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Links 24/9/2012: New Distros, GNOME 3.7 is Coming

GNOME bluefish



  • New Workgroup Will Deliver a Standard Linux Platform for Cars
    Vehicles have been an emerging platform for Linux for some time now, with much of the momentum driven by auto makers and a few technology standards bodies, plus steadfast support for the trend from The Linux Foundation. Now, The Linux Foundation has announced the Automotive Grade Linux Workgroup (AGL). It will "facilitate widespread industry collaboration that advances automotive device development,providing a community reference platform that companies can use forcreating products," according to the Workgroup announcement. News of it arrives amidst other news related to Linux in vehicles.

  • The Linux Foundation Announces Automotive Grade Linux Workgroup
    The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux, today announced the Automotive Grade Linux Workgroup (AGL). The Workgroup will facilitate widespread industry collaboration that advances automotive device development, providing a community reference platform that companies can use for creating products.

  • The State of Linux in 2012
    Every year for the past four years, Jim Zemlin, the Executive Director of the Linux Foundation gets in front of thousands of Linux developers and users at the LinuxCon conference to detail the success and the State of Linux.

  • This Week in Linux: Ubuntu, PCLinuxOS, and More

  • Becoming a completely Linux household Clip to Evernote
    That’s something I’ve been wanting to happen for a while. Until recently, we were 2/3 the way there – with the laptops and mobile devices that my daughter and I use all running Linux or Android. But I finally got my wish of living in a completely Linux household a few weeks ago, all thanks to my wife’s laptop.

    It all started one Saturday morning when my wife wanted to scan some documents. Her laptop went into rather scary boot-shutdown loop, and the hard drive started clicking. This had happened a few months ago, and as it turned out the particular model of hard drive used in her laptop (which the manufacturer replaced) is one that’s prone to failure.

  • From My Linux Soapbox!
    One of the strong points about Linux is its hardware detection at boot time.

  • Desktop

    • Google Drive File Management Is a Big Deal for Chrome OS
      It's the end of August, and in case you missed it, Google closed out the month by delivering a new stable release of Chrome OS that does a few things that many users have been clamoring for. As noted on VentureBeat, the update "...finally gives the browser-based operating system file management to match the original product vision: a thin layer on hardware that puts intelligence and storage in the cloud. Now, users will have the option to save a file directly to Google Drive, instead of being forced to save it locally and then upload it." Indeed, the update solves long-standing file management problems that Chrome OS has had.

    • Why It Makes Sense for Google to Rent Chromebooks
      This is a wise strategy from Google as it seeks to turn the enterprise into its next large market to conquer. Putting Chrome OS-based hardware in enterprises could be the final step in validating the operating system.

    • How would you fix the Linux desktop?
      I was reading the back-and-forth between Miguel de Icaza and Linus Torvalds (with special guest star Alan Cox) over the holiday weekend, and I was hardly surprised by the amount of finger-pointing going on.

      In case you missed it, de Icaza got the ball rolling with a blog entry a week ago opining on What Killed the Linux Desktop. The fault, de Icaza stated, lay in the way that Linux developers would consistently deprecate APIs just to improve them, coupled with the myriad of configurations between each separate distro.

    • The System76 Gazelle Professional: Just How Good Is It? [Review]
      The Gazelle Professional is the flagship laptop from Ubuntu computer maker’s System76.

    • The History of Linux
      Linux history teaserLinux has been around for more than 20 years and serves happily in both desktop and server roles. But it didn’t show up overnight. Linux is the result of the collaboration of lots of people over the years.

    • History of Early Linux Distros
      If you haven’t noticed, if you’re looking for a Linux distribution, you’re spoiled for choice. Sites like DistroWatch list hundreds of different Linux distros on the site. But where did they all come from?

      Since Linux is just a kernel, as Richard Stallman is fond of pointing out, it’s not really that useful by itself, and regardless of how you feel about the GNU/Linux naming controversy, it really is a misnomer to call Linux an operating system. As a kernel, it just does basic things like storing files on a hard drive or accessing a network. It requires utilities to make it useful.

  • Server

    • Software Defined Datacenter - All You Really Need is Linux
      vmwareMaybe I’m getting old. Perhaps that’s why I just don’t get it anymore when I see the direction of the virtualization industry, and specifically, VMware. The virtualization giant has been swinging around the buzzword, and of course, accompanying acronym, “Software Defined Datacenter”, SDDC for short, to explain their take on how VMware can be the center of the IT world. However, when I look at their latest offering, I see layers upon layers of complexity, hiding beneath the veneer of their slick GUI. I have a simpler solution, a programmable datacenter.

    • Supercomputer Built From Lego Blocks And Raspberry Pi ARM Boxes
      How cheaply can you build a supercomputer? A group from the University of Southampton just made one using 64 Raspberry Pi ARM GNU/Linux boxes ($25 each) and Lego blocks. The machine, named "Iridis-Pi" after the University's Iridis supercomputer, runs off a single 13 Amp mains socket and uses MPI (Message Passing Interface) to communicate between nodes using Ethernet.

    • Cambridge Uni publishes free Pi-OS baking course
      Cambridge University has joined the ranks of terribly prestigious universities giving computer science classes away online, releasing a 12-step course teaching how to create what it calls a "basic terminal Operating System" for the Raspberry Pi.

  • Audiocasts/Shows

  • Kernel Space

    • Skateboarding with Greg Kroah-Hartman
      After the Linux Kernel Summit was done, the Linux kernel panel had wrapped and the LinuxCon and CloudOpen keynotes were finished, there was only one thing left to do at last week's event: Skate. You might have heard rumblings and seen pictures of the skateboards that were given away as speaker and VIP gifts at this year's event (you might have even scored one). Well, on Friday we took them out to the curb and put them to work - - with a little help from Linux kernel maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman.

    • 10 Insights from Linux Leaders in the Open Cloud
      How do the Linux and open source communities define the open cloud? Our Leaders of the Open Cloud series posed this key question, along with many others, to industry heavyweights in the 10 weeks leading up to the CloudOpen conference in San Diego last month. Here, we’ve distilled their answers into a slideshow to illustrate the range of participants and viewpoints as well as some areas of contention.

    • Linux 4.0 Coming in 2015?
      Linus Torvalds took stage tonight at the LinuxCon conference in a panel discussion about the state of Linux. Lucky for me they took questions from the audience via Twitter - though apparently i was the only one that asked questions over Twitter...

      I asked about the naming issue - many of us were almost caught of guard by how the whole Linux 3.0 name came about, with Linus pretty much saying at the time that the numbers in the 2.6.x series had simply just gotten too large. The last 2.6 kernel was the 2.6.39 kernel.

    • If Linus Torvalds Got Hit By a Bus Would Linux Die?
      As was the case in the beginning, Torvalds remains the leader of Linux and is responsible for maintaining the mainline kernel and pushing out its new leading-edge releases. One of the questions that has long been asked, and was asked again at the LinuxCon conference on Wednesday night, is the question of succession known as, "What if Linus gets hit by a bus?"

