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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: October 15th, 2008


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*ModplanMan (n=ryan@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 00:00
schestowitzI'll post some links and be done for today. Does anyone know about patents in Silverlight/XAML (codecs aside)? Posted a minute ago: 15 00:05
*AlbertoP (n=AlbertoP@pdpc/supporter/active/AlbertoP) has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 00:05
AlbertoPsilence :)Oct 15 00:16
jose:-) .. no, but we do know of threats. Since Microsoft mostly came up with this particular flavor of technology, I tend not to want to force my way into such sandboxes and instead play elsewhere.Oct 15 00:19
AlbertoPOoOct 15 00:20
AlbertoPwas that in answer to me? :)Oct 15 00:20
joseThe FOSS community can pick what technology succeeds and grows.Oct 15 00:20
joseto you and to royOct 15 00:20
schestowitzMicrosoft toys empower Microsoft.Oct 15 00:20
schestowitzDo it gives .NET... on its own terms.Oct 15 00:21
josethe threats are vague i think. I don't track closely.Oct 15 00:21
schestowitzWhich are not yet known.Oct 15 00:21
AlbertoPschestowitz, missed the last Geeko shopping? :)Oct 15 00:21
joseroy, i partially apologized in a follow up reply for the initial reply to miguel because i thought it was a little harshOct 15 00:22
AlbertoPbtw, mono 2.2 is comingOct 15 00:25
schestowitzAlbertoP: A Geeko is my house would scare girls away. :-)Oct 15 00:25
AlbertoPhehe yes, bug suse Geeko went shopping today :)Oct 15 00:25
AlbertoP 15 00:26
schestowitzYes, I know.Oct 15 00:26
schestowitzMore capturers for the Vole..Oct 15 00:26
AlbertoPthe what?Oct 15 00:27
schestowitzMicrosoftOct 15 00:31
AlbertoPbrbOct 15 00:40
*AlbertoP has quit ("Sto andando via")Oct 15 00:40
*ModplanMan has quit ("Leaving.")Oct 15 00:54
*AlbertoP (n=AlbertoP@pdpc/supporter/active/AlbertoP) has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 00:57
schestowitzgnOct 15 01:13
*ld50_ has quit ("Lost terminal")Oct 15 01:31
*jose has quit ("Leaving")Oct 15 01:43
*[H]omer has quit ("reset by beer")Oct 15 01:55
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 01:59
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*mib_b5jzo5 (i=62e9a5d7@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 02:59
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*mib_21dwba (i=62e9a5d7@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 03:11
mib_21dwbaSince Mr. Schestowitz likes to criticize companies such as Novell and MS for buying back their own stock.  How would he explain this article   Is it OK for Redhat to do this?Oct 15 03:12
AlbertoPuh...interestingOct 15 03:15
AlbertoPmib_21dwba, roy is probably sleeping at this timeOct 15 03:15
*dsmith_ has quit (Connection timed out)Oct 15 03:16
*AlbertoP pats his GeekoOct 15 03:16
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 03:16
mib_21dwbalol.  We all gotta sleep sometime.  I'm about to do the same.Oct 15 03:16
AlbertoPmib_21dwba, hehe well I'm "a biased spy, suse user" ^^Oct 15 03:17
AlbertoPso I can't really answer :POct 15 03:17
mib_21dwbahahaha.  Honestly I use Suse too.Oct 15 03:18
mib_21dwbashh.  don't tell anyone though.Oct 15 03:19
AlbertoPah really? I believed to be the only one remained on the planetOct 15 03:19
AlbertoPyou know...Oct 15 03:19
AlbertoP;)Oct 15 03:19
mib_21dwbaYep.  I think there are a number of us secret spy people using Suse.Oct 15 03:20
AlbertoPyes...we dress in green, we change colour, and we...have a rolled tail ;)Oct 15 03:21
mib_21dwba:DOct 15 03:21
*AlbertoP wants a Geeko Oct 15 03:22
AlbertoPa plush of course :POct 15 03:22
mib_21dwbaMe too.Oct 15 03:22
AlbertoPeh not so's ages I try to find oneOct 15 03:22
mib_21dwbaI think I'll change my text color to green.  Will that give me away ;)Oct 15 03:23
AlbertoPthey had them at a conference in japan....let me look for a picOct 15 03:23
mib_21dwbaI have a penguin but sadly no gecko.Oct 15 03:23
AlbertoPyep, me too...Oct 15 03:23
mib_21dwbaThey give them away at Brainshare but I kept missing them last year.Oct 15 03:24
AlbertoP 15 03:24
AlbertoPhehe...that's what I was thinking...go to brainshare just to get a geeko ^^Oct 15 03:24
mib_21dwbaAlbetoP it has been a pleasure talking to you but now I have to get some sleep.Oct 15 03:25
mib_21dwbadarn r AlbertoP.Oct 15 03:25
AlbertoPokOct 15 03:25
AlbertoPn8Oct 15 03:25
*mib_21dwba has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Oct 15 03:25
