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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 23rd, 2009 - Part 2


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twitterfor instance, this annoying link 23 18:41
twittergoes to M$ search crap.Mar 23 18:41
schestowitztwitter: yes, I messed up with 1984. Spanish version, I thinkMar 23 18:41
amd-linuxwell they might slow down Linux adoption again a bit, but in the end, you can not stop a trendMar 23 18:41
schestowitzCat out of the bag....Mar 23 18:41
schestowitzThey tried copyrights and failedMar 23 18:41
schestowitzNow going to softer stuff.Mar 23 18:41
amd-linuxthey got teared apart here in Germany with their FAT "patent"Mar 23 18:42
twitterOh well, thanks anyway.  the recent 1984 is brilliant and fun to watch regardless.Mar 23 18:42
amd-linuxthe court just ripped them, cut them, scliced themMar 23 18:42
amd-linuxslicedMar 23 18:42
twitterI might have to go rent itMar 23 18:42
amd-linuxstill a joy to read the verdictMar 23 18:42
twitterscliced sounds about rightMar 23 18:42
amd-linuxis it an english word?Mar 23 18:43
amd-linuxdidnt now :-)Mar 23 18:43
amd-linuxknowMar 23 18:43
twitterno, just a good alliteration, schhhhh-lice!Mar 23 18:43
amd-linux;-)Mar 23 18:43
twitterlots of "shhhh" as the knife goes through piles of paper and corporate lawyer.Mar 23 18:44
amd-linuxby intimidating Tom Tom, BTW, they drove them into the arms of the community, me thinksMar 23 18:44
amd-linuxreminds me to this guitar producerMar 23 18:44
amd-linuxwho got searched by the BSAMar 23 18:44
twitterBall?Mar 23 18:44
twitterYes, that's a good story.Mar 23 18:44
amd-linuxRight, that was his name one of the first Linux adopterMar 23 18:45
amd-linuxenterprise wide i meanMar 23 18:45
schestowitzI've spread the press release, starting here: 23 18:49
schestowitzIt'll be worth writing about later. Microsoft is now facing OINMar 23 18:49
schestowitzPatent poolMar 23 18:49
twitterGoogle, Chrysler, Red Hat, Lowes, there are lots of big and early adopters.Mar 23 18:49
schestowitzMicrosoft had the Myhrvoltroll patent pool.\Mar 23 18:49
schestowitztwitter: the song is good: Mar 23 18:49
schestowitz 23 18:50
twitterSheesh, even janitors were not spared firing by M$? 23 18:50
twitterthat's truly sadMar 23 18:50
schestowitzErnie BallMar 23 18:50
*tyche_ (n=craig@ubuntu/member/tyche) has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 18:50
schestowitzHi, tyche_ Mar 23 18:50
tyche_MorningMar 23 18:51
tyche_By one minute.  Hee heeMar 23 18:51
amd-linuxHigh Noon.... Shoot out at O.K. CorralMar 23 18:51
amd-linuxthat is what will happen nowMar 23 18:51
*Omar871 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 18:53
*mib_3n2vzg (i=cf8a2021@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 18:53
tyche_Oh, the shootout started long ago.  I noticed on the TomTom-Linux petition that there are now 267 signatures.  I was number 8Mar 23 18:53
amd-linuxin NATO language, this is Art. 5 NATO treatyMar 23 18:54
amd-linux 23 18:54
*mib_3n2vzg has quit (Client Quit)Mar 23 18:54
amd-linuxthe 9/11 for FOSS, so to sayMar 23 18:54
tyche_Ever read ?Mar 23 18:55
amd-linuxyes, I know. But their attitude might changeMar 23 18:56
amd-linuxthat is what I meant with driven in the arms of the communityMar 23 18:56
amd-linuxthe enemy of your enemy is your friend....Mar 23 18:56
trmancoschestowitz, 23 18:57
schestowitztyche_: let me lookMar 23 18:58
schestowitztyche_: yes, I linked to it several times.Mar 23 18:58
tyche_Thanks.  "All contributions are greatfully received"  Hee heeMar 23 18:59
trmanco 23 19:00
tyche_trmanco: Yep.  SJVN is a strong voice for free software and free standards.Mar 23 19:01
schestowitz" we SCO again!"Mar 23 19:01
trmancoyeahMar 23 19:01
schestowitztyche_: not Free softwareMar 23 19:01
schestowitzHe's 'pragmatist'Mar 23 19:01
tyche_Yea, that term suits him.Mar 23 19:01
*trmanco hates philosophyMar 23 19:01
tyche_Oh, I don't know about that.  He defended me against a troll when OO.o was setting up a technical committee.Mar 23 19:02
amd-linuxWell, I also like him being pragmatic. And he is writing quite entertaining so that people without FOSS background can read his articlesMar 23 19:04
schestowitzIf I turn "<" to "&lt;" in JavaScript, will it work?Mar 23 19:05
amd-linuxon the other side, he is usually "only" summarizing recent news and issues but usually not really investigatingMar 23 19:05
schestowitzThe validator is complainingMar 23 19:05
amd-linuxROFLMar 23 19:06
tyche_amd-linux: True, he summarizes what others have reported.  But he does it from a lawyer's point of view.Mar 23 19:06
amd-linuxjust saw the pic with ballmerMar 23 19:06
amd-linuxLoooool!Mar 23 19:06
amd-linuxpuppet playerMar 23 19:06
amd-linuxgreat!Mar 23 19:06
amd-linuxHe is a lawyer? Didn't know that.Mar 23 19:08
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 23 19:09
schestowitzAh!Mar 23 19:09
schestowitzI fixed the plugin's xhtml validityMar 23 19:09
