenAVRS2: it seems this way: code: must 100% free; graphics non essential: can be non free but must be available to use for commercial purposes and redistributionSep 20 20:49
Tallkenanyone here has Hollywood channel?Sep 20 20:49
TallkenHarry & Sally on air now (in Portugal)Sep 20 20:50
PetoKrausanyway, good night for you guysSep 20 20:50
*PetoKraus has quit ("Lost terminal")Sep 20 20:50
TallkenPetoKraus: Novell can't be all evilSep 20 20:50
AVRS2Tallken: I suspect that might be the reason for the non-free icons being left in IceCat. Or maybe they are considered irrelevant.Sep 20 20:50
Tallkeneven MS has an open source thingie in Google Chrome ROFLSep 20 20:50
Tallkenit's sweet :DSep 20 20:50
AVRS2Also, has IceCat been started because of nothing like logos?Sep 20 20:50
Tallkentrmanco: tás? vêo Hollywood, Harry & Sally :PSep 20 20:50
*trmanco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 20:51
*trmanco has quit (Nick collision from services.)Sep 20 20:52
*trmanco_ is now known as trmancoSep 20 20:52
AVRS2gnSep 20 20:52
zoobabpongSep 20 20:52
Tallkentrmanco: tás? vêo Hollywood, Harry & Sally :PSep 20 20:53
trmancohun?Sep 20 20:53
trmancoTallken, agora a minha net deu em ir abaixo :|Sep 20 20:54
*jose__ (n=jose@ has joined #boycottnovellSep 20 20:56
jose__i have no time to stay.. a patent troll article: 20 20:57
*jose__ has quit (Client Quit)Sep 20 20:57
schestowitzHey, AVRS2 I meant Novell writes those drivers.Sep 20 21:00
benJImanSo should we boycott them?Sep 20 21:04
*schestowitz has changed the topic to: "Exploring the problems of the Novell/Microsoft patent deal"Sep 20 21:08
TallkenROFLSep 20 21:11
Tallkenof course benJIman :DSep 20 21:11
benJImanThe drivers?Sep 20 21:12
TallkenbenJIman: i'm kidding :PSep 20 21:12
TallkenbenJIman: as long as they're open source, good software and as patent-free (or patented but with an unrestricted use, which is the best we can hope for now) I don't give a f*ck who writes themSep 20 21:15
Tallkenand I believe schestowitz has the same opinion?Sep 20 21:15
benJImanI doubt they're patent free.Sep 20 21:16
TallkenYah my point hisSep 20 21:18
Tallken*isSep 20 21:18
Tallkenif you don't patent something someone else willSep 20 21:18
Tallkenso, if Novell has to patent it, as long as the patent allows unrestricted use, I'm more or less fineSep 20 21:18
Tallkenbased on the rationaleSep 20 21:18
Tallken"if you don't patent something someone else will"Sep 20 21:19
benJImanOh I don't think Novell have any patents there.Sep 20 21:19
Tallkenit's to be expected such behaviourSep 20 21:19
benJImanBut there are lots of patents on 3d stuff that it will be infringing on.Sep 20 21:19
Tallkenyah unfortunatelySep 20 21:19
benJImanOne of the reasons nvidia cite for not opening their driver.Sep 20 21:19
TallkenbullocksSep 20 21:19
benJImanDo you mean "bollocks"?Sep 20 21:19
Tallkenprobably, let me check :DSep 20 21:19
TallkenyesSep 20 21:20
Tallkenhave to enable spell check in KonversationSep 20 21:20
Tallkenif they don't want to open their driver, fine, they can do it, I'm fine with itSep 20 21:20
Tallkenit's the only reason I'm happy with my crappy IntelSep 20 21:21
Tallkenat least it's GPLSep 20 21:21
schestowitzTallken: AMD won't asset them.Sep 20 21:27
schestowitzThe important thing is that no /foes/ of Linux hold these patents.Sep 20 21:27
schestowitzNo /sworn/ enemies of Linux. That's why it's not like Mono.Sep 20 21:27
schestowitzI could do a nice cartoon to show what OpenSUSE mean to Microsoft.Sep 20 21:28
schestowitzSnow White comes to mind. :-)Sep 20 21:28
TallkenLOL?Sep 20 21:30
Tallkennote to selfSep 20 21:30
Tallkendon't distro war with friendsSep 20 21:31
