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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 24th, 2009 - Part 1


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tessier_The guy was paid 4M but what about the remaining charge in the SEC investigation?Apr 24 00:01
schestowitzMicrosoft "settled"Apr 24 00:02
schestowitzTranslation: Microsoft bribes them to sod off.Apr 24 00:03
schestowitzNovell did this too when investors charged them with fraudApr 24 00:03
schestowitzVery common because the SEC is corruptibleApr 24 00:03
tessier_I'm not sure paying a fine for doing a wrong is the same as bribing someone. I got a speeding ticket 9 months ago and paid a fine and the issue went away. Did I bribe the government?Apr 24 00:03
tessier_I do think that perhaps the fine needed to be much bigger though. And if MS were still doing this it would be in the SEC's interest to continue to pursue it to collect ever bigger fines/bribes.Apr 24 00:04
schestowitztessier: it was never concludedApr 24 00:05
schestowitzMicrosoft promised not to so it again and paid the SEC after paying Charlie to destory evidenceApr 24 00:05
MinceRgnApr 24 00:06
schestowitztessier: read this too: 24 00:07
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 00:12
oiaohmI guess you did the maths on what would happen if MS has equal drop in profits next cycle.  They started at about 4.5 they are now 3.   So same loss again is half.Apr 24 00:14
schestowitzYes, I know.Apr 24 00:17
schestowitzThey hide the severityApr 24 00:17
schestowitzA lot of people fall for their trapApr 24 00:17
oiaohmIts worseApr 24 00:18
oiaohmLook at orcale about 50 percent of there costs are development.Apr 24 00:18
oiaohmSame with most other tech companies.Apr 24 00:18
oiaohmOnly about 1/4 of MS costs are development.Apr 24 00:18
oiaohmIe 50 percent of Orcales revune stream goes into development.Apr 24 00:19
oiaohmIf MS trys to do that they will go backwards.Apr 24 00:19
schestowitzThey don't want to collaboateApr 24 00:20
schestowitzThey want their precious 'IP'Apr 24 00:20
oiaohmOrcale does nto collaborate on key projects either.Apr 24 00:23
oiaohmProblem here is if you are not spending the money on you products to make good products everyone gets lemons.Apr 24 00:24
oiaohmMS puts way too much into marketing.   Think how little you hear from Orcales marketing department.   The dependablity sells Oracle.Apr 24 00:24
tessier_Way too much into marketing? Seems like it has served them quite well so far.Apr 24 00:28
tessier_You don't hear much from Oracle because you aren't a target for Oracle's product.Apr 24 00:29
tessier_It's not something an individual would ever buy.Apr 24 00:29
tessier_I do see Oracle ads in the CIO magazines though.Apr 24 00:29
tessier_Although I try hard not to read such crap. You end up running across them occasionally.Apr 24 00:29
oiaohmLook at the CIO magazines again.  MS places more on adverage.Apr 24 00:33
tessier_Their product has a much broader base.Apr 24 00:33
tessier_And MS doesn't really compete with Oracle. I don't know of anyone who seriously considers SQL Server on the high end.Apr 24 00:33
oiaohmYep MS spends money on full page ads saying that.Apr 24 00:34
oiaohmMS marketing spends ages trying to make people believe stuff that is not true.Apr 24 00:34
tessier_YepApr 24 00:34
oiaohmThat makes lots and lots of there marketing spending not effective.Apr 24 00:35
oiaohmYou do need a good product to sell or you just waste money.Apr 24 00:35
oiaohmGood product request the investment in it.  MS is really not doing.Apr 24 00:36
schestowitzWow.Apr 24 00:37
schestowitz"The "Windows division" brought 2.5/2.98 = 84% of the total profits. € [I Apr 24 00:37
schestowitzthink maybe they should have said "Client division".]"Apr 24 00:37
schestowitzSo it's true that almost all the income still comes from VERY few productsApr 24 00:38
oiaohmWait for the full sheet.Apr 24 00:40
Balrogschestowitz: about mononono / gentoo, I think I have a solutionApr 24 00:40
oiaohm13 billion total profit from things.Apr 24 00:40
oiaohm 24 00:41
oiaohmOk orcales is 22 billion revenue before you start cutting bit out.Apr 24 00:42
schestowitzoiaohm: I will do a detailed breakdown int he weekendApr 24 00:42
oiaohm13 billion revenue.Apr 24 00:42
schestowitzYes, not the sameApr 24 00:42
schestowitzAnd now confirmedApr 24 00:42
schestowitzYou can also buy and sell your own stockApr 24 00:42
schestowitzYou can buy companies to inherit their revenenueApr 24 00:42
schestowitzStill, not profitApr 24 00:42
schestowitzNovell operates at a loss, stilApr 24 00:42
schestowitzBut it has /revenue/Apr 24 00:43
schestowitzAll companies have positive revenueApr 24 00:43
oiaohmPoint here to kill a company completely you want to take out there revenue untill there costs are larger.Apr 24 00:43
oiaohmrevenue break down is handy to work out where to hit.Apr 24 00:44
oiaohmAlso MS profit problems will make it extreamly hard to delay windows 7.Apr 24 00:45
oiaohmThey have already delayed there office line.Apr 24 00:45
schestowitzoiaohm: but they try to earn from patentsApr 24 00:46
schestowitzWhich makes me sighApr 24 00:46
