As part-time Microsoft booster (and at some capacity a Microsoft employee), Miguel de Icaza has been spreading some GNU/Linux FUD. He ridiculed the platform some months ago (reaching CNN for instance) and now he does more of that. Sites which characterise him as a FOSS proponent use that to make GNU/Linux look bad, but the matter of fact is, the FOSS community disowns and distances itself from this man, who started the GNOME project after he had tried to work for Microsoft. Just watch the comments in Phoronix for example. Almost every single one is against de Icaza, and that's coming from a rather Mono-sympathetic site. Some comments have very strong language, so no link is needed. Mr. Pogson puts it more politely when he says "Good Riddance To Miguel de Icaza" and he tackles the FUD de Icaza was spreading:
Not only is he whining about non-existent FUD, he hits the fragmentation grenade too. My machines suspend and awaken reliably, and I have a bunch of a wide variety. Wireless is solid in my home and I can see all the neighbours doing their thing, too. Video and sound work too. I use Debian GNU/Linux with XFCE4. It’s solid even with the latest stable kernel.
Windows fans will whine, but Net Applications' desktop operating systems numbers don't lie. Windows 8's pathetic user adoption numbers can't even keep up with Vista's lousy numbers.
Samsung has confirmed to German tech news site Heise that it no longer plans to offer its Windows RT tablet, the ATIV Tab, in Germany and some "other European countries." The decision was reportedly made after the Korean conglomerate surveyed retailers and found there was little demand for Samsung Windows RT products. Today's news echoes Samsung's decision to not offer the Ativ Tab in the US.