tyche_I believe so.  If not, he definitely has legal knowledge/experience, even if it isn't through formal training.  I've seen him in action in that OO.o mailing list.  Ruthless.Mar 23 19:10
*schestowitz goes to submit a patchMar 23 19:10
Balrogschestowitz: don't makd that error too much :PMar 23 19:17
Balrogmake *Mar 23 19:17
schestowitzIt won;t work.. 23 19:17
amd-linuxaargh... regex.... you can grill a brain with themMar 23 19:18
amd-linuxat least mine ;-)Mar 23 19:18
Balrog:{Mar 23 19:18
schestowitzMaybe if I could move the JS outside the file...Mar 23 19:20
trmancocrapMar 23 19:23
trmancoanybody know the link of an article that stated that playboy was using silvilight?Mar 23 19:24
trmancoI posted it here yesterday, but I forgot about the linkMar 23 19:24
twitterplayboy a whore for M$?  say it ain't so!Mar 23 19:24
Balrogsilverlight 3 beta came out recently :( Mar 23 19:25
amd-linuxnot me but a good reason to visit playboy site :-)Mar 23 19:25
twitterdon't see any link to "playboy" here.Mar 23 19:25
twitteroh wait, here you are 23 19:26
amd-linux 23 19:26
amd-linuxfrom the source :-)Mar 23 19:26
trmancotwitter, yeah that's it, thanksMar 23 19:26
twitterI live less than a mile from LSU and don't need spank mags, but thanks.Mar 23 19:27
amd-linuxMS is"investing" heavily in Silverlight adoptionMar 23 19:27
schestowitzIt seems like a validator error: 23 19:27
schestowitzThe CDATA stuff is already doneMar 23 19:27
twitterSo many investments with so little return.Mar 23 19:27
twitterRejoice, all the bankers are saved (again) 23 19:28
twitterThey get trillions in taxpayer money and get to keep everyone's house too.  It's a wonderful life!Mar 23 19:29
amd-linuxif there is one good aspect with regard to silverlight it is the competition - in the end, Adobe finally might open source FlashMar 23 19:29
amd-linuxso far, they at least open up the specsMar 23 19:30
twitterI'd rather see people just use embedded video.Mar 23 19:30
amd-linuxwell but for games and animation this is not enoughMar 23 19:30
twitterGnash is more significant competition.Mar 23 19:30
amd-linuxbrowser games are very popular here in germanyMar 23 19:30
amd-linuxcan not be done without FlashMar 23 19:30
amd-linuxat the momentMar 23 19:30
twitterI see people use them.  Games or freedom, what a choice.Mar 23 19:30
trmanco<video></video> tag is the futureMar 23 19:31
trmancofor videos...Mar 23 19:31
twitterthat will be niceMar 23 19:31
twitterGoogle should get on it first.Mar 23 19:31
amd-linuxI am also looking forward for FF 3.5Mar 23 19:32
schestowitzamd-linux: W3c still complains about <video>Mar 23 19:32
schestowitzI can't validate with itMar 23 19:32
schestowitzAnd now this stupid JS pain.Mar 23 19:32
schestowitzI give upMar 23 19:32
amd-linuxlolMar 23 19:32
schestowitzValidation or not, no broser can fail badly on that.Mar 23 19:32
amd-linuxRoy, you becoming pragmatic? ;-)Mar 23 19:33
schestowitzIt's like I have to feel embarrassed about putting Oggs in the pagesMar 23 19:33
twitterthumbnail + link to movie should be good for everyone.Mar 23 19:33
schestowitzFlash has always been a messMar 23 19:33
schestowitzFor XHTML that isMar 23 19:33
twitterkonqueror does in new tab movies very nicelyMar 23 19:33
_Hicham_2svg is the futureMar 23 19:33
amd-linuxFlash is a resource eaterMar 23 19:33
schestowitzMS hates SVGMar 23 19:33
schestowitzIt refuses to support itMar 23 19:33
_Hicham_2fuck flashMar 23 19:33
twitterfuck M$Mar 23 19:33
schestowitzIt makes proprietary subsMar 23 19:34
amd-linuxf-word? try this: 23 19:34
_Hicham_2viva svgMar 23 19:34
amd-linux;-)Mar 23 19:34
amd-linuxSCNRMar 23 19:34
_Hicham_2viva open sourceMar 23 19:34
trmancololMar 23 19:34
twitterfreedomMar 23 19:34
_Hicham_2there is nothing like freedomMar 23 19:34
amd-linuxworst with Flash are the Flash cookies.... a privacy nightmareMar 23 19:35
_Hicham_2and on Windows, it is a System ServiceMar 23 19:35
twitterniceMar 23 19:35
twitterwhat a serviceMar 23 19:35
trmancoany web scripting language has it's privacy risksMar 23 19:35
_Hicham_2and u know what it means a system serviceMar 23 19:35
amd-linuxonly solution is to link ~/.macromedia to /dev/nulMar 23 19:35
trmancolMar 23 19:36
_Hicham_2twitter : a service that is started by the special user SYSTEMMar 23 19:36
_Hicham_2and it is hiddenMar 23 19:36
schestowitzGoogle knows what people watchMar 23 19:37
schestowitzAdsense/analyticsMar 23 19:37
twitterinteresting.  I actually have an old system with a .macromedia directory.  Must have had flash on it once through Mepis.Mar 23 19:37
twitterrm .macromedia/ -rMar 23 19:38
twitterthat was easyMar 23 19:38
amd-linuxlook through it - you might find all the old pr0n from yrs agoMar 23 19:38
amd-linux;-)Mar 23 19:38
twitterwhat makes you think I lost my porn?Mar 23 19:38
amd-linuxahm.... nothing, sir..Mar 23 19:39
amd-linux;-)Mar 23 19:39
twittercan't ever recall seeing a flash porn site, double ick.Mar 23 19:39
twitterdon't think you can lose .macromedia so easily on WinblowsMar 23 19:40
schestowitz .macromedia/ is not the problemMar 23 19:40
_Hicham_2Windows locks the used filesMar 23 19:40
