The price is low because Windows was avoided, the way Asus did things back in 2007. This one has a 10" matt screen, ssd, a web cam and is very thin.
1,2, 3. WinCE and derivatives were never able to run anything so this is not surprising. If they do it like Vista 7, it won't really work on ARM at all. This is what happens when a company would rather eat dog food than use GCC.
Roughly 18% of the systems compromised were Vista 7, which is the claimed portion of the population of that version of relicware. Damage control efforts elsewhere laughably blame users and "social engineering" but that does not jibe with compromises at US Government and Fortune 100 companies where users have zero software choice. Reputable estimates are that at least half of Windows computers are compromised by botnet owners. In other news, they infect your bios again, so dual booting is not an adequate prophylactic.
In the reported incident, all of the passengers were menaced by the airline crew and a swat team. Before landing, F16s had been scrambled to intercept and shadow the plane. At least three completely innocent passengers were jailed, interrogated and strip searched. They were not allowed to call friends and family until they were released after a search of the airplane found nothing suspicious. See also
Officials confuse banditry with acts of war and are unable or unwilling to imagine a prolonged peace.
Qureshi remembers his father saying, “You don’t have to fear the police here. They are here to help.”
The new tarballs ranged from the size of a quarter to blobs 8 inches across ... the fresh tarballs had layers of liquid oil inside them. Oil bled from the tarballs sitting in the sun on the beach, collecting in little pools on the sand. ... We’re going to be seeing this for years. ... In a way, that small storm could have been kind of a blessing. We got to see a little of what is out there.
Defendants' conduct ... is at the highest level of reprehensibility, warranting and necessitating the imposition of punitive damages at the highest level, because defendants' conduct was motivated by financial gain; because it injured and endangered humans and the environmental health and safety; because it was not isolated or accidental, but part of a culture and ongoing pattern of conduct that consistently and repeatedly ignored risks to others in favor of financial advantage to defendants...
People who could have been warned of known danger were needlessly exposed. Most buildings in the US are also filled with asbestos and present similar hazards when demolished or renovated.
The U.S. Census Bureau released its latest poverty figures this week, and they show that poverty is worsening nationwide -- but especially in the South. ... The poor are getting even poorer, with the share of the population earning below half of the poverty line hitting a record high of 6.7 percent last year. ... In 2010, 39.1 percent of black children and 35 percent of Hispanic lived in poverty.
It would have been better for society to have put the money into public education in the first place but relieving people the debt they owe second rate community colleges for training they should receive on the job is a good first step. This article connects massive public education budget cuts to political manipulation by sham philanthropists, such as Pope and Koch, who profit from the decline of public cooperation.
a Disaster Capitalist has spoken the unspoken and clearly articulated the Shock Doctrine in all its hideous glory ... "Let's hope the fiscal crisis doesn't get better too soon. It'll slow down reform." ... as the overall spending pie for public schools is shrinking, the piece of the pie for high-tech companies -- who make big campaign contributions to education policymakers -- is getting much bigger, while the piece of the pie for traditional education (teachers, school infrastructure, text books, etc.) is getting smaller.
The European Commission has been buying Microsoft software since 1993 without an open and public competition to assess alternative products, according to documents released to Computer Weekly. As a result of striking its sixth successive uncontested deal with Microsoft in May this year, the Commission has ensured Microsoft will have dominated the desktop computing environment of European institutions for 20 years without allowing a single rival to compete for the business.
If the First Amendment was designed to do anything, it was designed to prevent the government from imprisoning people -- or killing them -- because of the political ideas they promote. Yet that is clearly what the Obama administration is doing with increasing frequency and aggression.
Instead of building out capacity to meet customer demand, they buy DPI and throttling equipment from Cisco.
Slowly, the injustice of spectrum ownership is coming to an end.
PJ begs them:
Ah! Intricate and complex computer programming! The magic this court always is so impressed by. The court in a perfect world would read this article on Groklaw, "A Simpler Explanation of Why Software is Mathematics" or the deeper article, "An Explanation of Computation Theory for Lawyers"
Nathan Myhrvold promises more patent lawsuits from, "companies that have a software-centric value to add." The article is such infuriating, self serving, extortionist propaganda that I don't think anyone should read it.
Some Americans see the food movement as “nice” but peripheral—a middle-class preoccupation with farmers’ markets, community gardens and healthy school lunches. But no, I’ll argue here. It is at heart revolutionary, with some of the world’s poorest people in the lead
Hotfile is suing Warner Brothers for systematically and knowingly taking down files it doesn't hold the copyright on. Hotfile made the mistake of cooperating with Warner earlier, and every file taken down is replaced with a Warner advertisement. There's no pleasing frauds like that.
If any of this seems familiar, the same thing happened in the nation’s first jury trial against a file sharer, Jammie Thomas-Rasset. That case has morphed into a Ground Hog Day of sorts for the same reason. After a third trial in that case, U.S. District Judge Michael Davis of Minnesota slashed an award from $1.5 million to $54,000 in a jury verdict for sharing 24 songs on Kazaa.
The Obama administration disgraced itself by arguing for the insane fines and the whole war against sharing.
The EU extends copyright from 50 to 70 years.
we have had 20 years public domain use stolen from us, since nothing was given in return for this sudden loss. There can be no quibbling here about whether this is really theft, because something we had before has been taken away without our permission.