Debunking the Latest UPC Lies
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A COUPLE OF hours ago we showed 24 annotated screenshots of UPC lies and one more about the EPO. António Campinos is piggybacking a bombarded Ukraine to pretend to be sympathetic.
"Team UPC feels the pain and it's well aware that reality (or the law) will catch up with it, sooner or later..."There's still time (almost a week left*) for EPO staff to express their real views, confidentially (and thus safely), about the EPO regime. Team UPC has taken over EPOnia, looking to impose a radical agenda at the expense of the Rule of Law and to the detriment of the EU, as I explain in the video above.
Thankfully, Team UPC hasn't bamboozled everyone. Contrary to what it wants us to believe, even people in patent-related occupations are retaliating with words. There are already 7 comments (and counting; 2 days left) in the only blog post that Kluwer Patent Blog published in the past 17 days. The video above goes through these very quickly and then does the same for the annotated screenshots. It's important to keep debunking the lies; Team UPC feels the pain and it's well aware that reality (or the law) will catch up with it, sooner or later... ⬆
* To quote SUEPO: "The closing of the survey is postponed until Friday, April 29, at 5 p.m."