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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: November 9th, 2008


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MinceRbesides, i see no problem with companies dying left and right until some learn to actually respect the customer.Nov 09 00:00
schestowitzDon't forget that Google actually fought against log requests from the govt. whereas AOL, Microsoft and maybe Yahoo handed it all over without questions asked. Google fought a similar battle against Viacom. They try sometimes...Nov 09 00:00
MinceRisn't the original idea of capitalism that the ones who do better work prosper?Nov 09 00:00
schestowitzMinceR: Sun is trying to learn but it takes time to work out.Nov 09 00:00
MinceRsun isn't trying too hard, considering how they license ZFS.Nov 09 00:01
schestowitzI'd like to see Sun succeeding, but only if they cut some of the CDDL c**pNov 09 00:01
schestowitzYes, you beat me to it.Nov 09 00:01
MinceRthey're trying to push their shitty slowlaris even if it means harming the users.Nov 09 00:01
schestowitzAlso found this 2 hours ago: http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet...Nov 09 00:01
schestowitz"It is difficult to say whether OpenSolaris is ready. It is essentially a development snapshot, and was not guaranteed to be stable and enterprise-ready until Sun recently announced that OpenSolaris would enjoy support contracts from Sun and a 6-month release cycle. You can also get OpenSolaris with MySQL on Amazon EC2 now. A 6-month release schedule sounds just like most Linux distributions."Nov 09 00:01
schestowitz"People are often confused when looking at OpenSolaris. Suspicions about Sun’s goodwill are often triggered, for example, when looking at updates for the OS. For a long time, Solaris patches were not available unless you purchased a support contract. Security updates were public, but you had to pay for all others. If we look at OpenSolaris, we find that no patches are available at all. "Nov 09 00:01
MinceRafaik openslowlaris has little to do with slowlaris anywayNov 09 00:02
schestowitzIt's under the heading that combines the two.Nov 09 00:02
schestowitzNice welcoming banner for a blog: 09 00:04
MinceR:)Nov 09 00:05
schestowitz "... the installation may take several days depending on your needs but you will end up with an operating system tuned for your special hardware what makes it act quite fast."Nov 09 00:08
*mib_qck1a7 (i=d426891f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellNov 09 00:27
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MinceRgnNov 09 01:43
schestowitzgnNov 09 01:44
*PetoKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Nov 09 01:59
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*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 09 04:26
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schestowitzCNET: Feature Films Coming To YouTube ( )Nov 09 08:20
schestowitzAndroid: Not So Open After All? ( )Nov 09 08:34
schestowitzThis is true... looking at the Microsoft RSS feeds, it's almost as though Vista as vanished, only to have its presence replaced by vapourware (promises and freezing of the market): "(Judging from the way MS doesn't even want to mention Vista any more, methinks it's an unmarked grave.)"Nov 09 08:40
schestowitz "Rather than a Flash update, what's downloaded is a Trojan horse that compromises the PC then floods the machine with more malware, said Dan Hubbard, vice president of security research at Websense Inc."Nov 09 08:45
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 09 08:55
schestowitzAfter a tough year, BitTorrent replaces CEO again: "The company had already endured a 22 percent layoff in August, which reportedly affected its entire sales and marketing department."Nov 09 08:56
MinceRgeekingsNov 09 10:18
*randomtask (i=5612c4bc@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellNov 09 10:54
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*pcolon (i=41251762@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellNov 09 15:47