*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 15 03:30
*AlbertoP has quit ("Sto andando via")Oct 15 03:35
twitterSuse users, sheesh.Oct 15 04:17
*ZiggyFish1 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 04:37
MinceRr4wrOct 15 05:34
*ZiggyFish1 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 15 05:45
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 06:13
*kentma has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 15 07:21
schestowitzMicrosoft Shill Alert: "For the most part, I'd ignore the Linux devices. " < >Oct 15 07:34
schestowitzMichael Gartenberg is a former Microsoft employee (evangelist)Oct 15 07:35
schestowitzIt says nothing about him being a Microsoft shill and it's far from the first time that he bashes Linux in the press.Oct 15 07:35
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 07:38
schestowitz 15 07:50
schestowitz : "Venezuela needs strict limits on foreign funding of political activity, because this is a method commonly used by Bush to destabilize other countries. These limits should be established by law."Oct 15 07:58
schestowitzMore .NET/Mono people at Novell: 15 08:16
benJIman\o/Oct 15 08:19
schestowitzEurope goes SPLAT today (again!): 15 08:22
schestowitz 15 08:22
schestowitz< > Public Perception and the Economy Past ... < > Examples of US Industry Nationalization  [...] "An article outlining past examples of where the government stepped in and  took over an industry or set of companies because of some emergency."Oct 15 08:44
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 15 08:47
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Oct 15 08:57
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 08:58
schestowitzI've just noticed that 5 times a day people search for "mono trap" and end up in BN. Why would they search for "mono trap" in the first place?Oct 15 09:04
schestowitzThis is insane < >: "Google is reportedly blocking use of it's Chrome browser (among other applications like Google Talk and Gmail Notifier)  in some countries with which the United States has economic sanctions and export controls with. "We are unable to permit the download of Google Chrome in Cuba, Syria, North Korea, Iran, and Sudan," says a GoOct 15 09:08
schestowitzogle Spokesperson."Oct 15 09:08
schestowitz 15 09:33
schestowitzAnti-FOSS czar at Microsoft: 15 09:34
schestowitz "Shares of sold off sharply Tuesday, and Apple failed to swim against the tide despite rolling out a revamped MacBook line, as the broader markets gave up gains from its stellar performance a day earlier."Oct 15 09:38
schestowitziTunes boycott: AC/DC's iTunes boycott is on Highway to Hell < >Oct 15 09:40
schestowitzGreat picture here: 15 09:45
schestowitzECT allow businesses to plant self-promotional fluff yet again (Simon Crosby of Citrix): <--- InformercialOct 15 09:51
*ZiggyFish1 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 09:51
schestowitzYour 'friend' Meeks is helping the creation of a fair bit of FUD, benJIman: 15 10:12
ZiggyFish1schestowitz: do you like the new openoffice>Oct 15 10:16
ZiggyFish1*?Oct 15 10:16
schestowitzI don't use OpenOffice. I used it some months ago for a spreadsheet, though. I refer TeX.Oct 15 10:17
ZiggyFish1oh, ok. Have you heard anything from Microsoft about monoOct 15 10:19
schestowitzNo, I'll resend soon.Oct 15 10:22
schestowitzThey keep harping about Moonlight now... pretending that Silverlight works in Linux (it's not), for press purposes.Oct 15 10:23
ZiggyFish1dam, will be interesting to see what they say.Oct 15 10:23
ZiggyFish1have you seen , completely forgets about linux, when he calls Silverlight crossplatformOct 15 10:25
schestowitzWell, it's Microsoft. They spin and lie.Oct 15 10:26
ZiggyFish1trueOct 15 10:26
schestowitz : Microsoft Redefines “Cross-platform”: Mac + Win32Oct 15 10:26
schestowitzEuropean markets still down 2-3% today. Wal Street will probably be the same when it opens.Oct 15 10:31
schestowitzMore Mono 'boosting' < >, BUT.... don't miss this nugget of information: "Disclosure of Justin’s industry affiliations: Justin James has a working arrangement with Microsoft to write an article for MSDN Magazine."Oct 15 10:34
schestowitzMono -- loved by... Microsoft people and Microsoft fans. Yes, it sure is 'loved' by a lot of people.Oct 15 10:34
ZiggyFish1yeahOct 15 10:40
ZiggyFish1All major markets (RHT, NOVL, MSFT, GOOG) were down todayOct 15 10:41
ZiggyFish1ATM all are evenOct 15 10:41
schestowitzYes, I know. The govt. are too ashamed to admit their failures.Oct 15 10:41
