The number of dead products from Microsoft keeps increasing and we may complete the list/close the gap pretty soon because we missed a couple of casualties as we no longer watch Microsoft closely enough. In the mean time, Glyn Moody points out that, according to this, Microsoft "will not be shipping Windows CardSpace 2.0."
Today, Microsoft announced that it will not be shipping Windows CardSpace 2.0. Having made a significant personal investment in working to make CardSpace a success and the Information Card vision a reality, I wanted to take the opportunity to share a few personal reflections on the CardSpace journey and the lessons we might want to take away from it.
For a while, had been wondering when Microsoft would ship CardSpace 2.0, the last, un-delivered piece of its Geneva set of security wares. The answer, it turns out, is never.
CardSpace, which got its start as “Windows InfoCard,” attempted to represent an individual’s digital identity that the user could use to communicate with a third party entity.