schestowitzThey get suedApr 24 00:46
schestowitzWith sw patentsApr 24 00:46
schestowitzLike that Aussie who will get half a million AUD with just one patentApr 24 00:46
schestowitz*halt a billionApr 24 00:46
schestowitzoiaohm: Mat 5th it's RC for Vista 7Apr 24 00:47
schestowitzThey rush itApr 24 00:47
oiaohmVista 7 exploding back in there face is going to be a nightmare for them.Apr 24 00:47
oiaohmSecond wave of the netbook attack is also going to cause MS nightmares.Apr 24 00:48
oiaohmGoogle is even lining up a third wave.  mips processors.Apr 24 00:49
oiaohmSplit the market into 3 processor chips.Apr 24 00:49
oiaohmSome mips chips are scary 64 processors in a single chip.Apr 24 00:50
schestowitzARM...Apr 24 00:52
schestowitzInteresting choiceApr 24 00:52
schestowitzBallmer et al expressed fear of it several timesApr 24 00:53
schestowitzGet your XP netbook ($500) that runs for 4 hours or Android MID ($300 or subsidised) which runs for 12 hoursApr 24 00:53
oiaohmarm mips and x86Apr 24 00:53
*mib_dqceza (i=c352a48c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 00:53
oiaohmProblem is both arm and mips are very power effective.Apr 24 00:54
oiaohmAlso very cheep to make.Apr 24 00:54
oiaohmWe are seeing the computer world pre MS return.Apr 24 00:54
BalrogPSP has both ARM and MIPSApr 24 00:56
tessier_I'm really looking forward ARM eating MS's lunch on netbooks and then workstations as Linux gets more traction...Apr 24 00:57
tessier_Anything but x86 would be disaster for MS. They simply can't port.Apr 24 00:58
tessier_They could port the OS with great effort but then all of the apps etc...Apr 24 00:58
tessier_This is why source based software distribution and platform agnosticism is a very good thing. C's portability is why UNIX spread so widely.Apr 24 00:58
oiaohmNT was designed to ported.Apr 24 00:59
schestowitzMortgage bubble has not burst yet: 24 00:59
oiaohmProblem is not porting the OS tessier_  its the applications.Apr 24 01:01
oiaohmReason why MS is so desperate to get developers using .net.Apr 24 01:01
tessier_ExactlyApr 24 01:01
tessier_Linux/UNIX applications are C and have been running on many platforms and are easily ported. Windows not soApr 24 01:01
oiaohmNative Linux binarys wrong platform also kinda work.Apr 24 01:01
oiaohmqemu cpu emulation.Apr 24 01:02
oiaohmMS does not have that trick up selve either.Apr 24 01:02
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 01:02
schestowitzthe fuller video (must watch): 24 01:10
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 24 01:22
schestowitzAnother one: Watch the criminal at the endApr 24 01:22
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 01:22
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 24 01:23
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 01:23
oiaohmSecound wave is going to be problems.Apr 24 01:24
schestowitzI thought it would be neglect of USDApr 24 01:26
oiaohmWho buy the expensive items.Apr 24 01:26
oiaohmSecound wave hits them.Apr 24 01:26
*mib_dqceza has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 24 01:26
schestowitzWall Street - Michael Douglas 'Greed is Good' 24 01:29
oiaohmEepApr 24 01:34
schestowitzLook at the BS -- focusing only on PERSONAL issues, bot POLICIES (land of Hollywood): 24 01:34
oiaohmThose credit default swaps are illegal here.Apr 24 01:34
schestowitzI can imagineApr 24 01:37
schestowitzWill the Obamas end it?Apr 24 01:37
schestowitzOr will they talk about pizzas and apartment rather than stopping corruption and quitting other people countries (empire)?Apr 24 01:38
oiaohmCredit default swaps would fall under our fraud laws.Apr 24 01:38
oiaohmFalse repsentation.Apr 24 01:39
oiaohmSomeone really need to take a close look at USA laws.Apr 24 01:39
schestowitz 24 01:39
schestowitzoiaohm: yeah, I'm sure Michelle will have a look at it... with Laura Bush over tea...Apr 24 01:40
*magentar has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 24 01:40
oiaohmI still remember one group selling so call protection.  Got done here for not being a regestered insurance company.Apr 24 01:40
oiaohmOur laws are warped at times.Apr 24 01:41
oiaohmAustralian laws and Usa laws are linked in places.  The fraud section comes out of the laws we got from UK.Apr 24 01:43
oiaohmSo USA could have the same laws sitting there not used.Apr 24 01:43
oiaohmUK would also be advistable to look at there laws as well because credit swaps most likely are happening there as well.Apr 24 01:45
schestowitzPossiblyApr 24 01:49
schestowitzLondon is assimilated to quarters like NYTApr 24 01:50
schestowitzThe effect on that region was the sameApr 24 01:50
schestowitzI could find a video about that tooApr 24 01:50
schestowitzBut I've had enough politics for one day :-)Apr 24 01:50
schestowitz 24 01:50
oiaohmOur HIH splat here got our laws checked.Apr 24 01:51
oiaohmThe directorors of HIH spent time in jail over doing credit default swaps.Apr 24 01:52
oiaohmInstead of calling them what they were insurance.Apr 24 01:52
oiaohmAvoiding regulation in place is not tollerated here.Apr 24 01:53
amarsh04local news *headlines* mentioned ms' 34 percent profit dropApr 24 01:53