    • Kernel Log - Coming in 3.6 (Part 5): Infrastructure
      Similarly to current versions of Mac OS X and Windows, Linux is now capable of a hybrid sleep state. The 3.6 kernel also provides improved randomisation and reduces the work load of EFI bootloaders.

    • Graphics Stack

      • Linux Multi-Monitor Support Could Be Improved
        While some want Linux multi-monitor support removed, others are looking for it to be improved. Multiple display support for Linux has improved over the years with X.Org and desktop environment advancements, it's still generally less than ideal, especially for Linux gamers.

        With the liaising earlier this week between a long-time Linux desktop developer (circa 1996) and a game company, besides talking about the AMD Catalyst driver being on his blacklist of junk, he had many thoughts to share on the state of Linux multi-monitor support.

      • Wayland 1.0 Stable Release Is Imminent
        Kristian Høgsberg spoke this week at XDC2012 about Wayland and Weston. Here's a short recap plus some videos that include new demos of this promising project.

        Kristian began with a Wayland/Weston status and overview where he reiterated information about the desktop technology that has advanced in recent months -- pretty much what's already been covered by past Phoronix Wayland articles.

      • The Future Of OpenGL On Linux Looks Better
        The discussion was around providing a new Linux OpenGL ABI to better focus around today's needs and technologies rather than sticking to a decade old ABI. Backwards compatibility, however, will be maintained. That article has more information on the background of the original proposal by NVIDIA for coming up with a new Linux OpenGL ABI.

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

      • A real update on the progress of Wayland in KWin and KDE
        Of course I was asked quite often about the current state of Wayland in KDE and I honestly replied which resulted in rather incorrect “news” postings about Wayland in KDE not happening “any time soon” (whatever that is supposed to mean) to “Wayland for KDE will be delayed” (given that we never had a schedule in the first place, it cannot be delayed).

      • An Improved Apper For KDE Users Is Coming
        KDE, while extremely customizable, always lacked a tool which resembles the eye candy Ubuntu Software Center. One may argue that USC is not as powerful as plain Synaptic Package manager, yet it is polished enough to attract average user. KDE's own Apper comes close but there are some missing features which keep it below the USC.

      • Randa Fundraising Success!

      • New KDE Telepathy 0.5 Adds Improved Images And Video Support In Chat

      • Qt 5 Beta Released, Promises Improved Graphics
        Qt, a C++ GUI and application framework is up for a new major release. Lars Knoll announced the release of Qt 5 beta in the Qt Labs developer blog and this release has got some exciting features.

        Among the major changes, developer will enjoy improved graphics and advanced UIs for apps written in QML and JavaScript. For those who wish to make their Qt apps more connected with the web, Qt 5 will be a blessing. High performance and better tools are also some major milestones achieved in this release.

      • Randa begins and Lernstick
        The sun has risen this morning to reveal the beautiful valley which a some 20 or so KDE community members have gathered to work on 3 main topics (multimedia, accessibility and Plasma). People were awake and hacking here in Randa until the early hours of the morning of our first day here. In the Plasma room we spent the day catching up with each other and what we're working on as well as starting in on libplasma2, the next version of the underlying Plasma library, with the goal of having it in top shape for inclusion in the first release of Frameworks 5.

      • KDE Commit-Digest for 22nd July 2012

      • GNOME Desktop

        • Choose your Gnome distribution!

        • Gnome Shell 3.6 Preview
          Gnome 3.5.92 has been released few days ago and nothing more than translations and bug fixes will arrive till the stable release at September 26.

          Gnome Shell and Nautilus were the two modules that received huge development from 3.5.91 to .92 and more development is expected in 3.6.1 version in October 17. Gnome Shell 3.6 brings major changes in optics and huge improvements underneath.

        • A place for GNOME?

        • Input Sources in GNOME
          Today I want to take a look at one of the bigger new features in the upcoming GNOME release, Input Sources. I have written some early code for this, but the credit for getting it all working and completed really goes to Rui Matos and Takao Fujiwara.

      • Gnome 3.7 May Release On October 24, Gnome 3.8 On March 27th
        A release candidate of Gnome 3.9 is already out and Gnome 3.6 stable release is scheduled on September 26. However, development never stops in Linux world, and the developers are already making plans for the next releases. Currently, you can suggest some features for future Gnome releases as we announced earlier, and Gnome 3.8 feature freeze is on October 22nd this year.

      • Gnome 3.8 Accessibility improvements!
        Accessibility is an always important factor for Gnome designers/developers. All the people of the world should be able to use and contribute to our favorite desktop environment no matter their physical disabilities.

        Two new accessibility oriented/related features are now discussed and initiating with the purpose of being ready for the 3.8 release. These are the color tinting in Gnome Shell and the focus-caret tracking.

      • Gnome Sudoku: Final Look
        In Google Summer of Code this summer, Gnome apps and games got major enhancements and bug removals. One of the games that specially was given importance was Gnome Sudoku. Chris Baines has posted a screenshot on his blog about the final look of this game.

      • Preview of GNOME 3.6
        The Activities Overview has seen some improvements too that Clasen says will make a big difference in one's overall GNOME experience. He explains, "Applications can now be accessed using the grid button in the dash, rather than by clicking on the applications tab. This improves the layout of the overview, and enables us to highlight the all-important search bar. It also addresses an issue that we saw when observing people use GNOME 3, where the applications button sometimes went unnoticed."

      • Cinnamon 1.6 To Support Keyboard Navigation, Configurable Panel Heights And Notifications Applet

      • Gnome Shell 3.5.91 Released
        A new version of Gnome shell is out. This version is mostly a bug fix release and will be merged with the 3.6 release cycle. As its quite unstable, its not recommended to be installed as default work environment. You can, however, install it to get a taste of Gnome 3.6 and report bugs to the Gnome team.

      • Gnome Disk Usage Analyzer's Redefined Looks
        With Gnome 3.6 release coming closer, a lot of visible improvements are arriving in the desktop front. Some applications have got some renovated looks, namely Nautilus, Gnome Disk Usage Analyzer, Empathy and the Gnome Message Tray. Gnome Disk Usage Analyzer (Baobab) has got some visual improvements and looks cleaner now. Some screenshots below...

      • GNOME Answers Criticisms
        Since GNOME 3 was released in April 2011, the criticism has often been harsh (and, yes, I contributed to it myself). Seventeen months later, it shows few signs of ending, and Linux Mint has released Cinnamon and Mate, two popular re-creations of GNOME 2, as an alternative. Yet aside from the occasional comment from individuals, the GNOME Project itself has refrained from answering.

      • GNOME is simply losing its grasp
        The GNOME development team shot another bullet in their foot when they removed some beloved features from the Nautilus file manager. Read Jack Wallen’s take on how this serves as the final blow to GNOME’s relevancy.