TallkenDiscussing Greg's latest rantSep 20 21:31
Tallkengot a little worried with Gentoo being above Canonical on patches contributionSep 20 21:31
Tallkensomeone should do a KDE and Gnome contribution checkSep 20 21:32
Tallkento ease my mindSep 20 21:32
benJImanHeh canonical have 1 KDE developer and 1-2 GNOME iirc.Sep 20 21:32
benJImanNovell have over a dozen on each I believe.Sep 20 21:32
TallkenWorldwide Employees (2007)Sep 20 21:35
TallkenCanonical: ~130Sep 20 21:35
TallkenRed Hat: ~2200Sep 20 21:35
TallkenNovell: ~4100Sep 20 21:35
schestowitzAnd shrinking (NOVL)Sep 20 21:36
*tessier has quit ("Leaving")Sep 20 21:36
benJImanNowhere near that many in Novell's linux division of course.Sep 20 21:36
Tallkenthey've to have developers on somethingSep 20 21:36
benJImanBut yes, canonical are too small to do much useful.Sep 20 21:36
twitterAre you calling Ubuntu useless, Benji?Sep 20 21:37
Tallkenhow many do they have on upstart?Sep 20 21:37
schestowitzCanonical need to maintain many products. 6-month release cycle+LTSsSep 20 21:38
benJImantwitter: No, canonical. They just work on locking people into their proprietary launchpad and don't give back to the community.Sep 20 21:38
benJImanLaunchpad is the only thing they have any significant development effort on and it's non-free.Sep 20 21:39
schestowitzNovell just works on locking people into their proprietary Microsoft stuffSep 20 21:39
schestowitzThey give back to the community... patent threats.Sep 20 21:39
benJImanMono is not proprietary. It may be encumbered in the united states.Sep 20 21:39
TallkenLaunchpad is supposed to be freedSep 20 21:40
schestowitzIt's AGPLv3 (to beSep 20 21:40
schestowitzNot con firmed yet, but schedules to be so.Sep 20 21:40
benJImanTallken: So they've been saying for years.Sep 20 21:40
benJImanI'll believe it when I see it.Sep 20 21:40
TallkenI, and many people, would be pissed if it wasn'tSep 20 21:40
benJImanDuke Nukem Forever is supposed to be released this year too.Sep 20 21:40
twitterThat will happen before XP is secure or Vista works.  ha ha.Sep 20 21:41
benJImanI use vista quite happily.Sep 20 21:41
MinceRthat's because you're a m$/novell shill.Sep 20 21:41
benJImanI don't think people who are trolling it for not working have actually tried it.Sep 20 21:41
twitterhappily, I do not think that word means what you think it means.Sep 20 21:41
benJImanThere's no comparison between a linux distribution and a windows release in terms of amount of QA.Sep 20 21:42
MinceRi have actually tried it and i still think it sucks.Sep 20 21:42
MinceRthat's true -- in the former, there's actual QA happening.Sep 20 21:42
twitterThere's hardly a publisher who has not said Vista sucks.  Would you like a small list, Benji?Sep 20 21:42
Tallkennot Vista againSep 20 21:42
benJImantwitter: They are comparing it to other windows releases they're more used to.Sep 20 21:42
Tallkenstop the chat, back to distroSep 20 21:43
benJImanNot to linux releases that have much more major issues tbh.Sep 20 21:43
MinceRin the case of a winblows release, they just bring out a piece of turd with a new skin that's not even beta quality.Sep 20 21:43
TallkenI believe in Canonical and its founder and users and contributorsSep 20 21:43
twitterdon't forget the new restrictions.Sep 20 21:43
TallkenSo far, I've nothing which makes me suspiciousSep 20 21:43
twittersnake oil for the MAFIAASep 20 21:43
twitterBenji, they all say it sucks on it's own, and that says a lot for Windows users who are used to suck.Sep 20 21:44
benJImanPersonally I think it's far superior to XP.Sep 20 21:44
benJImanThough I'm using server 2003 at work, not vistaSep 20 21:45