oiaohmNumbers are importnat.Apr 24 01:53
oiaohmSame drop again would be half next time.Apr 24 01:53
oiaohmMS is getting close the location of Windows 7 don't work they are in hell.Apr 24 01:54
schestowitzHIH=?Apr 24 01:55
oiaohm  << schestowitzApr 24 01:55
schestowitz32%, not 34%Apr 24 01:56
oiaohmA australian insurance company that is no more schestowitzApr 24 01:56
schestowitzOKApr 24 01:56
oiaohmHit us back in the 1990~Apr 24 01:56
oiaohmAlmsot completely stuffed everything.Apr 24 01:56
oiaohmThere were basicallly insurance for everything.Apr 24 01:56
oiaohmGoverment had to do special expections to the requirement to third party car/truck insurance to delay some of the effect.Apr 24 01:58
oiaohmSo far USA transport system has not been hit.Apr 24 01:58
schestowitzI see Microsoft people panicking tonightApr 24 01:59
schestowitzTrying to cite the wrong figuresApr 24 01:59
oiaohmNot quite enough fear yet.Apr 24 02:02
oiaohmMS has not hit the secound wave of netbooks yet.Apr 24 02:02
oiaohmThey are starting to see there world coming apart.Apr 24 02:03
*MinceR_ (n=mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 02:03
oiaohmMS will have no option soon bar to cut online services free.Apr 24 02:05
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 02:05
*silentivm has quit ("leaving")Apr 24 02:05
twitterhi hoApr 24 02:06
schestowitzback in a minute...Apr 24 02:06
twittercoolApr 24 02:06
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Apr 24 02:10:14 2009
*Now talking on #boycottnovellApr 24 02:10
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Apr 24 02:10
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Apr 24 02:10
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelApr 24 02:10
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzApr 24 02:10
*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 02:12
_Hicham_Hi oiaohmApr 24 02:12
oiaohmSee MS profit down turn _Hicham_Apr 24 02:13
_Hicham_it is normal oiaohmApr 24 02:13
_Hicham_MS is stubbornApr 24 02:14
twitternormal for obsolete business, ha haApr 24 02:14
_Hicham_and doesn't want to changeApr 24 02:14
twitterM$ is stupidApr 24 02:14
twitteron the way out, fastApr 24 02:14
oiaohmI really wish samba with ads would get out.Apr 24 02:15
oiaohmSo samba could start hammering there server departments.Apr 24 02:15
twitterclick on them all, please.Apr 24 02:15
schestowitzgn. fun posts in the morning.Apr 24 02:15
twitterGood Night!Apr 24 02:16
_Hicham_gn schestowitzApr 24 02:16
twitterIt will be fun to see what's up.Apr 24 02:16
*MinceR has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 24 02:18
*_Hicham_ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Apr 24 02:59
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 24 03:01
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 03:45
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*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 04:51
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*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 05:56
zer0c00l -> :( wtf they doing it in my collegeApr 24 06:13
zer0c00lmicrosoft campus club :PApr 24 06:13
*twitter has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Apr 24 06:57
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRApr 24 07:14
schestowitz 24 07:56
schestowitzSome people think he was 'suicided' (murdered)Apr 24 07:56
schestowitz 24 07:57
schestowitzWow. 24 08:13
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 08:17
*ct (n=ct@fsf/member/ct) has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 08:20
schestowitzReader: "Not sure what I can do, is there any way of drumming up some volunteers to update the site.  I think I said this before, but I don't think a site dedicated to Boycotting Novell is a good idea. What you should do is a site covering IP rights, patent trolling and general politicing and shenanigans in relation to technology."Apr 24 08:23
schestowitz"Provide the base material and let others pick up on it. I think there were a number of stories picked up elsewhere that started on BN. What ever you do, don't engage with the trolls."Apr 24 08:23
*ushimitsudoki1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 24 08:35
schestowitzASUS is said to be bribing ASUS so that they offer only Windows: 24 08:58
MinceRr4wrApr 24 08:58
schestowitzThis is why Microsoft calls Linux #1 rival: 24 09:24
*_air ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 09:25
_airyayApr 24 09:26
_airi found out at lastApr 24 09:26
_airi  can't be in the same channel as any windows opApr 24 09:26
_airi can't be in ##windowsApr 24 09:26
_airi just cantApr 24 09:26
_airnot anymoreApr 24 09:26
_airthe only channels related to my existance are in some way gpl relatedApr 24 09:28
_airand i liked to watch house m.d.Apr 24 09:30
_aireven though he's not 50% right abou some thingsApr 24 09:31
schestowitzApple's frauds revisited: Steve Jobs: 'I wanted respect, not backdated options' < >Apr 24 09:34
schestowitz20,000-employee gorilla is spreading Linux+ARM netbooks now: (Google Android 'five weeks' from MIPS port)Apr 24 09:35