      • 13 years old hacker Esteban is announced developer of the month! ..and the Cinnamon 1.5.8!
        Some great news come from Mint camp this month. First, Mint has been ranked “Best Distro 2012″ by Linux Format! Then, Mint is proud to have in his side one of the most talented hackers, the just 13 years old Esteban -esteban1uy- who was announced as the developer of the month (in Mint).

      • Senior GNOME dev says users not being ignored
        Despite public perception to the contrary, GNOME developers pay a great deal of attention to the opinions of users, senior GNOME developer Vincent Untz told iTWire today.

        Untz is in Orlando, Florida, to attend the first SUSECON, the first annual conference of the Linux company; the quiet-spoken Frenchman, who was on the GNOME Foundation board from 2006 till 2010, has been working for SUSE since 2008.

  • Distributions

    • New Distro Manjaro Linux Based on Arch
      There's a new distro in town and it is not based on Ubuntu. In fact, almost the opposite - it's based on and completely compatible with Arch Linux. Well, maybe not opposite because they aim to make Arch easy to install and use. The main version features Xfce 4.10, but they also offer GNOME and KDE DVDs. Best of all, it's an install live CD/DVD.

    • Secure Your Network With pfSense
      One of my first experiences with network security was building firewalls for small offices and Internet cafés. Our boss at the time was adamant that we use open source, and directed us to OpenBSD and “pf”, their packet filtering firewall. It was a good call. OpenBSD proved to be rock solid, and pf was easy to configure and easy to maintain. Fast-forward a little over a decade and I’ve just finished installing a new pf-based firewall, this time as an entire FreeBSD distribution called pfSense.

    • Too Many Geeks, Too Much Choice
      One of my favorites is a quote from King Linus himself. "Everything would be easier if there was no choice." That's his way of saying freedom is messy. Many think freedom always results in more choice and that's always a good thing.

      The problem with Open Source Software and freedom is that sometimes no one chooses the difficult or seemingly boring and unappreciated aspects. However, many times someone comes along and improves the product, Magiea and LibreOffice are two prime examples. But sometimes they don't, like Symphony OS. Ultimately, consensus seems to be that the benefits of Open Source minus the problems associated with it are still preferable to the disadvantages even with the advantages of popular but proprietary software.

    • Warren Woodford and the Linux distro market | Interview
      Warren Woodford is the man behind MEPIS, one of the first ever GNU/Linux distributions that tried to be more friendly to the user. In this quick interview he talks about the distribution market, the different strategies that are followed and his opinion on what all distributions should do in order for the Linux desktop to grow and prosper.

    • SolusOS 1.2 Eveline Review
      SolusOS is a lightweight distribution which uses Gnome 2 as its desktop interface and it is geared towards novice Linux users or those who do not need a heavy distribution.

      Coming off the heels of an impressive first release earlier this year, we are back with an updated version of this distribution. The main focus is still the same but it now has some updated offerings.SolusOS 1.2 now comes in both 32-bit and 64-bit flavors which for those who have more than 4GB of memory can now access all of it making a huge improvement in performance and multitasking. This distribution still comes as a Live media so you can try it before installing it.

    • SolusOS Eveline 1.2 Review
      After recently installing the Debian based edition of Linux Mint operating system on my home office desktop, I decided to take a look at another Debian based Linux distribution, SolusOS.

      This is my first time trying SolusOS, so I dived in with an innocent fresh mind. Upon booting the LiveCD, I couldn’t help but notice how fast the SolusOS boot process is. Whether it has been tweaked by the developers or whether it is due the lightweight nature of the distribution, I’m not too sure.

    • Snowlinux 3 E17 Crystal Review: Fast, very fast!
      The world of preferred Linux window manager is dominated by Gnome, KDE, XFCE and LXDE primarily. About 90% of the new releases I see are based on either of the four desktops because of the extremely elegant graphical interfaces they offer. However, with changing priorities and a need to provide aesthetically pleasing visual effects, Linux world is also undergoing tremendous transformation, specially Gnome 3. Most of the today's highly sophisticated Linux distros no longer run well on low resource environment or support desktops less than 512 MB RAM.

    • New Releases

      • Parted Magic Team Releases 2012_09_12
      • ArtistX 1.3

      • Mandriva and Fedora Release Alphas
        The Linux world received two exciting announcements recently. Two popular distributions have released alphas of their next versions. Fedora 18 Alpha "offers a preview of some of the best free and open-source technology currently under development" and Mandriva 2012 Alpha sports "quality closer to what one would expect from a RC."

    • PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandrake/Mandriva Family

      • PCLinuxOS KDE 2012.08 Review: Better than ever!
        To start with, I became a big fan of PCLinuxOS since February this year. First time, I used PCLinux (I am still a Linux n00b) when I downloaded the Feb'12 release and installed it in one of the systems I have. I am not a KDE fan but PCLinuxOS is different! I have used Ubuntu mostly in last 2 year or so and I could never successfully update Ubuntu - I had to do fresh install every time! PCLinuxOS is actually the first Linux OS which I could upgrade without breaking anything. Also, there's a knowledgeable and helpful forum in place to help you out of issues like screen not displaying proper resolution and stuff like that!

      • September 2012 issue of The PCLinuxOS Magazine Released!
        The PCLinuxOS Magazine staff is pleased to announce the release of the September 2012 issue of the PCLinuxOS Magazine. The PCLinuxOS Magazine is a product of the PCLinuxOS community, published by volunteers from the community. The magazine is lead by Paul Arnote, Chief Editor, and Assistant Editor Meemaw. The PCLinuxOS Magazine is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share-Alike 3.0 Unported license, and some rights are reserved.

    • Gentoo Family

      • Gentoo Picks Screenshot Contest Winners
        I used Gentoo for several years a while back, but I still remember the monthly screenshot threads. Gentoo users posted their screenshots to show off their customizing prowess or how minimal they could get. So, it always catches my eye when the Gentoo Website announces their official yearly winners. Today we found out the winners for 2012.

      • Sabayon 10 Released with Four Desktop Choices
        Sabayon 10 was released recently bringing lots of updates and your choice of four different desktop editions. Fabio Erculiani said, "If you really enjoyed Sabayon 9, this is just another step towards World domination (yay!)."

      • Sabayon X Gnome Screenshots

      • Sabayon 10 Review: Gentoo on steroids!
        Gentoo Linux is one Linux OS I haven't tried yet. But, surely this week I am going to try their 2009 Special DVD edition. The best feature of Gentoo is, it is version-less and once you make an emerge update, it has the most up-to-date packages. There are step-by-step guides available to install Gentoo and once I try it, I'll know how complicated or easy it is!

