or over http://
A LOT of people are gradually getting sick and tired of bloated "web apps" or mobile "apps" (or other bloated desktop software dubbed "apps"... but actually, in practice, acting like little but a bloated Web browser). There are many reasons to avoid these, including privacy and planned obsolescence (these trends significantly harm the environment).
Last year we identified a number of expansion areas; seeing that mostly geeks drove innovation in those areas (that's how things have always started; they're always the early and first adopters of new technology because it is them who develop it). IPFS came first and earlier this month we went public in Gemini space. It's growing fast and some readers of ours already read the site over
instead of http://
(both are possible, as explained above).
Moreover, using a command line alone (or simple text editors) it's possible to read everything in this site, including IRC logs. Media players (standalone) can handle multimedia. We're hoping that more readers will, over time at least, recognise the benefits of such an approach. It greatly reduces clutter and distraction and it's not just a signal amplifier but also a privacy booster. Once upon a time most of the Internet (even the Web) was like that; much of the 'innovation' was around business models, e.g. how to exploit users and farm/data-mine their brains. Walk away from it; the Web will never self-repair. ⬆