ZiggyFish1well it is bush your talking about ;)Oct 15 10:42
schestowitzThey move into some sort of neo-socialism that facilitates corruption... and deny doing any wrong.Oct 15 10:42
schestowitzI'm fair of a fan of fascism of communism, but this quote caught my eyes: " the recurrent business cycle crises of capitalism were inevitable results of the system's operations. In this view, all that the government can do is to change the timing of economic crises. The crisis could also show up in a different form, for example as severe inflation or a steadily increasing government deficit. Worse, by delaying a crisis, government Oct 15 10:43
schestowitzpolicy is seen as making it more dramatic and thus more painful."Oct 15 10:43
schestowitzQuoted in . Just consider the US debt. I don't know what it's like in Australia.Oct 15 10:44
schestowitzOops. Typoe there. Meant to type "I'm far from a fan"Oct 15 10:44
schestowitzOops. Typos there. Meant to type "I'm far from a fan"Oct 15 10:44
ZiggyFish1lolOct 15 10:45
schestowitzBad typos to make.Oct 15 10:45
ZiggyFish1lolOct 15 10:46
ZiggyFish1the ausie dollor is down (was 9*c/ USD, now down to 66c/USD)Oct 15 10:47
schestowitzUSD: does anyone still use it?Oct 15 10:48
ZiggyFish1Microsoft (or is it the government they use, can never tell these days)Oct 15 10:49
ZiggyFish1;)Oct 15 10:49
schestowitzI'm not so sure.Oct 15 10:50
schestowitzMicrosoft stores some of its lost fortunes overseas. And those that 'milked' money can have it in an overseas account, the likes of Ballmer included.Oct 15 10:51
schestowitzLinux conference coming to Australia: 15 10:53
ZiggyFish1dam it's in Tasmania (not on the main land), I'm in BrisbaneOct 15 10:57
schestowitzAw well... I have a question, maybe you can help. Any search/indexer that's good for KDE? I'm trying to figure out how to improve BN searchOct 15 11:01
ZiggyFish1mmOct 15 11:02
ZiggyFish1I use gnome normallyOct 15 11:02
schestowitzI just found this: 15 11:02
schestowitzAll sort of Mono poison though.Oct 15 11:03
schestowitzKerry, Beagle... .NET cr*p... and Google Desktop is proprietary.Oct 15 11:03
schestowitzThis one looks decent, but no indexing is done: 15 11:04
ZiggyFish1 sounds goodOct 15 11:04
schestowitzI'm not sure Kerry Beagle is Mono-infected, despite the association with Beagle.Oct 15 11:05
ZiggyFish1don't knowOct 15 11:06
schestowitzKat looks good.Oct 15 11:06
schestowitzHaha.Oct 15 11:07
schestowitzKerry is indeed Mono-based.Oct 15 11:07
ZiggyFish1lolOct 15 11:07
schestowitzMandriva comes up with the list of dependencies in the PM.Oct 15 11:08
schestowitzTo satisfy dependencies, the following package(s) also need to be installed:Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- beagle-0.3.3-7.1mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- glib-sharp2-2.12.0-1mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- gmime-sharp-2.2.18-1mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- gsf-sharp-0.8.1-2mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- libchm0-0.39-2mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- libgdiplus0-1.2.6-2mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- libgluezilla0- 15 11:08
schestowitz- libgmime2.0_2-2.2.18-1mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- libmono0-1.2.6-4.1mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- libsqlite0-2.8.17-7mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- libwv-1.2_3-1.2.4-4mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- mono-1.2.6-4.1mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- mono-data-1.2.6-4.1mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- mono-data-sqlite-1.2.6-4.1mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- mono-web-1.2.6-4.1mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- mono-winforms-1.2.6-4.1mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitz- ndesk-dbus-0.6.0-1mdv2008.1.noarchOct 15 11:08
schestowitz- ndesk-dbus-glib-0.4.1-1mdv2008.1.noarchOct 15 11:08
schestowitz- poppler-0.6.4-2.1mdv2008.1.i586Oct 15 11:08
schestowitzA shame really... must be a good app, but Mono makes it a Nono.Oct 15 11:08
ZiggyFish1mono-winforms - lol (the part that contains the patients)Oct 15 11:09
ZiggyFish1is kde4 anygood?Oct 15 11:10
schestowitzI haven't installed it yet.Oct 15 11:11
ZiggyFish1didn't like KDE 4.0Oct 15 11:12
schestowitz 15 11:12
schestowitzI'm installing Tracker now.Oct 15 11:13
schestowitzBe sure to warn people that Beagle is a trap.Oct 15 11:13
ZiggyFish1will doOct 15 11:14
