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Links 02/05/2023: Many More Layoffs and Failing Banks

  • GNU/Linux

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • Linux HintHow to Install and Use Oracle VirtualBox Extension Pack? [Ed: linuxhint assumes you are using Windows, not GNU/Linux. What does that say about linuxhint?]

        Download the extension pack and open VirtualBox. Go to File - Tools - Extension Pack Manager and install it. Use extra features for VMs such as RDP support.

      • Barry KaulerFlatpak Installer works with fscrypt v2

        I posted this morning about fixing the initrd to work with fscrypt v2:

        The Flatpak Installer, Flapi, has now been modified to work with fscrypt v2, see commit:

        This is so great, the Flatpaks are working without any issues. They are now run just like AppImages, in an encrypted folder, and they are also, like AppImages, able to save under /files

      • University of TorontoHow NFS v3 servers and clients re-synchronize locks after reboots

        NFS (v3) is usually described as 'stateless', by which we mean that the NFS clients hold all of the state and in theory all the server does is answer all of their requests one by one (the actual reality is more messy). However, NFS (v3) locks are obviously not stateless, in that the server and all of the NFS clients have to agree on what is and isn't locked (and by who). This creates a need to re-synchronize this state if something unfortunate happens to either a NFS client or the NFS server, so you don't get stuck locks and other problems. The NFS v3 locking protocol opted to take a relatively brute force approach to the problem.

      • TecMint8 Uniq Command Examples [Remove Duplicate Lines in Linux]

        As Linux users, we interact with various types of files on a regular basis. One of the most common file types on any computer system is a plain text file. Oftentimes, it is a very common requirement to find the required text in these files.

        However, this simple task quickly becomes annoying if the file contains duplicate entries. In such cases, we can use the uniq command to filter duplicate text efficiently.

      • LinuxTechiHow to Install FreeIPA Client on RHEL | Rocky Linux | AlmaLinux
      • Linux CapableHow to Install Yarn on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04

        As we dive into modern web development, one tool stands out as an essential ally for JavaScript developers: the Yarn package manager. Yarn, an open-source project, was born in 2016 as a collaboration between Facebook, Google, Exponent, and Tilde.

      • LinuxiacHow to Set Up WireGuard VPN and WireGuard-UI with Docker

        Learn how to set up your own WireGuard VPN server and easily manage it via the web-based WireGuard-UI using Docker Compose.

      • Own HowToHow to Install Xfce on Debian 10

        In this tutorial you will learn how to install xfce desktop environment on debian 10. Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment that uses very low resources to deliver a fast and stable user experience. Xfce is a great choice when it comes to choosing a desktop environment to use

      • Own HowToHow to install pip3 on Debian 11

        In this tutorial, you will learn how to install pip3 on Debian 11. Pip3 is a package manager that allows you to install and uninstall python packages. Installing pip3 on Debian 11 is as simple as installing any other software on Linux.

      • FOSSLinuxHow to upload files to a remote system over SSH

        Uploading files to a remote system over SSH is an essential skill for managing servers and remote systems. Securely transferring files is made easy with two popular command-line tools: SCP (Secure Copy) and SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol). Both tools use the secure and encrypted SSH protocol to ensure the safe transfer of data between local and remote systems.

      • How to install Burp suite on Ubuntu 20.04 | 22.04 LTS

        Burp Suite developed by PortSwigger is a freemium web application vulnerability scanner and penetration testing tool. Apart from the community edition, it is also available in professional and enterprise editions.€  Of course, compared to the paid editions, the community one has fewer features.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install OBS Studio on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04

        Open Broadcaster Software Studio (OBS Studio) is a feature-rich, open-source software that has gained immense popularity among content creators, streamers, and video professionals worldwide. The key reasons behind OBS Studio’s success include the following: In this guide, we will explore installing OBS Studio on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish or Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Node.js on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04

        Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that enables developers to run JavaScript code on the server side. Built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, Node.js is designed to be lightweight, fast, and efficient.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Transmission on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04

        BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing protocol that allows users to download and share large files efficiently. Among the many BitTorrent clients available today, Transmission stands out as a popular, lightweight, and user-friendly choice. It has been widely praised for its simplicity, ease of use, and minimal resource consumption.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Slack on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04

        As effective communication and collaboration are integral to the success of modern organizations, Slack has emerged as a powerful platform, transforming how teams communicate and work together. Catering to businesses, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations worldwide, Slack provides a comprehensive solution for communication and project management needs.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install 7-Zip on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04

        7-Zip is a highly efficient and versatile open-source file archiver, designed to manage various archive formats. As an Ubuntu user, you may prefer to use 7-Zip over traditional archive formats like zip, rar, and tar for several reasons.

    • Games

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • FOSSLinuxTop 10 Lightweight Linux Distros: Your Best Options in 2023

      Lightweight Linux distributions are gaining popularity as they offer an excellent way to breathe new life into older hardware or provide a snappier experience on modern systems. These distros are designed to be resource-efficient, requiring minimal system resources while still delivering a full-featured and responsive user experience.

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • Techstrong GroupOpen Source Communities Need More Than Funding From Big Tech [Ed: No, there are strings attached. Proprietary software companies do not xo-exist with freedom.]
    • JCSSubtext 2.0 Released with FidoNet Support

      This is a major update to Subtext that represents many months of development, over 200 amendments, and many nights of testing and debugging. The largest change is the addition of FidoNet (FTN) support for distributed mail (Netmail) and message boards (Echomail) by way of a binkp hub.

    • Joe BrockmeierJoe Brockmeier: SOSSA and CRA Spell Trouble for Open Source Software

      Even though I’m no longer writing full time, I do have a “bucket list” of publications I’d still like to write for, and Dark Reading has been one of those publications for many years. Happily for me, I get to cross that one off (though I’d do it again!) with this article, “SOSSA and CRA Spell Trouble for Open Source Software.”

