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Links 25/12/2022: Ruby 3.2.0 Released

  • GNU/Linux

    • Linux LinksSeason’s Greetings from LinuxLinks - LinuxLinks

      Everyone involved at LinuxLinks wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. 2022 has been another immensely challenging year for the world (particularly Ukraine). Let’s hope that peace prevails soon.

      We have many exciting projects on the horizon in the new year. For example, we plan to massively ramp up the number of articles about hardware running on Linux. But rest assured, we will continue to focus on recommending the best free and open source software. After all, that’s our raison d’etre.

    • Server

      • IEEEEurope Gets an Exascale Supercomputer - IEEE Spectrum [Ed: It runs GNU/Linux]

        FRONTIER, THE WORLD’S FIRST exascale supercomputer—or at least the first one that’s been made public—is coming online soon for general scientific use at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. Another such machine, Aurora, is seemingly on track to be completed any day at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois. Now Europe’s getting up to speed. Through a €500 million pan-European effort, an exascale supercomputer called JUPITER (Joint Undertaking Pioneer for Innovative and Transformative Exascale Research) will be installed sometime in 2023 at the Forschungszentrum Jülich, in Germany.

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • University of TorontoHandling numbers in Vim when they have a dash in front of them

        I wanted to copy and duplicate in order to make 'machine-2', 'machine-3', and so on entries, so I copied that first line and hit Ctrl-A to increment the machine number, which didn't work because Vim, by default, saw the '-1' as a negative number and duly incremented it to '0'. Visually selecting the number before using Ctrl-A isn't really a great solution for this particular case, because I want to do it repeatedly to create different numbers; at best I'd be repeatedly selecting shorter and shorter columns and incrementing them by one.

      • BSDlyCan Your Spam-eater Manage to Catch Seventy-one Percent Like This Other Service?

        Measuring the effect of what you do is important. Equally important is knowing what is the measure of your actions.

        A question turned up on IRC that had me thinking.

        Do you have a percentage of the spam traffic you catch on your MXes? The reason I ask is I lust learned that claim they catch 71% of all incoming spam. Also a rate of false positives would be nice to have, but that's likely harder to measure.

      • University of TorontoThe systemd journal is primarily time-based

        However, on deeper examination I realized that this goes deeper than just what 'journalctl -b-1' will report is the boot before the current one (or even earlier boots). If your system boots with a bad time in the past and then corrects the time, 'journalctl -r' will stop abruptly at a log line where the time began to be stepped to the correct value, like this (in reversed order): [...]

      • EarthlyComprehensive guide to Defining Application Routing in Kubernetes Cluster - Earthly Blog

        When you’re getting started with Kubernetes, setting up the proper routing can be a challenge. There are a lot of moving parts and understanding how IP address get assigned and what they point to can be confusing at first.

        In this article, you will learn what an Ingress is, and its usefulness when routing in Kubernetes. You will also be introduced to Service and how they differ from an Ingress. We’ll start by covering these two essential pieces of Kubernetes before doing a deeper dive into how you can use them to set up effective routing.

        For this article, you will use an NGINX image on Docker Hub. You will learn how to make deployments and create services for the NGINX image and use Ingress to forward requests from a domain name to your application. You will also learn how to use Ingress to configure multiple paths for a particular domain and also run your application on HTTPS.

      • EarthlyHow to Work with YAML in Python - Earthly Blog

        If you’ve ever worked with Docker or Kubernetes, you’ll have likely used YAML files. From configuring an application’s services in Docker to defining Kubernetes objects like pods, services, and more—YAML is used for them all.

        If you’d like to learn how to work with YAML in the Python programming language, then this tutorial is for you. This tutorial will cover creating, writing, reading, and modifying YAML in Python.

    • Games

      • Björn WärmedalTea Tea Deluxe Version 1.2.0

        Last night I published an update to my OpenTTD NewGRF called Tea Tea Deluxe. Version 1.2.0, downloadable from the "Check online content" menu in the game.


