EPO Oversight
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2021-09-07 15:07:50 UTC
- Modified: 2021-09-07 15:07:50 UTC

Summary: Some poetry about the awful state of the EPO, whose abuses are facilitated by a total lack of oversight
Justice delayed
Or justice denied
For two months
Nobody complied
Timeliness first
Customer always right
Staff always wrong
With 6 million euros we fight
Hey hi, dear Campinos
Negotiation genius
Negotiating bonuses
For you and your minions
Innovation is patents
Without patents it ain't inventive
30k euros per patent
For poor nations not a single incentive
Puff pieces for Holmes
For Corcoran just hit pieces
Fake honours for the doyen
No evidence of theses
Votes for champagne
Undercover campaign
Paving the way
To an 8-year reign
Immunity por moi
The son wants it too
His grandpa fought imperialism
His daddy completed a coup
Administrative Coun-Sell
How quickly you fell
Enabling a coup
For the institution to be Hell
Breton Commission
Bemoaning attrition
Burying the evidence
The primary mission
EPO the best
Be my guest
Over 'ViCo' of course
Justice will rest