schestowitzWTF??Oct 15 11:25
schestowitzEven the Tracker front end appears to require Mono and WInforms.Oct 15 11:25
schestowitzWell, Recoll... depends on F* Mono also.Oct 15 11:27
schestowitzOh, my bad.Oct 15 11:28
schestowitzIt's not.Oct 15 11:28
ZiggyFish1lolOct 15 11:34
schestowitzThe PM does something funny, so I had to restart it to prevent unnecessary packages from being installed.  Recoll and Tracker don't need Mono. Recoll is indexing my home directory now (may take half a day at this pace)Oct 15 11:35
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* gives channel operator status to [H]omerOct 15 11:38
schestowitzFear for DNS security: (could be used to pass New Laws(TM)Oct 15 11:39
*Received a CTCP VERSION from freenode-connectOct 15 11:40
ZiggyFish1I like the sound of this, Linux takes a seat on Qantas’ new superjumboOct 15 11:43
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*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 11:56
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*benJIman ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 11:56
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* gives channel operator status to ChanServOct 15 11:56
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*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 11:59
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*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 12:12
ZiggyFish1I'm looking forward to Firefox 3.1Oct 15 12:13
ZiggyFish1because of the new support for the video tagOct 15 12:13
schestowitzI'll use it in BN (embedded Ogg).Oct 15 12:14
ZiggyFish1it's already working in the Beta (not so good with audio ATM)Oct 15 12:15
ZiggyFish1I'll be using it in my websitesOct 15 12:15
ZiggyFish1it'll be a Silverlight killerOct 15 12:15
schestowitzDon't say that. You'll scare SweatyB.Oct 15 12:16
ZiggyFish1lolOct 15 12:16
schestowitzMore like a Flash killer anyway. Silverlight is nowhere.Oct 15 12:16
schestowitz 15 12:16
ZiggyFish1I was looking at Silverlight last night. It seems that it's possible to make viruses in Silverlight (since Silverlight scripting language is .NET)Oct 15 12:18
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 15 12:20
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 12:21
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*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 12:21
schestowitzIt's the same with COM objects, DirectX and all that malarkey that's tightly correlated to a platform, not a VM.Oct 15 12:22
ZiggyFish1yeah, so will enterprise IT managers install Silverlight?Oct 15 12:23
ZiggyFish1knowing the problemsOct 15 12:23
schestowitzNo. It's a virus. SL itself is a virus.Oct 15 12:23
ZiggyFish1trueOct 15 12:24
MinceRare enterprise IT managers aware of that?Oct 15 12:38
schestowitzThey use WanKer (OneCare), so it's overlooked. :-pOct 15 12:40
ZiggyFish1MinceR: don't think soOct 15 12:51
ZiggyFish1anyway going to bedOct 15 12:54
ZiggyFish1c yaOct 15 12:54
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 15 12:54
*mib_dbz4cj (i=5d61b3ab@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 12:54
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*ZiggyFish1 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Oct 15 13:00
schestowitzWhoa. Dow is down 2.5% on the very opening.Oct 15 13:40
*twitter has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 15 14:10
*twitter (n=willhill@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 14:15
twitterowOct 15 14:28
twitterthe soft dove 10% and has climbed up to a 5% loss, ha haOct 15 14:31
twitterwoops, erased their loss.  Wonder when their buyback money is going to run out.Oct 15 14:32
schestowitz 15 14:35
schestowitz"This new one is through September 30, 2013." They spent $26-45bn on buybacks between late 2006 and some time in 2008, IIRC, so this can run out sooner.. "The company has announced it has authorized debt financings of up to $6 billion..."Oct 15 14:36
schestowitz /s/$26/$36/Oct 15 14:36 is down. I've also just tried my proxy.Oct 15 14:39
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Oct 15 17:49:05 2008
*Now talking on #boycottnovellOct 15 17:49
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Oct 15 17:49
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Oct 15 17:49
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelOct 15 17:49
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzOct 15 17:49
PetoKrausschestowitz: 15 17:50
schestowitzYes, thanks!Oct 15 17:50