      Short version: Some ill-considered legislation that’s coming in the wake of Log4Shell poses a threat to open source software, particularly the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA).

    • Web Browsers/Web Servers

    • SaaS/Back End/Databases

    • Licensing / Legal

    • Programming/Development

      • Daniel LemireUnder Linux, libSegFault and addr2line are underrated

        Thankfully, you can often get a useful message when you have a segmentation by linking with the libSegFault library under Linux.

      • Roman KashitsynckBTC internals: event log

        The chain-key Bitcoin (ckBTC) project became publicly available on April 3, 2023. The ckBTC minter smart contract is the most novel part of the product responsible for converting Bitcoin to ckBTC tokens and back. This contract features several design choices that some developers might find insightful. This article describes how the ckBTC minter, which I will further refer to as “the minter”, organizes its storage.

      • Nicholas Tietz-SokolskyYou should be using hackdays to supercharge your roadmap

        Internal company hack days (or hack weeks) are a common thing in tech companies, but not universal. They should be universal, though. Hackdays help you get great new ideas that are both impactful and feasible. They're probably the best thing you can do to improve your product and reshape your roadmap.

        Bold claim, so let's unpack it.

      • EarthlyUsing Bazel to Improve Your Automated Test Suite

        If you’re looking to improve your automated test suite, you may want to consider Bazel, an open source software tool used to automate software builds and test software for large projects with multi language dependencies.

        In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Bazel to improve your automated test suite. You’ll create a Python project and write tests using pytest while using Bazel to run the test suite.

      • OpenSource.comGenerate web pages from Markdown with Docsify-This

        Are you interested in leveraging Markdown for online content without any website setup or build process? How about seamlessly embedding constraint-free Markdown or HTML into multiple platforms (such as a content management system or learning management system)? The open source project Docsify-This, built with Docsify.js, provides an easy way to publish, share, and reuse Markdown content.

      • Library of oneAPI-TBB version 2021.9.0 available for openSUSE Linux.

        Build version 2021.9.0 and update the latest version of the oneTBB is a flexible C++ library that simplifies the work of adding parallelism to complex applications, even if you are not a threading expert. The library lets you easily write parallel programs that take full advantage of the multi-core performance.

      • Library of oneAPI-DNN version 3.1 available for openSUSE Linux.

        Build and update 3.1 version of the oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) is an open-source cross-platform performance library of basic building blocks for deep learning applications. oneDNN is part of oneAPI. The library is optimized for Intel(R) Architecture Processors, Intel Processor Graphics and Xe Architecture graphics.

      • Dirk EddelbuettelDirk Eddelbuettel: RQuantLib 0.4.18 on CRAN: Maintenance

        A new release 0.4.18 of RQuantLib arrived at CRAN earlier today, and will be uploaded to Debian as well.

        QuantLib is a very comprehensice free/open-source library for quantitative finance; RQuantLib connects it to the R environment and language.

      • Python

        • Make Use OfHow to Create a Python Virtual Environment on Ubuntu

          Python is one of the most popular and versatile programming languages in the world—powering tens of thousands of apps for Linux, Windows, and macOS.

          While Ubuntu releases prior to 23.04 were able to install Python packages with a single command, more recent versions require that you install Python packages in a virtual environment. Here's one easy way to create and use a Python virtual environment on Ubuntu.

        • Linux HintRemove Special Characters from String Python

          To remove special characters from the string in Python, the “isalnum()”, “replace()”, “translate()”, “filter()”, and “re.sub()” methods are used.

        • Linux HintPandas to LaTeX

          Pandas is a Python library and LaTeX is a high-quality preparation system. To convert the pandas to LaTeX, the “to_latex()” function is used.

        • Linux HintPandas Explode Multiple Columns

          The explode()” function is used for modifying or transforming each member of an array or element of list into rows and convert the element of the list to a row.

        • Linux HintPython Call Static Method Within Class

          In Python, static methods can be invoked without an object and the “@staticmethod” decorator can be used for defining a static method.

        • Linux HintPandas Group by Quantile

          The “groupby.quantile()” function can be utilized for calculating the quartile by the group in Python by importing the “pandas” module for data analysis.

        • Python SpeedGoodbye to Flake8 and PyLint: faster linting with Ruff

          Flake8 and PyLint are commonly used, and very useful, linting tools: they can help you find potential bugs and other problems with your code, aka “lints”. But they can also be slow. And even if they’re fast on your computer, they may still be slow in your CI system (GitHub Actions, GitLab, or whatever else.)

        • Didier StevensUpdate: Version 0.0.75

          This update brings an new plugin: (there are no changes to oledump). This plugin parses the records found in the vba/dir stream to display project, references and modules information (http)MD5: FB0F82B3B29883707A399B99C894EF08SHA256: D357E48D827822D15C9C22C0B5204924FBA9FC59104818C9824AD149FE6F6249

        • Didier StevensOverview of Content Published in April
      • Rust

        • Junichi Uekawa: May.

          May. Doing some rust stuff and maintenance of existing C++ code. Doing something that I can feel improves the codebase is nice.

    • Standards/Consortia

      • HackadayRecreating A Non-Standard USB Cable

        USB is a well-defined standard for which there are a reasonable array of connectors for product designers to use in whatever their application is. Which of course means that so many manufacturers have resorted to using proprietary connectors, probably to ensure that replacements are suitably overpriced. [Teaching Tech] had this problem with a fancy in-car video device, but rather than admit defeat with a missing cable, he decided to create his own replacement from scratch.

