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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 16th, 2009 - Part 2


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schestowitzIf you can't make a personal coversation, then is it a friend?Jan 16 18:24
schestowitzRe: talking to dogs, I heard about people who do this for _hours_. Better than talking to walls, but still. Some other people practice arguments. I hate pracrticing for talks... rubbish use of time to just recite talking points or words.Jan 16 18:25
moogstraphrmmJan 16 18:26
twitterFacebook provides a useful service and needs to be replaced with free software to protect privacy.Jan 16 18:26
twitterThe database and serving needs to be distributed.Jan 16 18:26
twitterPeer networks are useful.  If you don't know where the people you know are, you can't ask them for help or help them out.Jan 16 18:27
moogstrapfacebooks' eula is frighteningJan 16 18:27
schestowitzFacebooks is a volunteer-built data harvesting centre.Jan 16 18:28
schestowitzA lot of so-called social networks are like that. Give people toys to play with so that they do work for you.Jan 16 18:28
schestowitzIt's the same with many companies that create a 'community' of 'open source' some codeJan 16 18:28
schestowitzEZRip is dead! Long live DVD Metabase… < >Jan 16 18:29
moogstrapI was ostracised by my peers when I started using IRC when I was at school. Parents thought I was terribly antisocial. Now I'm constantly pestered to engage in facebook more than I doJan 16 18:29
*moogstrap has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Jan 16 18:33
*moogstrap (i=c13fc5f6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellJan 16 18:34
moogstrapuh whoopsJan 16 18:34
moogstrapthat's the reason I don't like BSD-style licences. Company A gets loads of free user-generated cool things. Then closes it up and fucks off to "pay us" landJan 16 18:35
schestowitzI just keep my software where it's better controlledJan 16 18:42
schestowitzI stopped some years ago.. there was at least an exporterJan 16 18:43
schestowitzData=controlJan 16 18:43
schestowitzBut data can easily be a bubbleJan 16 18:43
schestowitzORLY and chums discussed this a year ago... just calling it fancy things like "cloud" and "Web 2.0". It's just a bubble of people's personal dataJan 16 18:44
schestowitzAnother one for the dustbin: Sony Ericsson Posts Loss, Predicts Gloomy 2009 < >. Their phones are behind technologically. I wonder if Ericsson can be saved..Jan 16 18:45
twitterThe financial losses of data bubble speculators do not make up for political and economic abuse of the same data.Jan 16 18:46
schestowitzI remember doing a job interview with Symbian programming in 2003. seeing where Symbian is today, it was wise to keep out. It seemed primitive at the time too.Jan 16 18:46
schestowitztwitter: yes, indeed.Jan 16 18:46
schestowitz"What do you have in your business?Jan 16 18:47
schestowitz"We have patentsJan 16 18:47
schestowitz"What else?Jan 16 18:47
schestowitz"We have 'content'... with copyrights"Jan 16 18:47
twitterbombsJan 16 18:47
schestowitz"Wow, impressive.. so how can you compete with free stuff like CC?"Jan 16 18:47
schestowitzWell, we also have many logs with personal information about people?"Jan 16 18:47
schestowitz"How is that useful?"Jan 16 18:47
schestowitz"Who knows... it's just a lot of stuff..."Jan 16 18:48
moogstraphahaJan 16 18:48
schestowitzImaginary property is as valuable as sandJan 16 18:48
schestowitzCompanies like IBM try to put price tags on sandJan 16 18:48
twitterwow, amazing story.Jan 16 18:48
schestowitzAnd the aliens are dying............................. they die LAUGHINGJan 16 18:48
schestowitzWe we can license some "smiley" technology to Martians in exchange for land.Jan 16 18:49
schestowitzGNU/Lumix: 16 18:50
moogstraphave you read Jame's Boyle's "The Public Domain"?Jan 16 18:50
schestowitzI haven;t.Jan 16 18:50