        I've played the game with these changes for a couple of weeks now, and the improvements are very enjoyable. The production rates for the farms is now a little bit higher. Increased from 8 to 12, compared to 15 for coal, which actually makes tea leaves somewhat competitive. They start out at a higher value than coal but drop off radically, whereas coal loses value very slowly. For short distances tea leaves are more valuable, for medium to long distances coal is the winner. For the longest distances, when value of any cargo has dropped to the lowest point at 12% of its maximum, tea leaves are quite superior. I didn't intend to make it this way, but it's how it turned out.

      • thibault's Blog ● Lichess - Scala 3 ●

        Lichess gets a big upgrade. It doesn't go as planned. Lichess is a 100% open-source/free-software chess website, used by millions of players to play billions of games.

      • Boiling SteamBest Steam Deck Games Released in the Past Week - 2022-12-25 Christmas Edition - Boiling Steam

        Merry Christmas! Between 2022-12-18 and 2022-12-25 there were 122 new games validated for the Steam Deck. We use many different features to get to that Best Steam Deck Games list, such as popularity, ratings, and more.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • Glyn Moodyopen...: Where to find me on Mastodon

      Since Elon Musk is trying to ban any mention of Mastodon on Twitter, I thought I'd just make it as easy as possible to find me on the former. I'm at

      I look forward to meeting lots of you there, where we can discuss the continuing and inevitable decline of Twitter under Musk.

    • Xe's BlogMore "private account" bypasses - Xe Iaso is a social network built on the open source software Mastodon. For various reasons, is one of the few Mastodon servers that does not federate to the larger community, and as such has implemented unique account security features that allows it to differentiate itself from other Mastodon instances. It also has an embedded stream of CNN and other news sites.

    • Programming/Development

      • Ruby 3.2.0 Released

        We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 3.2.0. Ruby 3.2 adds many features and performance improvements.

        WASI based WebAssembly support

        This is an initial port of WASI based WebAssembly support. This enables a CRuby binary to be available on a Web browser, a Serverless Edge environment, or other kinds of WebAssembly/WASI embedders. Currently this port passes basic and bootstrap test suites not using the Thread API.

      • OpenSource.com5 Raspberry Pi tutorials to inspire DIY creativity |

        'Tis the season for holiday pies and tasty treats, so why not talk about every open source enthusiast's favorite hardware delight: the Raspberry Pi. This year, contributors put in work on how to use the Pi for all sorts of cool projects and use cases. (Did you see the one about creating your own holiday light display with ping pong balls?) From business solutions to just-for-fun projects, these articles will show you a brand new way to use the Raspberry Pi in your life.

      • Data Science TutorialsOLS Regression in R - Data Science Tutorials

        OLS Regression in R, OLS Regression is a statistical method used for modeling in the R programming language.

        Additionally, the examination of linear relationships between a response variable is done using it.

        A straight line can be used to represent the relationship between the two variables if it is linear.

      • Designing Accessible Research with R/Shiny - Data For Good, R programming

        R/Shiny is quite versatile from a developer’s perspective, and at Appsilon, we try our best to stretch those limits even further. That is what we did for the Future Forests application. Which, at first glance, doesn’t even appear to be an R/Shiny application.

      • Data Science TutorialsCredit Card Fraud Detection in R - Data Science Tutorials

        Credit Card Fraud Detection in R, We will learn how to perform credit card detection in this R project.

        We’ll go over a variety of methods, including Gradient Boosting Classifiers, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, and Artificial Neural Networks.

        We will use the Card Transactions dataset, which includes both fraudulent and legitimate transactions, to carry out credit card fraud detection.

      • Adafruita rp2040 eInk specialty driver board

        “this board is sorta like a trinkey ( – it’s a dedicated RP2040 board just for driving eInk displays with common 24-pin connectors. could be handy for folks who want to make USB-powered eInk displays without needing a feather + eInk wing ( there’s a STEMMA QT port for expansion in case one wants to add GPIO or sensors. to be honest, i’m mostly designing this for myself to make it easier for me to quickly test and evaluate eInk panel samples in Arduino or CircuitPython!”

