EPO Laughing at the Courts
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0
THE truly absurd EPO is still trying to replace patent courts with a bunch of kangaroo courts while shamelessly ignoring the rulings (against EPO) regarding unlawful actions from Benoît Battistelli. Battistelli's friend António Campinos not only refuses to execute the latest judgement; he also keeps lying about it!
European Patent Office | 80298 MUNICH | GERMANY
Mr António Campinos President of the EPO
By email
Reference: sc22117cl Date: 06.09.2022
Execution of ILOAT Judgment No. 4551 (mass emails)
Dear Mr President,
In a letter of 29 July 2022, the CSC demanded the immediate execution of Judgment No. 4551 issued on 6 July 2022 and reinstating the former rules on mass emails in force prior to 31 May 2013.
To this day, this letter remains unanswered and Staff Committees and their members still cannot send an email to more than 50 addresses.
We note that mailing lists for sending mass emails to more than 50 staff members, e.g. DDL-ALL-STAFF(-XX), already exist in the EPO standard email system. Such mailing lists can be easily selected from the available address book and inserted into the recipient field. However, when the sender is a Staff Committee or one of its members, sending of the email is technically blocked. The same applies upon inserting more than 50 individual addresses as recipient from the available address book.
The above confirms that the EPO has not executed Judgment No. 4551 two months after the ruling of the Tribunal.
As already explained in the letter of 29 July 2022, we see no legal or technical requirements preventing the EPO from granting authorisation to Staff Committees and their members to use the EPO mailing lists. In fact, granting authorisation is technically a matter of seconds for the EPO internal IT services (BIT) and could have been easily done already immediately after the Judgment was issued.
Therefore, we repeat the demand for the immediate execution of Judgment No. 4551 and no later than 30 September 2022.
Yours sincerely,
Thomas Czogalla Chairman LSC Berlin
Jutta Haußer Deputy Chairwoman LSC Vienna
Michael Kemény Chairman LSC Munich
Jorge Raposo Chairman LSC The Hague
Alain Dumont Chairman Central Staff Committee