schestowitzApple prepares for tight budgets.. It's About Time: Apple to Update Mac Mini < >Jan 16 18:51
MinceRtightening the belt... on the thinnest, lightest CEO on the market? :>Jan 16 18:51
schestowitzNo more extravagant $2000 MacBook Airs.. which are useless... Mac fans who buy them call them "disappointment of the year"Jan 16 18:51
schestowitzSteve Jobs tightened his belt.Jan 16 18:52
MinceRall their products are extravagant and uselessJan 16 18:52
schestowitzCEOs make products that look alike. :-| ok, ok...Jan 16 18:52
PetoKrausthe mouse's good!Jan 16 18:52
MinceRwhich one?Jan 16 18:52
MinceRand what for?Jan 16 18:52
schestowitzThe one with 1 button?Jan 16 18:52
schestowitzOr the one with IR?Jan 16 18:52
PetoKrausthat oneJan 16 18:52
PetoKrausfor scaring peopleJan 16 18:52
MinceRit sucksJan 16 18:53
MinceR1-button mice are for 1-bit peopleJan 16 18:53
PetoKrausgive'em a byte, don't be so cruel!Jan 16 18:53
schestowitzMacs are popular as laptops..Jan 16 18:53
schestowitzBecause people want to lug about their fashion accessoriesJan 16 18:53
PetoKrausand what was that with air being disappointment of the year?Jan 16 18:53
schestowitzWhat's the use having 'pretty gadgets' if used in the basement?Jan 16 18:53
schestowitzPetoKraus: Dave R from CNETJan 16 18:54
PetoKrauslink?Jan 16 18:54
schestowitz 16 18:54
schestowitzMac fanaticJan 16 18:54
schestowitzThat's all he ever wants to talk about..Jan 16 18:54
PetoKraus"I lugged around the 15 inch MacBook Pro on all the trains and subways until my back couldn't take it"Jan 16 18:55
PetoKrausFANNY!Jan 16 18:55
PetoKraus45 minutes of battery life?Jan 16 18:56
PetoKraushehe :DJan 16 18:56
PetoKrausbang for the buck, i guessJan 16 18:56
moogstrapah. Here's a video. how to ruin a technological revolution with patents etc extremely longJan 16 18:58
*moogstrap has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Jan 16 18:59
schestowitzJust posted this important exhibit: 16 19:00
schestowitzHave a look and see if it's not too harshJan 16 19:00
schestowitzomar ought to have been here to see how Microsoft pulls on EDGI on Jordan.Jan 16 19:00
schestowitzPetoKraus: bang for the lbJan 16 19:01
schestowitzUntil it goes bang, with those Sony batteries.Jan 16 19:01
MinceRlolJan 16 19:02
schestowitzGood videoJan 16 19:05
schestowitzI'll embed it laterJan 16 19:05
schestowitzNo Ogg (it's too long)Jan 16 19:05
*zer0c00l has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jan 16 19:06
trmanco"As an aside, I am currently testing the Beta of Win7 in a closed VMJan 16 19:18
trmancoenvironment. I am considering deleting it. It's actually worse thanJan 16 19:18
trmancoVista. Multiple program crashes, refusal to install any software, naffJan 16 19:18
trmancolooks and many other complaints."Jan 16 19:18
schestowitzDownadup worm infects 3.5m PCs <,10... > It's already triple that.Jan 16 19:18
schestowitztrmanco: URL?Jan 16 19:18
schestowitzI'd do a postJan 16 19:19
schestowitzQuote of the DayJan 16 19:19
trmancofrom the alt.os.linux.ubuntuJan 16 19:19
trmancogoogle doesn't carry thisJan 16 19:19
trmancobut I'll try to find a link for itJan 16 19:19
schestowitzThanks.Jan 16 19:19
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Jan 16 19:19
schestowitzGoogle Groups takes a while to catch upJan 16 19:23
schestowitzJust give me the posters nameJan 16 19:23
trmancoMoogJan 16 19:25
trmancoGoogle doesn't carry the groupJan 16 19:25
schestowitz 16 19:27
trmanco;)Jan 16 19:28
trmancotoo bad I still don't have a damn linkJan 16 19:28
trmancobut I'm working on itJan 16 19:28
schestowitzTnxJan 16 19:28
schestowitz South Carolina Considers Law That Would Criminalize Profanity In Public ForumsJan 16 19:29
trmancoif you subscribe to the group, you can read itJan 16 19:30
tessier_Fuck thatJan 16 19:31
schestowitzWait, Wasn't Google Supposed To Have Destroyed Our Interest In Reading Books? 16 19:32
*amd-linux (i=5c4a6c84@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellJan 16 19:34
