Your open letter dated 6th March 2014
Dear Mr Battistelli,
While paying lip service to social dialogue, you have consistently interfered with the legitimate activities of the Central Staff Committee (CSC). We refer to you recent decisions and consequent actions:
- A referendum on “social democracy” organised by the CSC was prematurely terminated by the administration. - Six members of the CSC were threatened with heavy sanctions with respect to the organisation of this referendum. - Twelve (!) elected staff representatives received written warnings and reprimands. - A Munich staff representative was downgraded from A4 to A3, despite the unanimous recommendation from the Disciplinary Committee to stop the procedure and pay the subject her legal costs. - A CSC expert was suspended for allegedly having helped the CSC with the above referendum.
In an open letter to all staff dated 06.03.2014, you now claim that the decision to organise the above referendum “had never, in fact, been discussed at CSC level”.
Please take note that the referendum was discussed and the decision was taken by the CSC.
Yours sincerely,