      • Matt RickardSoftware Rewrites

        The other day, Elon Musk and George Hotz mentioned that Twitter would probably need a full rewrite to get to the place where it could reliably and quickly ship new features. There was a lot of pushback from the infrastructure side – many developers who either maintain legacy software for a living or were the ones who originally wrote it. Two laws often cited –

        Chesteron's Fence – Don't take down a fence until you know why it was put up.

        Gall's Law – you cannot design a complex system from scratch

      • Jim NielsenNotes from Ryan Dahl on Shop Talk Show

        Deno is trying to alleviate the problem of choice in today’s JavaScript. With features like a standard library, a native test runner, and built-in typescript support, Deno is trying to combat the problem of too much unnecessary choice that runs rampant in the world of Node.

      • Bert HubertAlways use feenableexcept() when doing floating point math

        A small post that documents something that almost no one appears to know. And if you do anything with floating point, you do need to know.

      • SparkFun ElectronicsLoRa: Field Testing Antennas - News - SparkFun Electronics

        It turned out to be quite and adventure (a bear even made an appearance!) to reach the outer limits of testing the range of a LoRa signal. Any of the configurations mentioned in this blog would work with the following tutorial if you'd like to play along.

      • SparkFun ElectronicsSparkFun Vacation - News - SparkFun Electronics

        This is a bit of a different week for us because we are in the middle of Hanukkah and the Christmas Holiday is this Sunday, so we are off spending time with our families and enjoying some us time. We don't have any new products this Friday, but we'd like to remind you of our closures this weekend and next as well as take a look at some of our more recent new products that you may have missed!

      • EarthlyMonorepo Build Tools - Earthly Blog

        In the software development world, there is a growing trend of using monorepos to manage codebases. A monorepo is a single repository that contains the code of many interrelated but distinct projects. While monorepos have their benefits, they also come with their own set of challenges. And guess what? The challenges are primarily around tooling. In this article, I’ll compare some of the most popular monorepo build tools on the market and see how they stack up against each other.


        Things get more complex when code repositories contain multiple partially-independent pieces of software. For example, if a repo has tens or hundreds of services, many services likely depend on each other. Still, changes to one do not necessarily mean all others need to be retested, rebuilt, or redeployed. This is why monorepos build tools, to do a good job, need to track project dependencies.

      • R-Ladies Cologne - Our first year in the books!

        Thank you all for a fantastic year at R-Ladies Cologne!

        We had a series of great events which gave us the chance to meet so many wonderful and kindhearted people across the globe. This is one thing that always makes me so thankful to be part of the community

      • Export in Bananen in Tonnen von 1994-2005 (Banana exports in tonnes from 1994-2005) - Pachá
      • 2022-04 Constructive Solid Geometry and Function Representation in R | Stat Tech

        The HyperFun Project provides a language and interpreter for describing 3D scenes using Function Representation and Constructive Solid Geometry. This document describes the R package ‘hyperfun’, which provides an interface to the HyperFun language and interpreter.

      • {drawCell} - R package and Shiny app for drawing cell structures - R programming

        Are you a life sciences educator looking to engage students with interactivity or a student needing to draw and label cells? Are you a researcher looking to offload the tedium of data visualization? There’s an R solution for you: drawCell! This tool provides a convenient, engaging solution for educators and researchers alike.

      • Barry Kaulergcc problem in Kirkstone-series

        First bootup of EasyOS Kirkstone-series, looking good.

  • Leftovers

    • Science

      • Berkeley LabESnet Launches Next-Generation Network to Enhance Collaborative Science - News Center

        Today, the Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) formally unveiled ESnet6, the newest generation of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) high-performance network dedicated to science. The hybrid in person and virtual event was held at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and live-streamed on “ESnet6 represents a transformational change in the way networks are built for research, with improved capacity, resiliency, and flexibility,” said ESnet Executive Director Inder Monga. “Together, these new capabilities make it faster, easier, and more efficient for scientists around the world to conduct and collaborate on ground-breaking research.” For more than 35 years, ESnet – headquartered at Berkeley Lab – has served as the “data circulatory system” for the DOE, connecting all of its national laboratories, tens of thousands of DOE-funded researchers, and DOE’s premier scientific instruments and supercomputing centers. This interconnected system enables data to move quickly between sites and collaborators, accelerating time to discovery.