*amd-linux has quit (Client Quit)Jan 16 19:35
trmancoschestowitz, found itJan 16 19:37
trmancoin a obscure placeJan 16 19:38
trmanco 16 19:38
trmanco 16 19:38
schestowitzCommunity Organizations and Publishers Sue FBI and Other Agencies Over Illegal Computer Searches < >Jan 16 19:41
schestowitzThanks, trmanco Jan 16 19:41
trmancotoo bad google doesn't archive this group yet, it would have saved me some time :-PJan 16 19:42
twittervery closedJan 16 19:44
twitter*VMJan 16 19:44
schestowitzThanks for the work, trmanco. Appreciated.Jan 16 19:45
trmancoyou're welcomeJan 16 19:45
schestowitzYou know what......?Jan 16 19:46
schestowitzOver the past year (or less) it has become clear -- well quite obviously -- that news is no more newsJan 16 19:47
schestowitzThere is nothing in the headline that's actually positive changeJan 16 19:47
schestowitzRed Hat.... no announcements in ages... same for Microsoft and now Apple... I wonder what engineers are up toJan 16 19:47
schestowitzThis leads me to suspecting that time would be better spent researching stuff like Comes vs MicrosoftJan 16 19:48
trmancoGlobal crisis ?Jan 16 19:49
schestowitzThat too.Jan 16 19:50
schestowitzBeforehand it was a bubbleJan 16 19:50
schestowitzNew services, new products, more datacentres...Jan 16 19:50
schestowitzConservativism when it comes to spendings also means that reporters die out..Jan 16 19:50
schestowitzF* Google.Jan 16 19:52
schestowitz"Other major browsers have resisted supporting ActiveX. Until now. Google Chrome has now decided to support ActiveX, but only in South Korea." 16 19:52
schestowitzOnce again Google betrays Web standardsJan 16 19:52
schestowitzTell Google to support Ogg, not MS ActiveXJan 16 19:53
trmancoI wonder why they have that "X" if it isn't UNIX relatedJan 16 19:54
trmancothe same goes to DirectxJan 16 19:54
schestowitzNovellDOM... 16 19:55
schestowitzXeniXJan 16 19:55
schestowitzGNOME 2.24.3 released < >Jan 16 19:55
trmanco 16 19:55
trmancoewJan 16 19:55
trmancooh SCO thingJan 16 19:56
schestowitz No mentioning of Mono. Good.Jan 16 19:56
trmanco"licensed by Microsoft" the power of corruption (?), I can't imagine microsoft building from scratch a unix like OSJan 16 19:56
schestowitzXenix -> MSJan 16 19:56
trmancoyepJan 16 19:57
trmancofirst time I've heard of XitnixJan 16 19:57
trmancoXenix*Jan 16 19:57
schestowitzXitrixJan 16 19:57
MinceRXilinxJan 16 19:58
schestowitz 16 19:58
schestowitzI programmed for Xilinx boardsJan 16 19:58
trmancoEkiga seems to be a beautiful piece of software -> 16 19:58
schestowitz 16 19:58
*moogstrap (i=c13fc5f6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellJan 16 19:59
moogstrapanyone seen this? 16 19:59
schestowitzCheck out the comments here: 16 20:03
schestowitzThere might be some astroturfing in LJJan 16 20:03
schestowitzWhat will the EC do?Jan 16 20:05
*moogstrap has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Jan 16 20:05
*moogstrap (i=c13fc5f6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellJan 16 20:06
moogstrapbasement reference... checkJan 16 20:06
schestowitzFortune Frowns on Lying CEOs < >Jan 16 20:08
schestowitzIs there a basement in the Linux Foundation?Jan 16 20:09
schestowitzApple agrees to pay itself $14m 16 20:09
schestowitzOld: Former Apple lawyer settles options case with SEC < >Jan 16 20:10
moogstrapyes. it belongs to their parents. any mstroll knows thatJan 16 20:10
schestowitz"But everyone's doin' it"Jan 16 20:10
moogstrap "Time for Ozzie to Replace Balmer at Microsoft"Jan 16 20:12
schestowitz "Microsoft extends reach of Partners in Learning Innovative Schools program to more than 72,000 schools across 100 nations."Jan 16 20:13
schestowitzEDGI anyone?Jan 16 20:13
schestowitz "Microsoft India Pvt Ltd signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Gujarat government at the Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors' Summit this week. " Project Mashall...Jan 16 20:13
