SCIENTISTS from CERN are not entirely tolerant of the antiscientific 'king' of EPO -- the man who lies so habitually and whose Office deletes countries from the map in order to match his propaganda (more on that soon).
and The Hague [PDF]
. These two-page documents, with French and English versions for each, are identical letters (English versions at least), except the recipient. These are dated yesterday and SUEPO explains that it's a "solidarity message".
Staff Association CERN CH - 1211 GENEVE 23
SUEPO Munich Limburgstr. 8 D-81539 München
Téléphone/Telephone: 41/22/767 3638 Courriel/Email: Site web
Meyrin, 15 March 2017
Dear Colleagues,
With this letter, the CERN Staff Association wishes to repeat its full support to you in your battle to maintain the possibility to perform your union duties in accordance with the prevailing conditions in all international organisations. The freedom and independence of staff unions, represented by staff associations or staff committees, are essential to the proper functioning of our organisations.
Similar attacks are also taking place at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva. The FICSA (Federation of International Civil Servant Associations) is also informed and intervenes, as well as all staff associations that are members of the Federation.
It is completely unacceptable that representatives of the personnel should be dismissed or placed under pressure as a result of their commitment to defend the rights of the personnel.
Freedom of association and collective bargaining have been an integral part of CERN’s Rules and Regulations ever since the creation of the Organization more than 60 years ago. That is why we were, and continue to be, profoundly shocked by the situation that has persisted in the European Patent Office (EPO) for far too long. We hereby offer our solidarity to all union representatives and colleagues of the EPO.
When faced with threats, we are, and always will be, stronger together.
On behalf of the CERN Staff Association,
Joel Lahaye External Relations
Ghislain Roy Staff Association President
, describing it as: "Letter of support from the International and European Public Services Organisation (IPSO), The European Central Bank's recognized trade union for ECB staff to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Federal Minister of Justice Heiko Maas on dismissal at the European Patent Office."