    • Red Hat Family

    • Debian Family

      • Debian Project News - September 17th, 2012
        Joerg Jaspert sent some bits from the FTP Team, announcing the ongoing sprint during which the team is working on optimising the current code behind the main archive, finalising a proposal for Debian Personal Package Archives (PPAs), and merging into the main archive host. This year, participation in the Google Summer of Code initiative helped the team in implementing a true multi-archive capability, making it possible to merge separated parts of the Debian archive (like security and backports) into the main archive. Joerg also added a call for volunteers: if you are a Debian Developer and want to help one of the key teams of the Debian infrastructure, please consider joining them.

      • Derivatives

        • Canonical/Ubuntu

          • Ubuntu 12.10 will have a shopping lens

          • Ubuntu 12.10 Wallpapers Chosen

          • New Look Default Wallpaper Lands in Ubuntu 12.10

          • First Images Of Ubuntu Gnome Remix 12.10 Arrive For Testing
            It's here. We have been writing about the 'official' edition of Ubuntu Gnome for almost a year now and it's finally here. The first ISO (alpha) images of Gnome Shell edition of Ubuntu is now available for download and testing, Jeremy Bicha just told me on Google+.

          • GNOMEbuntu Will Be Available This October
            As a long time Ubuntu user I was essentially a Gnome user but Unity changed everything. Unity did bring a new UI but it also enabled Canonical to drive the development of Ubuntu in the direction they wanted to increase the market share of Ubuntu. We are noticing the results in the market as Ubuntu's adoption is increasing.

            Unity is extremely rich when it comes to new features and services. You can keep an eye on OMG! Ubuntu or our Ubuntu section to see how Unity is shaping up. However, there are Gnome users who are still looking for the pure GNOME experience on top of the stability and app ecosystem of Ubuntu.

          • The New 'Pure GNOME' Ubuntu Linux Is Coming This Fall
            Earlier this month fans of the good old GNOME 2 desktop environment got some exciting news when it became clear that a version of Ubuntu Linux featuring the classic desktop was in the works.

          • Encrypted Installation Arrives In Ubuntu 12.10
            As days advance towards the Ubuntu Quantal release, new and exciting features are being added to Ubuntu; the old features and bugs are being squashed and Canonical is making sure that Ubuntu 12.10 will be the best Ubuntu release ever.

          • Canonical To Drop Ubuntu Alternate Installation CDs
            Canonical has decided to drop alternate Ubuntu installation CDs from the next Ubuntu release. This CDs were previously used to install Ubuntu with encryption and also configure RAID arrays for data storage. As per Ubuntu developer Steve Langasek, Ubuntu 12.10 default installation CD will support encrypted installations. Also RAID can be configured easily after installation.

          • Touring the Ubuntu Unity Desktop
            Ubuntu 12.04 is an alternative to the Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X operating systems. It features a functional and intuitive desktop environment.

            Ubuntu's Unity desktop has similarities to both Windows and OS X, meaning that users considering the switch to Ubuntu should not have much difficultly becoming familiar with this alternative operating system (OS), which is based on Linux, a popular open-source OS.

          • Ubuntu provides magic that Windows 8 doesn't
            Linux is the supreme software conquest for me, and one particular distribution has tormented my early adopter "lifestyle" -- Red Hat Linux. It's now long gone, abandoned by parent company Red Hat, though it was given a new lease on life through Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

            Ten years ago, I stumbled upon a magazine that came with a copy of Red Hat Linux 7, and I was so tempted to try it and see how it felt to run something other than the Windows editions of the day. My experience was less than ideal back then, but I've re-encountered Ubuntu and the spark has reignited...

          • Buying A Printer For Ubuntu

          • 5 golden rules
            Any company that wants to save a bundle in software licensing fees and build a productive, stable and secure computing environment for its users should download a free workbook entitled “Five Golden Rules for a Successful Ubuntu Desktop Migration.”

            Produced by Canonical, the commercial sponsor of the popular Ubuntu Linux distribution, the book offers some pragmatic advice to companies that want to migrate from a proprietary system like Microsoft Windows to a free and open source platform.

          • Ubuntu Software Center Not Working
            Now go ahead and try to install something via apt-get. Chances are, it’s working now! And that is awesome. Sadly though, Synaptic and the software center still aren’t working quite right. So let’s fix that issue next.

          • Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) Beta1 Screenshots
            The Ubuntu developers are moving quickly to bring you the absolute latest and greatest software the Open Source community has to offer. The Quantal Quetzal Beta 1 Release of Ubuntu 12.10 give you a preview of the next version of Ubuntu.

          • Ubuntu 12.10 Beta 1: Preview
            The first beta build of Ubuntu 12.10 drops Unity 2D, retains Nautilus 3.4 and adds a new Dash preview, a Photo lens and new centralised Online Accounts management.

          • Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) Beta 1 Released.

          • Five Must Have Ubuntu Apps for Music
            For me one of my favorite things is listening to music and I use music as an aid to help make me more productive when working on projects. Luckily there are a variety of applications that “just work” on Ubuntu to help me get my music fix.

          • Five new features in Ubuntu 12.10 'Quantal Quetzal' Beta 1

          • My impressions of Ubuntu/Unity - Ubuntu 12.04
            I've been using Ubuntu 12.04 on my MSI netbook for about a week now. The netbook is a 10" model with a 1.66 Gig dual core Intel Atom N280 CPU, 1 Gig of RAM and Intel Mobile 945GSE Integrated Graphics, 3 USB ports, VGA out, and Microphone and Headphone sockets, and an SD card slot.

            I've been using Ubuntu 12.04 on my MSI netbook for about a week now. The netbook is a 10" model with a 1.66 Gig dual core Intel Atom N280 CPU, 1 Gig of RAM and Intel Mobile 945GSE Integrated Graphics, 3 USB ports, VGA out, and Microphone and Headphone sockets, and an SD card slot.

            I've been using it with Ubuntu Studio, with XFCE desktop and Audio applications, but became quite annoyed with it because it kept losing the network applet, and it never seemed to connect with the wireless network unless I was within a meter of the transmitter.

            So as I had a copy of Ubuntu on hand, I decided to give that a go.

          • Ubuntu 12.10 Beta 1 (Report #3)
            Just a quick update on my experience running the pre-release version of Ubuntu (this time upgraded to Ubuntu 12.10 Beta 1!). Not a whole lot new to report – Beta 1 is basically the same as Alpha 3 but with the addition of an option to connect to a Remote Server directly from the login screen. Unfortunately the bugs that I have filed so far have yet to be resolved, but I’m still hopeful someone has a chance to correct them prior to release.

          • Online Shopping Feature Arrives in Ubuntu 12.10

          • Should Ubuntu’s Minimize Button Be Vertical?
            When was the last time you paid any attention to the icons used inside Ubuntu’s window controls?

          • Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal Beta 1 Review
            The beta version of the next Ubuntu release – 12.10 Quantal Quetzal – is now available for testing. There are several new and interesting features added and whether you like it or not, the Unity desktop is here to stay and it is getting better with each release.