schestowitzThere may be no "too big to fail", but MySQL shows that GPL is "too powerful/distributed to fail" 24 09:37
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 24 09:41
schestowitzMicrosoft moves into Juniper and it goes down the toilet. 24 09:45
_airsoApr 24 09:45
_airso you think you can tellApr 24 09:45
_airheaven from hellApr 24 09:45
schestowitz"Net income of -$4.5m in Juniper's three month quarter ended March 31 compared to a $110.4m gain in the same quarter last year. "Apr 24 09:45
_airblue skies from painApr 24 09:45
schestowitz_air: wrong channel?Apr 24 09:45
_aircan you tell a green fieldApr 24 09:46
_airfrom a cold steel rainApr 24 09:46
schestowitzBloomfield..Apr 24 09:46
_aira smile from a veilApr 24 09:46
_airdo you think you can tellApr 24 09:46
_airschestowitz, did you ever hear that song?Apr 24 09:46
schestowitzNope, sorryApr 24 09:47
_airoh waitApr 24 09:47
_airi gonna give you a not so legal link for thatApr 24 09:47
schestowitzPirate Bay – New Trial to be Ordered? < >Apr 24 09:48
_aircan i send it to ya with dcc?Apr 24 09:48
schestowitz_air: boo, no need, thanks.Apr 24 09:48
_airmkayApr 24 09:49
schestowitzLet's keep it on subjectApr 24 09:49
_airon subject?Apr 24 09:49
schestowitzThere's big news todayApr 24 09:49
_airi'm on subjectApr 24 09:49
_airand it doesn't even matterApr 24 09:49
schestowitz_air: Microsoft's floundering is importantApr 24 09:49
schestowitzIt marks the changing tide again.Apr 24 09:49
_airwait, i'm watching your useful links in either caseApr 24 09:50
_airbut wait till i send you dccApr 24 09:50
_airit's not even irc related from what i knowApr 24 09:50
schestowitzUS/UK propaganda: North Korea has become a fully fledged nuclear power, with the capacity to wipe out cities in Japan and South Korea. 24 09:54
schestowitzUS has become a fully fledged nuclear power, with the capacity to wipe out cities in Japan and South KoreaApr 24 09:55
schestowitzUK has become a fully fledged nuclear power, with the capacity to wipe out cities in Japan and South KoreaApr 24 09:55
schestowitzChina has become a fully fledged nuclear power, with the capacity to wipe out cities in Japan and South KoreaApr 24 09:55
schestowitzIsrael has become a fully fledged nuclear power, with the capacity to wipe out cities in Japan and South KoreaApr 24 09:55
schestowitz Pakistn has become a fully fledged nuclear power, with the capacity to wipe out cities in Japan and South KoreaApr 24 09:55
schestowitzBut the press is focuses on justfying coup/war on KoreaApr 24 09:56
schestowitz*focusedApr 24 09:56
_airschestowitz, did you ever hear pink floyd?Apr 24 09:56
schestowitzUS has about 50 bases in koreaApr 24 09:57
schestowitzsniffin' aroundApr 24 09:57
_airlolApr 24 09:57
schestowitz_air: yesApr 24 09:57
_airus is everywhereApr 24 09:57
schestowitzyesApr 24 09:57
_airyup? goodApr 24 09:57
schestowitzover 1000 military bases in other people's countriesApr 24 09:57
_airi gonna tell you want you din't hearApr 24 09:57
_airlolApr 24 09:57
_airit's not usApr 24 09:57
_airthey can't handle that much basesApr 24 09:58
schestowitzexactlyApr 24 09:58
_airthey just borrow th monneyApr 24 09:58
_airmoneyApr 24 09:58
schestowitzimperial overstretchApr 24 09:58
_airand they are already not capalbe of paying for themApr 24 09:58
_aircapable*Apr 24 09:58
_airlike a long time agoApr 24 09:59
schestowitzthey compansate w/ military might for others weaknessesApr 24 09:59
_airthey're living in debtApr 24 09:59
schestowitzus ecnomy is said to be worth 60trApr 24 09:59
_airin constant debtApr 24 09:59
_airdoes it matter?Apr 24 09:59
schestowitzdebt is a quarter of thatApr 24 09:59
_airwhat it's said to beApr 24 09:59
schestowitzthe money must be paid backApr 24 09:59
_airyou're wrongApr 24 10:00
_airthey can't pay backApr 24 10:00
_airthat's why they are still in debtApr 24 10:00
_airand i gonna tell you the songApr 24 10:00
_airdid you ever listen to "wish you were here" 1975 album of pink floyd?Apr 24 10:02
schestowitz_air: they can pay backApr 24 10:02
_airno?Apr 24 10:02
schestowitze.g. by selling many assets]Apr 24 10:02
_airlolApr 24 10:02
_airif they will they dieApr 24 10:02
*mib_5mj9j0 (i=8372fb1d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 10:02
schestowitzIt's like you say in Vegas, "I can;'t pay bacl"Apr 24 10:02
_airlolApr 24 10:02
_airi don't play that gamesApr 24 10:03
*mib_5mj9j0 has quit (Client Quit)Apr 24 10:03
schestowitzWell, they can pawn your house and have you rub floors for 20 years to pay backApr 24 10:03
schestowitzThis is NOT funnyApr 24 10:03
schestowitzBut it's better than nuclear strikesApr 24 10:03
_airnuclear strikes...Apr 24 10:03
schestowitzBetter a bankrupcy than deathApr 24 10:03
_airare you even afraid of that?Apr 24 10:03
schestowitzYou should be tooApr 24 10:03
_airnope?Apr 24 10:03
schestowitzIt's one of the threats to survival of the species, maybe before climate disasterApr 24 10:04
schestowitzBut the two are relatedApr 24 10:04
_airlolApr 24 10:04
schestowitzCountries that get flooded are more likely to turn aggressiveApr 24 10:04
_airlolApr 24 10:04
_airdude, are you living in that one?Apr 24 10:05
schestowitzNopeApr 24 10:05