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*_doug (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellNov 09 17:06
_dougMicrosoft Live Search Cashback program ..Nov 09 17:09
_doug 09 17:09
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellNov 09 17:13
neighborleehi there, oh ye fellow bashers of all things M$ and nove, of which since I have clearly been labled as a 'supporter' of said cause, I thought I"d come here and wallow in the connection ;)Nov 09 17:13
neighborlee 09 17:14
_doughi there neighborlee: we don't just bash NS, M$ is code for a way of doing business ..Nov 09 17:16
neighborleeyup I know.Nov 09 17:17
_douglie, cheat and steal .. and then accuse your competitors of doing exactly that ...Nov 09 17:17
neighborleeyup I know.Nov 09 17:17
neighborleeI was being facetious mostly, but hey I figured since I was being accused of it, I should at least be here <wink>Nov 09 17:17
_dougAs I said previously, SteveO and billg have been very sucessfull at selling a medicore $productNov 09 17:18
_dougWhere would Apple be if they worked there and Steve Jobs worked for Microsoft ?Nov 09 17:19
neighborleeyesNov 09 17:19
_doug:)Nov 09 17:19
neighborleeI dont agree with everything, everyone here says,,wow I have a brain and form my own 'out of the box' opinions..woah   what startling news ;)Nov 09 17:19
_dougApple would be everywhere and Microsoft would be bankrupt :)Nov 09 17:19
neighborleeoh my gawd,,yeah indeed o_0Nov 09 17:20
_dougWho is this arse 'directhex' ?Nov 09 17:20
neighborleeThey surely would not have computers running a great bsd based OS, and would not be in my neighbors house, thats where ;))Nov 09 17:20
_dougApple are a niche player .. that's what billg decided for them :)Nov 09 17:20
neighborlee_doug, just a local viper , spouting poison ,thats about it atm ;)Nov 09 17:21
_dougUbuntu site is veery sluggish ..Nov 09 17:21
neighborleeyup it isNov 09 17:21
neighborleeso how are things going for you lately doug ;0-Nov 09 17:22
neighborleefine hereNov 09 17:22
_dougI tried Yoper on a very underpowered machine .. runs like the blazed ...Nov 09 17:22
neighborleejust finished watching new hulk movie with friends last is that a amazing product of our digital age ;)Nov 09 17:22
_douggoing for me: not much, install Windows, patch, get drunk and then install and patch again ...Nov 09 17:23
neighborleehmm Ive not thought about yoper in ages..woah  :)))Nov 09 17:23
_dougSmall and fast, I use it to watch DVDs ..Nov 09 17:23
neighborleekewlNov 09 17:23
_dougBefore that I used SuSE . .before I got bumped from the support forum ..Nov 09 17:24
_dougThey use BSD a lot at head office ..Nov 09 17:24
neighborleehmNov 09 17:25
_dougThat and MAcs and WindowsXP .. the MAcs for graphical work ..Nov 09 17:25
neighborleewish I h ad a mac sometimes I really doNov 09 17:25
neighborleebut hey that would mean a entirely new investment which Im not willing to do atm...stuck with vista atm.Nov 09 17:25
neighborleeand only because I finallly have more ram and can run it on some reasonable level without wanting to destroy it haha ;))Nov 09 17:26
_dougThe Vista GUI is a right pain to use .. totally dummbed down ..Nov 09 17:27
_dougI get more work done with two bash screens ..Nov 09 17:27
_dougYou should really give Yoper a go ..Nov 09 17:28
_doughttp://chakkaradeep.wordpress.c...Nov 09 17:28
neighborleeok thx I lll take a bookNov 09 17:29
neighborleelook LOLNov 09 17:29
_dougthe basic CD runs as a live CD with the option to install ..Nov 09 17:30
neighborleeI just have no choice atm to use windows..Virtual stuff wont cue it atm , mainly due to a huge need for 3d acceleration ;)Nov 09 17:30
neighborleeyeah livecd's are mandatoryNov 09 17:30
neighborleeto me anywayNov 09 17:30
_dougIt's always a good way of seeing if it picks up all the hardware ..Nov 09 17:30
neighborleeyes, and showing off to friends ;)Nov 09 17:31
_dougot: monks fight it out to see who is holyist .. :)Nov 09 17:32
_doug 09 17:32
_dougIs best to run from a live DC if you are doing any banking from an Internet cafe ..Nov 09 17:32
neighborleeomg, im almost afraid to lookNov 09 17:32
neighborlee_doug, hehNov 09 17:32