      • IEEEAmazing Robotic Sculpture Balances Itself on One Corner - IEEE Spectrum

        The Balancing Cube is a robotic sculpture that can stand on any of its corners. Pendulum-like modules, located on the inner faces of the cube, constantly adjust their positions to shift the structure's center of gravity and keep it balanced. The cube remains stable even if you poke it. But not too hard!

        Created by Raffaello D'Andrea, Sebastian Trimpe, and Matt Donovan at ETH Zurich, the contraption is half art and half technology. They got their inspiration from a Cirque du Soleil performance in which acrobats use their bodies to support each other and balance together in seemingly impossible positions.

      • HKU Mechanical Engineering team develops new microscale 3D printer for multi-level anticounterfeiting labels - All News - Media - HKU

        Counterfeiting threatens the global economy and security. According to the report issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in 2020, the value of global counterfeit and pirated products is estimated between US$ 1.7 and 4.5 trillion a year. Despite enormous efforts, conventional anticounterfeiting approaches such as QR codes can be easily fabricated due to limited data encryption capacity on a planar space. How can we increase the encryption density in a limited space? The team led by Dr Ji Tae Kim from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has developed a high-precision 3D printing method that can produce new polarisation-encoded 3D anticounterfeiting labels. This new 3D label can encrypt more digital information than a traditional 2D label. The work has been published in Nano Letters in an article entitled “Three-Dimensional Printing of Dipeptides with Spatioselective Programming of Crystallinity for Multilevel Anticounterfeiting”.

    • Education

    • Hardware

      • HackadayA Hacker’s Christmas Story

        Twas the night before Christmas, and because I decided to make everyone’s presents myself this year, I’m still working like mad to get everything done before the big deadline. Why do I do this to myself? Well, partly because I enjoy the process.

      • HackadaySpotify Player Brings Back Physical Media

        Digital music has made keeping all your tunes with you a lot more convenient, but have we lost something with dematerialization? [Jordi Parra] felt that there was something lacking with the digital music experience and designed a Spotify player with a tactile interface.

      • HackadayDrone Rescue Uses VHS Tape And Careful Planning

        If you regularly fly your drones outdoors, you’ve probably worried about getting your pride and joy stuck in a big tree at some point. But flying indoors doesn’t guarantee you’ll be safe either, as [Scott Williamson] found out. He once got his tiny 65 mm Mobula 6HD quadcopter stuck in a roof beam at an indoor sports complex, and had to set about a daring rescue.

      • HackadayThe Spit-Detecting USB Flash Drive Is Nearly Here

        Regular readers may recall that security researcher and general open source hardware fanatic [Walker] has been planning a rather unusual flash drive for some time — one that will only show its contents if the user makes sure to lick their fingers before plugging it in. We’re pleased to report that theory has recently given way to real hardware, and the Ovrdrive “self-destructing” flash drive is now a step closer to reality.

      • HackadayNon-Replaceable Battery? Not If This Proposed EU Law Passes!

        A disturbing trend in consumer electronics has been a steady disappearance of replaceable batteries on our devices. Finding a mobile phone with a swapable battery is a struggle, and many other devices follow the trend by sealing in a Li-Po cell. The result is an ever-shorter life for electronics, and a greater problem with devices going to recycling or worse still, landfill. Hope is at hand though, thanks to a proposed European Union law that would if passed make batteries in appliances “designed so that consumers can easily remove and replace them themselves“.

      • HackadayA Dungeon Master With A Thermal Printer

        The thermal printer is ubiquitous in today’s world, mostly found whenever we have to get a receipt from somewhere. They’re cheap, fast, and easy to use. Not only that, though, but as [Daniel] found out, they’re also pretty straightforward to re-program and use for other things than a three-foot-long receipt from a drug store. He’s adapted them to serve as a key tool of the dungeon master in his D&D games.

    • Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

    • Proprietary

    • Security

      • TechCrunchLastPass says hackers stole customers’ password vaults

        In an updated blog post on its disclosure, LastPass CEO Karim Toubba said the intruders took a copy of a backup of customer vault data by using cloud storage keys stolen from a LastPass employee. The cache of customer password vaults is stored in a “proprietary binary format” that contains both unencrypted and encrypted vault data, but technical and security details of this proprietary format weren’t specified. The unencrypted data includes vault-stored web addresses. It’s not clear how recent the stolen backups are.

        LastPass said customers’ password vaults are encrypted and can only be unlocked with the customers’ master password, which is only known to the customer. But the company warned that the cybercriminals behind the intrusion “may attempt to use brute force to guess your master password and decrypt the copies of vault data they took.”

      • John GruberLastPass Admits Hackers Stole Customers’ Password Vaults

        In one sense this is a triumph for secure password managers. Even if we get hacked, the hackers can’t access your passwords. That’s true for LastPass. But they did get hacked, badly, so for LastPass this seems devastating. It’s a second-order disaster for an attacker to steal customer’s encrypted vaults, but it’s still a disaster. Anyone who uses LastPass who hasn’t spent today moving to something else [...] either hasn’t heard about this breach or is an idiot.

      • Privacy/Surveillance

        • EFFEFF’s Threat Lab Sharpens Its Knives: 2022 in Review

          Here we highlight some of the achievements that made 2022 such an eventful year for Threat Lab.

          Our Atlas of Surveillance project surpassed a major milestone, documenting over 10,000 instances of police tech programs across the US. Shining a light on these programs was bittersweet, reminding us that this transparency also reveals just how expansive and widespread advanced technologies employed by police departments across the country have become. A collaborative effort between EFF and the University of Nevada Reno’s Reynolds School of Journalism crowdsourced thousands of distinct mini-research tasks to students to achieve this milestone.

          Cell-site simulators are one such technology employed by law enforcement. Sometimes called “Stingrays,” these devices use a small, mobile transceiver to masquerade as a cellphone tower, tricking phones into connecting to it instead of the legitimate tower, and allowing location tracking and even potentially interception of communications from everyone in a certain area—not just those suspected of a crime. Alongside Threat Lab’s efforts to reveal cell-site simulators (CSSs), dozens of FOIA requests were issued to California police departments in 2018 to reveal the extent of their usage of CSSs. As a result, EFF learned that San Bernardino County law enforcement officials were improperly sealing search warrant records involving the use of CSSs indefinitely. In October, we asked the Supreme Court of California to review the case, arguing that sealing these records in perpetuity violates the public’s right to access court records and effectively prevents the public from raising important questions regarding the scope and overreach of law enforcement use of invasive technologies.

        • EFFPivotal Year for the Metaverse and Extended Reality: 2022 in Review

          Visions for the metaverse include ways for people to work, socialize, and interact using virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies (collectively called Extended Reality or XR). While Meta has attempted to claim the term metaverse for its own, this area has also become a research focus for Google, Apple, Microsoft, Sony, and Tiktok’s parent company ByteDance among others, all of whom have launched or announced plans to launch XR hardware or services in the near future. This next generation of devices will be more sophisticated than today’s gadgets, which means their data collection capabilities will likewise increase along with new and substantial risks to our human rights and fundamental freedoms.€ 

          There’s no single definitive understanding of what a “Metaverse” or “Metaverse(s)” might be. In its ambiguity, the term has become a placeholder for many things, often reflecting the interests of the person using it. Some, like Apple, have avoided the term entirely for their XR products. The major point of overlap in describing a “metaverse,” however, is the idea of additional virtual environments connected to the internet becoming important parts of our day-to-day lives in the real world.