schestowitzPetoKraus: can I please ask you for a favour? I was absent for like 3 hours from this IRC channel. Were you here throughout?Oct 15 17:54
PetoKrausyesOct 15 17:54
PetoKrausnothing happenedOct 15 17:54
schestowitzCould you please paste everything?Oct 15 17:54
schestowitz(events)Oct 15 17:54
PetoKrauswell, there is one line from meOct 15 17:54
schestowitzmy logger ran out of space without me noticing.Oct 15 17:54
PetoKrausyou wanna quits as well?Oct 15 17:54
schestowitzYes, just a big paste.Oct 15 17:54
PetoKraus 15 17:55
schestowitzOK, thanks. I see it's no activity indeed... Oct 15 17:56
schestowitz* schestowitz has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 15 17:56
schestowitz<PetoKraus> so apparently, my traffic on the server as the ooxml spec mirror was 69GBOct 15 17:56
schestowitz* twitter has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 15 17:56
schestowitz* twitter (n=willhill@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 17:56
schestowitz* twitter has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 15 17:56
schestowitz* MinceR has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 15 17:56
schestowitz* pombat42 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 17:56
schestowitz* MinceR (n=mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 17:56
schestowitz* pombat42 ( has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving")Oct 15 17:56
schestowitz<PetoKraus> oh COME ON! 15 17:56
schestowitz* schestowitz has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 17:56
PetoKrausso, should i actually delete the OOXmL specs?Oct 15 17:57
schestowitzYes, please.Oct 15 17:57
PetoKrausyou said you had to remove them from mirrorsOct 15 17:57
PetoKrausanyway, what's the story?Oct 15 17:57
schestowitzThe ones I control.Oct 15 17:57
schestowitzNo story, nothing done.Oct 15 17:57
PetoKrausi mean, what happened, that you have to delete themOct 15 17:57
PetoKrauscouldn't find link anywhere, the one you provide on the page is a bit irrelevantOct 15 17:58
schestowitzI don't want to aggravate them. I didn't realise it was copyrighted until someone mailed me the HTMLsOct 15 17:58
schestowitzI never opened the monster.Oct 15 17:58
PetoKrausahaOct 15 17:58
PetoKrausright. That's fun.Oct 15 17:58
schestowitzI totally forgot other people produced mirrors.Oct 15 17:58
schestowitzIt was cycling before I tossed it online anywayOct 15 17:58
schestowitzIt wasn't noticed until 1-2 days later when one of the readers decided to put it on /..Oct 15 17:59
PetoKrausi thought it was somewhat implied that standards are there to be distributedOct 15 17:59
schestowitzYes, same here.Oct 15 17:59
schestowitzI assumed it was behind password to everyone's surpirse (it was a a surprise)Oct 15 17:59
schestowitzThe delay, I assumed, was to do with finalisation (assumind it goes public when done).Oct 15 18:00
schestowitzbrbOct 15 18:00
schestowitzGot to get something Oct 15 18:00
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 18:10
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*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 18:30
schestowitzEek! Wall Street down over 5% today.Oct 15 18:34
schestowitzNovell down 6.5%. Everything is /so/ erratic. Oct 15 18:34
*lucian ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 18:34
schestowitzThe Great Wall of Australia (they turned Totalitarian like China): 15 18:40
*libervisco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 18:41
schestowitzThis equipment was introduced under the disguise of  "Think about the Children." Disgusting. They use pedophilia as an excuse to censor the political things.Oct 15 18:42
schestowitzIBM going east... 15 18:44
*libervisco has quit (Nick collision from services.)Oct 15 18:51
*libervisco_ is now known as liberviscoOct 15 18:52
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 18:54
twitterhardware failure, :'(Oct 15 18:54
schestowitzYou?Oct 15 18:54
twitterhad a network card failOct 15 18:55
schestowitzI think my NVidia card causes me trouble.Oct 15 18:55
twitterdo you use the free driver or the 3d accel?Oct 15 18:55
schestowitzNo, binaryOct 15 18:55
twitterthe free drivers work well.Oct 15 18:55
schestowitzNo dual head..Oct 15 18:56
benJImanThe free drivers do have twinview now.Oct 15 18:56
twitterthat's what Enlightenment's pagers are for.Oct 15 18:56
schestowitzThat's good. Either way, it seems like a possible h/w issue.Oct 15 18:56
benJImanNouveau that is, supports twinview and has better 2d accelleration than nvidia's drivers.Oct 15 18:56