schestowitzSome areApr 24 10:05
_airwhy do you care firstlyApr 24 10:05
schestowitzAlso, nuclear explosionss f* up the atmosphereApr 24 10:05
schestowitzSo again, it's relatedApr 24 10:06
_airand why do you wanna subdueApr 24 10:06
schestowitz_air: you don't care about the planet?Apr 24 10:06
_airnope"?Apr 24 10:06
_airi don't care if i die of global cataclysmApr 24 10:06
_air'cause it's too earlyApr 24 10:06
_airit won't happen in 15 years at leastApr 24 10:07
_airand i shouldn't care about the planetApr 24 10:08
_air'cause those people that are concerned they don't kare about ANYTHING but their moneyApr 24 10:08
_airenough ot i should say more?Apr 24 10:09
_aira newborn joins this earth...Apr 24 10:10
_airand quickly he's subduedApr 24 10:10
_airthrough constant pain disgraceApr 24 10:10
_airThe young boy learns their rulesApr 24 10:11
schestowitzHmmm...Apr 24 10:12
schestowitzWell, there's an element of truth there.Apr 24 10:12
schestowitzBut it's a little nihilist.Apr 24 10:12
_airlolApr 24 10:12
_airi'm talking in YOUR languageApr 24 10:13
_airi can talk in another oneApr 24 10:13
_airthat's actually trueApr 24 10:13
_airand this one is just the one you understandApr 24 10:13
ushimitsudokiWelcome to my ignore list.Apr 24 10:13
_airwelcome?Apr 24 10:14
_airi'm in plenty of people in ignore listApr 24 10:14
_airand i don't give a pointApr 24 10:14
_airignore meApr 24 10:14
_airyou guys all are completely wrongApr 24 10:15
schestowitzSeattle press: Microsoft revenue falls, income down 32 percent (update2) < >Apr 24 10:15
schestowitzEven the pro-Microsoft crowd admits the figuresApr 24 10:15
_airproprietary or free softwareApr 24 10:15
ushimitsudokiDidn't apple just report better-than-expected revenue as well?Apr 24 10:16
_airthe truth is closer to freeApr 24 10:16
PetoKrausdid i hear pink floyd?Apr 24 10:16
schestowitzFive unanswered questions after Microsoft's Q3 earnings call < > Jo Foley on Microsoft layoffs and other questions.Apr 24 10:16
_airbut it's still not thatApr 24 10:16
_airnot like you mentionApr 24 10:16
schestowitzushimitsudoki: yes, Apple did OKApr 24 10:16
schestowitzLowered Mac salesApr 24 10:16
PetoKrausYou're gonna fly high, you're never gonna die, you're gonna make it if you try. They gonna love you.Apr 24 10:16
_airlolApr 24 10:16
schestowitziphone made them a bundleApr 24 10:16
_airit's effing funnyApr 24 10:16
_airi know at what you're wrongApr 24 10:17
_airbut you don't even wanna hearApr 24 10:17
ushimitsudokiThat's good because it prevents a "sales are down for everyone" defense tactic from MS.Apr 24 10:17
MinceRthere isn't only m$ and crAppleApr 24 10:17
_airand m$ is even much more wrongApr 24 10:17
_airand still you don't wanna hearApr 24 10:18
_airyou just love m$Apr 24 10:18
ushimitsudokiOf course, but I think the general public perceives Apple as the main rival to Microsoft in many ways.Apr 24 10:18
_airfor it's existanceApr 24 10:18
ushimitsudoki(How accurate that is, is another topic of course)Apr 24 10:18
ushimitsudokiSo, for MS to be posting losses and the "main rival" to be putting up good numbers is a bit of a 1-2 punch for MS.Apr 24 10:19
_airaccurate....Apr 24 10:19
MinceRsadly, it's also a loss to usApr 24 10:22
MinceRcrApple is all for lock-in, DRM and general dumbing down of IT productsApr 24 10:22
_airwhat's a loss?Apr 24 10:22
schestowitzBallmer's buddy is now spreading lies about GNU/Linux to create hatred: 24 10:23
ushimitsudokiTrue enough, but Apple has to gain a *lot* more market share before they can cause the damage MS does. So, I would rather see MS down and Apple up than the opposite, and maybe even more so than both down.Apr 24 10:23
schestowitzMinceR: Red Hats results were up sharplyApr 24 10:24
_airwtfApr 24 10:24
schestowitzApple results were not upApr 24 10:24
MinceR_air: crApple gaining market shareApr 24 10:24
MinceRoh.Apr 24 10:24
schestowitzThey just beat expectationsApr 24 10:24
schestowitzRed hat's results were ACTUALLY upApr 24 10:24
MinceRwell they shouldn't beat expectationsApr 24 10:24
MinceRthey should stick their DRM where the sun doesn't shine.Apr 24 10:24
_airin which way oracle::sun us going to take over?Apr 24 10:24
schestowitzThey have low expectationsApr 24 10:24
MinceR_air: hopefully oracle will force sun to support gnu/linuxApr 24 10:25
_airlolApr 24 10:25
_airthat's just lolApr 24 10:25
MinceRoracle seemed to be more into gnu/linux than sun (but that isn't difficult)Apr 24 10:25
_airlol againApr 24 10:25
MinceRaxolotlApr 24 10:26
*MinceR waits for the lolApr 24 10:26
_airdo you really think that oracle bought sun only for that purpose?Apr 24 10:26
MinceRi didn't say thatApr 24 10:26
_airoh yeahApr 24 10:26
MinceRbut i think it is a likely and positive side-effectApr 24 10:26
_airyou didn'tApr 24 10:26
_airyeah...Apr 24 10:27
_airdream onApr 24 10:27
schestowitzHere. He's feeding the Microsoft shills: 24 10:28
_airwtf was dat?Apr 24 10:28
*magentar (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 10:34
*ushimitsudoki1 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 10:44
*ushimitsudoki has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Apr 24 10:47