          One prominent vision of this is the fictional OASIS from Ready Player One, a virtual society where people can play massively multiplayer online games (MMO) using VR gadgets. Another popular conception emphasizes spatial computing and AR devices, creating a shared “annotation” of virtual objects in the real world. Others, however, define the term metaverse as making the internet a reflection of the physical world to facilitate work, socializing, and commerce, perhaps supported by a metaverse “tax”. Visions of the metaverse often interact with another ambiguous term for the future iteration of the internet— Web3.€ 

        • The Express TribuneFBI 'doorman to social media censorship, surveillance', reveal Twitter Files

          Mentioning that FBI did not refute the previous claims about how it benefited from the social media platform, which had basically asserted that the FBI moderates the Twitter, journalist Matt Taibbi said on Twitter that the bureau shared a statement on Wednesday, saying: “The men and women of the FBI work every day to protect the American public…”

        • Essel GroupTwitter Files 9.0 reveals a web of ‘social media surveillance, censorship’ by not just FBI, other agencies too

          The latest and the ninth instalment of the 'Twitter Files' has uncovered a web of coordination between the tech giant and US government agencies. Releasing the latest instalment on Christmas eve, Substack writer Matt Taibbi claims that it goes beyond the FBI which was acting as the "doorman to a vast programme of social media surveillance and censorship, encompassing agencies across the federal government – from the State Department to the Pentagon to the CIA."

        • New facial recognition technology scans your ear

          In the post-COVID world of face coverings and heightened hygiene awareness, the need for new authentication methods that don’t require a person’s full face to be visible has arisen.

          New research from the University of Georgia may soon have people using their ears to get into their devices rather than their face or thumbprint.

    • Defence/Aggression

    • Transparency/Investigative Reporting

      • The Telegraph UKInside Jihad Rehab, the ‘Islamophobic’ documentary the Left doesn’t want you to see

        “Cancel culture has gone crazy in the US, but my hope is that the Bafta judges and other British people will judge it with an open mind and see it for what it is,” she tells me.

      • Computers Are Badsanta tracking

        As tends to be the case with such popular stories, the version we hear today is arms length from the truth. From contemporaneous reporting, it seems the facts go more like this: The phone number printed in the advertisement was correct, but one particularly child misdialed. Instead of getting Santa Claus, they got the desk phone of Col. Harry Shoup, at what was then called CONAD. Shoup was reportedly gruff and ended the call quickly, only later realizing (due to a joke made by another NORAD employee, placing an image of Santa on a map board) that they could turn the incident into a publicity coup. That they did, and over decades the story has become more and more embellished to the favor of NORAD.

    • Environment

    • Finance

      • ScheerpostThe Perils of Pious Neoliberalism in the Austerity State

        The International Labour Organisation’s€ Global Wage Report 2022–23€ tracks the horrendous collapse of real wages for billions of people around the planet. The gaping distance between the incomes and wealth of 99% of the world’s population from the incomes and wealth of the billionaires and near-trillionaires who make […]

      • ScheerpostTop 10 Inequality Victories of 2022

        Champions of a more egalitarian society made important strides, building the power of workers while reducing the power of wealthy tax dodgers and greedy pharma execs.

    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • Pete WardenShort Links - Pete Warden’s blog

        Years ago I used to write regular “Five Short Links” posts but I gave up as my Twitter account became a better place to share updates, notes, and things I found interesting from around the internet. Now that Twitter is Nazi-positive I’m giving up on it as a platform, so I’m going to try going back to occasional summary posts here instead.

      • Common DreamsWhat Democrats Can Learn From the 2022 Midterms to Beat the GOP in 2024
      • TruthOutAOC Casts House Democrats’ Sole Vote Against Omnibus Spending Bill
      • Counter PunchRight-wing Attempts to Eliminate Constitutional Protections are No Joke

        But is his latest childish tantrum really something to be laughed off? Having skipped the “tragedy” phase and gone straight to “farce,” Trump is facing what is likely to become a politically terminal case of irrelevancy as new contenders for Mussolini’s crown, most notably but not only Ron DeSantis, emerge. The nascent fascist movement that has coalesced around Trump, and the varieties of extreme right menace that shade into it that are now expressed through the Republican Party, are no laughing matter. And while embarrassed silence or a quick change of subject might be Republicans’ default position when asked to comment on Trump’s increasing irrationality due to their fear of the Frankenstein monster they have let loose, eviscerating the Constitution is actually on their agenda.

        To read this article, log in here or subscribe here. If you are logged in but can't read CP+ articles, check the status of your access hereIn order to read CP+ articles, your web browser must be set to accept cookies.