          • Ubuntu Unity: A beginner's walk-through
            You may have noticed that over the last year, I’ve spoken quite a lot about Ubuntu Unity. More specifically, I’ve become quite the champion for Unity being one of the most efficient desktops on the market. I thought it might be helpful to take you on a walk through of the default Ubuntu desktop to help you see just how it could be that a completely different desktop could possibly be so user-friendly and efficient.

          • Shuttleworth defends Ubuntu Linux integrating Amazon
            You'd think someone had just kicked some Ubuntu Linux fans' puppy. Canonical, Ubuntu's parent company, has added Amazon search results to the upcoming Ubuntu 12.10 Unity Dash search function. Some users hate this and have declared Ubuntu to be adware. Mark Shuttleworth, Ubuntu's founder, has replied that this response is FUD. Here's what's really happening.

            First, yes, when you do a search from Unity Dash in Ubuntu 12.10, besides the usual search results you'll also see a More Suggestions results box. This will contain, not ads, but search results from Amazon. This is part of the integration of Web apps into the Ubuntu desktop. In addition to the Amazon integration into Ubuntu search, there's also a separate Amazon search app. More than 40 other "Web site apps" such as BBC News, Facebook, and Reddit also will be available.

          • Flavours and Variants

            • First look at Linux Mint 13 "KDE" edition
              Before I get into my review this week I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge a good suggestion I received earlier this year. One of our readers pointed out that burning distribution images to CDs and DVDs was wasteful as, eventually, the discs typically end up in the trash. The reader suggested switching to a USB thumb drive in order to be more environmentally friendly. At the time I had been testing most distributions on two machines, one of which was old enough that it did not support booting from a USB device. This situation limited my options and was the main reason behind using optical media. Still, after some consideration I decided that reducing my environmental footprint is more important to me than testing distributions on hardware which I rarely use any more.

              With that in mind, I have switched to using a (second hand) USB drive in place of optical media. It is rare these days that I encounter Linux distributions which do not run smoothly on both of my test computers and I feel that the additional testing and use of resources does not provide significant benefit to justify the time and media expended. Going forward I intend to limit hardware testing to one machine and load distributions onto the hardware using a USB drive. Should you have any thoughts on this change one way or the other, please feel free to comment below or e-mail me.

            • Ubuntu vs Linux Mint
              Ubuntu or Linux Mint. This is the question most people ask me when they set mind to install first Linux distribution in their machine. When you plan to use Linux, you are surrounded by the choice. There are 100′s of Linux distribution available, each having their own specialty. People pick their favourite distros because they find it convenient and easy to use. The same distro can be disgusting and ridiculous to other people. So, its the choice that matter. however this articles will helps you to visualize the differences between Ubuntu and Linux Mint and helps you to find the appropriate choice for you.

            • Bodhi Linux 2.0.1 - performance with pizzazz
              The path to Enlightenment is long. In fact, Enlightenment 17 has been in the works for 12 years now. The first version of this unique desktop environment was released by Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler) in 1997. Version 0.17 (E17) was born in December 2000, and is a complete rewrite of E16. A number of distros (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, to name a few) have long included an E17 package. However, these versions have so far failed to exploit the amazing eye-candy potential of the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL).

  • Devices/Embedded

    • Wind River Introduces Yocto Project–Based Embedded Linux Platform
      Wind River has introduced the latest version of Wind River Linux, which was developed from the Yocto Project open source development infrastructure and has achieved Yocto Project Compatible registration. Wind River Linux supports an array of hardware including ARM, Intel, MIPS and Power architectures.

    • Breaking out the Raspberry Pi
      With flexible I/O options and Linux capability, the Raspberry Pi offers enormous potential for hardware development. Andrew Back takes us through the possibilities with his hardware-hacking getting-started guide for the credit-card-sized Linux computer.

    • Phones

      • The World's First Firefox Phone Will Launch In A Few Months
        Mozilla, the company that makes the popular Firefox browser, is working on a mobile operating system that will launch on a smartphone built by ZTE, Reuters reports.

      • Android

        • BlueStacks App Player Now Runs Android Apps on the Mac
          Android continues to win market share despite being a very young mobile operating system, and as that happens, the number of impressive applications for it is rising too. Many of us have favorite Android apps, but we use them almost exclusively on smartphones or tablets. As we've covered before, you can also run Android apps on your desktop computer or laptop. BlueStacks App Player has been available for some time for Windows users who want to run Android apps on PCs. Now, BlueStacks App Player is out in an alpha version for Mac users.

        • Android Turns Four: What a Wild Ride

    • Sub-notebooks/Tablets

Free Software/Open Source

  • Announcement: Diaspora* Will Now Be A Community Project
    We have been overwhelmed with your support the past week after our announcement of and the opening up of signups on This week, we are excited to share with you some important Diaspora announcements.

    When we started Diaspora two years ago, the project kicked off with amazing reception and support from people that believed in our ultimate goal: giving users ownership over their data. It’s a powerful idea, one that captured the imaginations of millions of people across the world. This vision has expanded and evolved over the past two years that we have been working on it as the project has grown.

  • Diaspora, the Open Social Network, Gets Handed Over to the Community

  • How Twitter tweets your tweets with open source
    Some people may have been surprised when Twitter recently joined The Linux Foundation. You couldn't tweet about your dinner, your latest game, or the newest political rumor without open-source software.

    Chris Aniszczyk, open-source manager at Twitter, explained just how much Twitter relied on open source and Linux at LinuxCon, the Linux Foundation's annual North American technology conference. “Twitter's philosophy is to open-source almost all things. We take our software inspiration from Red Hat's development philosophy: 'default to open.''”

  • Bossies 2012: The Best of Open Source Software Awards
    It's back -- and bigger and badder than ever! Our sixth annual Bossie Awards call out more than 100 open source products in seven categories

  • How To Evaluate Open Source Software
    One of the best benefits to open source software is how it can fill in the gaps when developing applications. At times it makes sense to look around and see if anyone else has already solved the problem you are looking at, especially if it is a common feature. Unfortunately, not all open source projects are built the same, and deciding to adopt someone else’s code into your project must be carefully considered. Here are seven steps to starting a successful long-term relationship with an open source project.

  • Rethink Robotics' Baxter Robot Leverages Open Source
    For more than a decade, some of the more interesting work in the field of robotics has been driven by open source efforts. As we've noted, there is now even an Open Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF). While companies such as Willow Garage have grabbed most of the headlines on the open source robotics front, a new one is generating buzz: Rethink Robotics. It's the brainchild of noted roboticist Rodney Brooks.