schestowitzGreat. Yahoo! will kill Geocities along with my Web site. Another reason to host your OWN site.Apr 24 10:48
schestowitzargh !! updating ICANN records is next to impossible.Apr 24 10:59
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 11:12
*mib_rcnwjo (i=5a9da9b9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 11:15
*mib_rcnwjo (i=5a9da9b9@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellApr 24 11:16
schestowitzwb, oiaohm Apr 24 11:40
schestowitzMicrosoft is defeatist todayApr 24 11:40
schestowitzIt seems as though Microsoft, which is known to be sending its employees to ZDNet (verbal memo), is trying to bend Mary's arm: Don't let them get to you...Apr 24 11:54
schestowitzMary gets Joe's mug put on top of her own articles... 24 12:01
*mib_65ssqs (i=c4c88a4b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 12:10
mib_65ssqshi oiaohmApr 24 12:25
*mib_g8mjhf (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 12:34
*mib_g8mjhf is now known as Ap0G33Apr 24 12:34
*mib_65ssqs has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 24 12:34
*magentar has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 24 12:43
schestowitzPatents are definitely a battleground for FOSS now that Microsoft is fighting: 24 12:53
schestowitzMicrosoft profits fall 30 percent < >Apr 24 12:55
schestowitzIt's 32%, not 30%Apr 24 12:55
*mib_p0aje7 (i=4e176950@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 12:57
*mib_p0aje7 has quit (Client Quit)Apr 24 12:57
schestowitzMicrosoft has found a new business strategy. it's about patents... poor patents... 24 12:58
schestowitzJudge in Pirate Bay Case Member of Pro-Copyright Groups < > The RIAA was caught reappointing judges before.Apr 24 13:11
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 13:11
Omar87Hi all.Apr 24 13:13
schestowitzHeyApr 24 13:14
*luffy (i=566c0e01@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 13:14
*luffy has quit (Client Quit)Apr 24 13:14
schestowitzHumour for today (PIC): 24 13:18
schestowitzManga about running Ubuntu GNU/Linux < >Apr 24 13:20
Omar87"I must tell you everything in my soul tells me that we should do what I called plan (b) yesterday. We need a simple fast storage system. LH [Longhorn] is a pig and I don't see any solution to this problem. If we are to rise to the challenge of Linux and Apple, we need to start taking the lessons of 'scenario, simple, fast' to heart. Jim"Apr 24 13:22
schestowitzPoor Microsoft.Apr 24 13:25
Omar87schestowitz: That's nice! :DApr 24 13:25
schestowitzI'd like to also see these chaps go to prison: Senate report: Rice, Cheney OK'd CIA use of waterboarding < >Apr 24 13:26
Omar87schestowitz: Even Japanese people are loving GNU/Linux. :)Apr 24 13:26
schestowitzRice used to work in ChevronApr 24 13:26
schestowitzA lot of the Bush regime (if not all) comes from the oil industryApr 24 13:26
schestowitzRice had a huge oil tanker named after herApr 24 13:26
schestowitzThey renamed it when she joined the governmentApr 24 13:26
schestowitzOmar87: Linux is big in Japan, tongith!Apr 24 13:27
Omar87schestowitz: ;)Apr 24 13:27
schestowitzHere's a nice one: BookArmy: a for books < > Apr 24 13:28
schestowitzHathaway advocates for direct White House role on cybersecurity < >. See these videos: 24 13:31
schestowitz"It's time to face the ugly reality about the use of harsh interrogation tactics" I harly know the difference between "developed" and "underdeveloped" countries anymore. It's a matter of illusion for the most part; the way it's advertised to the public.Apr 24 13:33
schestowitz bullied by Amazon 24 13:37
Omar87schestowitz: LOL! When I showed the Manga link to my friend he claimed this is merely a marketing campaign for cannonical. :)Apr 24 13:38
Omar87canonical*Apr 24 13:38
Omar87schestowitz: Okay, no, he didn't.Apr 24 13:39
schestowitzThis is hilarious, you'll enjoy it: 24 13:41
schestowitzCory Doctorow smashes the copyrights cartel: 24 13:44
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 13:49
schestowitzObama Open to Prosecution, Probe of Interrogations < >Apr 24 13:51
schestowitzHe has four wives and he faced 783 counts of corruption: PETER HITCHENS on South Africa's next president < >Apr 24 13:53
*mib_gi7rbg (i=d041c001@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 13:54
trmancothis is what I call an article -> 24 13:54
schestowitzMore data more safety? Sounds like the patents=innovation fallacy. F.B.I. and States Vastly Expand DNA Databases  < >Apr 24 13:55
schestowitz"Both the [UK] police and the government appear to be taking their instructions from a multinational energy company" < >Apr 24 13:56
trmancoI see the microsoft's profits are decliningApr 24 13:56
trmancothat*Apr 24 13:56
*mib_gi7rbg has quit (Client Quit)Apr 24 13:57
schestowitzMicrosoft's slump did not totally steal Ubuntu's thunder after all: 24 13:57
schestowitztrmanco: "Declining" is an understatementApr 24 13:57
*trmanco looks up that wordApr 24 13:58
trmancook, so microsoft's profits are declining big timeApr 24 13:59
schestowitzDignan (new zdnet editor) uses Linux: "I have a Dell Mini 9 and the little bugger works just fine—as long as its hooked up to a keyboard and monitor. It’s just too cramped, but the Ubuntu works well." 24 14:02