  • Leftovers

    • HackadayMachine Vision Automates Trainspotting With Unique Full-Length Portraits

      As hobbies go, trainspotting is just as valid a choice as any — we don’t judge. But it does present certain logistical challenges, such as having to be in visual range of a train to be able to spot it. There’s also the fact that trains are very large objects, and they tend to move very fast. What’s a railfan to do?

    • The NationDisappearing Act

      “Vocation” is a word I associate with the trades—a consequence, I think, of attending American public schools in the 1980s. There, “vocation” was deployed as a euphemism for skilled labor. The implication, as I understood it, was that to be a mechanic, a plumber, an electrician, was a calling, perhaps divine. The work that was my fate—noodling about in front of a computer—was decidedly less sanctified.1

    • HackadayMy Great-Great-Grandad, The Engineer Who Invented A Coffee Pot

      In the study of genealogy it’s common to find people who will go to great lengths involving tenuous cross-links to establish royalty or famous figures such as George Washington or William Shakespeare in their family tree. There’s no royal blood and little in the way of fame to be found in my family tree, but I do have someone I find extremely interesting. One of my great-great-grandfathers was a Scottish engineer called James R Napier, and though his Wikipedia entry hasn’t caught up with this contribution to 1840s technology, he was the inventor of the vacuum coffee pot.

    • Off Guardian20 Memes to Get You Through May Day – Part 32

      Well, it’s May 1st – Happy May Day (Meme Day?) everyone! Where I live it has finally – finally – decided it might be Spring after all. My cat is sleeping in the sun, birds are singing in the trees… …you know what? Maybe everything is going to be alright. Maybe.

    • Science

    • Education

    • Hardware

      • Linux GizmosThin Mini-ATX runs on Atom x6000E processors

        Last week, Avalue launched an Intel Atom motherboard optimized for industrial and commercial applications such as gaming, retail, digital signage, etc. The EMX-EHLP supports up to 4x 2.5GbE LAN ports, triple display, and flexible expansion slots.

      • Daniel Jalkut52 Floppy Pickup

        The conversation reminded me of one of my first jobs at Apple. I was hired to work as a QA tester with the engineering team that shipped Mac OS system software updates. The first release I worked on was Mac OS 7.5, which was released in 1994. By this time hard drives had become commonplace and the kind of floppy-swapping John described had become a lot less common for most users. But when it came to installing new software onto a Mac, some amount of removable media juggling was usually required.

      • HackadaySqueeze Over A Minute Of Movie Filming Onto A 35mm Still Cartridge

        There’s an allure to shooting film in the digital age which isn’t quite satisfied by digital filters for your smartphone camera. Aside from the technical challenge of working with a medium limited in sensitivity compared to its electronic replacement there are aesthetic reasons for wanting to shoot with particular lenses not found on any modern cameras. Sadly though, movie film in formats such as Super 8 is expensive to buy and even more expensive to develop.

    • Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

      • HackadayCocoa Press Chocolate 3D Printer Offered As DIY Kit

        Ultimately, the goal of Hackaday is to shine a light on the incredible projects coming from the hardware hacking community. In the vast majority of cases, said projects end up being one-off creations — a clever solution that solved a specific problem for the creator, which may or may not be directly applicable to anyone else. But occasionally, perhaps one in every few thousand projects, we see an idea that’s compelling enough to become a commercial product.

      • Common DreamsEPA’s Whack-a-Mole “Forever Chemicals” Posture Is an Intolerable Failure

        To great applause, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency last month proposed “maximum contamination levels” in drinking water for six per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemicals. This was the first such action that EPA had taken in more than 30 years on any drinking contaminant.

      • Common Dreams'To Save the NHS,' Nurses Strike in Half of English Hospitals

        Nurses and other National Health Service workers walked off the job in half of England's medical facilities on Sunday night amid an ongoing fight for higher pay and better patient safety in the United Kingdom.

      • Drew DeVaultBurnout

        I’m going to take the time I need to rest. I enjoy the company of wonderful colleagues at SourceHut, who have been happy to pick up some of the slack. I have established a formal group of maintainers for Hare and given them my blessing to work without seeking my approval. My projects will remain healthy as I take a leave. See you soon.

      • BBCAustralia to ban recreational vaping in major public health move

        "Just like they did with smoking... 'Big Tobacco' has taken another addictive product, wrapped it in shiny packaging and added sweet flavours to create a new generation of nicotine addicts," Mr Butler said in a speech announcing reforms on Tuesday.

      • ABCAs new data shows kids in a mental health crisis, parents ask, where is the help for kids?

        Last year, a report from U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy warned of a growing mental health crisis among young people. The report, issued during the coronavirus pandemic, cited statistics including a 50%-plus-increase in emergency room visits for suspected suicide attempts among girls and a doubling of anxiety and depression symptoms reported across genders.

        On Thursday, a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention painted an even starker picture: According to the agency, the number of high school female students seriously considering suicide jumped from 24% in 2019 to 30% in 2021.

      • NYPostSurgeon general warns 13 is too young for children to be on social media

        Murthy believes this can cause adolescents to have a “distorted’ sense of self during their crucial developmental years.

        “I, personally, based on the data I’ve seen, believe that 13 is too early,” Murthy said on CNN. “It’s a time where it’s really important for us to be thoughtful about what’s going into how they think about their own self-worth and their relationships and the skewed and often distorted environment of social media often does a disservice to many of those children.”

      • ABCOur Chicago: TikTok's CEO to testify before Congress and how social media impacts kids' wellbeing

        "What it showed is that there are actual brain changes in kids who spend a lot of time checking their social media. And, so, what we know is that the brain is literally in the biggest growth phase, that it's in in it's lifetime after infancy in teenage years. So, what we're doing with our brains, and how we're programming the pathways, and the neural pathways those changes are absolutely critical at this time. And, so, when you're engaging in a certain activity, those are the pathways that are going to grow. Those are the certain patterns that we're laying down for the future," Cicchetti said.