benJImanOf course, it was written by Novell people, so that might prevent you from using it.Oct 15 18:57
twitterKDE has got a clumsy pager that's getting better.  Can't live without pagersOct 15 18:57
benJImanThough rejecting a GPL driver written by Novell for a proprietary driver that infringes the kernel developers' copyright is laughable.Oct 15 18:57
twitterSoftware from an untrusted source is not trustworthy even if it's free.Oct 15 18:58
twitterDivide and conquer is what M$'s dealings with Novel are all about.Oct 15 19:00
twitterThe same might be said of M$'s dealings with Nvidia, ha ha.Oct 15 19:00
twitterM$ considers everyone "Pawns" and "one night stands" ... I wonder why people work for them knowing this.Oct 15 19:03
twitterschestowitz: you can always get another card to find out.Oct 15 19:12
twitterwell, I have a little more work to do to get back up.  back in a bit.Oct 15 19:13
*lucian has quit (Client Quit)Oct 15 19:16
MinceRfor some people i'd say it's because they started working for m$ before it became bleeding obviousOct 15 19:17
MinceRfor others, i have no idea.Oct 15 19:17
MinceRperhaps greed-induced naivetyOct 15 19:17
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 19:19
schestowitz 15 19:31
schestowitz"NSA's Warrantless Eavesdropping Targets Innocent Americans [..] Remember when the U.S. government said it was only spying on terrorists? Anyone with any common sense knew it was lying -- power without oversight is always abused -- but even I didn't think it was this bad..."Oct 15 19:32
*twitter has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 15 19:34
*brunomiguel ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 19:35
brunomiguelhello :)Oct 15 19:35
schestowitzVoodoo magic analysts: "Bear in mind, this is breaking a little new ground," added Marcus. "But it's clear that [Patch Tuesday] has some effect on [Microsoft share] value."' 15 19:36
*brunomiguel has quit ("crap, i got to go to the hospital. brother with low blood pressure :\")Oct 15 19:41
schestowitzOhMyGod: "Chambers' may appeal after his suit against God is tossed out [...] You can't sue God if you can't serve the papers on him, a Douglas County District Court judge has ruled in Omaha." 15 19:48
*lucian ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 19:59
schestowitzToshiba sells Linux (despite history of being against it) even on high-end models now: 15 20:11
schestowitz 15 20:14
*lucian has quit (Client Quit)Oct 15 20:18
schestowitzMore genius: Forrester Research lowers IT spending predictions < >Oct 15 20:21
*libervisco has quit ("Remember, remember the fifth of november...")Oct 15 20:30
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Oct 15 20:41:25 2008
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Oct 15 20:46:14 2008
*Now talking on #boycottnovellOct 15 20:46
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Oct 15 20:46
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Oct 15 20:46
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelOct 15 20:46
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzOct 15 20:46
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 20:46
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 21:43
twitterbackOct 15 21:44
twitter:)Oct 15 21:44
schestowitzJust posted: Microsoft is down 6% BTW.Oct 15 21:45
*kevin083 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 21:46
schestowitzIncredible images of the Sun : 15 21:47
MinceRi prefer 15 21:47
schestowitzIt looks surreal. And black bits, too...Oct 15 21:48
schestowitzSee if you can spot some pattern on the sun _at some moment_ which resembles a face. Surely that would be proof of human life in Sun (Microsystems?)Oct 15 21:49
MinceR 15 21:50
schestowitzLook < >, Satan is in the details.Oct 15 21:50
schestowitzThe sun looks so cool. Now, /that's/ one place I'd like to visit sometimes. Do they allow cameras there?Oct 15 21:51
schestowitzHaha. Some people use the term "Silverblight," which I think I coined. 15 21:53
twitter:)Oct 15 21:54
schestowitzUnless some people thought it up simultaneously, of course. (mostly my posts) Check out 15 21:56
twitterDon't tarnish your screen with SilverBlight (TM).Oct 15 21:57
schestowitzSounds like a slogan/logoOct 15 21:58
twitterBig black DRM shadowing a gray screen.Oct 15 22:00
twittermaybe just the word RESTRICTIONSOct 15 22:00
twitterrestrictedOct 15 22:01
twitterM$Restricted (TM)Oct 15 22:02
schestowitz"Restricted" is gentle.Oct 15 22:02
twitterPowndOct 15 22:02