schestowitztrmanco: by 32% this quarterApr 24 14:02
trmancohehApr 24 14:02
schestowitzNokia's were down about 70%Apr 24 14:02
schestowitzRed Hat's up about 20%Apr 24 14:02
trmancoI little bit more and it's profits would be cut in halfApr 24 14:02
schestowitzIIRCApr 24 14:03
schestowitzMaybe it was revenueApr 24 14:03
schestowitztrmanco: who know the REAL number?Apr 24 14:03
schestowitzMicrosoft was caught engaging in financial fraud beforeApr 24 14:03
amarsh04the Cory Doctorow article is a good read schestowitz... but it gives me the urge to yell at a local politician who hasn't replied to a letter of mine sent 5 months agoApr 24 14:03
schestowitzI comes from the supposition that all US-traded companies (and also other nations) are cheatingApr 24 14:03
trmancoyeah, I've read something about that, a few days agoApr 24 14:03
schestowitzThey usually do, but they say "everyone is doing that."Apr 24 14:04
schestowitzamarsh04: to get attention from a politician you need to buy him/her lunch in a  fancy place (lobby) :-)Apr 24 14:04
schestowitzPoliticians are in it for personal gain while they are in power (4 years or so), even if the favouritism is referred.Apr 24 14:05
schestowitz*deferredApr 24 14:05
amarsh04this politician is someone I knew from uni, schestowitz... I might have to complain to his boss againApr 24 14:06
schestowitzWell, politics is run by peopleApr 24 14:09
schestowitzPeople know people who know peopleApr 24 14:09
schestowitzThat's why states are inherently corrupt, but it varies across nations when it comes to frequency and severity and the home of Microsoft is ranked fairly poorly for corruption levels.Apr 24 14:09
schestowitzMaybe that recent NSW-Lenovo/MS deal too is about someone who knows someone from uniApr 24 14:10
amarsh04yes, the microsoft stuff is insidious because the folk employed by the educational institutions for managing software contracts say that the deals are beneficial for the institutionApr 24 14:12
schestowitzMinceR: Apple layoffs announced (revealed rather): 1,600 full-time staff to go. Good for Linux, I guess.Apr 24 14:12
MinceRindeedApr 24 14:12
MinceRgood for everyone who wants their computers to be general-purpose computersApr 24 14:13
schestowitzAyeApr 24 14:13
MinceRand good for everyone who benefits from fair useApr 24 14:13
schestowitzGeocities is dead: 24 14:13
schestowitzI have a site there.Apr 24 14:13
MinceRand good for all small IT companiesApr 24 14:13
schestowitzWould be hadApr 24 14:13
schestowitzLet Geocities teach you to host your own site and own twits, comments, E-mails, whateverApr 24 14:14
schestowitzApple says sorry to baby battering groups < >Apr 24 14:15
MinceRdid they give people notice and time to move their stuff off geocities?Apr 24 14:15
schestowitzSomeone should tell NYPD about SELinux: 24 14:16
schestowitzMinceR: they doApr 24 14:17
MinceRthen there's nothing wrong with it, i guessApr 24 14:17
schestowitzBut URL changes are arduousApr 24 14:17
schestowitzI never liked the domain "boycottnovell"Apr 24 14:17
MinceRi never wanted to host my stuff there because geocities urls are stupidApr 24 14:17
schestowitzAMD is sucking up to Microsoft is again :-|Apr 24 14:18
MinceRare they any better than intel?Apr 24 14:20
oiaohmI kinda ended up afkApr 24 14:20
oiaohmGood movie come on.Apr 24 14:20
*mib_f5px0z (i=d06557d1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 14:22
schestowitzbad job from Gizmodo: 24 14:23
schestowitzCheck out the clutter in the headlineApr 24 14:23
oiaohmNovember is too late for windows 7 release by then the secound wave of debt hit in the USA should be in full effect.Apr 24 14:23
mib_f5px0zMorning (or whatever)Apr 24 14:23
oiaohmSeptemberApr 24 14:23
oiaohmWould have been just before it.Apr 24 14:23
schestowitzmib_f5px0z: heyApr 24 14:23
mib_f5px0zHah. A friend is on the Windows 7 team. Poor bastard.Apr 24 14:23
schestowitzIs it not in Bangalore mostly?Apr 24 14:24
schestowitzThat's what reports said in 2007/8Apr 24 14:24
mib_f5px0zAh crap - sorry - it's The Mad Hatter. brb.Apr 24 14:24
schestowitzOK, cool.Apr 24 14:24
*mib_f5px0z (i=d06557d1@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellApr 24 14:24
schestowitzVista 7 development was taken to cheaper developers to cut costsApr 24 14:24
oiaohmWe are in a carm before another storm.Apr 24 14:25
schestowitzI wonder if Microsoft is deep in revenue lies.Apr 24 14:25
schestowitzThat's how it goesApr 24 14:25
schestowitzI don't know the technical term for itApr 24 14:25
schestowitzWhen the CFO lies about figuresApr 24 14:25
schestowitzAnd then he must keep up with the lies even when it gets more and mroe complexApr 24 14:25
schestowitzNot just in finance, but finance is a classic. See Enron or the banks with loans.Apr 24 14:26
*mib_7p719p (i=d06557d1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 14:26
schestowitzMissed targets? Fake some.Apr 24 14:26
schestowitzThe next year you must fake to beat and match expectations againApr 24 14:26
schestowitzIs there a word for lies that propaganda and get worse? I can't remember it, but there's a term for itApr 24 14:26
