Summary: A little roundup of news about OpenLogic, Black Duck, and Xamarin
ONE of the themes we routinely cover in this Web site would have to be companies that serve Microsoft-esque agenda.
OpenLogic, a proprietary software company run by a Microsoft guy,
has new proprietary software that helps warn about Open Source software. This is the parasitic business of
warning about Linux-esque code being used even in automobiles (
PR here) and it comes also from the same firm that makes the GPL look bad -- a firm created by another Microsoft guy (
Black Duck), mostly to leave us with more software patents, more FUD, more proprietary software, and
services that nobody asked for. We find it amusing that the
so-called "future of Open Source" survey is organised by a proprietary software company with Microsoft roots. It's the same company that runs
the so-called "open source think tank". Who is speaking for Open Source these days? Maybe it's time for the OSI to wake up and intervene, not only to protect its brand but also to control the message.
Meanwhile, Microsoft MVP Miguel de Icaza
announces another bogus 'open source' product -- one that
promotes Microsoft's C# and
even makes a new compiler for it. If this is what's happening to open source, there is a lot to worry about. The management at
Xamarin, for example, has Microsoft past and present. It's
not even open source.