schestowitzLocked or punishing are stronger words.Oct 15 22:02
MinceRit's a trap!Oct 15 22:06
MinceR</ackbar>Oct 15 22:06
*tzonikas (i=d871ce50@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 22:07
schestowitz,1000000... No need to burn books you can't read - DRM and public librariesOct 15 22:07
schestowitzThey take rights away from people and /sell/ them back. I'll write about that later (more on the British Library's kickbacks with Mirosoft)Oct 15 22:07
schestowitz,3800... "However, the Beeb's downloadable content will come with strings attached: content for all platforms will include DRM."Oct 15 22:08
*tzonikas has quit (Client Quit)Oct 15 22:09
kevin083if you think drm is bad for sighted people, consider disabled people who need tech like screen readersOct 15 22:10
kevin083no text = no text-to-speech without using specifically allowed appsOct 15 22:11
schestowitzThis may also affect Web browsers: 15 22:12
schestowitz"Bill Hill has posted an article about "font embedding" on the Web, pushing Microsoft's "Embedded OpenType" format as the only way to do font embedding that's acceptable to font foundries. The theme is that "font linking" as implemented by Safari (and soon Gecko and Opera) is likely to get people sued and would lead to widespread font theft, and EOT is a much better approach that is endorsed by Microsoft and other font vendors. ChrOct 15 22:12
schestowitzis Wilson followed up."Oct 15 22:12
schestowitzThe comments says: "Microsoft pushing yet another form of DRM that's not going to work? I'm so not surprised! BTW IIRC fonts are covered by a special form of patents, not copyright, aren't they? Well just like every other content, the owner will be able to take legal action against unauthorized users; and they could be able to tap a new market by licensing their fonts for embedding. Will they be smarter than the MAFIAAs?"Oct 15 22:12
MinceRunless m$ can buy the major browsers into supporting this, it's doomed to fail.Oct 15 22:13
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Oct 15 22:17
twitterYour culture in jail.Oct 15 22:21
twitterThey are trying to put chains back on books.Oct 15 22:21
twitterIf we don't control the fonts, people might share and learn.Oct 15 22:22
twitteroh noOct 15 22:22
PetoKrausdohOct 15 22:22
PetoKrausi've just finished Tarkovsky's solarisOct 15 22:22
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 15 22:25
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 22:26
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerOct 15 22:26
PetoKraushmm, how the hell did... eh... i got email from Bruce Byfield?Oct 15 22:28
twitteroh noes, hate mailOct 15 22:33
twitterdo shareOct 15 22:33
PetoKrausnah, he just wants commentsOct 15 22:33
PetoKraushe's even eager to call meOct 15 22:34
PetoKrausat freaking 23:38Oct 15 22:34
twitterabout what?Oct 15 22:34
PetoKrausdunnoOct 15 22:34
PetoKrausif i don't come back tommorowOct 15 22:34
schestowitzPetoKraus: why?Oct 15 22:34
PetoKraushe offered me €£3000 for keeping mouth shutOct 15 22:34
PetoKraus:POct 15 22:34
twitterabout what?Oct 15 22:35
PetoKrausdunnoOct 15 22:35
PetoKrausi mean, i am not expertOct 15 22:35
PetoKraushe wants "comments" on whateverOct 15 22:35
PetoKraushe didn't even ask me yetOct 15 22:35
schestowitzI've just sorted out something cool in CSS.Oct 15 22:35
schestowitzI can do nicely-formatted posts with 3 columns in Webkit and GeckoOct 15 22:36
twitterwhat a very strange man, wants prior restraint without prior knowledge.Oct 15 22:36
PetoKraustwitter: i told him "go forth and ask"Oct 15 22:37
schestowitzDid you speak to him before?Oct 15 22:37
schestowitzHe is in good touch with FSF people and you are a member, IIRC.Oct 15 22:37
PetoKrausno, neverOct 15 22:38
PetoKrausand yes, i am a memberOct 15 22:38
PetoKrausthough i don't like him THAT muchOct 15 22:38
PetoKraushe doesn't make good impression on meOct 15 22:38
twitterI don't like him at all.Oct 15 22:38
schestowitzSee the last line here: 15 22:38
schestowitzHe posted a good article some hours ago... about Free software and open source.Oct 15 22:39
schestowitzI like his article a lot as long as he doesn't go around bashing and dismissing those who oppose corruption. He even criticised Groklaw.Oct 15 22:39
schestowitzPresidential candidates dance around the Tube now: 15 22:42
twitterIck, I read it all.  Amazing, he wrote an article where he does not flame the free software community in one way or another.Oct 15 22:44
schestowitzThe majority of his articles are good.Oct 15 22:45