oiaohmIt called cooking the books.Apr 24 14:26
*mib_7p719p has quit (Client Quit)Apr 24 14:27
schestowitzoiaohm: not reallyApr 24 14:27
schestowitzThat's another thingApr 24 14:27
schestowitzYou can cook them onceApr 24 14:27
schestowitzThere was an article the other day about Jobs and the financial raudApr 24 14:27
schestowitz*fraudApr 24 14:27
schestowitzAnd now with the layoffs it comes to mindApr 24 14:27
schestowitzBut it's probably low demand in a bankrupt market that causes this.Apr 24 14:28
oiaohmOk its cooking different sections of the books.Apr 24 14:28
oiaohmSelective picking from the books to make it match targets.Apr 24 14:28
oiaohmAnd avoid displaying the sections that make it look bad.Apr 24 14:28
oiaohmNow when you have a 1/3 loss that is a bit hard.Apr 24 14:28
oiaohmDoes not matter its been good that Ubuntu got over shadowed.Apr 24 14:29
oiaohmIt hide the ARM port from getting a lot of press.Apr 24 14:29
*wayne__ (n=chatzill@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 24 14:32
*wayne__ is now known as the_mad_hatterApr 24 14:34
schestowitzHa!Apr 24 14:34
the_mad_hatterbackApr 24 14:34
schestowitzoiaohm: ARM could have an entry to destkops...Apr 24 14:34
the_mad_hatterARM could wipe out Microsloth.Apr 24 14:35
schestowitzMaybe servers with many cores in the long term... but I doubt it because ticklessness makes no sense in servers that have good utilisationApr 24 14:35
schestowitzthe_mad_hatter: turns out it's ARM+GoogleApr 24 14:35
schestowitzWell, some embedded company uses Android on ARM anywayApr 24 14:36
schestowitz 24 14:36
schestowitz"Embedded Alley"Apr 24 14:36
schestowitzNever heard of themApr 24 14:36
the_mad_hatterAnd Canonical has an ARM version of UbuntuApr 24 14:36
schestowitzYesApr 24 14:36
oiaohmGoogle is also moving into MIPSApr 24 14:36
schestowitzOut in July on sevicesApr 24 14:36
schestowitz*devicesApr 24 14:36
schestowitzomg... but MSO can't run on MIPSApr 24 14:36
oiaohmYep.Apr 24 14:37
oiaohmDepends what version of MIPSApr 24 14:37
oiaohmChina version can run a slower x86 emulation.Apr 24 14:37
the_mad_hatterFYI - the poet laureate for Temiskaming is switching to Ubuntu after Windows screwed up one to many timesApr 24 14:37
oiaohmLinux is not ideal for desktop yet.Apr 24 14:38
oiaohmSooner DRI2 and KMS gets intergrated the better.Apr 24 14:38
oiaohmAnd the sooner cuse is fully mainline.Apr 24 14:38
oiaohmThe betterApr 24 14:38
the_mad_hatterLinux us fine for desktop, been using it for years.Apr 24 14:38
oiaohmRun wine and scream.Apr 24 14:39
MinceRindeedApr 24 14:39
MinceRbut it could be better.Apr 24 14:39
oiaohmX11 bugs are basically holding it back.Apr 24 14:39
the_mad_hatterWindows isn't suitable for the desktop. It takes an expert to keep it running.Apr 24 14:39
oiaohmDRI2 and KMS get rid of the major X11 issues.Apr 24 14:40
oiaohmKMS solves the kernel panic freese solid issue.Apr 24 14:40
oiaohmWhat is a particular pain for new users and me when I doing something that will normally clause high load.Apr 24 14:41
oiaohmYes I know its curse the driver maker 12 ways from sunday but new users down know that.Apr 24 14:41
oiaohmWindows has had the blue screen of death so you know major internal failures have happened.Apr 24 14:42
oiaohmOk MS making them require a PHD in MS tech to understand is a prick.Apr 24 14:42
the_mad_hatterBut you can set up Linux, walk away, and know that your computer illiterate user can't mess it up.Apr 24 14:42
the_mad_hatterAnd that's why the Poet laureate is going to linux. SHeApr 24 14:43
oiaohmNever underestermate the creativity of a idiot.Apr 24 14:43
the_mad_hatter She's had too many Windows problems.Apr 24 14:43
oiaohmLinux once setup has less problems than windows.Apr 24 14:43
oiaohmAnyone leaving Linux really only have one option for a happy home.  Apple.Apr 24 14:44
the_mad_hatterAnything is more stable than Windows. My daughter has a 1999 IMac, the OS hasn't been updated since 2001, and it works like a charm.Apr 24 14:44
oiaohmApple is the OS we need to catch in stablitity.Apr 24 14:44
oiaohmOf desktop.Apr 24 14:44
the_mad_hatterLinux is already more stable.Apr 24 14:45
oiaohmAll bar hidding video card driver screwed to hell yes.Apr 24 14:45
oiaohmFrease solid instead of telling user about the kernel panic the video card driver just caused is bad.Apr 24 14:46
the_mad_hatterthat's not the fault of the OS.Apr 24 14:46
oiaohmIt is the fault of the OS.Apr 24 14:46
oiaohmNot controling video output.Apr 24 14:46
oiaohmSo it can restore it to display the kernel panic.Apr 24 14:46
the_mad_hatterTHat's the fault of the hardware OEM not sharingApr 24 14:47
oiaohmIntel drivers open spec?Apr 24 14:47
oiaohmDoing it as well.Apr 24 14:47
oiaohmSorry its been X11 design.Apr 24 14:47
oiaohmX11 split video card control away from kernel.Apr 24 14:48
the_mad_hatterWas this recent?Apr 24 14:48
oiaohmDRI 1 design was basically so far wrong its not funny.Apr 24 14:48
MinceR155529 < oiaohm> Apple is the OS we need to catch in stablitity.Apr 24 14:48
*MinceR gives oiaohm a Beachball of HellApr 24 14:48

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