schestowitzIt's your HDDMar 23 19:40
twitterimagines a multigigabye registry fileMar 23 19:40
schestowitzIt's what's not on your HDD that's an issueMar 23 19:40
amd-linuxno offense intended, just a matte rof fact that porn is one of the most popular contents on the webMar 23 19:40
schestowitzUnless they  can probe tooMar 23 19:40
schestowitzE.g. is Flash can send back the list to othersMar 23 19:40
twitterso can my ISPMar 23 19:41
amd-linux 23 19:41
twitterit is a shame we can not trust people who provide technical servicesMar 23 19:41
*ushimitsudoki has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 23 19:42
twitterGWB made things much worseMar 23 19:42
schestowitzDNA's shapes could give clues to function  < >Mar 23 19:44
_Hicham_2twitter : free services are not really freeMar 23 19:45
_Hicham_2twitter : u r paying in either wayMar 23 19:45
schestowitzSpeaking of privacy: 23 19:45
schestowitzThey should grill the government over its approval of this thing: 23 19:45
_Hicham_2twitter : if u don't pay with money, you will pay with sthg elseMar 23 19:45
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 19:45
twitternot always.  Gnash comes without strings.Mar 23 19:46
schestowitz"Nicholas Hughes hangs himself at his home in Alaska 46 years after his mother gassed herself" < >Mar 23 19:46
schestowitzI wonder if the second Great Depression will raise the suicide levels considerably. This is not good.Mar 23 19:47
twittersuicide/murderMar 23 19:47
schestowitzMight beMar 23 19:49
schestowitz (Filmmaker Releases Film Via All Torrent Sites, Says Pay If You Like It)Mar 23 19:49
schestowitzAnd they try to just kill torrent, don't they...?Mar 23 19:49
amd-linuxthere is a restaurant in London (?) that offers the same - pay if you like it. and you dont believe it they make more money than before, they said on TVMar 23 19:50
amd-linuxbecause people give more than the actual price would have been on the menuMar 23 19:51
amd-linuxhowever that would not work here :_)Mar 23 19:51
amd-linux:-)Mar 23 19:51
schestowitzWhy not in Germany?Mar 23 19:58
schestowitzLondon -- OK. Old London was wealthy in some parts of itMar 23 19:58
schestowitzEast London won't bring the same RoIMar 23 19:58
schestowitz 23 19:59
amd-linuxwell not saying whole of Germany, but my region where I am from is a part of Germany where we say that the Scottish where banned from our regionMar 23 19:59
amd-linuxbecause of luxuryMar 23 19:59
amd-linuxso essentially it is unlikely that many people would pay at allMar 23 20:00
schestowitzamd-linux: I want to find a video to show you.Mar 23 20:00
schestowitzBut I might not find itMar 23 20:00
schestowitzHold on.Mar 23 20:00
amd-linuxthe reataurant?Mar 23 20:01
schestowitzIt's about how black people see white peopleMar 23 20:01
schestowitzVery comical... uses Bavaria as a reference, IIRCMar 23 20:01
schestowitzA friend E-mailed it to meMar 23 20:01
amd-linux:-)Mar 23 20:02
amd-linuxwe have a lot of tourists here, during oktoberfest many english peopleMar 23 20:03
amd-linuxman, are some of them drunkMar 23 20:03
*Balrog has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 23 20:03
amd-linuxbehind the tents of oktoberfest, there is unique smell....Mar 23 20:03
amd-linuxI dont want to go into details :-)Mar 23 20:03
schestowitzI'll check my mail archiveMar 23 20:04
schestowitzI can't find itMar 23 20:04
amd-linuxbut if you find the link pls post it here, I will check the archive tomorrowMar 23 20:04
amd-linuxgotta go now good evening  everybodyMar 23 20:04
*amd-linux has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 23 20:05
*tyche_ (n=craig@ubuntu/member/tyche) has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving...")Mar 23 20:05
schestowitzre: TomTomaginot Line (OIN): "It would seem that the M$ reign of terror is coming to an end. And, it cannot happen to soon enough for me ! " 23 20:09
schestowitzMicrosoft is like the US convoys that try to destroy socialism in South America because it's 'infectious'...... trying to ruin one deployment at a time but failing badly. 23 20:10
MinceRis TomTom winning or something?Mar 23 20:12
schestowitzGiving Microsoft a big PR painMar 23 20:12
schestowitzMS vs OINMar 23 20:12
MinceROIN?Mar 23 20:13
schestowitzNot long from now PearlyG will need to pull Myhrvoltroll out of his sackMar 23 20:13
schestowitzWhen men were men they fought with swordsMar 23 20:13
schestowitzThen they fought with codeMar 23 20:13
schestowitzEnigmaMar 23 20:14
schestowitzNow they fight with pieces of paperMar 23 20:14
schestowitzPatent applications in a pileMar 23 20:14
MinceRm$ doesn't even know what a man isMar 23 20:14
schestowitzThey have twoMar 23 20:15
MinceRwho?Mar 23 20:15
schestowitzWith squeaky voicesMar 23 20:15
schestowitzOne bobs back and fourth like a pigeon and another barks like a CHIWAWAMar 23 20:16
schestowitz"Microsoft is suffering during the financial crisis." 23 20:18
*_Hicham_2 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 23 20:18