schestowitzPeople should sue those responsible for signing these deals.Jan 16 20:14
moogstrapsheeshJan 16 20:14
moogstrappre-school kids too.Jan 16 20:15
moogstrap 16 20:15
schestowitzGet them addicted while youngJan 16 20:17
schestowitzFree drugsJan 16 20:17
moogstraphrmm there's loads of follow-ups to the EU antitrust thing about IE filling up my reader nowJan 16 20:18
*Wintervenom (n=Winterve@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 16 20:20
*Wintervenom (n=Winterve@ has left #boycottnovell ("A-A-A-All all aboard the Fail Train -- whoo-oo-oo! *Hiss, CRASH!!*")Jan 16 20:21
schestowitzAny examples?Jan 16 20:25
schestowitzI should post about that too.Jan 16 20:26
moogstrap1 16 20:26
moogstrap2 16 20:26
moogstrap3 16 20:27
moogstrap4 16 20:28
moogstrapetc etcJan 16 20:28
schestowitzThanks.Jan 16 20:28
schestowitz 16 20:31
schestowitzCan you read it through?Jan 16 20:31
schestowitzI'll do one about EC now..Jan 16 20:31
moogstrapall rightJan 16 20:33
moogstraplooks goodJan 16 20:35
moogstraphow many news sites will that press release end up on without any editing made whatsoever?Jan 16 20:37
moogstrapabout four or five Reuters articles about the ie antitrust eg 16 20:38
*schestowitz writes a post in ECJan 16 20:42
schestowitzmoogstrap: any more input would be greatJan 16 20:42
schestowitzLike, say.. distinct observationsJan 16 20:42
schestowitzI can see from a quick look that they are lazy journos pushing the statement blidnly.Jan 16 20:43
schestowitzI wish we had some finalised stuff about Netscape in the WikiJan 16 20:43
moogstrapOk how about  "European regulators have launched a surprise new attack on Microsoft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11"Jan 16 20:43
moogstrapeditorial types are just trickling through now. the WSJ has one but I don't have an accountJan 16 20:45
tessier_But oddly, Microsoft HR Chief Mike Murray cited religious beliefs for his decision to contribute $100,000 to 'Yes On 8', surprising coming from the guy who had been charged with diversity and sensitivity training during his ten-year Microsoft stint. "Jan 16 20:46
tessier_hahahaJan 16 20:46
schestowitzHeadline: Will Internet Explorer be Dropped from Vista 7?Jan 16 20:46
moogstrapnothing yetJan 16 20:48
moogstrapslightly more substantial 16 20:48
schestowitzSliver Lie might be part of it tooJan 16 20:48
moogstrap 16 20:51
moogstrap 16 20:52
schestowitzI'm posting this prematurely and will carry on editing with you: 16 20:52
schestowitzTell me what you thinkJan 16 20:52
schestowitzIt's also to do with XAML and LiveJan 16 20:52
schestowitzThe Softies know no boundsJan 16 20:52
schestowitzNow the EC smear campaign from CompTIA and other Microsoft drones will comeJan 16 20:53
schestowitz"EC  is against INNOVA~1... etc etc"Jan 16 20:53
tessier_(pats of)Jan 16 20:55
tessier_typoJan 16 20:55
tessier_Should be (parts of0Jan 16 20:55
tessier_)Jan 16 20:55
schestowitzThankls.Jan 16 20:56
schestowitzF%Jan 16 20:56
schestowitzF5Jan 16 20:56
schestowitzI've cleaned up quite a few things.Jan 16 20:56
moogstraplooks all right. gotta love that headlineJan 16 20:57
schestowitzAnd Gates quoteJan 16 20:58
schestowitzRead it.Jan 16 20:58
moogstrapyesJan 16 20:59
schestowitzThere will soon be a shill fightJan 16 21:00
schestowitzACT, ISC and other MS pressure groups will attack the EC in the pressJan 16 21:00
schestowitzFollowed by mouthpieces like Enderle and Microsoft bloggersJan 16 21:00
moogstrapthe news feeds are slowing down. give it an hour or so and the blaggosphere will be trolling all over the net about itJan 16 21:00
schestowitzThe MSBBC is always behind.. ( Three million hit by Windows worm)Jan 16 21:01
schestowitzMake that 10 million (I imagineJan 16 21:01
moogstrapyeah. AT least they didn't insert that dig about open sourceJan 16 21:02
schestowitzIn addition to another 200-300 millions that are affected by another worm... it's good that I wrote about it in the morning. It's becoming a Big Issue. You have to wonder how many businesses have one of those million rogue PCs inside them... leaking out vital infoJan 16 21:02
