"If you're seeking #patent protection in one or more EPO member states," the European Patent Office (EPO) wrote this morning, "you can choose either to follow the national procedure in each or to take the European route, which confers protection in all the member states in a single procedure."
"How can a patent office lecture us on patent law and the need to obey authority when it not only breaks the law all the time but also laughs out at law enforcers?"But this is the kind of mentality that doomed the UPC; all that lying and the attacks on judges (or people attempting to uphold the EPC) backfired spectacularly. The EPO lapdog known as the "AC" was far too subservient; it's like it became a branch or an extension of the Office, which is totally not acceptable. Notice how in direct violation of the law, exploiting the COVID-19 crisis/emergency, the Office outsourced the legal processes to Microsoft. Just over a week ago we were once again also reminded that the judges exiled to Haar lack their independence from the Office and "Kant" responded to "MaxDrei" (comment appeared this morning) to say:
In another place MaxDrei wrote: "So let’s zoom in on the notion of the separation of powers between the legislative, judicative and executive branches of government. The EPC’s EPO is not the legislative branch. It should confine itself to the other two pillars of the Rule of Law, right?"
The problem arises is that the AC can only amend A53(b) under A33(1)(b) by a unanimous vote, which is not required for a rule change. If the AC by means of a change of the rules is also empowered to amend the articles, this is contradictory to the wishes of the contracting states as expressed by the EPC.
"The patent barons insist that patent monopolies must carry on flowing, even if they're granted by people with pyjamas at home."How can a patent office lecture us on patent law and the need to obey authority when it not only breaks the law all the time but also laughs out at law enforcers? What a totally bizarre institution the EPO has become; with billions in its coffers (it's not supposed to have that money!) instead of giving staff a paid leave amid unprecedented global crisis it forces them to work at the same pace from home with kids around them and insuffifient access to necessary equipment. The patent barons insist that patent monopolies must carry on flowing, even if they're granted by people with pyjamas at home. ⬆