schestowitzBe sure to check this one out: 23 20:18
schestowitzFraud at Barclays, brought to you by wikileaksMar 23 20:18
balzacLooks like M$ lawsuit against Tom Tom has gone to the birdsMar 23 20:23
schestowitzYou heard the Enderle shillMar 23 20:26
schestowitzThey wanted a quick settlementMar 23 20:26
schestowitzHe tried to do a favour for his buddies by intimidating TomTomMar 23 20:26
schestowitz"Linux doesn't care about you... you are going out of business, blah blah.."Mar 23 20:27
balzacI just read your top story on BNMar 23 20:27
schestowitzAnd Matt Asay foolishly enough picked the bait from Microsoft and smeared it on the wallsMar 23 20:27
schestowitz*LOL*Mar 23 20:27
schestowitzIt's like with kids whom you tell not to play with Pooh... or EndereMar 23 20:27
balzacThey've licensed with OIN so M$ can't shake them down. Isn't that a correct reading of it?Mar 23 20:27
schestowitzWe'll see later. IANAL.Mar 23 20:28
balzacAnd they're counter-suing MS, right?Mar 23 20:28
schestowitz 23 20:28
balzacIANAL = I am not a lawyerMar 23 20:29
twitterI'm starting a predatory lending blog.  Links to interesting analysis will be appreciated 23 20:29
balzacIf the blogger formerly known as "Wonkette" says "IANAL" she might be talking about something else.Mar 23 20:30
schestowitzShe adds nothing significant, IMHOMar 23 20:30
schestowitztwitter: aren't they *all* predatory?Mar 23 20:31
MinceRschestowitz: those squeaky things don't sound like men :>Mar 23 20:31
balzacexcept for some salacious and funny commentsMar 23 20:31
schestowitzIt's like "funny clown"Mar 23 20:31
schestowitzOr "smelly pig"Mar 23 20:31
balzacVenezuela's Chavez calls Obama "ignoramus"Mar 23 20:32
balzac 23 20:32
balzachehehMar 23 20:32
schestowitzMinceR: bull. He's a grown bull... at least physically. Thinks like a 5 year ols thoughMar 23 20:32
schestowitzbalzac: bravo to himMar 23 20:32
balzacChavez is probably the only guy who can talk trash about Obama and suffer no loss of stature as a result.Mar 23 20:33
schestowitzI posted this here in the afternoonMar 23 20:33
schestowitzYesMar 23 20:33
schestowitzI like ChavezMar 23 20:33
schestowitzDid you know he recommends Chomsky's writings? To the UK assembly even.Mar 23 20:33
balzacYeah, I said on my DailyKos blog that Chavez was my president back in 2006.Mar 23 20:33
balzacnot under a pseudonymMar 23 20:33
balzacyepMar 23 20:33
schestowitzIt's not Obama's faultMar 23 20:34
schestowitzIt's not his fault that he's ignorasmus. They make him that way. gnorasms make 'good' leaders, more like front men. No knowledge, no consciousness.Mar 23 20:34
schestowitzLike in 1984, "ignorance is strength"Mar 23 20:35
balzacWell, I'm pretty happy about Obama, except that I am definitely not ok with the predator drones in Pakistan.Mar 23 20:35
schestowitzWhen Owell worked at the BBC he spoke about how they deliberately told lies -- "propaganda", not informationMar 23 20:35
balzacThankfully, he's talking about exit-plan from AfghanistanMar 23 20:35
schestowitzHe actually said that, when working for them, maybe afterwards.Mar 23 20:35
schestowitzTalk is cheapMar 23 20:36
balzacindeedMar 23 20:36
*_Hicham_1 (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 23 20:36
balzacObama should have made Kucinich head of the DOJMar 23 20:36
schestowitzHeh.Mar 23 20:36
schestowitzYeah...Mar 23 20:36
schestowitzOr JacksonMar 23 20:37
schestowitzHe said the truth and got cannedMar 23 20:37
schestowitzhe said Microsoft needed to face criminal chargesMar 23 20:37
balzacJackson from the MS case.Mar 23 20:37
schestowitzHe also called them "criminals"Mar 23 20:37
schestowitzSaid the truth b asicallyMar 23 20:37
schestowitzLike ChavezMar 23 20:37
schestowitzSaying the truth gets one in troubleMar 23 20:37
schestowitzWe're meant to recite consensusMar 23 20:37
schestowitzbalzac: Penfield yeah..Mar 23 20:37
balzacwell, I'd say deputy AG for Judge Jackson. Prosecuting Bush is a just little bit more of a high priority than prosecuting MS.Mar 23 20:38
schestowitzNewspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable < > Old journalism is dying.Mar 23 20:38
balzacProsecuting Microsoft is way down the list. There's about 100+ members of congress who should go to jail first.Mar 23 20:39
balzacBut I'm glad Jackson put criminal charges on the table for that case.Mar 23 20:39
schestowitzSplitting MicrosoftMar 23 20:39
schestowitzYou know what happened then, right?Mar 23 20:40
schestowitzGWB came into the house (haus!)Mar 23 20:40
balzacThe "Supreme" court over-ruled the election results and Bush over-ruled Penfield.Mar 23 20:40
schestowitzSo it's all connected. Microsoft contributes a lot to candidates in more than one way.Mar 23 20:40
schestowitzTheft of the election is another thingMar 23 20:41
schestowitzSad for the United StatesMar 23 20:41
schestowitzWhich is apt at slamming the elections at other countries.Mar 23 20:41
_Hicham_1the United States is a bad example for the worldMar 23 20:42
balzacBeer Hall Butsch took over der Vite HausMar 23 20:42