      • Misinformation/Disinformation/Propaganda

    • Civil Rights/Policing

    • Monopolies

      • Copyrights

        • Torrent FreakEU: Complex Pirate IPTV Networks Underpin a Parallel Black Market

          For rightsholders seeking to disrupt the pirate IPTV market, the European Commission's Piracy Watch List is an opportunity to name specific services and focus attention. This year's report does just that while also highlighting fundamental challenges. Pirate IPTV networks are international, technically complex, and inherently difficult to monitor. This potent mix underpins a "parallel black market."

  • Gemini* and Gopher

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

Recent Techrights' Posts

New Short Clip of Richard Stallman's Thoughts on the "Hey Hi" (AI) Hype, Courtesy of Manuel Cuda News
about 6 hrs ago
What Microsoft and GitHub Really, Really, REALLY Do Not Want You to See or Know About
They're trying to misuse law in a completely different continent or to allege that reporting important facts is in breach of privacy law
Slopwatch: and Other 'Linux' Sites With LLM Slop
SEO spam with machine-generated fodder, plus a person to whom English isn't a first language
Just Because Common Currencies (Including the US Dollar) Are Considered Uncertain Doesn't Mean People Should Adopt Volatile Multi-Level (Pyramid) Schemes
the scammers are trying to "go mainstream"
Links 05/03/2025: Prioritising Science, Patents Squashed
Links for the day
Gemini Links 05/03/2025: News Processing, Misbehaving, and Git
Links for the day
GNU/Linux Cracking Past the 4% Barrier in Hungary
There are still quite a few very famous developers and Free software projects from Hungary
Meanwhile in the Matrix Room
Remember that IBM does a lot of perception manipulation
Rumour About Red Hat Layoffs Yesterday
Can somebody from Red Hat or someone who knows someone there (impacted or not) confirm that there are layoffs this week at Red Hat?
What is fixated behavior? Stalker or just a fan of Emma Raducanu?
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
In Iran, GNU/Linux Reaches New Highs, According to statCounter
Does that make sense? In light of geopolitics? Probably.
Always Safety First
We have some reasons to suspect that one of several parties (possibly not in the UK but having connections here), having suffered major and very expensive setbacks, may look to harm the messenger one way or another
Links 05/03/2025: Starbucks Debt Soars and CFO Changed, Apple Pretends to Value Privacy, "Cloudflare Blocking Privacy Focused Users From Accessing Third-Party Websites"
Links for the day
Canonical's Latest Love Letter to Microsoft (Ubuntu Promoting Proprietary Spyware With Back Doors)
Typical Canonical, promoting Microsoft (and sometimes Windows) instead of competing against them
GNU/Linux Climbs to Record Levels in Switzerland. Can the EU, Norway, the UK, and Switzerland Divorce GAFAM?
Germany openly speaks about becoming independent from the US. How about Switzerland?
Gemini Links 05/03/2025: Living in Interesting Times, Font, and Social Control Media with Gos v1.0.0
Links for the day
Use RSS Readers Instead of Social Control Media
RSS readers were designed to save time. Social Control Media was designed to waste time.
The 'Windows Era' Already Came to an End
Microsoft said to shareholders everything would be alright because of "clown computing" and then "hey hi"
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Microsoft Committing the Largest GPL Violation in Human History, Then OSI Covering That Up on Microsoft's Payroll
LLMs don't make GPL violations any more noble or acceptable; it's not hard to see what OSI was paid by Microsoft for
Social Control Media as a Rapid Race to the Bottom - Part II - Think Before You Talk
The 'socmed' nonsense does not exist in our home
Links 04/03/2025: Hardware, Health, Data Breaches, Politics
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, March 04, 2025
IRC logs for Tuesday, March 04, 2025
Luxembourg: GNU/Linux at 8% Based on Estimates
steady increases this year
Gemini Links 04/03/2025: Bicycle, Photos, and Motorola 6809 Assemblers
Links for the day
Crossbow tragedy, bigger than Kyle Clifford, social media culture
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Microsoft OSI Apparently Still Reading Techrights Closely, Trying to Make Face-Saving PR Moves
