Well Arno Rehn and myself have been quietly working on Qt/KDE Qyoto and Kimono C# bindings for some time and they work pretty well, although I don't think we done enough to publicize them yet. If someone comes along and writes apps in C# which happen to be as good as Tomboy and F-Spot, and they get included in distributions like Kubuntu, then maybe you'll have to move somewhere other than KDE.
As far as I know in Gnome there are only applications written using Mono/GTK#. That is very different to writing parts of the infrastructure of Gnome using Mono. It isn't up to me to decide about what Gnome does, but as far as KDE is concerned there is absolutely zero chance of us basing any infrastructure on Mono. We're only interested in allowing people to write Qt and KDE applications, plugins and Plasma applets in what some people might think is a tidier language than C++.
The issue is not whether Mono should be available at all, but included in the default Ubuntu image. The pro-Mono comments here are completely ignoring that and instead launching into rah-rah reasons why nobody should object to Mono. (Lotsa luck.) Removing it from the default Ubuntu image and keeping it easily available in the repos is a sensible and simple solution. Thousands of packages do not make it into the default Ubuntu image; it's not a badge of shame, and I don't see the sense in including the fat Mono runtime in the scarce real estate of a CD image just to support a few small specialty apps.
I'm planning to do another (different) attempt to get the conversation right in the next weeks, either.
DotGNU? They suffer from the same problem. DotGNU only gets mentioned by Mono people, apart from when they're FUDing them, when they want to deflect some attention away from Mono.
There seems to be some real major, FUD-laced campaigns under way, lately, pushing Mono and denigrating ODF. To to be fair, many participants appear to be absolutely genuine, but there also seems to be some significant upper-tier instigation/coordination "fanning the flames", so to speak.
2009-06-12 13:17:50
But about this mono stuff in Ubuntu, for example the Banshee controversy, if the Banshee push succeeds, does that mean that Banshee will be merely a default included app that can be easily removed, or will it then somehow become a dependency of ubuntu-desktop or some other metapackage that will cause its absence to make things more difficult come upgrade time?