schestowitz KY Election Officials Arrested, Charged With 'Changing Votes at E-Voting Machines'< >Mar 23 20:42
schestowitz_Hicham_1: which is a good example in your eyes?Mar 23 20:43
_Hicham_1balzac : I will vote for u to be the president of the US :DMar 23 20:43
schestowitzI think Finland has the least corruption?Mar 23 20:43
_Hicham_1Roy : Scandinavian countriesMar 23 20:43
_Hicham_1Roy : exactlyMar 23 20:43
_Hicham_1u got itMar 23 20:43
balzac_Hicham_1: thanks, but I'd prefer to remain in the private sector.Mar 23 20:43
_Hicham_1there is no better democracy than in Scandinavian countriesMar 23 20:44
balzacMaybe you can help me as an entrepreneur instead.Mar 23 20:44
_Hicham_1is ur business going well?Mar 23 20:44
balzacwww.disruptech.comMar 23 20:44
balzacLike Steve Ballmer screamed "Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers!"Mar 23 20:45
balzacThat's what I need to get my business moving.Mar 23 20:45
_Hicham_1it is said that MS is developer centricMar 23 20:46
schestowitzYes, they rely on developersMar 23 20:46
_Hicham_1is that true Roy?Mar 23 20:46
schestowitzCentric means what here?Mar 23 20:47
schestowitzThey they rely on free labourMar 23 20:47
schestowitzAnd if you succeed like Netscape, then they steal your businessMar 23 20:47
schestowitz"cut the air supply"Mar 23 20:47
schestowitzDevelopers know to well to stay away from Microsoft.. It's a predator.Mar 23 20:47
schestowitzThey are happy as long as your software increases Microsoft sales, e.g. WindowsMar 23 20:48
_Hicham_1that means here that it is the developers who take decisionsMar 23 20:48
_Hicham_1not pure managersMar 23 20:48
schestowitzKind of like Bush.... Iraq is cool, as long as it bring home the oil (or bacon)Mar 23 20:48
schestowitzIt's a natural tendency for corporations and nationsMar 23 20:48
schestowitzNations ARE corporationsMar 23 20:48
_Hicham_1Iraq is fucked while the world was watchingMar 23 20:49
schestowitzIn most modern nations the companies run the nationMar 23 20:49
schestowitzAdverttise the candidatesMar 23 20:49
schestowitzLinux is Switzerland statusMar 23 20:49
schestowitzSafe for developersMar 23 20:49
schestowitzWindodw sis notMar 23 20:49
schestowitzWhich is why FOSS devs should be warned about becoming vassals to WindowsMar 23 20:49
_Hicham_1Roy : Windows is safer for developersMar 23 20:50
_Hicham_1it brings a lot of moneyMar 23 20:50
schestowitzTo whom?Mar 23 20:50
_Hicham_1to developersMar 23 20:50
schestowitzThere are a lot of competition there.Mar 23 20:50
_Hicham_1Windows is taking over 95% of the desktopMar 23 20:50
schestowitzIt's not as though making AutoCAD cross platform would mean less moneyMar 23 20:50
schestowitzNot 95%Mar 23 20:50
schestowitzLess than 90%Mar 23 20:50
_Hicham_1how much?Mar 23 20:51
schestowitzDesktop onluMar 23 20:51
_Hicham_1are u sure?Mar 23 20:51
schestowitz*lyMar 23 20:51
schestowitzYes, pretty much soMar 23 20:51
_Hicham_1yes, desktopMar 23 20:51
_Hicham_1very muchMar 23 20:51
_Hicham_1so commercial apps will still go WindowsMar 23 20:51
schestowitzGNU/Linux is big in countries other than the US, UK, AU...Mar 23 20:51
schestowitzThere's WineMar 23 20:51
_Hicham_1especially GamesMar 23 20:51
schestowitzSome test it for wine compatibilityMar 23 20:51
schestowitzConsolesMar 23 20:51
_Hicham_1not the same performanceMar 23 20:51
schestowitzFor gamesMar 23 20:51
MinceRconsoles suckMar 23 20:52
schestowitzYesMar 23 20:52
schestowitzLike people who spend 100 hrs/wee gamingMar 23 20:52
_Hicham_1that is not how game developers are gonna be attractedMar 23 20:52
balzac_Hicham_1: I'm quite interested in game-developmentMar 23 20:53
_Hicham_1Roy : games and porn are the main uses of computersMar 23 20:53
_Hicham_1and u know thatMar 23 20:53
balzacThere will be big changes with all the proprietary software and high-end hardware driversMar 23 20:53
balzacGames are going to be liberated and it's going to be a body-blow to Microsoft when that industry reaches the tipping-point towards being based on FOSS.Mar 23 20:54
_Hicham_1gamers are not very patientMar 23 20:54
_Hicham_1not with what is it like todayMar 23 20:54
balzacgamers - I don't concern myself with the gamers who don't care about software freedom.Mar 23 20:54
balzacthey are the market-share to be harvested from proprietary game companies, but I won't waste time trying to make them care. I just want to make great games which captivate them.Mar 23 20:55
_Hicham_1balzac : if we want to combat microsoft , we should concern ourselves about gamers, and movie watchersMar 23 20:55
_Hicham_1to captivate people, u must make things easyMar 23 20:55
balzacbut I have lots of ambition and not much else.Mar 23 20:55
_Hicham_1kinda Ubuntu likeMar 23 20:55
schestowitzFrench police switch from Windows to Linux < >Mar 23 20:55
_Hicham_1i know balzacMar 23 20:56
_Hicham_1i like ur website by the wayMar 23 20:56
balzacthanksMar 23 20:56
_Hicham_1did u design it by urself?Mar 23 20:56
balzacIt's the acquia Marina theme, but I wrote the content and made the slide show you see.Mar 23 20:57