They have long had this reactionary rhythm, wherein it feels like we can 'control' what they publish and when by merely highlighting facts about them
Links 04/03/2025: Microsoft/Korea Game Industry Association Workforce Cuts, Outlook and 365 Outage Affects Very Many
Links for the day
Transcript of Richard Stallman's Interview With Manuel Cuda News in Italy (Debunking Fake "AI")
A rough draft, but checked by two people
Chad: All-Time Lows for Windows, According to statCounter
According to statCounter, many in Chad moved to Android
Links 04/03/2025: Universities Are Under Attack, Windows Attracts Ransom Against Ministry of Health
Links for the day
Microsoft Collapses While GNU/Linux Rises in Bulgaria, According to statCounter
Microsoft is losing across all sectors
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): An Introduction
In a nutshell: there's a massive conflict inside the OSI and the OSI stooges (staff serving Big Sponsors like Microsoft) try to hide it
Paraguay: GNU/Linux Surging to New Usage Levels (7%), According to statCounter
Notice that the gains are at Microsoft Windows' expense
Social Control Media as a Rapid Race to the Bottom - Part I - That Sinking Feeling
When you realise you made an error and things you adopted more than 15 years ago became utterly bad
Microsoft's Entryism as Mortal Risk/Danger: The Example of the Open Source Initiative (OSI)
Microsoft is a cult
Links 04/03/2025: Microsoft Issues Policy Instructions to the Cheeto Mussolini Administration, Cloudflare Engages in Mass Censorship Again
Links for the day
Gemini Links 04/03/2025: Athens, Fedora 41, and Yelling at Clouds
Links for the day
FSF Amicus Brief: Aspose.PDF for .NET 24.2.0, OOXML (.docx), and Microsoft Word (Proprietary)
Could the FSF not find any law firm that, in addition to talking about or for Free software, does not use .NET, OOXML, and almost everything Microsoft?
New Interview With Richard Stallman in Italy (Manuel Cuda News)
Due to Google's growing aggression against Free software and proper APIs, this cannot be downloaded and converted to a free format
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Belatedly Comments on Case That Tests Copyleft in the United States
"The Free Software Foundation (FSF) announced today it has submitted an amicus brief in the case entitled Neo4j"
If They Try to Censor You on Some Topic, Then You Should Cover This Topic Even More
OSI is only a small part of it
The UEFI hype and Microsoft's lies
By Sami Tikkanen
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, March 03, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, March 03, 2025
Thorsten Glaser & Open Source Initiative (OSI) resignations due to AI whitewashing
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Gemini Links 03/03/2025: Copyrights, GrapheneOS, and SpaceBeans
Links for the day
Links 03/03/2025: Europe Rallies Behind Ukraine, Measles Flourishes in US Again
Links for the day
In Central African Republic Windows Has Pretty Much Fallen to Zero
We need to focus on Software Freedom
Microsoft Windows Down to 8.5% in South Africa
South Africa and Egypt are strategic in Africa
After Fund-raising Campaign the Free Software Foundation Still Raises About $13,000 Per Week (Without Campaigning for New Donors/Members)
Richard Stallman in the Board is not a liability
Links 03/03/2025: 'Monetisation' Myth' and Microsoft's LLMs Helping Criminals
Links for the day
The New Series About the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and the Microsoft Entryism in OSI is Closely Related to the SLAPP Against Techrights
Also based on the leading publication that they want removed
New Series: A Deep Dive Into the Severe Corruption of the Open Source Initiative (OSI), Nowadays a Front Group and Lobbyist of Microsoft
There's a lot to show
Links 03/03/2025: Mass Layoffs in IBM China, Intel Still in Trouble
Links for the day
3 Out of 4 in Cuba Use Linux to Access the Web
Maybe change does come about...
Doing Free Software for a Living in an Era or a Time of Abundance of Code (and Fast Internet to Pass It Around Freely) or Writing When the Web is Attacked by LLM Slop
Tailoring code to needs is the key
Links 02/03/2025: Day Off, POWER9, Console Challenge
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 02, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 02, 2025