Reference: Wikipedia on credibility
THE EPO, which is still embroiled in many scandals, did not manage to silence the European public. In the latest Heise article, for instance, there are well over 50 comments. People are angry about politicians like Maas (never mind Dutch politicians) conveniently failing (or refusing) to uphold the law against Battistelli and his chums.
"Cambodia has zero European patents."The latest EPO puff pieces, one about the former French colony and another about patent quality, have had virtually no effect or impact. In fact, media all across the world rejected that hogwash and we saw no press coverage of these cheap stunts. The EPO's Twitter account keeps promoting this mirage of patent quality (lots about it so far this week), but nobody seems to care. Nobody out there should trust the EPO, which habitually lies to journalists (we have given many examples over the years). The only one piece which we found emanating from the latest PR stunts is this puff piece from Kali Kotoski in Cambodia. It's almost like a rewrite (or ghostwritten, or worse -- plagiarism) of what the EPO wrote. It says "Cambodia is set to become the first country in Southeast Asia to recognise and protect European patents after the Minister of Industry and Handicrafts signed an agreement with the European Patent Office (EPO) yesterday."
We have already explained why this is laughable, even as far back as last year. Cambodia has zero European patents. It might have some patents at the USPTO, but we have not checked. Either way, the pathetic level of EPO PR is quite revealing. There is nothing good left to say. Maybe tomorrow Battistelli will announce some 'unprecedented' MoU with Micronesia. ⬆