schestowitz_Hicham_1: mint handles media OK. PCLOS likewiseMar 23 20:57
schestowitzSo media is not a big issueMar 23 20:57
schestowitzMyth ratherMar 23 20:57
balzac_Hicham_1: what is your area of expertise?Mar 23 20:57
balzacplease msg me about itMar 23 20:57
_Hicham_1balzac : i dont have an area exactlyMar 23 20:59
balzacwell, let's discuss briefly anywayMar 23 20:59
_Hicham_1balzac : do u use the xmlsitemap module?Mar 23 20:59
balzacnot yetMar 23 20:59
balzaccheck pmMar 23 20:59
schestowitzIs Ballmer conceding victory to Linux Netbooks? < > Dumping software = losingMar 23 21:03
schestowitzThere are many rebuttals to a troll article. This is foolish. I personally thinks it's better not to feed the trolls from IDG. They'll carry on provoking Firefox users for traffic if you feed them.Mar 23 21:12
schestowitzAnother pusher for assimilating all Linux users..... making them more like Windows, so what would be achieved? Centralizing Linux < >Mar 23 21:22
twittertalk of nationalization, -> “It would possibly be cheaper to nationalize the banks, get new management and sell the assets off, rather than heavily subsidize or bribe asset managers into taking part in this program,” said Windheim, whose firm manages $1.7 billion in assets. “It’s the same managers who got us into the financial mess who are now going to benefit.”Mar 23 21:28
twitter 23 21:28
twittergoing to look at Ballmer's defeatMar 23 21:29
trmancotakes it's time to load the page :|Mar 23 21:30
trmancoah, finallyMar 23 21:30
twitterha ha, Ballmer is wrong on two counts.  First, the supposed $500 for the Apple logo is worth it because the computer works - that's not something that can be said for Vista.Mar 23 21:31
twittersecond, the $500 difference is not visible on M$ laptops anyway.  for that, you have to get a GNU/Linux laptop which also happens to work.Mar 23 21:31
MinceRlet's not get carried away with the superlatives nowMar 23 21:32
MinceRnext time you're going to say that a usable apple product existsMar 23 21:32
twitterCompare Dell's luxury laptop to Mac's Air.  The Dell cost more, but both are $2000 computersMar 23 21:32
schestowitzKDE4/QT4 client for and twitter: 23 21:32
twitterApple makes things that are usable, but not things that are free.Mar 23 21:33
trmancoI have to agree with twitterMar 23 21:33
schestowitz“It would possibly be cheaper to nationalize the banks, get new management and sell the assets off" 23 21:34
MinceRcomparing a dell to a mac is like trying to decide which piece of turd is betterMar 23 21:35
schestowitzIn a wayMar 23 21:35
schestowitzMac vs PC = cock fightMar 23 21:35
trmancololMar 23 21:35
schestowitzAddresses nothing about real changesMar 23 21:35
MinceRi'd specify it more as "windows pc"Mar 23 21:35
schestowitzLike choosing which deathMar 23 21:35
schestowitzBoth cocks (roosters) peck at each otherMar 23 21:35
schestowitzAnd harm usersMar 23 21:36
schestowitzMocking one another tooMar 23 21:36
schestowitzBribing politiciansMar 23 21:36
schestowitzSpending billions on imposed stupidityMar 23 21:36
schestowitz(advertising)Mar 23 21:36
schestowitzLinux doesn't do this spielMar 23 21:36
trmancoand blinding each otherMar 23 21:36
schestowitzAnd it works really, really well.Mar 23 21:36
twittersure but the M$ side is completely idiotic because their crap ends up costing more and never works.Mar 23 21:36
twitterEvery M$ argument against software freedom is provided better by Apple.Mar 23 21:37
schestowitzroy@baine:~$ uptimeMar 23 21:37
schestowitz 21:17:00 up 56 days, 11:18,  2 users,  load average: 0.28, 0.20, 0.17Mar 23 21:37
twitteryou have reliable power, Roy.Mar 23 21:37
schestowitzYes, admittedlyMar 23 21:37
trmancoyeah...Mar 23 21:37
schestowitzNo need to UPSMar 23 21:37
twittermy laptops look like that.Mar 23 21:37
trmancoI need to get myself a UPSMar 23 21:37
schestowitzIn certain areas the supply is more erratic for gegraphical reasonsMar 23 21:38
schestowitzLike stormsMar 23 21:38
twitterI have UPS but it only works for an hour or so before I have to put my systems down.Mar 23 21:38
twitterThe fault here is ratty utility linesMar 23 21:38
schestowitzStorms don't help, do they?Mar 23 21:38
schestowitzIt's hard to keep it in check and rebuild I imagine....Mar 23 21:39
trmancoyeah, but it's better than cutting you computer/system power, directlyMar 23 21:39
twitterOut of state contractors were shocked at the poor quality of work they were told to re create after the last hurricane.Mar 23 21:39
trmancoa 15 minute ups system would be great for meMar 23 21:39
_Hicham_1trmanco : it is cheap thenMar 23 21:39
twitterIt's really a pain in the ass to have to shell into my boxes and shut them down.Mar 23 21:39
schestowitzFlameheadline: Is Linux only for the poor? < >Mar 23 21:39
_Hicham_1a 15 min UPS is less than a $100Mar 23 21:40
trmancoyeah I knowMar 23 21:40
twitterthe real benefit is isolating the systems from wild swings as the lines go up and down.Mar 23 21:40
schestowitzI can recall outages in 2006Mar 23 21:41
schestowitzUsually it uninterrupted for years.Mar 23 21:42
