[we've already named TAD staff]
making it obvious that the TAD is part of the administration of the town. I guess all other emails have the same format. On the top of that there is the address of a managing director of the TAD: Sophie Bauer - Directrice du TAD
"We do sincerely believe that some of these people don't quite understand what is going on or what has been happening at the EPO. People ought to explain to them.""Feel free to tell [them] what do you think of the ignominious inventor of the year event and of the mess there getting in by collaborating with the "cancer" Battistelli," our reader concluded.
For a short form/sort of summary, see this week's "Battistelli Misuses EPO Budget to Saturate the European Media With Puff Pieces About His Event" (one among half a dozen or so articles on this subject). EPO budget is still being poured onto PR agencies, which yields new puff pieces like "Sugru inventor becomes first Irish EPO award nominee" or "UK Inventors Short-Listed for European Inventor Award 2018" (again today). There's yet another Microsoft puff piece. "The awards event will be held on June 7 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Paris," says the last sentence. They probably do not even know that this last sentence might be the most important one.
Battistelli now pretends -- over in his blog (warning:
link) -- that stakeholders play a role at the EPO (which he is robbing). Liar in Chief? Or worse? What he does in Saint-Germain-en-Laye is a lot worse than lying. His blog post, which was promoted almost immediately, as usual, by the PR team, is about AIPPI (see "Today’s European Patent Office Works for Patent Extremists and for Team UPC Rather Than for Europe or for Innovation"). Also today, ahead of Battistelli's and IAM's promotion of software patents in Europe, Joff Wild is bragging about giving a platform to Benoît Battistelli (after Benoît Battistelli's PR agency paid IAM). See how money travels? Whose money? EPO budget. "This not only features keynote speakers Anderi Iancu, Sue Siegel and Benoît Battistelli, but also an array of senior corporate IP business leaders," Wild wrote. IAM always gravitates towards money and towards patent trolls, which it is grooming every day. ⬆