  • Woman Force In Open Source: Eilidh McAdam Interview
    I'm a graduate student at Abertay University in Dundee, Scotland. I got my BSc in Computing then was accepted for a PhD studentship in 2008 – I'm currently writing my thesis on biological metaphors for critical infrastructure networks. I also work remotely part-time for the open source consulting company Lanedo. I believe that open data and communication can have a massively positive impact on how the world connects, so a job programming open source software is a dream come true. I'm fascinated by coding (C, C++, Python, Ruby, Java), music (composition and consumption), physics, mathematics and more generally, learning how things work. FLOSS is a fantastic bridge for all of these things and has the additional benefit of bringing people the world over together. I also like functional programming languages, reading (particularly but not exclusively sci-fi and fantasy), gaming (Valve's recent porting efforts are very hopeful), electronics, writing and drawing.

  • Rating Open Source Desktop Notification Systems
    It’s a problem as old as the microprocessor: How do you provide important information to users without getting in the way of their workflow? On most open source platforms, the answer to this conundrum currently lies in passive notification popups or bubbles. And while some interfaces get it right, others — especially GNOME Shell — could do a lot better. Here’s how.

  • Events

  • Web Browsers

    • Chrome

    • Mozilla

      • New Firefox Health Report to Aid Performance
        Users have complained about the performance of Firefox for years and although each release promises better resource management, the complaints keep coming. Now a new feature will help users and developers pinpoint the reasons Firefox may not be as peppy as it should be.

      • Faster Firefox 15 Released, Install From PPA
        The Mozilla Foundation has released a new version of the popular and free browser, Firefox. Firefox 15 comes with major changes that will make the browser more lightweight and prevent memory leaks.

      • Thunderbird 15 Comes With Instant Messaging Support
        Following the release of Firefox, the Mozilla Foundation has released a new version of their email client: Thunderbird. Now along with E-mails, you will be able to chat with your online buddies right from the application. For the time being, Facebook Chat, Google Talk, IRC, Twitter and XMPP/Jabber are supported. You can read about the configuration instructions from here.

      • Mozilla's Firefox OS: Take It Seriously
        Back in February, we reported on how Mozilla is in an alliance with Telefonica and Qualcomm to become a serious player in the smartphone arena with its own open mobiile operating system. And, just recently, we reported on Techweek Europe's posts of a series of screenshots, seen here, showing Mozilla's mobile operating system with a look and feel that Mozilla claimed was non-representative of the final OS. What's being called "Firefox OS" looks very compelling, and is even showing up for the Raspberry Pi.

      • Mozilla's Firefox OS Is Headed for Developing Mobile Markets
        The Mozilla Foundation has been moving ahead quickly with its plans to become a big player in the smartphone business, and is retaining its focus on emerging markets, according to several recent update posts. And, photos of its "Firefox OS" have been appearing everywhere, including collected updates found here. Many people don't have a firm grasp on Mozilla's strategy, though, and recent comments from Mozilla's CTO can clear any confusion up. Here are details.

        As Mozilla jumps into the smartphone and mobile operating system arenas, its big partners are Qualcomm and Telefonica. As we've reported, these big telecom players can help Mozilla compete in emerging markets. Telefonica, for example, has a huge presence in Latin America.

      • Mozilla Festival 2012

      • Firefox 15 launches tomorrow, downloads already available
        If everything goes as planned, Mozilla will release an update for Firefox 14.0.1 that will bring the version of the Internet browser to 15.0. The stable version of the browser won’t be the only version that will receive an update in the coming days. Firefox’s extended released support version will be updated tomorrow as well, followed by updates for Firefox Beta on August 30, and Firefox Aurora on August 31 (you can check out the regularly updated Mozilla Firefox Release Schedule to find out about future Firefox releases).

      • Firefox 16 Goes Back To The Command Line
        Even before the bits have dried on Firefox 15, Mozilla want to talk about Firefox 16. One of its big "innovations" is a command line for debugging but this isn't your father's command line - it's all new and reinvented.

        Firefox 16 is still in the beta channel, but you might want to check out its new developer feature - a command line. It doesn't add much that is completely new, just a keyboard-oriented way of getting at the existing developer tools.

  • SaaS

    • IBM's Angel Diaz: 3 Projects Creating User-Driven Standards for the Open Cloud
      To seasoned software standards expert Angel Diaz, today’s effort to create interoperability in the cloud is reminiscent of the mid-90s when HTTP emerged as a state-of-the-art technology. Every application server had to do that same function but there was no standard, he said. And so IBM helped create Apache web server software and the standard code for building web pages.

    • The OpenStack Foundation Launches, Wields Lots of Cloud Might

    • Defining the Open Cloud

    • Quotes from the Kernel Panel at LinuxCon in San Diego

    • Slideshow: LinuxCon and CloudOpen Highlights

    • OpenStack Foundation Moves Forward, Taking VMware With It
      In the past two weeks, many momentous announcements have arrived surrounding OpenStack, the open source cloud computing framework. As we reported, Rackspace, which has begun calling itself "the open cloud company," announced the release of Rackspace Private Cloud software, built on OpenStack and designed for companies that want to install, test and run a multi-node OpenStack-based private cloud environment. That news, of course, immediately followed Red Hat's announcement of its upcoming OpenStack-based cloud platform, already available in a preview edition. And now, as it releases a significant update to Ubuntu 12.04, Canonical is also doubling down on its OpenStack focus.

    • OpenStack Foundation Launches to Promote Open Cloud
      It’s official: OpenStack, the open source cloud platform, has formed an independent entity, the OpenStack Foundation, to promote the project and open source cloud computing more generally. Here’s the scoop, and what it means for the open source channel.

      Founded in 2010, the OpenStack project has enjoyed broad support from a host of big names for some time. In addition to Rackspace Cloud and NASA, which launched the project, several major companies in the open source channel and beyond have worked closely with it for a while. The platform provides the main cloud computing solutions for the Ubuntu and Red Hat (NYSE: RHT) Linux distributions, and is endorsed by Cisco Systems (NASDAQ: CSCO), Dell (NASDAQ: DELL), Hewlett-Packard (NYSE: HPQ), IBM (NYSE: IBM), Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) and AMD (NYSE: AMD), among other organizations.

    • ownCloud Offers Three-Hours Test Drive To Business Customers

    • Red Hat Opens Its OpenStack Kimono
      Upon the occasion of the launch of the OpenStack Foundation, which will put an enormous amount of backing behind the open source cloud computing platform, the OpenStack team at Red Hat is out with a post that discusses how the team will transform OpenStack into a meaningful product. As we've noted before, and as Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols reports, Red Hat intends to do for OpenStack what it did for Linux. There are several reasons to believe that Red Hat can do just that, not the least of which is that Red Hat knows exactly how to provide world-class support for open source software.

  • Oracle/Java/LibreOffice

    • LibreOffice 3.6.1 Released
      The Document Foundation has announced a new bug-fix release of the open-source office suite, LibreOffice. LibreOffice 3.6.1 is fixes some of the bugs and enhances stability of the application. LibreOffice 3.6 was released last month and this version includes some enhancements over that release.