trmancopower in my area sucks, with heavy rain are a little of thunder, the power lines will get unstableMar 23 21:42
trmancoor*Mar 23 21:42
schestowitzThe European Commission replied again today only to confirm that it's willing to shoot itself in the footMar 23 21:46
twitterChris Dawson .... Windows user writing about GNU/Linux.  Why do magazines do that?Mar 23 21:46
twitter"we still largely use Windows and OS X, despite my fondness for Linux.  We’ve been granted the funding to do so in the last couple of years and my primary goal has been instructional integration of computing, rather than worrying about training for a Linux roll out"Mar 23 21:46
twitterWTF?  Better to do that "training" now than be forced to do it with Vista.Mar 23 21:46
schestowitzThey don't respect their own instructions or directives.Mar 23 21:47
schestowitztwitter: Dawson is OKMar 23 21:47
schestowitzI used to slam him blindly for a short whole only because I confused him with Marc WagnerMar 23 21:47
schestowitzThey shared the "education" blogMar 23 21:47
schestowitzThere's a colleague of his who's a sucker for Microsoft and Linux haterMar 23 21:48
schestowitzDawson is kind of fanboyishMar 23 21:48
twitterI'm not slamming him, only commenting on the fact that the magazine needs to have a GNU/Linux desktop user writing about GNU/LinuxMar 23 21:48
schestowitzNothing breaking... just jingling Linux banal stuff.Mar 23 21:48
twitterHe's also swallowed the "training" lie.Mar 23 21:48
schestowitzWhich?Mar 23 21:48
schestowitzZDNET?Mar 23 21:49
schestowitzInherently corruptMar 23 21:49
twitterSee above quote for training lie, which he's used for his own planning.Mar 23 21:49
schestowitzThe only Linux user they have there AFAIK is Zonker and he's with MS/NovellMar 23 21:49
twitterEeeek!Mar 23 21:49
schestowitzWTF is this site?Mar 23 21:50
schestowitzUbuntu haters?Mar 23 21:50
schestowitz 23 21:50
schestowitzUbuntard?Mar 23 21:50
schestowitzIt's a new siteMar 23 21:50
twitterniceMar 23 21:51
schestowitz 23 21:51
schestowitzTrolls.Mar 23 21:51
schestowitzWell, I don't know why Susan fed 'emMar 23 21:51
trmancojust rm -fr thatMar 23 21:53
twitterthere was a site offering awful Debian Administration advice.  had debian in the url tooMar 23 21:53
schestowitz "Both features will be available with KDE 4.3. Have fun!"Mar 23 21:53
twittercoolMar 23 21:54
trmanco 23 22:47
schestowitzOOXML Assim Não!Mar 23 22:50
trmanco:)Mar 23 22:50
trmancomakes perfect senseMar 23 22:50
trmanco(your phrase)Mar 23 22:51
MinceRgnMar 23 22:54
trmanco?Mar 23 22:55
MinceRgood nightMar 23 23:02
trmancoah ok, gn to you tooMar 23 23:04
schestowitzgn=gnome. He's logging off kde and coming back in a minuteMar 23 23:06
trmancololMar 23 23:11
MinceR:/Mar 23 23:13
_Hicham_1OOXML pisses me offMar 23 23:37
schestowitzCorruption *is* annoying, esp. when others turn a cold shoulder to itMar 23 23:38
balzac_Hicham_1: why no email?Mar 23 23:48
_Hicham_1my email?Mar 23 23:54

Recent Techrights' Posts

Free Software Foundation's Miriam Bastian: We Surpassed Our Year-end Goal of $400,000 USD Thanks to You!
Miriam Bastian: We surpassed our year-end goal of $400,000 USD!
Red Hat Offers DRM, TPM, and Backed Doored 'Confidential' Containers (CoCo) for Microsoft (Proprietary Spyware)
No kidding!
Links 22/01/2025: Jeju Air Blame-Shifting (Talk to the Wall), Copyright Maximalism Rebounds
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[Meme] The 'Garbage in, Garbage Out' Patent Office
"law of the buzzword"
Clueless and Nontechnical EPO Management Uses the 'Great Scam' (Hey Hi Hype) to Justify Automation Where It's Both Detrimental and Illegal
The EPC has been practically set aflame; thus, the EPO has no legitimacy or reason to exist anymore
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The Japanese translation of the term "free software"
by Akira Urushibata
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Dr. Andy Farnell's Latest Article About Software Freedom and Richard Stallman
why Dr. Stallman is being picked on
Geminispace (Gemini Protocol) Offers an Escape From Social Control Networks Owned by Oligarchs and Governments
Gemini capsules that promote fascism and retreat to feudalism are rare and scarce
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Has Formally Added an Outreach and Communications Coordinator
Maybe the addition happened last year (we mentioned it in passing), but now it's in the "rota"
Electronic Frontier Foundation: Fighting 'for the Poor and Powerless' While Taking Home $336,000 in Annual Salary
nowadays works for or serves not the interests of the masses
Of Note: The Misguided, Infiltrated, Weakened Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Now Operating at a Loss of Over a Million Dollars
Worst since the COVID-19 lockdowns
[Meme] Omit Microsoft When It's a Scandal or a Breach, Whereupon It Becomes Just an 'IT Company'
Microsoft is like a cult. Members of this cult promote the opposite of security, expecting to be financially rewarded for it.
