MICROSOFT'S .NET is not doing well [1, 2, 3]. Developers are upset, Microsoft has unrest, and even those who emulated .NET have all lost their job following the Novell takeover. Novell's Microsoft MVP and his colleagues have created a new company dedicated to Mono, headed by a former Microsoft employee. They seemingly impose Microsoft assimilation on the competition of Windows, as the MVP himself puts it:
Specially as we are developing as fast as we can not one, but two products: .NET for iPhone and .NET for Android.
Gnote is far better than Tomboy, DOES NOT use Mono,or C#, and keeps you clear of potential Software Patent problems from Mickey$oft!!!
Attachmate has dumped Mono and it's developers. However, Miguel de Icaza, has not seen the writing on the wall. Perhaps he has "MONOnucleosis"? ;^)
I always insure that no Mono libs or apps are running on any of my systems, and I recommend others to follow my example.