      • An old quack narrative reborn for COVID-19

        A couple of months ago, I was wandering around the downtown of a nearby town where I had just gotten my hair cut, when I saw this in a shop near the barbershop, a photo featuring a website called

    • Proprietary

      • Bennett, Coleman & Company LtdBIG jobs cuts ahead! After announcing 3900 layoffs in January, IBM plans to replace 7800 jobs with Artificial Intelligence

        According to CEO Arvind Krishna, International Business Machines Corp. (IBM.N) anticipates pausing employment hiring as approximately 7,800 positions may be eliminated by artificial intelligence (AI) in the upcoming years.

      • Data BreachesKey U.S. Marshals computers still down 10 weeks after breach [iophk: Windows TCO]

        A key law enforcement computer network has been down for 10 weeks, the victim of a ransomware attack that has frustrated efforts by senior officials to get the system back up and running — raising concerns about how to secure critical crime-fighting operations.

      • MeduzaRussian right-wing political party maxes out server with high turnout for Minecraft May Day rally to honor late founder, firebrand Vladimir Zhirinovsky — Meduza [Ed: "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR)" promoting Microsoft malware... incredibly dumb]

        A Minecraft May Day rally, organized by Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) by the virtual monument to the party’s founder Vladimir Zhirinovsky, has gathered 12,000 players, according to the party’s spokesman Alexander Dyupin.

      • The EconomistTwitter Technical Glitch Is Logging Users Out of the Website

        Multiple users said they were unable to log in to Twitter on the web with their username and password. In some cases, even after a Twitter user was able to successfully log back in, the website was kicking them out shortly afterward.

      • Twitter is randomly logging out users. You’re welcome.

        Twitter is not dead yet, it’s just randomly logging out a number of its users. After reporting earlier today that Twitter was experiencing a bug that was allowing people to edit their bios to briefly regain their Verified checkmarks, the Twitter website this afternoon has begun to forcefully log out users at random. There are a number of complaints about the problem on Twitter itself, indicating that at least some are able to get back in after being booted from the site.

        The issue appears to be impacting desktop users at this time who are using Twitter via the web. Some claim they’re being logged out repeatedly.

      • VarietyTwitter Will Introduce Per-Article Charging Option to Publishers in May, Says Elon Musk

        Other details about the upcoming feature remain unclear, such as the percentage of each transaction that Twitter will take as commission. There is also no official launch date revealed or clarification about which accounts and media outlets will be able to qualify for the feature.

      • 9to5GoogleNest Hub 2nd Gen updates to Google’s Fuchsia operating system

        After years of development on its own from-scratch, not-Linux operating system, Google officially launched Fuchsia in 2021 by way of an update for the original Nest Hub smart display. Despite changing out the entire underlying system, the core smart display experience remained relatively unchanged. Last year, the larger Nest Hub Max followed a similar upgrade path, picking up Fuchsia without making the change obvious to the everyday smart display owner.

      • The Register UKChromebook expiration date, repair issues 'bad for people and planet'

        In a report on Tuesday, titled "Chromebook Churn," US PIRG contends that Chromebooks don't last as long as they should, because Google stops providing updates after five to eight years and because device repairability is hindered by the scarcity of spare parts and repair-thwarting designs.

      • EducationWeekChromebooks’ ‘Short’ Lifespan Costs Schools Billions of Dollars, Report Finds

        Chromebooks’ “short” lifespans are “saddling schools with additional costs,” concludes a report from the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund.

        “Across the 48.1 million K-12 public school students in the U.S., doubling the lifespan of Chromebooks could result in $1.8 billion dollars in savings for taxpayers, assuming no additional maintenance costs,” according to the report, published April 18.

      • 9to5GoogleChromebooks in schools are breaking quickly, report calls on Google to extend lifespans

        A new report titled “Chromebook Churn” from the US Public Interest Research Group Education Fund has found that the millions of Chromebooks that flooded schools in recent years are breaking quickly with difficult repairs that lead to e-waste and higher costs.

        As COVID-19 hit and turned many schools to remote learning, Chromebooks were heralded as an affordable, easy-to-use option that many schools invested in. In 2020, the ChromeOS market saw massive growth, even outpacing that of macOS.

        But, according to the US PIRG’s report, these machines are starting to break quickly, with repair options that make it difficult to keep Chromebooks going.

      • Alex EwerlöfResponse to Lars Albertsson’s “Volvo Cars and digital race”

        I would argue relying too much on external software vendors and not seeing software as a first-class citizen is the root cause. But Volvo Cars is wisely moving away from that model by bringing software developers in-house. Google and Apple partner with vendors for commodities. Software and data just happen to be too key to treat it that way. As I argued in a previous post, the automotive industry needs to own their data and set up to make it to the mobility-driven phase.

        Having someone from software-only companies tell Volvo how to do software is not that different from having someone from Foxconn coming to Cupertino telling Apple how to do hardware. Personally, I approach Volvo from a position of respect and will do my best for it to achieve its vision. And I’m not alone. There’s a whole army of us.

        Having done this for more than 2 decades, I don’t buy the argument that “it’s rocket science, you do cars, pay us to do it for you”.

      • Phoenix Labs Lays Off 9% of Employees and Reduces Projects,Focusing on Dauntless and Fae Farm

        Dauntless and Fae Farm developer Phoenix Labs is the latest studio to be hit by a round of layoffs. In addition to the job cuts, the team is also reducing their in production lineup.

        In statements provided to, a Phoenix Labs confirmed the cuts, saying that they had “evaluated all ongoing development projects” and decided to “focus on fewer development projects”. They emphasize that this decision should help improve success for Fae Farm, which was recently pushed to late 2023, as well as Dauntless.