twitterHere's everyone else saying Vista sucks out loud. 20 21:46
twitterHere's a list of failure. 20 21:46
MinceR 20 21:46
benJImanAnd if they were reviewing a major linux distribution in its place do you think they would be any less scathing?Sep 20 21:47
MinceRhm, twitter's post already has that one.Sep 20 21:47
twitterActually, many of the same people have and the GNU/Linux comes out well.Sep 20 21:47
MinceRbenJIman: it would, except in the case of Microsoft Linux, SuSE Edition.Sep 20 21:47
TallkenOk, I GIVE UP DISTRO WARS. Officially marked as non productive. I'll go back to Windows just to avoid distro wars :DSep 20 21:47
benJImanMinceR: I think you are deluding yourself.Sep 20 21:47
MinceRbenJIman: keep telling that to everyone.Sep 20 21:48
MinceRbenJIman: perhaps you'll manage to live out an entire life in your little dream world.Sep 20 21:48
MinceRthough it might get a little more difficult once novell (and eventually microsoft) goes under.Sep 20 21:48
schestowitzOr togetherSep 20 21:49
TallkenbahSep 20 21:50
TallkenI'm migrating to GentooSep 20 21:50
twitterM$ won't survive the coming recession/depressionSep 20 21:50
Tallkentwitter: of course it willSep 20 21:50
schestowitzA few seconds ago I finished this post < >, which I think sums up what might happen next.Sep 20 21:50
Tallkentwitter: MS is a lion, wouldn't go down that easilySep 20 21:50
MinceRi think it depends on whether they can keep deceiving the stock marketSep 20 21:50
MinceRand perhaps persuade the government to help them outSep 20 21:51
twitterM$ is a file clerk for people with power and money.  They are going to be fired and replaced.Sep 20 21:51
MinceR(mccain might be willing to do that -- after all, he's talking about putting SweatyB in the government...)Sep 20 21:51
twitterGovernment has SELinux and others.Sep 20 21:51
Tallkenwho??Sep 20 21:51
MinceRballmer.Sep 20 21:51
TallkenWTH????????????Sep 20 21:51
MinceR 20 21:52
twitterYeah, but even McCain backed off that idiocy.Sep 20 21:52
MinceR 20 21:52
Tallkenfor god's sakeSep 20 21:52
Tallkenit just reminds me of Simpsons episodeSep 20 21:52
twitterThe guy does not even do email and has a personal goal of learning how to find information on the web.Sep 20 21:52
Tallkenin which Monty Burns gets assigned to take a trillion dollar bill to EuropeSep 20 21:53
MinceRthat could explain part of why he likes SweatyB.Sep 20 21:53
twitter 20 21:54
twitterWhen you have too many houses to count, you don't need to do email.Sep 20 21:55
twitterYou might even admire M$.Sep 20 21:55
twitterOr be a happy Vista user.  :-DSep 20 21:55
schestowitz*LOL* @ SweatyB. [H]omer's joke is catching on.Sep 20 21:56
Tallkenwith the speech "And we chose Monty Burns, the richest people in town and therefore most trustworthy"Sep 20 21:56
benJImanIt really adds credibilty to your arguments.Sep 20 21:56
Tallkenvery, very, very sadSep 20 21:56
schestowitztwitter: I have many links and info on McCain and Microsoft.Sep 20 21:57
schestowitzThis goes many years back.Sep 20 21:57
twitterScreaming, shouting and sweating at 30,000 of your slaves in a stadium makes you credible too.Sep 20 21:57
twitterI love this companyyyyyyy!Sep 20 21:57
twitterSmash the unAmerican Cancer!Sep 20 21:58
TallkenIn fact, McCain even seemed at one point to be open to ISPs censoring consumer’s internet experience to block access to competitors’ services, saying at one point “When you control the pipe you should be able to get profit from your investment.”Sep 20 21:58
TallkenWTF?Sep 20 21:58
twitterThose are things Ballmer has said.Sep 20 21:58
Tallkenya, censor GoogleSep 20 21:59
