--Laurent Prunier, EPO staff representative
THE EPO is a horrible, horrible place to work at. The staff survey speaks for itself and people who work for the EPO constantly remind us of the nature of the workplace, comparing it to being in the trenches.
To: "Et sinon je reprendrais bien des croquettes"
When a drunken diplomat kills a little girl, immunity is upheld, but the diplomat is declared "persona non grata" and sent back to his or her country. The diplomat is then supposed to be judged there.
The Vienna convention was never designed so that diplomats can kill little girls with impunity. It was designed to protect, for example, USA diplomats to be judged for "anti-communist activities" in the former USSR.
In the case of International organisations, however, I am not really sure how the "persona non grata" concept is supposed to apply.
Something else.
It has been 3 months since the Enlarged Board published that the EPO President violated judicial independence and nothing has happened. This is outrageous.
There is also the subject of the frivolity of the accusations. The board of appeal member who is the subject of the decision did, as far as I can tell from the available documents, nothing wrong. The accusations were downright ridiculous: having "objects which can be constructed as weapons" and "nazi memorabilia". The exact wording at the time fails me, but it really sounded as if they combed his office and found nothing but a pocket knife and an history book to frame him.
This is also absolutely outrageous. It looks like the so called "investigation team", even with major breaches of confidentiality (they bugged the computers used by the Council themselves, remember?) could not find anything serious and yet the board member is still guilty. Of what?
Next, we have had members of Suepo dismissed for, apparently, also nothing. Pure "coincidence", according to a vice-president. Apparently, a few more will be dismissed soon.
As it was said on German TV: this is "Gantanamo auf Deutschem Boden". How long will this scandal last?
The original accusation was that the member of the board of appeal used the public computers of the Office to spread "defamatory" material on VP3 - the weapons and nazi memorabilia were conveniently found later in his office and used for a classical case of character assassination.
To further reinforce the narrative about defamation, VP3 sued the member of the board of appeal for in a German court - you may have read the outcome above (28/09): it appears that the Procurator dismissed the case recently.
How long will this scandal last?
Scandal? Who says this is a "scandal" - you? And what about Newspapers, Lawyers, Judges, the IP world? Did you see any reaction from them? Because I didn't. Therefore, it's not a scandal. The Administrative Council is acting like this is totally normal. No scandal here.
If you wanna a scandal read TMZ.
"Something is not just rotten at Eponia. Rotten is far too gentle a term and we intend to dig as deep as necessary to show what the EPO has truly become.""Isn't that just the point," asked another new commenter (clustered deep inside an article from June at IP Kat, as the site no longer covers the scandals, just promotes the UPC for Battistelli). "The EPO's immunity is designed to protect French Enarques from being pursued for "anti-union activities" on the territory of EPOnia. I see no incompatibility with the aims of the Vienna Convention ..."
Tomorrow we shall continues our series about Mr. Kongstad. There will be a total of (by our estimation) nearly 10 parts.
Something is not just rotten at Eponia. Rotten is far too gentle a term and we intend to dig as deep as necessary to show what the EPO has truly become. ⬆