      • SAS to close some international offices, making selective hires in prepping for stock offering

        SAS will be closing several international offices affecting some 250 employees and is hiring to fill positions “critical to our business” given the “possibility of a recession ahead of us,” according to an executive for the privately held software company. The moves are made as part of a plan to offer a limited number of shares in a public offering next year, according to a statement provided to WRAL TechWire.

        The update on happenings at the company came in response to an inquiry about layoffs and office closings after WRAL TechWire received tips that cost-cutting measures were underway.

      • Saudi ArabiaDisney, Amazon, META: Firms across the US slash jobs

        US companies from Inc and Walt Disney Co to Wall Street heavyweights Goldman Sachs Group and Morgan Stanley are slashing thousands of jobs as they look to rein in costs in anticipation of an economic downturn.

        For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app.

        Some companies such as Amazon and Meta Platforms have announced a second round of layoffs as rapid interest rate hikes by global central banks to tame inflation have weighed on consumer and corporate spending.

        Here are some of the job cuts by major American companies announced in recent months.

    • Security

      • Silicon AngleGerman IT services company Bitmarck knocked offline following cyberattack
        German information technology services company Bitmarck Technik GmbH has been knocked offline after being hit by a cyberattack on Sunday. The company, a leading provider of IT services to the German healthcare industry, said on its temporary website that the attack had targeted its internal systems.

      • Silicon AngleT-Mobile discloses second data breach of 2023 and its 8th since 2018
        T-Mobile US Inc. has disclosed yet-another data breach, its second disclosed breach in 2023, and although this one affected fewer than 1,000 customers versus the 37 million affected in the last breach, it's the eighth data breach since 2018. The latest data breach was discovered in March and affected 836 customers.

      • NVISO LabsEnforce Zero Trust in Microsoft 365 – Part 1: Setting the basics [Ed: The ludicrous proposition of "trust" when outsourcing to Microsoft 360, basically run by criminals (and Azure, which hires Nazis and stabbers)]

        This first blog post is part of a series of blog posts related to the implementation of Zero Trust approach in Microsoft 365.

      • Silicon AngleAt RSA Conference, tales of real-world cyberattacks and warnings of fearsome new threats

        The challenges of securing organizations haven't changed much in the past year, and that means there's still a lot more that needs to be done - especially as generative artificial intelligence and chatbots will require new tactics to fight attackers. That's according to two panels that presented€ at last week’s RSA Conference in San Francisco.

      • Silicon AngleBruce Schneier’s plan to reinvent democracy
        I have a confession to make: I am a complete Bruce Schneier fanboy. I have been following the cryptographer, Harvard lecturer and privacy specialist for many years, and was delighted to meet him face-to-face at last week’s RSA Conference in San Francisco...

      • Integrity/Availability/Authenticity

        • India TimesHow countries around the world, including India, use Digital IDs for banking?

          Digital identity has simplified the way individuals interact with new banking products and services. With the help of digital identity solutions like Digilocker and Decentro, financial institutions can build new-age banking products that offer personalized experiences, enhanced security protocols, and encryption standards.

        • WiredBrace Yourself for the 2024 Deepfake Election

          It’s not a question of whether AI-generated content is going to start playing a role in politics, because it’s already happening. AI-generated images and videos featuring president Joe Biden and Donald Trump have started spreading around the internet. Republicans recently used AI to generate an attack ad against Biden. The question is, what will happen when anyone can open their laptop and, with minimal effort, quickly create a convincing deepfake of a politician?

          There are plenty of ways to generate AI images from text, such as DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion. It’s easy to generate a clone of someone’s voice with an AI program like the one offered by ElevenLabs. Convincing deepfake videos are still difficult to produce, but Ajder says that might not be the case within a year or so.

      • Privacy/Surveillance

        • Gabriel SiebenThe “Location Off” switch on your phone is a lie.

          Think about it. To join their network, you are literally logging in with your carrier account, which is (most likely) tied to your identity and also has your payment method attached. Maybe you were clever and got a prepaid card with cash, but that’s another step. But consider what happens next: If you are communicating with the network, your phone and the cell tower quickly become aware of how much time it takes for a message to go back and forth between them. Say, a few hundred nanoseconds. It doesn’t take much math, because the amount of time is consistent for the distance you add, to establish a radius for how far away you are. Add in two or three weaker towers in the area that aren’t as preferable when your phone is looking for a better signal, and the carrier’s got a pretty good idea of where you are.

          Which, is also why buying prepaid with cash is overrated. All they have to do is look at where you are between 9PM and 5AM for most days, and they’ll have a pretty good idea of where you live. What’s the point of paying with cash if they can easily find your home address?

        • Site36Big Brother Awards: Reprimand for digital coercion
        • New York TimesFacial Recognition Powers ‘Automated Apartheid’ in Israel, Report Says

          The Israeli government is using computer vision to monitor Palestinian travel across checkpoints, according to the report.

        • TechdirtThe STOP CSAM Act Is An Anti-Encryption Stalking Horse

          Recently, I wrote for Lawfare about Sen. Dick Durbin’s new STOP CSAM Act bill, S.1199. The bill text is available here. There are a lot of moving parts in this bill, which is 133 pages long. (Mike valiantly tries to cover them here.) I am far from done with reading and analyzing the bill language, but already I can spot a couple of places where the bill would threaten encryption, so those are what I’ll discuss today.

        • TechdirtCops Raid Swedish VPN Provider Only To Find Out There’s No ‘There’ There

          There are few things I enjoy writing about more than cops who feel waving around a piece of paper will ensure they can get what they want. I’ve handled a few of these stories before, most of them centered on Signal, the little messaging service that could — one that does not collect user data and would rather exit the marketplace than subject itself to encryption-breaking government mandates.

