Summary: The Gates-Monsanto duo is trying to force Monsanto seeds upon the Kenyan population, hoping that poor farmers will be gullible enough to become slaves of more Intellectual Monopolies from overseas
IN the previous post we showed that Microsoft mastered the habit of giving stuff for free (pretending it to be "charity" or a "bargain") and later pointing fingers, bullying, suing, and putting in jail the very same people who once helped, using merciless lawsuits that sometimes lead to bankruptcy.
As we showed a few days ago,
Monsanto quietly filed thousands of lawsuits against farmers, many of whom could not afford legal defence even in the face of false allegations that were common. As a brief explanation of the issue, Monsanto is pushing and spreading dangerous species and extinguishing natural ones in the process. In turn, Monsanto claims ownership of all those new species that it spreads, which means that any new generation of animals or seeds will be considered the intellectual monopoly of Monsanto, which will claim royalty on life (of animals and food like plants). It ought to be mentioned that the soil and the new legal process introduced by Monsanto push aside any real possibility of avoiding Monsanto or competing against it. It is a trap and they know it. That's the business model.
Who would support such unethical monsters? As we showed before, Bill Gates is one of their biggest backers and he is constantly promoting them in public while denouncing those who stand in Monsanto's way (vainly labeling them "environmentalists", in a fashion that's intended as mockery). We wrote about this subject in:
One nation that Microsoft has been abusing in the past couple of years is Kenya. We even gave actual examples from the news, which are summarised in:
Using “green revolution” as a euphemism again, Gates and Rockefeller are now imposing Monsanto seeds upon the Kenyan population. Needless to say, the press which is owned by corporations
is not telling the true story. When it does (see highlight in red), then it quickly uses some spin and misinformation to dismiss the issue. From the news:
Kenya: Gates Foundation and Monsanto to Develop Genetically Modified Seeds for Small Farmers
Many of the emotionally charged headlines that drive Africa’s food security debate are intricately connected to the critical and complex Kenyan seed industry: Kenya is the second largest seed consumer in sub-Saharan Africa, and a key driver of agricultural research on the continent. For decades, donors and private interests have been funneling millions of dollars into the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), in an effort to develop new plant varieties that can repel pests, withstand disease and produce higher yields.
KARI is now one of the main partners in a new programme funded by the Gates Foundation that will attempt to develop genetically modified (GM) maize that can withstand drought. The plan is to distribute the seeds to small farmers in Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda. The technology is coming from Monsanto, the American corporate seed giant that does a lot of work for the Gates Foundation in Africa. Normally Monsanto’s patented seeds come at a high price, which has inspired an endless stream of vitriol from activists who accuse the company of exploiting poor farmers for obscene profits. This time, farmers will receive the seeds royalty free – indefinitely – as part of Gates’ push for a “green revolution” in Africa.
There is more
news coverage of this (same as above), which is disappointingly one sided. We have already shown what "royalty free" means in this case (how about "organic", "no patents at all", or "no strings attached"?). Monsanto is just trying to seed the market (pun intended) and Gates helps them. He's an expert in this area.
“They’ll get sort of addicted, and then we’ll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade.”
--Bill Gates