_dougpeople leave USB sticks lying around with bugware on them ..Nov 09 17:33
neighborleeyeahNov 09 17:33
_dougoops: NoScript filtered a potential cross-site scripting (XSS) attempt from ..Nov 09 17:37
_dougWindows 7 will be ready in 2009 ..Nov 09 17:42
_doug 09 17:42
neighborleeafter vista I can't imagine ill have much interestNov 09 17:43
neighborleeI hope way before that I can wean myself off of this bad game/app getting there though ;))Nov 09 17:44
_dougI guess Vista was a 'limited sucess' then :)Nov 09 17:44
_dougOrganized crime a growing security threat to Microsoft ..Nov 09 17:45
_doug 09 17:45
_doug"As the operating system (OS) becomes harder to attack, hackers and criminals are moving to the application layer,"Nov 09 17:46
_dougWhat confort is it to the end user . .they still get their bank account wiped out ..Nov 09 17:46
_dougAnd an OS that can be compromised by a bug in an app .. isn't really secure ..Nov 09 17:47
*PetoKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Nov 09 17:47
_dougAll these reports .. just so much SPIN~1 ..Nov 09 17:47
_doug"the Microsoft Security Intelligence Report is conducted semi-annually"Nov 09 17:47
_dougHow about spending more time fixing Vista, instead of writing advertising spam reports ..Nov 09 17:48
_doug"A worldwide malicious e-mail campaign is using sensational "news" about U.S. President-elect Barack Obama as bait to steal the financial information of recipients"Nov 09 17:49
_doug 09 17:49
_dougGood Grief !!!!Nov 09 17:49
_doug"If users fall for the trick and click on the link, it will redirect them to a fraudulent banking site that will steal their personal and financial information, if they log in."Nov 09 17:49
neighborleelimited success..oh yes quite ;)(Nov 09 17:55
neighborleehahah, I just love that new mac/vista commericalNov 09 17:56
neighborleeall the money to advertising, cause well vista is rather broken anyway roflNov 09 17:56
neighborleevery funny ;)Nov 09 17:56
*neighborlee has quit ("Leaving")Nov 09 18:18
*_doug (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has left #boycottnovellNov 09 18:21
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*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 09 19:01
*Omar87 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 09 19:02
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schestowitzIt had already been said that Vista 7 won't be out in 2009. it's just Microsoft trying to freeze the MARK~1Nov 09 19:14
trmanco:|Nov 09 19:47
trmancoTotem takes years to fetch youtube videosNov 09 19:48
*libervisco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 09 20:00
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schestowitz Hotmail does work--badly--with Linux < >Nov 09 20:17
schestowitzSo they still neglect this platform.Nov 09 20:17
*libervisco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 09 20:22
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellNov 09 20:54
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Nov 09 21:50
pcolonTim Anderson (Channel Register) 09 21:58
pcolonA day spent with a Windows 7 preview build - Milestone 3, running on a laptop loaned for the purpose (Dell XPS M1330, Core 2 Duo 2.3Ghz, with 3GB RAM) tends to confirm that view. Windows 7 feels more polished than VistaNov 09 21:59
schestowitzThis is terrible stupid: http://www.initmarketin...Nov 09 22:02
schestowitz*terribly. I express  frustration because I had to enable a lot of JavaScript from many domains (i.e. be spied on) just to make the thing play. This stuff should be as simple as [video]whatever[/video] which Firefox 3.1 will make popular and widespread, using Ogg.Nov 09 22:02
schestowitzGood catch, pcolon!Nov 09 22:03
pcolonReading while snapping LUN'sNov 09 22:04
schestowitzIf you find more, let me know. I'll blog about this chap now. Nov 09 22:07
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 09 22:10
schestowitzI'm finding lots of bribed bloggers. About 6 so far.Nov 09 22:59
*libervisco_ is now known as liberviscoNov 09 23:44

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