        • Everything Smart HomeThe King Of Video Doorbells - Reolink Video Doorbell Review [Ed: "Home Assistant integration" = it's a secret microphone, not just CCTV. Who is enabling Big Brother by buying such digital trash? Orwell missed a chance to predict people will pay for the cameras that spy on them, not just pay tax for the government to buy some (outdoors).]

          The Reolink Video Doorbell features good image quality, person detection, PoE, motion zones, RTSP, Home Assistant integration and more!

        • Public KnowledgePublic Knowledge Urges Congress To Oppose Bill Threatening Encryption, User Privacy, and Free Expression Online

          Recently, Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and others reintroduced the “EARN IT Act” to increase the liability of platforms with respect to unlawful child abuse material.

    • Defence/Aggression

    • Transparency/Investigative Reporting

      • Democracy NowAfter Terminal Cancer Diagnosis, Daniel Ellsberg Reflects on Leaking Pentagon Papers & His Legacy

        We spend the hour with Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, who recently announced that he has been diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer with only months left to live. Ellsberg, who turned 92 on April 7, may be the world’s most famous whistleblower. In 1971, The New York Times began publishing excerpts of the Pentagon Papers — 7,000 pages of top-secret documents outlining the secret history of the Vietnam War. The Times exposé was based on documents secretly photocopied by Ellsberg and Anthony Russo while they worked as Pentagon consultants at the RAND Corporation. The leak ultimately helped to take down President Nixon, turn public sentiment against the War in Vietnam and lead to a major victory for press freedom. The Nixon administration went to extraordinary lengths to silence and punish Ellsberg, including breaking into his psychiatrist’s office. But the government’s misconduct led to charges against him and Russo being dismissed. Over the past five decades, Ellsberg has remained a leading critic of U.S. militarism and U.S. nuclear weapons policy, as well as a prominent advocate for other whistleblowers. “Why in the world are we in this position, time after time, of fighting against the self-determination or the nationalism of other countries, and taking on those murderous tasks as opposed to dealing with problems at home?” says Ellsberg in an in-depth interview with Democracy Now!

      • Democracy NowDaniel Ellsberg Warns Risk of Nuclear War Is Rising as Tension Mounts over Ukraine & Taiwan

        As we continue our in-depth conversation with Daniel Ellsberg, the famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower talks about his lifelong antiwar activism and responds to the more recent leak of Pentagon documents about the war in Ukraine. Ellsberg also reflects on the many people who inspired him and says others who look up to his example should know that the sacrifices for building a better world are worth it. “It can work,” he says. Ellsberg, who was recently diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer and given just months to live, spoke to Democracy Now! last week from his home in Berkeley, California.

    • Environment

      • Energy/Transportation

        • CS MonitorIs nuclear power attractive or risky? In Minnesota, it’s both.

          In Minnesota legislature, climate change has revived Democrats’ interest in nuclear power. But a radioactive leak has rekindled public concerns about safety.

        • Pro PublicaBlocked Train Crossings Draw Calls for Action

          Within 48 hours of an investigation about children having to crawl under parked trains to get to school in an Indiana suburb, residents packed a public meeting to demand solutions, the Federal Railroad Administration issued a safety advisory, a bipartisan group of Indiana lawmakers sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Transportation pleading for change and Norfolk Southern’s CEO, Alan Shaw, got involved.

          The investigation, a partnership between ProPublica and InvestigateTV, detailed the challenges communities face when they are besieged by trains that can block railroad crossings for hours or even days. The piece featured videos and photos of children climbing over and crawling under trains operated by Norfolk Southern; the images were rebroadcast by news outlets across America and beyond. Hundreds of readers reached out to ProPublica about their own experiences with blocked crossings, caused by trains from various companies.

        • Common DreamsUS Supreme Court Puts Chevron Doctrine 'Squarely In the Crosshairs'

          The U.S. Supreme Court said Monday it will hear a challenge to a nearly 40-year administrative law precedent under which judges defer to federal agencies' interpretation of ambiguous statutes—a case that legal experts warn could result in judicial power grabs and the gutting of environmental and other regulations.

        • Common DreamsHere's How the 'Jet-Owning Oligarchy' Harms Both Planet and Workers

          Research published Monday details how the working class is paying the price, in more ways than one, for the "jet-owning oligarchy" to hop around the globe in their personal luxury planes.

        • Common DreamsFederal Lawsuit Aims to Protect Texas From 'Exploding Rockets' of Elon Musk

          In the wake of a SpaceX explosion that coated coastal Texas in ash, environmental organizations on Monday filed a federal lawsuit intended to safeguard local wildlife from more "exploding rockets" and ensure residents' access to regional beaches and parks.

        • DeSmogOil Company Gave $200K to Group Accusing Pipeline Opponents of Taking Secret Money

          A First Nations advocacy group whose leader has accused pipeline protesters of being beholden to hidden financial interests has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from one of Canada’s top oil and gas producers, newly reviewed corporate documents reveal.€ 

          Stephen Buffalo, CEO of the Alberta-based Indian Resource Council, is one of the most outspoken Indigenous voices in favor of oil and gas expansion, testifying several times to Canada’s federal government and appearing frequently in mainstream media outlets.

        • Mexico News DailyChinese truckmaker to build EV manufacturing plant in Mexico

          Beijing-based Foton says it plans to build a second manufacturing plant in Mexico, allowing it to produce electric vehicles in the country.

        • Federal News NetworkChinese electric vehicle brands expand to global markets

          Chinese electric car exporters are starting to compete with global brands in their home markets. They bring fast-developing technology and low prices that Tesla's chief financial officer says “are scary.” BYD Auto is the biggest-selling Chinese electric brand. It opened a dealership in Japan in February. NIO, a maker of premium-priced SUVs, exports to Europe. The ruling Communist Party has made China the biggest EV market with the help of dollars in subsidies. The ruling party wants to make China a creator of renewable energy and other profitable technologies. Other Chinese EV exporters include Geely Group's Zeekr and Ora, a unit of SUV maker Great Wall Motors.