Calling Out Windows (TCO) is Apparently Impermissible in Some News Sites
The online news sites are failing us (and corporate sponsors play a role)
Richard Stallman's Remarks on His Pain
Published two days ago
Focusing on the Issues
we'll do our best to find the news and not talk about "Mr. T"
Only About 3.6% of Web Users in Pakistan Use Vista 11, According to statCounter
It's not hard to see why so far in 2025 Microsoft has already had several waves of mass layoffs - more than any other company
Rumour: In IBM, Impending "25% Reduction in Finance Roles"
25% to be laid off?
[Meme] Fake Articles From (Just Googlebombing "Linux" With LLM Slop)
Google should really just entirely delist that site Written by Microsoft Staff, Promoting Microsoft' Proprietary Software That Does Not Even Run on Linux!
This is this week...
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Fake 'Article' by Brittany Day (Guardian Digital, Inc) About Linux Mint 22.1 'Xia'
Apparently they've convinced themselves that this is OK
Red Hat Dumps "Inclusive Language", Puts "Master" In Official Communications and Headlines
Red Hat: you CANNOT say "master" (because it is racist). Also Red Hat: we put in it our headlines.
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, January 21, 2025
IRC logs for Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Gemini Links 21/01/2025: Media Provocations and Nazis Not Tolerated
Links for the day
[Meme] Plagiarism Does Not Eliminate Jobs by Replacing Humans, It Replaces Human Knowledge With False Cruft
We need to boycott sites that fake their output
Slopwatch: BetaNews Plagiarism and LLM Slop by UNIXMen
"state-of-the-art" plagiarism
What Fedora, OpenSUSE, and Debian Elections Teach Us About the State of Weak (or Fake) Communities
They show a total lack of trust in these communities
[Meme] Doing Dog's Job (Not God's Job)
The FSF did not advertise the talk by RMS (its founder), who spoke in France almost exactly 23 hours ago
Links 21/01/2025: Mass Layoffs in "Security" at Microsoft (Despite Microsoft Promising It Would Improve After Many Megabreaches), Skype is Dead (Quietly)
Links for the day
Alternate Version of Daniel Pocock's 2024 Talk, "Technology in European Parliament Election Campaign"
There's loud ovation at the end of the talk
Gemini Links 21/01/2025: London Library, Kobo Sage, and Beyerdynamic DT 48 E
Links for the day
The January 20 Public Talk by Richard Stallman (Around Midday ET), Livestream 'Assassinated' by Google's YouTube
our guess is that the 'cancel mob' sabotaged it, possibly by making a lot of false reports to YouTube
[Meme] Free Software and Socially-Engineered Groupthink (to Serve Big Sponsors Like Google and Microsoft)
They do this to RMS all the time
[Video] Daniel Pocock's Public Talk About Free Software Politics, Social Engineering, Debian Deaths and Suicides, Coercion and Exploitation of Women
took many months to get
BetaNews Cannot Survive If Its Fake Articles Are Just SPAM for Companies Like AOHi and Aren't Even Composed by Humans
This is what domains or former "news" sites do when they die and look very desperately for "another way"
Pocock shot in the face, shot in the back, shot on Hitler's birthday saving France, Belgium and FOSDEM
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Dr Richard Stallman in Montpellier, Robert Edward Ernest Pocock in France
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, January 20, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, January 20, 2025
Links 20/01/2025: Conflict, Climate, and More
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Gemini Links 20/01/2025: Conflicted Feelings and Politics
Links for the day
Daniel Pocock's ClueCon 2024 Presentation Was Also Streamed Live in YouTube and Later Removed by Google, Citing "Copyrights". Now It's Back.
The talk covers social control media, Debian, politics, and more
Google 'Cancels' RMS
Is the talk happening?
Microsoft Revisionism Debunked by Microsoft's Own Words About “the Failure of OS/2”
The Register on “the failure of OS/2”
Improving Daily Links by Culling Spam, Chaff, and LLM Slop
the Web is getting worse
Links 20/01/2025: Indonesia to Prevents Kids' Access to Social Control Media (Addiction and Worse), Climate News Catchuo
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[Meme] EPO Targets
Targets mean nothing if or when you measure the wrong thing
EPO Union Says Monopoly-Granting Targets at EPO "Difficult to Achieve Without Compromising [Staff] Health, Personal Time or the Quality of the Final Products" (Products as in Monopolies, Not Real Products)
To those of us (over 99.999% of people impacted by this) who do not work at the EPO the misuse of words like "products" (monopolies are not products) should be disturbing
The EPO is Nowadays Trying to Trick Staff Into Settling Instead of Solving the Underlying Problems of Corruption and Injustice
This seems like a classic case of "divide-and-rule" or using misled/weak people to harm the whole group (or "the village")
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Gemini Links 20/01/2025: Magnetic Fields, NixOS, and Pleroma
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BetaNews Spreads Donald Trump Propaganda, Promotes Scams, and Publishes Fake 'Articles' About "Linux"
This is typical BetaNews
Richard Stallman 'Unveils' His January 20 Talk in Montpellier, France
It's free (gratis)
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, January 19, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, January 19, 2025