schestowitzMSBBC is now publishing MAFIAA's propaganda: 16 21:03
schestowitz95% they say... and they say "piracy"... shame on BBCJan 16 21:03
moogstrapwhen I think about how many computers are connected to my college's network, it scares me. Our network is provided by Novell, actually.Jan 16 21:03
schestowitzI've been getting port scanned a lot since yesterday.Jan 16 21:05
schestowitzLike 5 times or more... that's more than the past 3 MONTHS COMBINEDJan 16 21:05
schestowitzI'm not sure if out-of-commission PCs mean more traffic (and SPAM) for the rest because of junk traffic... this elevates maintenance costs either way, and everyone's paying for it.Jan 16 21:07
schestowitzOBS[ervation] sent from a friend this morning (he wanted this published):Jan 16 21:07
schestowitz"I have this in my RSS feed and usually only find any interesting headlines twice a year or so.  Here's this years'.  The content is *not* interesting, "Jan 16 21:07
schestowitz"what's interesting is that there is a slow ongoing attack on MUMPS which reminds me of the attacks on the paper voting in Florida. It's also similar to the whisper campaign M$ ran against Novell, back when Noorda was there.  At my place of employment at the time, I tracked the rumours back to M$ reps."Jan 16 21:08
schestowitz"Except here the target is VistA.  From what I recall, Chairman Gates professed an interest in taking over and destroying medical systems. (Hey, that's what happens, whether it gets sugar coated or not.)  Weeks afterward, his movement decided to call the Next Version as "Vista" Weeks later VistA disappeared from Google, buried by all the churn ..."Jan 16 21:08
tessier_"Brian Aker has announced that Sun has open sourced the Netscape Enterprise Server under the BSD license."Jan 16 21:08
tessier_BSD? Not CDDL? Interesting.Jan 16 21:08
tessier_Wonder why they don't BSD OpenSolaris too. That would make me take a look at it.Jan 16 21:08
schestowitz"So it's the style of attack that raises warning flags. Anyway, the full source code for Vista is available for download and is in the public domain: So its free of charge and not under any kind of copyright at all."Jan 16 21:08
schestowitzBSD??Jan 16 21:09
tessier_I would prefer GPL but BSD is Free Software as well.Jan 16 21:09
schestowitzYesJan 16 21:09
tessier_The proprietary forks of BSD software have had a tendency not to do so well anyhow.Jan 16 21:09
schestowitzJust more susceptible to losing its freedom.Jan 16 21:10
tessier_Because they lose the community and diverge. They become owned by some company as a product and all products eventually die.Jan 16 21:10
schestowitzDo you have a URL for that?Jan 16 21:10
schestowitzEnterpriseDBJan 16 21:10
tessier_Yes. But I care more about my freedom than the total freedom of the OS in general. As long as I have a copy under the BSD license it will always be free. I'm not so concerned about a particular fork.Jan 16 21:10
tessier_It's on  /.Jan 16 21:10
moogstrap 16 21:11
schestowitzI can't see any coverage in GOOG yetJan 16 21:11
schestowitzDumpingJan 16 21:12
schestowitzThe citizens should sueJan 16 21:12
schestowitzAnd regulatory bodies should scrutinise tooJan 16 21:12
schestowitzWe have the truth about EDGI out there.Jan 16 21:12
*neighborlee ( has joined #boycottnovellJan 16 21:13
schestowitz"It was not long ago when the state government had announced its plan to use Free Open Source Software (FOSS) for primary and upper primary schools in Gujarat to cut costs. Now, it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Microsoft to establish computer training academies to train teachers in IT."Jan 16 21:13
schestowitzReporters will hopefully look into the stuff we posted in BNJan 16 21:13
schestowitzThis is an anti-Linux thing, that's all it is.Jan 16 21:13
moogstrap 16 21:14

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