TallkenCENSOR BOOKS AS WELLSep 20 21:59
Tallkenafter all, libraries belong to someoneSep 20 21:59
schestowitzTallken: it's worse. AT&T censors political stuff.Sep 20 21:59
Tallkenthey should have the right to do itSep 20 21:59
schestowitzThey intercepted a concert that was critical of Bush.Sep 20 21:59
twitterMcCain said that, I thought it was ATTSep 20 21:59
schestowitzMaybe that's why McCain wants to learn how to "find information on the Web"Sep 20 21:59
TallkenbenJIman: what's your input on this?Sep 20 22:00
benJImanTallken: I don't live in the US.Sep 20 22:00
twitterThe truthout mail list blockage was bad.Sep 20 22:00
schestowitzHe wants to understand how ordinary people ("little people") find out about his past scandals on teh google.Sep 20 22:00
twitterthat and how to look up people on his blacklists.Sep 20 22:01
TallkenbenJIman: ok, having said that, if it were on your country, and assuming the info pasted here is right, having said that, what's your input?Sep 20 22:01
benJImanTallken: In the UK we actually have competition between ISPs and a regulating body.Sep 20 22:01
schestowitz[to self: weird... this spellchecker fixes "teh" on the fly]Sep 20 22:01
Tallkenschestowitz: lulz :DSep 20 22:01
schestowitzI thought it needed to be enabled.Sep 20 22:02
TallkenbenJIman: yah, but what do you think about that Mccain pipe thing?Sep 20 22:02
twitterPidgin just underlines things.  I hate autowrong.Sep 20 22:03
benJImanI am against censorship and net unneutrality.Sep 20 22:03
benJImanThat said in an ideal world there would be competition between ISPs so people could choose one that didn't fail.Sep 20 22:03
benJImanBut in the US you don't really have competition between ISPs.Sep 20 22:03
schestowitzShared monopoly.Sep 20 22:04
schestowitzA shame...Sep 20 22:04
twitterCollective Oligarchy.Sep 20 22:04
twitterdinner time.Sep 20 22:04
TallkenbenJIman: ya, I suppose, I'm not knowlegeable of US's ISP's realitySep 20 22:04
schestowitz 20 22:05
Tallkenbut even with competitionSep 20 22:05
Tallkenit's a dangerous pathSep 20 22:05
Tallkenlet's suppose one company has censorship, censors youtube, saves a lot of bandwidth, and that company covers all the countrySep 20 22:06
benJImanTallken: Some ISPs in the UK already do it, virgin media block access to some websites and tiscali/bt traffic shape content heavily.Sep 20 22:06
Tallkenand there is one company which provides everything but it's smallSep 20 22:06
Tallkenthe more likely is that the small company will drownSep 20 22:06
Tallkenit's a dangerous pathSep 20 22:06
Tallkenthat's a non solution, though I know it happensSep 20 22:06
Tallkenit's that damn "acceptable usage policy"Sep 20 22:07
Tallkenlimit the monthly bandwidthSep 20 22:07
Tallkengeneral, or limit it by categorySep 20 22:07
Tallkenand state the bandwidth availableSep 20 22:07
Tallkenbut nooooooooooSep 20 22:07
TallkenNO LIMITS (*)Sep 20 22:07
Tallken(*) you have to have an acceptable usageSep 20 22:08
Tallken:(Sep 20 22:08
Tallkenin Portugal with had horrible limitsSep 20 22:08
benJImanTallken: What country do you live in?Sep 20 22:08
Tallkenin 2003 it'd be, by 35 euros, 1GB internation trafficSep 20 22:08
Tallken20 GB national trafficSep 20 22:08
Tallkennow it's unlimitedSep 20 22:08
Tallkenunlimited!! oh yeah!!! oh wait, what's that? Acceptable use policy???Sep 20 22:09
schestowitz20 GBSep 20 22:09
schestowitzI'd run out after one day of backups.Sep 20 22:09
Tallken20GB ___national___Sep 20 22:09
schestowitzYes, I know.Sep 20 22:09
benJImanIn the UK we have the phone line infrastructure that is owned by BT, but they are forced to allow other ISPs to use it and even put their own equipment in telephone exchanges by ofcom. Which results in dozens even hundreds of ISPs that cover the whole country.Sep 20 22:09