    • Oracle: Leading with Linux, Then and Now
      Adopting Linux as a platform has helped change Oracle over the past 15 years from a fragmented, decentralized behemoth to a sleek, consolidated service provider, said Senior VP and CIO Mark Sunday in Oracle’s LinuxCon keynote presentation Friday morning.

    • LibreOffice 3.6.1 Available for Download

    • The Other Oracle
      I'm starting to realize it's like pulling teeth to get Wall Street analysts to say something indiscriminately positive when discussing the prospects of database giant Oracle (ORCL).

    • Be wary of LibreOffice 3.6!
      f you're considering upgrading to LibreOffice 3.6, my advice -- at least for the present -- is DON'T. Or if you do, proceed with caution. (Instructions below.)

      In the past, upgrades have been flawless, but I do still regularly backup my Profile folder. The wisdom of doing so was proved at the weekend when I upgraded from LO version 3.5 to 3.6. It all went swimmingly as usual, but when I can to use the new version I discovered some anomalies. Gone: 40+ macros I've built up over years of using and LibreOffice. Gone: some basic settings such as Page Format (A4 went back to Letter) and Measurement Units (Millimetres went back to Inches).

  • CMS

  • Funding

    • Open source champ Mark Shuttleworth invests $1M in Ceph storage startup
      Ceph is an open-source storage subsystem that proponents say is more adaptable and less expensive than proprietary storage systems. Probably more to the point, it is also a competitor or alternative to the Swift storage system that is part of the OpenStack cloud platform. Ceph claims API compatibility with both Amazon S3 and Rackspace Cloud Files.


    • An Improved Apper For KDE Users Is Coming
      The first ever professional grade GIMP Magazine will launch on September 5th this year.

      Steve Czajka of GIMP Magazine tells Muktware, "GIMP Magazine features the amazing works created from this world wide community. Photography, digital arts, graphic arts, web design, tips & tricks, step by step tutorials, master classes, help desk questions, product reviews and so much more are showcased and explored in this quarterly publication. This publication is available for free and is licensed Creative Commons CC-AT-SA 2.5."

    • First Issue of New GIMP Magazine Released
      GIMP is one of the most important applications for Linux users. It gives them some of the capabilities found in other popular image manipulation programs without the expense. Well, a group of enthusiasts have banded together to produce a new magazine just for GIMP users. GIMP Magazine "features the amazing works created from an enormous community from all over the world estimated at around 8-10 million people."

    • A platform for everyone
      Software freedom activist Richard Stallman, speaking at IIT-M, argued that non-free software created a system of “digital colonisation” and applauded the states that have introduced GNU/Linux operating systems in their schools. He declared, “More Indian states should open their windows to free software. It is safer and cheaper than available alternatives.”

      I was impressed. When a Linux-lover offered to change the OS on my desktop to Ubuntu (Linux), I nodded. I was thrilled this would let me modify and personalise programmes on my PC. It was a 160-GB version of 12.04 LTS (long-term-support for five years) and free, free!

    • Join the FSF and friends in updating the Free Software Directory
      Join the FSF and friends on Friday September 21st, from 2pm to 5pm EDT (18:00 to 21:00 UTC) to help improve the Free Software Directory by adding new entries and updating existing ones. We will be on IRC in the #fsf channel on freenode.

    • GCC 4.7.2 Compiler Released
      GCC 4.7.2 has been released with fixes for regressions and serious bugs on GCC 4.7.

  • Public Services/Government

    • Belgium Government Open Sources Code Of Voting Machines
      A day after the Federal elections were over, Belgium government has open-sourced the code used for voting machines. The move is, however not for sharing and reuse, but for showing that the machines were not fraudulent.

  • Licensing

    • Stop the inclusion of proprietary licenses in Creative Commons 4.0
      Over the past several years, Creative Commons has increasingly recommended free culture licenses over non-free ones. Now that the drafting process for version 4.0 of their license set is in full gear, this is a “a once-in-a-decade-or-more opportunity” to deprecate the proprietary NonCommercial and NoDerivatives clauses. This is the best chance we have to dramatically shift the direction of Creative Commons to be fully aligned with the definition of free cultural works by preventing the inheritance of these proprietary clauses in CC 4.0′s final release.

    • Stop the inclusion of proprietary licenses in Creative Commons 4.0

    • GPL Violations Are Still Pretty Common, You Know?
      As I've written about before, I am always amazed when suddenly there is widespread interest in, excitement over, and focus on some particular GPL violation. I've spent most of my adult life working on copyleft compliance issues, so perhaps I've got an overly unique perspective. It's just that I've seen lots of GPL violations every single day since the late 1990s. Even now, copyleft compliance remains a regular part of my monthly work. Even though it's now only one task among many that I work on every day, I'm still never surprised nor shocked by some violation.

      When some GPL violation suddenly becomes a “big story”, it reminds me of celebrity divorces. There are, of course, every single day, hundreds (maybe even thousands) of couples facing the conclusion that their marriage has ended. It's a tragedy for their families, and they'll spend years recovering. The divorce impacts everyone they know: both their families, and all their friends, too. Everyone's life who touches the couple is impacted in some way or other.

  • Openness/Sharing

    • Open Source Will Power The Solar Steam Engine
      Open Source is everywhere. When fossils fuels are depleting fast and humanity is worrying about how to supply power to the next generations, Zenman Energy is building a solar steam engine that will be affordable to the masses and also cost fraction of current photovoltaic solutions. On the top of it, it will be open-source.

    • ENCODE DNA Data Project, Inspired and Built By Linux
      Scientists celebrated a breakthrough in their understanding of the human genome this month – the results of a large collaborative project driven by big data and built with Linux.

    • Open Access/Content

      • Stanford's Class2Go to Offer Free Courses This Fall
        Many universities, including U.C Berkeley and M.IT. have been involved in e-learning for a long time, and, not long ago, M.I.T. and Harvard teamed up to deliver online learning to millions of people around the world, through their new edX initiative. Not to be outdone, Stanford University is going to offer 16 courses and two new, interactive e-learning platforms this fall. Here are details.

  • Programming

    • I will teach you C

    • Thank You!
      The abundance of you that have contacted me regarding my offer to teach you C is heart warming and clear evidence of GNOMEs future potential.

    • Get your Bachelor’s degree from Gnome University!
      Gnome University Project (GU) is an effort by Christian Hergert to push people in Gnome developing. GU is all about C and Gnome technologies, but it also a nice way to start learning C programming within a big scale project.

      GU is still on early stages and it is a work in progress but there is already a repository with some beginner chapters.


  • Health/Nutrition

    • How to fight a food crisis
      The drought that descended on the United States this summer will translate into higher prices for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The inevitability of this scenario introduces an old question that has become new: When weather strikes, what can curb food inflation?