twitterOf course, his repetition of the "free software is not innovative" lie is an amplification that creates controversy where there should be none.Oct 15 22:45
twitterThe innovative and leading qualities of free software are obvious to any user.Oct 15 22:46
schestowitzThe word innovative is worth discarding in any context. it's a 'junk food' word.Oct 15 22:46
PetoKrausinnova~1?Oct 15 22:47
schestowitzFree software predates proprietary anyway. That's where the /real/ innovation (early days) actually occurred, but revisionism obscures this reality.Oct 15 22:47
schestowitzINNOVA~1. It's not case sensitive :-)Oct 15 22:47
schestowitzC:/> cd INNOVA~1Oct 15 22:48
twittertoupperOct 15 22:48
schestowitzC:/INNOVA~1> cd Micros~1Oct 15 22:48
schestowitzC:/INNOVA~1/Micros~1> dir Oct 15 22:48
twittertoupper dupperOct 15 22:48
schestowitzC:/INNOVA~1/Micros~1>Oct 15 22:48
schestowitzC:/INNOVA~1/Micros~1>Oct 15 22:48
schestowitzC:/INNOVA~1/Micros~1>Oct 15 22:48
schestowitzC:/INNOVA~1/Micros~1>dirOct 15 22:48
schestowitzC:/INNOVA~1/Micros~1>dirOct 15 22:48
schestowitzC:/INNOVA~1/Micros~1>Oct 15 22:48
schestowitzC:/INNOVA~1/Micros~1>del *.*Oct 15 22:48
twitterno hidden files?Oct 15 22:48
schestowitzError: no file foundOct 15 22:48
MinceRnahOct 15 22:48
PetoKrauswhat the fuck is C:/ anywayOct 15 22:48
MinceRthey wouldn't want to hide anything thereOct 15 22:49
twitterC:\Oct 15 22:49
PetoKraus:)Oct 15 22:49
schestowitzYes, oopsie.Oct 15 22:49
schestowitz*nix habitsOct 15 22:49
PetoKrausINNOVA!Oct 15 22:49
MinceRdrive letters are a stupid idea anywayOct 15 22:49
twitterthey use escape character as a delimiterOct 15 22:49
schestowitzWhere is drive B?Oct 15 22:49
schestowitzYeah, that sure makes a lot of sense.Oct 15 22:49
PetoKrausit dines in hell.Oct 15 22:49
MinceRit's the second floppy driveOct 15 22:49
twitterdon't talk bad about my floppy!Oct 15 22:49
schestowitzIt was 'user friendly'... knowing that it doesn't exist... and that cdrom is well... E... or F... or who the heck knows?Oct 15 22:50
PetoKrausD, usuallyOct 15 22:50
MinceRmy first pc had both an 5.25" and a 90mm (usually called 3.5") floppy driveOct 15 22:50
PetoKrauslike c-D!Oct 15 22:50
twitterfloppy A, B, no fixed disk.Oct 15 22:50
PetoKrausmy first pc, Pentium 166, has got Dos only :)Oct 15 22:50
MinceR(and a Conner HDD)Oct 15 22:51
twitterNo one had more than two floppies so fixed disks were C and D, E, F ...Oct 15 22:51
schestowitzBruce mailed me too.Oct 15 22:51
schestowitzIt's polite.Oct 15 22:51
PetoKrausschestowitz: yesOct 15 22:51
PetoKrausi hope whether ben gets email ;)Oct 15 22:51
PetoKraus*wonderOct 15 22:52
twitterboil, boil, toil and trouble!Oct 15 22:52
schestowitzMinceR: maybe when Vista is SSD-'ready' (it's not quite), they''ll assign G to thatOct 15 22:52
schestowitzThe point is that arbitrary letters are /NOT/ better.Oct 15 22:52
twitterhda, sda?Oct 15 22:52
schestowitzNo matter how much people were taught this.Oct 15 22:52
twitterunified file systems rockOct 15 22:52
MinceRsomehow they had the brains to omit drive letters from winceOct 15 22:52
schestowitzPetoKraus: they probably approach Novell too.Oct 15 22:52
schestowitzI haven't read the mail yet. Give me a moment.Oct 15 22:53
schestowitzI suppose it's intended to try and resolve issues.Oct 15 22:53
schestowitzWhich reminds me of what cj attempted.Oct 15 22:54
twitterYou have to remember the kinds of things he's said about you in the past.  There's quite a lot to resolve.Oct 15 22:54
twittersemi-professional, etc.Oct 15 22:54
twitterdinner time.Oct 15 22:56
PetoKrausanyway, time to sleep. Need to wake up at 7 today...Oct 15 22:57
schestowitzgn, PetoKraus Oct 15 22:58
schestowitztwitter: yes, it doesn't seem like a trap to me. The money PetoKraus mentioned raises suspicion though.Oct 15 22:59
PetoKrausnahOct 15 22:59
PetoKrausi was just jokingOct 15 22:59
PetoKrausthere's no mention of money in the emailOct 15 22:59
PetoKrausi am as intrigued as you, trust meOct 15 23:00
schestowitzPetoKraus: I'm replying at the moment.Oct 15 23:04
MinceRgnOct 15 23:09
schestowitzgnOct 15 23:16
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 15 23:43
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 15 23:43
schestowitzWatch this shill's comments: 15 23:48
schestowitzAll his activity is just attacks on me (in the comments)Oct 15 23:48
schestowitzThere are at least 4 such accounts. If you watch the 'friends' of this account, it's other anti-Linux users; there's a nice pattern there.Oct 15 23:49

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