        • Mexico News DailySchneider Electric to invest US $72.5M in Mexico energy services

          The company seeks to meet growing demand for consistent electricity supply, a must-have for nearshoring businesses in Mexico.

        • Atlantic CouncilChina’s wind industrial policy “succeeded” – but at what cost?

          China has the world's largest wind energy market in terms of generation and capacity. But China's emergence as the world's leading player in wind has been costly.

      • Wildlife/Nature

        • LatviaAround 500 species deemed endangered in Latvia

          Approximately 500 species have been identified as endangered in the Latvian Red Book (a book listing endangered species) renewal project from the 1,500 species evaluated, Latvian Radio reported on May 2.

      • Overpopulation

        • The HillSaudi alfalfa sparks tension in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert

          In an arid pocket of Arizona’s rural southwest, thirsty tufts of alfalfa are guzzling unlimited amounts of groundwater — only to become fodder for dairy cows some 8,000 miles east.

          This Sonoran Desert field of green, cultivated by a Saudi Arabian dairy giant, has become a flashpoint among residents, who resent the Middle Eastern company’s unbridled — and steeply discounted — usage of a dwindling regional resource.

        • The RevelatorWhat Sound Can Tell Us About Our Changing World
    • Finance

    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • Ali Reza HayatiNo social network presence!

        I've recently deleted my Mastodon account. Mastodon was my only social network and I was using it since 2016 since it was first started. Mastodon, being a decentralized social network, was not my first presence on social networks. I remember when I was on MySpace, FriendFeed, Vine, Mastodon, Facebook, and Twitter.

      • Marcy WheelerJoe Tacopina Complains about Woke Jonathan Swift

        Given Trump lawyer Joe Tacopina's complaint that he's not in on the shared joke of Swift's A Modest Proposal, I hope some nice mother in Florida with a sense of humor will make the Modest Proposal that Swift be banned under Ron DeSantis' anti-woke censorship laws for being -- as a canonical work of English culture -- too woke.

      • MeduzaUzbekistan’s president wins referendum vote on extending powers — Meduza

        A referendum on extending the presidential term limit granted Uzbekistan’s president Shavkat Mirziyoyev the right to be reelected and remain in power, potentially until 2040.

      • Vice Media GroupAnti-Porn Lobbyists Pressure Reddit to Shut Down Its NSFW Communities

        The moderator pointed out that bills like FOSTA/SESTA—which NCOSE supported and which is largely considered a failure—drive sex workers further underground to one effect: causing more precarity to workers.

        “If they win, everyone loses, including themselves,” the mod said. “Likewise, in getting all the big, well-moderated porn sites taken down, these demented religious perverts will inevitably drive all porn underground into closed communities where there is no moderation or control whatsoever. It's completely backwards. Big sites like Reddit are significantly safer and better moderated than the internet in general. Driving all porn underground is profoundly dangerous and stupid. These anti-sex religious groups are all alike: they're all depraved, repressed perverts. Absolutely demented, brain-damaged imbeciles, absolutely self-defeating, too stupid to think two seconds in front of their faces.”

      • Vice Media GroupPornhub Blocks All of Utah From Its Site

        In response to a new law that requires porn sites to verify users’ ages, Pornhub has completely disabled its websites for people located in Utah.

        As of today, anyone accessing Pornhub from a Utah-based IP address doesn’t see the Pornhub homepage, but instead is met with a video of Cherie DeVille, adult performer and member of the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee, explaining that they won’t be able to visit the site.

      • The NationSean McElwee’s Betting Against Democracy

        Even by Washington standards, the rapid rise and equally quick descent of Sean McElwee is a dizzying story. Within a few years, he went from being a rabble-rousing outsider to a supposed data wizard to an éminence gris whispering in the ears of Democratic Party leaders—to a pariah accused of betraying his political clients to feed a gambling habit. If the arc of his social career resembled the zigzags of a volatile stock during a period of frenzied trading, his ideological shifts were even more rapid. Within the same period, he went from being a libertarian to a supporter of Bernie Sanders to the popularizer of the slogan “Abolish ICE” to a centrist cautioning against progressive excess.

      • Common DreamsProgressive Caucus Chair Jayapal Endorses 'Champion for Justice' Barbara Lee for US Senate

        Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal on Monday endorsed Rep. Barbara Lee in California's 2024 U.S. Senate race, calling the East Bay Democratic congresswoman "a champion for justice who has been a persistent progressive voice" in the House.

      • NBCArtificial intelligence pioneer leaves Google and warns about technology's future

        Hinton is worried that future versions of the technology pose a real threat to humanity.

        “The idea that this stuff could actually get smarter than people — a few people believed that,” he said in the interview. “But most people thought it was way off. And I thought it was way off. I thought it was 30 to 50 years or even longer away. Obviously, I no longer think that.”

      • New York Times‘The Godfather of A.I.’ Leaves Google and Warns of Danger Ahead

        Dr. Hinton’s journey from A.I. groundbreaker to doomsayer marks a remarkable moment for the technology industry at perhaps its most important inflection point in decades. Industry leaders believe the new A.I. systems could be as important as the introduction of the web browser in the early 1990s and could lead to breakthroughs in areas ranging from drug research to education.

        But gnawing at many industry insiders is a fear that they are releasing something dangerous into the wild. Generative A.I. can already be a tool for misinformation. Soon, it could be a risk to jobs. Somewhere down the line, tech’s biggest worriers say, it could be a risk to humanity.

      • IT WireArm prepares for IPO

        CPU specialist Arm is moving ahead with its plan for an IPO after "regulatory challenges" prevented completion of the agreed acquisition of the company from SoftBank by GPU giant Nvidia.