      Recent suggestions cover a wide range of complicated approaches, from GPS-guided drip irrigation techniques to genetically engineered crops and from new federal biofuel standards to new farm insurance programs to new commodity-markets regulations. How ironic that the oldest agricultural technology of them all may provide the simplest and most timely solution.

  • Finance

    • Shareholders sue insurer Amerigroup
      A group of shareholders has filed a lawsuit against health insurer Amerigroup Corp. and its adviser, Goldman Sachs & Co., alleging that the company eschewed more lucrative offers from other companies before agreeing to be acquired by WellPoint Inc. for $4.5 billion.

    • Payoff in the Pit of the Plutocracy
      This book is about corporate crime – although that phrase doesn’t appear anywhere in its 288 pages.

    • 11 Reasons Why America Would Be A Better Place Without Goldman Sachs
      Unfortunately, corruption is so endemic on Wall Street that Goldman Sachs really does not seem out of place. The truth is that a lot of the things that are said about Goldman could also be said about JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup and Morgan Stanley.

    • Wall Street And Washington Share Millions Of Dollars, Lot Of People
      The close relationship between Wall Street and Washington belies their 200 mile separation and theoretically differing goals.

      By spending money on campaigns and lobbyists, The financial industry has managed to give itself something of a voice in the halls of Congress, regulators’ offices and even the White House. Of the top ten firms with employees donating to Romney's campaign, eight are big banks, according to Federal Election data cited by Bloomberg. In addition, Wall Street spent more than $100 million last year on lobbying while the provisions for the Dodd-Frank financial reform law were being finalized, according to The New York Times.

    • The Quiet Coup
      One thing you learn rather quickly when working at the International Monetary Fund is that no one is ever very happy to see you. Typically, your “clients” come in only after private capital has abandoned them, after regional trading-bloc partners have been unable to throw a strong enough lifeline, after last-ditch attempts to borrow from powerful friends like China or the European Union have fallen through. You’re never at the top of anyone’s dance card.

    • More Details on the Goldman Sachs Sukuk Debacle
      Back in the first quarter of this year, SFW covered Goldman Sachs’ ill-fated sojourn into the world of Islamic bonds (sukuk). Goldman had planned on floating a $2 billion sukuk but the entire project was shot down by Shariah scholars.

    • Barclays bank made nearly $800 million speculating on food
      When central bankers talk about more quantitative easing to help spur markets, remember this. While millions around the world go hungry or pay more for food, the bankers are cashing on enormously on the crisis. Barclays is being named here but don't forget that both Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley also operate in this space.

  • Copyrights

Recent Techrights' Posts

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Banned evidence: Ars Technica forums censored email predicting DebConf23 death, Abraham Raji & Debian cover-up
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Intimidation, Threats, and Bullying Not Tolerated by Techrights
When it comes to our reporting, safety always comes first
A World Without Rules
We're long insisted on better laws and actual enforcement of them (applicable to all, not selectively applied)
IBM's BS (Bait, Switch) Regarding Ways to Stay Onboard
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Microsoft Canonical Continues Its FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) Campaign, Reveals Google Too Sponsored It
They're paid-for lies from a Chinese company that takes GAFAM money to write puff pieces about them
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IBM, Red Hat and Microsoft Probably Also Manipulate Metrics (It Helps Con the Shareholders)
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Slopwatch: and Other Pure Junk From "Google News"
The need to vet sources is hardly new; anyone can spew out anything, anywhere. There's a need for vetting.
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, March 27, 2025
IRC logs for Thursday, March 27, 2025
Links 27/03/2025: Obituary to a Shop, Russia Trying to Buy Time
Links for the day
Links 27/03/2025: Slop, Autosuggestions, and Nostr
Links for the day
Apparently Confirmed: IBM Layoffs in Canada Today, Hundreds Affected
Impacting "177 people", says one person, "in Ottawa"
When Windows Was Dominant (1990s) Browser Monopoly Meant MSIE, But Now Google Android is Dominant and the Web in a 'Webapps' Era Works With (or Is Designed for) Chrome-isms
We've been there before
Slopwatch: BetaNews,, and the Attack on Web Search Using Fake and Likely Plagiarised Pages
Changing a few words here and there won't change the fact that it's not properly authored
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Links for the day
Using Courts for 'Revenge' is Always a Losing Strategy
Trying to cause someone you dislike to spend a lot of money
IBM CFO James Kavanaugh Refers to Firing of Almost 10,000 Americans as "Workforce Rebalancing" (Shifting IBM's Centre of Balance to Low-salary Contracts/Countries)
The scale of IBM layoffs is getting too large to evade WARN Notices
[Video] Dr. Richard Stallman's Keynote Speech in Kerala Finally Uploaded
In non-free format and proprietary YouTube, but perhaps that's better than nothing
Islands Are Leaving Microsoft Behind, According to statCounter
Android has had a very strong year
EPO Management Fails to Deny That the Office is Discriminating Against Women
Europe's second-largest institution isn't just exceedingly corrupt but also immoral
In Some Countries the Market Share of Vista 11 is Going Down, Not Up
despite being released in 2021
Rumour: Mass Layoffs in IBM Canada Today
Maybe later today some people from Canada will say something firmer and maybe some media will even talk about that
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, March 26, 2025
IRC logs for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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LLM Slopfarm: A Site's Last Incarnation Before Throwing in the Towel, Going Offline Permanently
A lot of coverage that claims to be about Finland is chatbot-generated nonsense or poorly-plagiarised work
Microsoft Canonical Pays IDG to Spread FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt)
this seems a tad exploitative and reminds us of the time Novell kept telling companies that using anything other than SUSE was dangerous
Gemini Links 26/03/2025: GTD, Zenshuu, and Geminispace Community
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Links 26/03/2025: Media's Failures, Arrests of Journalists, Limitations of End-to-End Encryption
Links for the day
LLM Slop (Lots of It Spewed Out by Microsoft) Versus Linux
Microsoft is a very, very evil company. It doesn't mind destroying the Web if there's a chance it'll make a buck in the process or mess up people's brains (in Microsoft's favour).
Slopfarms (Sites That Only Ever Publish LLM Slop) Are Killing Google News
pair of slopfarms still propped up by Google News
Microsoft's Serial Strangler's Law Firm Has a Long History of Fronting for People Who Do Bad and/or Illegal Things
Whose terrible idea was this?
Novell and Microsoft Apologist/Booster Bruce Byfield Writing About the FSF is a Recipe for Problems
Totally not shoehorning some agenda
Looking Forward to the Fall of UPC and Revocation of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) Agreement, Which Was Always Illegal and Unconstitutional
We'll try to keep abreast of any progress in this case
Slopwatch: Google News,, and the General Demise of the Web
many supposed or so-called "news" pages are just spewed out by some chatbots (or tools which help plagiarise original articles without getting caught; detection gets harder)
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, March 25, 2025
IRC logs for Tuesday, March 25, 2025