EU Unitary Patent: Status Update
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2012-02-01 16:49:49 UTC
- Modified: 2012-02-01 16:49:49 UTC
Will Europe surrender to multinationals from across the Atlantic?
Summary: Warning signs about the looming threat of the Unitary Patent -- a cross-Atlantic gateway for software patents
THE president of the FFII carries on tracking what can possibly serve as a bridge to software patents in Europe.
British politicians
recently opposed the unitary patent based on rational grounds and British patent lawyers have
this to say about their views:
He also stated that the value of the patent has the potential to be diminished if SMEs do not have the funds to be able to enforce the patent. Such a loss in the ability to enforce a patent and benefit from the revenue streams otherwise associated with the enforcement of the patent and the corresponding market share, would mean that SMEs and other companies may not have the funds to reinvest into research and development. Essentially, the proposed system may result in a chilling effect on innovation.
Indeed. Microsoft is meanwhile
employing lobbyists to pretend to speak of behalf of SMEs, promoting policies that would only harm SMEs. Other patents boosters
write that;
Unitary patent on agenda for EU Council meeting, happening now
We could not follow this link, but it does seem like something is happening behind closed doors and
other boosters of patents say:
Member States commit to reaching at the latest in June final agreement on the last outstanding issue #patent package.
This so-called "patent package" or whatever they wish to call it this year (they rename it to evade criticism or use new euphemisms) is trouble for all Europeans. It is good for multinationals though and they have enormous political power. Think along the lines of SOPA/PIPA/ACTA.