Reference: Demoralization (warfare)
THERE'S material about the EPO in circulation as many people are truly concerned about the Office and want the Organisation to save/redeem it. We published 6 articles about the EPO yesterday and there's a lot more on the way. In the coming days we shall focus on some of the misinformation from Battistelli and his goons. It's not about the distractions (like Battistelli's alleged bicycle and the upcoming extravaganza in Lisbon) but about the so-called 'studies' which Battistelli intends to use for lobbying the media, politicians, etc. These Battistelli-funded (and commissioned) 'studies', as per the neoliberal model where even science is just a business, aren't more legitimate than Monsanto-funded 'studies' and these need to be scrutinised perpetually. Battistelli is fighting an information war. He also compares his critics to Nazis and criminals when speaking to politicians.
"Battistelli is fighting an information war."Alluding to the latest Technologia survey, this one person wrote: "here the appalling results of the Technologia staff survey on psycho social risks [...] they illustrate Battistelli's mandate (2010 to 2016) and speak for themselves" (showing the role that Battistelli himself has played, by comparing different time points).
Battistelli is trying to commission a bogus survey from a rather dodgy company (Wellkom). It's supposed to distract from his abuses and shift blame.
"Battistelli is trying to commission a bogus survey from a rather dodgy company (Wellkom).""Regarding Wellkom," one reader wrote to us, "for whatever it's worth I looked up "Andrea Jutta Phillips" -- which is a rather uncommon combination of German given names and an English surname -- and came up with the following. It is a teaser from a Spanish legal information site, providing an excerpt of the Official Journal of the Spanish Region of Murcia. The name appears in the faded part of the page. The full page is available with a trial registration. The title of the notice is: "Citación a contribuyentes en ignorado domicilio, o por no saber, o haberse negado a firmar cédula de notificación, para ser notificados por comparecencia." No date is given. These are public summons for truant taxpayers, a measure of last resort when there is no known address for service, or the party refuses to accept notification. It seems like a local council was intending to auction off some property for settling unpaid taxes. A consequence of the great Spanish real estate bubble? Neither one of the Phillips spouses seems to have a large footprint on the Internet, to say the least."
Stay tuned for part 2 as we are going to show the lack of transparency in this whole process. ⬆