Novell's Mono employees have often been accused of being bullies. They cannot quite tolerate dissent, so they resort to personal attacks (Novell employees used to comment here anonymously on Mono posts). Based on some recent news we have just caught up with, Novell is still putting Mono on more things and there is further promotion from Microsoft's MVP Miguel de Icaza [1, 2], whose blog is all about Mono and Microsoft stuff.
It was hackweek here again in Novell, I spent an enjoyable ( but also sometimes frustrating ) couple of days trying to extend support for Mono in Recently on IRC there was some interest in using C# to write extensions for where it became clear that only being able to ‘drive’ from C# is severely limiting. To provide decent custom functionality you need to be able to get called by, integrate with the Menus and Toolbars etc. Clearly to write an extension you need to be able to be ‘plugged’ in.. There are many many C# developers ( and potential extension developers ) and we are just ignoring them. I have to admit I always wanted to play with C#/DotNet/Mono and I even proposed a GSOC task to try and faciliate this ;-) Unfortunately the project didn’t make the cut but fortunately there is Hackweek yay! So, I spent the last couple of days playing around with Mono and C#, first I wrote a new loader for Mono, this allowed me to use recomp to register some services, next I modified unopkg to accept a Mono component bundled in an extension.
Especially sad to find that Mono is not mentioned in the article.
Especially super sad to find that Mono is mentioned in the comments, but in a negative way.
Hey Mono community, help me reply all this nonsense.
Needs Sunlight
2010-07-28 20:40:28
Mono response team sounds like sedition.
2010-07-30 09:26:36