schestowitzBN does almost 2 GB of traffic a daySep 20 22:09
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Sep 20 22:10
Tallkenah, I can't also have a server on a domestic internet accessSep 20 22:10
Tallkenbut it's less preposterousSep 20 22:10
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Sep 20 22:10
schestowitzThat's cap on volume though, not contentSep 20 22:11
schestowitztimbl wants to now flag sites with 'ranks' of credibilitySep 20 22:11
Tallkenthough there should be an unifying of services, but I don't know the business reality so I won't go that pathSep 20 22:11
benJImanTallken: Hardly any ISPs do port blocking (except for 25 for spam reasons) here.Sep 20 22:11
TallkenbenJIman: there are no port blockingSep 20 22:11
benJImanTallken: So why can't you run servers?Sep 20 22:11
schestowitztimbl could start by blacklisting propaganda channels... like, you know, Fox, CNN...Sep 20 22:12
TallkenbenJIman: I contractually forbidden to do it, at least on my old ISPSep 20 22:12
schestowitzNovell's PR blog... :-)Sep 20 22:12
Tallken*contractuallySep 20 22:12
benJImanTallken: Hardly an *Internet* service provider then are they.Sep 20 22:12
TallkenroflSep 20 22:12
TallkenbenJIman: I suppose, you have to have a business plan to be allowed to do itSep 20 22:12
Tallkenhonestly, with my current ISP, I don't know if I canSep 20 22:13
benJImanI'm using be broadband at the moment. Quite nice, 2mbit up, 24mbit down, no traffic shaping, low contention.Sep 20 22:13
Tallkenbut it's 3G/GPRS and 6GB of monthly bandwidth (not differentiated) so I don't want to run a server anyway :DSep 20 22:13
Tallken(€39,90)Sep 20 22:14
TallkenbenJIman: you can set up a server?Sep 20 22:15
benJImanTallken: Sure, you can on most ISPs but obviously upstream on ADSL is pretty sucky.Sep 20 22:16
Tallkenlol ya :PSep 20 22:17
Tallken384kbps on 3G :DSep 20 22:17
TallkenI'd an idea the other day I believe would set up standards for all proprietary OS out thereSep 20 22:20
Tallkeninstead of bitching about the "communism" of Linuxes and alike, sell some versions of the OS with an insurance includedSep 20 22:20
Tallkenit'd be a incentive to safe programmingSep 20 22:21
MinceRwhat sort of insurance?Sep 20 22:21
Tallkenif you got the BlasterSep 20 22:21
Tallkeneither a) you'd be paidSep 20 22:21
Tallkenor b) if you believed it had been as a result of a pretty dumb mistakeSep 20 22:21
Tallkensue the company :DSep 20 22:22
TallkenI once saw some comment about this somewhereSep 20 22:22
MinceRthat would be nice.Sep 20 22:22
Tallkenin the likes of "Sometimes I wonder if, unlike the rest of the world, the cause of all evils in software security is that there aren't enough lawyers involved"Sep 20 22:22
Tallkenof course it'd be an optional package, as a home user I want cheap productsSep 20 22:23
Tallkenbut as a company I want either cheap productsSep 20 22:23
Tallkenor some factual guaranteesSep 20 22:23
Tallkeninstead of "oh, we're closed source and therefore we're safe"Sep 20 22:23
Tallkenreplace closed with open if you willSep 20 22:24
TallkenI think it was an ACM articleSep 20 22:24
Tallkenlet me checkSep 20 22:24
schestowitzMinceR, Tallken liability is an important topic.Sep 20 22:28
schestowitzI have some links about it.Sep 20 22:28
schestowitzHere are some (ignore the trolls): 20 22:29
schestowitzMore here: 20 22:30
TallkenbenJIman: disregard what I said about being forbidden of having a serverSep 20 22:31
TallkenbenJIman: can't find it in the contractSep 20 22:32
