Summary: A reader's experience being nagged by Microsoft, as documented and explained by this reader
The attached screen capture shows what the update procedure looks like.
On 19 May 2016:

The update utility showing KB3122862

The official Microsoft info on KB3122862
What third parties are saying [
2]. The previous attempt to dump Win10 on my machine was less than a fortnight ago, on 7 May 2016

The second update is this time classified as
"important" rather than "optional".

Uh oh, time to grab the barge pole...

Another "innocuous" sounding update on 8 April 2016.
And on 13 April 2016, there were a lot of updates, no Win10 stuff, but I had to go through them one by one to check that nothing sneaky was included.
I'm almost ready to make the switch to Linux but it's more complicated than I thought, I'm running into technical problems which I don't really want to have to deal with, e.g. video drivers. I've been getting familiar with OpenSUSE for the last few years, and reviewed many other distributions. I'll stay away from Ubuntu as they seem to be in bed with Microsoft, and after I looked into the other choices (Mint, Debian, Fedora), I'll stick with the devil I know.