TallkenbenJIman: can't get anyone else to confirm itSep 20 22:32
TallkenbenJIman: maybe I was mistaken, though I'd swore I'd read that in my contractSep 20 22:32
schestowitzI didn't realise (until now) that Perlow was with the OS/2 team: 20 22:33
Tallken> > That would be a Linux/OSS crapware package that uses 100% of the CPU whenSep 20 22:34
Tallken> > viewing an image file.Sep 20 22:34
TallkenI love insightful commentsSep 20 22:34
TallkenNOTSep 20 22:34
schestowitzThere are Munchkins there.Sep 20 22:35
TallkenMuchkins?Sep 20 22:35
Tallken*Munchkins?Sep 20 22:35
Tallkenlol ok the guy who said that "That would be a Linux/OSS crapware package that uses 100% of the CPU when " had been provoked lolSep 20 22:36
schestowitz 20 22:36
zoobab 20 22:37
zoobabwe need this stpry on /.Sep 20 22:38
zoobabthe american geeks will be furiousSep 20 22:38
schestowitz 20 22:39
schestowitzIs it now old news?Sep 20 22:40
schestowitzIt was on Slashdot before, zoobab. BTW, thanks for Digital Majority. it's a treasure.Sep 20 22:40
schestowitz 20 22:40
schestowitzzoobab: watch the comment from Rex here for additional background: 20 22:43
schestowitz "Responding to August's landmark order from the FCC, Comcast has provided an extensive description of its infamous BitTorrent blocking - though it has yet to admit that blocking is the right word."Sep 20 22:52
Tallkenit wan't in ACM... 20 22:56
Tallken< Why Software Is So Bad >Sep 20 22:57
Tallken( July 2002 )Sep 20 22:57
TallkenQuote:Sep 20 22:57
Tallken>> Some software companies are responding to these criticisms by revamping their procedures; Microsoft, stung by charges that its products are buggy, is publicly leading the way. Yet problems with software quality have endured so long, and seem so intractably embedded in software culture, that some coders are beginning to think the unthinkable. To their own amazement, these people have found themselves wondering if the real problemSep 20 22:57
schestowitzI read it once.Sep 20 22:57
Tallkenwith software is that not enough lawyers are involved.Sep 20 22:57
*Tallken grinsSep 20 22:57
Tallken(with last sentence)Sep 20 22:57
schestowitzWell, not quite. A professor sent it to me about 2 months ago.Sep 20 22:57
schestowitzLet me check.Sep 20 22:57
zoobab 20 22:58
schestowitzzoobab: did you see the links above?Sep 20 22:59
schestowitz'McCarthy sometimes begins talks at his school with a PowerPoint presentation. The first slide reads, "Most Software Sucks."'Sep 20 23:00
schestowitzThat's the tactic Microsoft uses to discourage people from exploring other options like OS X and GNU/LinuxSep 20 23:00
schestowitz*LOL* zoobab: thanks for the linl.Sep 20 23:01
schestowitz*linkSep 20 23:01
zoobabBSA is pushing for EU-EPLASep 20 23:02
schestowitzGot a link?Sep 20 23:02
schestowitzThey were very busy a month ago (RAND lobby)Sep 20 23:02
zoobabI am writing about itSep 20 23:03
zoobabwhere?Sep 20 23:05
schestowitzLet me get it.Sep 20 23:05
schestowitzI have one set here: 20 23:06
schestowitzAnd this set: 20 23:07
schestowitzACT is there too (Zuck and his umbrella du jour... )Sep 20 23:08
TallkenwellSep 20 23:10
Tallkenme leavingSep 20 23:10
Tallkencya!Sep 20 23:10
schestowitzSee you.Sep 20 23:10
*Tallken has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Sep 20 23:11
cjschestowitz: you should chime in here...Sep 20 23:27
cj 20 23:27
cjI figue you will eventually, but you might as well be notified sooner rather than later :)Sep 20 23:27
cjha!  They changed patents so that investigation regarding applicability is deferred until the patent is being defended!Sep 20 23:30

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