        The US$40 million acquisition was agreed in September 2020, but the deal was opposed by regulators in the US and the EU.

      • BBCBill C-11: Why is YouTube mad at Canada?

        After many twists and turns, and over two-and-a-half years of review, the Canadian government has passed a new law that makes tech giants like YouTube and TikTok support Canadian cultural content.

        The law, dubbed Bill C-11, gives the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) broad authority to regulate these platforms, much like they already do with radio and television.

      • Misinformation/Disinformation/Propaganda

        • Project CensoredNational Security State Propaganda, the Fourth Estate’s Deadly Follies, and Why We Need a Truly Independent Press in Support of Human Rights and Freedom of Expression as we Celebrate Press Freedom Day - The Project Censored Show

          In the first half of this week’s show, Mickey and Project Censored intern Reagan Haynie speak with investigative reporter Alan MacLeod of MintPress News. MacLeod explains that a number of former high-ranking US military and security officials are now executives or board members in the video-game industry, notably with the firm that make the “Call of Duty” game, Activision. He also notes that game’s portrayals of assassinations of foreign leaders as normal, and concludes that games like these are carefully designed propaganda/recruitment devices.

        • VarietyRupert Murdoch’s Settlement of the Dominion Case May Have Cost Him $787.5 Million, but It’s Still a Victory for Fake News

          To you and me, that sounds like a lot of money. But in Murdoch Land there’s a phrase for a sum like that. It’s called chump change. And yes, in this case the chumps are all of us. The whole rest of the world. Or, at least, those of us who wanted to see this trial bring Rupert Murdoch and everything he stands for to account. What does Murdoch stand for? The power to run a “news” network that can make up bogus facts every day and pass them off as reality.

        • Salon"He is the most trusted voice in conservative media": What comes next for Tucker Carlson?

          I'm personally relieved that Tucker is gone from Fox, mainly because his frat-boy persona has always turned my stomach, and his presence spreading far-right propaganda on a massive network meant that I actually had to pay careful attention to him. So, his departure (and the accompanying loss of his mass audience) is a huge relief. That said, it's only temporary relief, because Tucker played a role at Fox that others before him willingly indulged--namely, mainstreaming far-right extremism and conspiracism. Glenn Beck specialized in it, Bill O'Reilly participated, as have many others, including some still on the roster. And none of that is going away at Fox. It will still normalize extremist conspiracism, it will still traffic in reckless disinformation, and it will continue to demonize all liberal Democrats as existential threats to the nation who deserve elimination. This will just be a blip in the network's long-running assault on pluralistic democracy, which clearly is not ending anytime soon.

        • TechdirtPolitical Propaganda Disguised As Local News Is Just So Hot Right Now

          For decades, academics have been trying to warn anybody who’d listen that the death of your local newspaper and the steady consolidation of local TV broadcasters has created either “news deserts,” or local news reporting that’s mostly just low-calorie puffery and simulacrum. Despite claims that the “internet would fix this,” fixing local news just wasn’t profitable enough, so the internet… didn’t.

        • New York TimesWhen AI Chatbots Hallucinate [Ed: NY Times promoting lies for Microsoft. Gimmicks that spread lies and falsehoods do not "Hallucinate", they just disseminate lies and falsehoods and that's a very bad thing.]

          Ensuring that chatbots aren’t serving false information to users has become one of the most important and tricky tasks in the tech industry.

    • Censorship/Free Speech

    • Freedom of Information / Freedom of the Press

    • Civil Rights/Policing

      • The Kent StaterSupreme Court to hear major case on limiting the power of federal government, a long-term goal of legal conservatives

        The Supreme Court€ agreed€ Monday to reconsider long held precedent and decide whether to significantly scale back on the power of federal agencies in a case that can impact everything from how the government addresses everything from climate change to public health to immigration.

      • Common Dreams'A New Low, Even for You': Outrage After Gov. Abbott Denigrates Texas Murder Victims

        Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sparked widespread outrage Sunday by derogatorily—and incorrectly—referring to five people killed in a Liberty County mass shooting two days earlier as "illegal immigrants."

      • RFALabor unions cancel traditional May Day march in Hong Kong, citing security law

        The move comes after police haul in a pro-democracy labor unionist, who emerges 'emotionally broken'

      • Curfew ordered in 9 neighborhoods of Mardin

        Curfew has been ordered in 9 rural neighborhoods and their villages of Nusaybin district this morning. The end date of the curfew is to be announced later.

      • AxiosFlorida governor signs bill allowing death penalty for child rape, vowing Supreme Court showdown

        Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a bill Monday allowing Florida to impose the death penalty on those convicted of sexual battery against children younger than 12.

        Why it matters: The legislation is in direct violation of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Kennedy v. Louisiana, which found it unconstitutional for states to use capital punishment for a crime other than murder.

      • New York TimesThe Hard Question of Affirmative Action and Slavery

        If there were an affirmative action program for the descendants of enslaved people, would you consider that to be race-based?

      • The NationNew York’s Working Families Party Came Back From the Brink. Its Departing Leader Recalls the Battle.

        New York’s progressive Working Families Party celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2018, but it almost didn’t live to see a 21st. That was the year a long-simmering feud with former Governor Andrew Cuomo boiled over, after the WFP endorsed Cynthia Nixon in her primary against Cuomo, and the outraged governor continued pulling public employees’ unions and others away from the party, which had always represented an alliance between labor, and other social and racial justice activist groups.

      • NBCHollywood writers go on strike after contract negotiations fail

        “The primary sticking points are ‘mandatory staffing,’ and ‘duration of employment’ — Guild proposals that would require a company to staff a show with a certain number of writers for a specified period of time, whether needed or not,” it said.

      • The NationWhy Are So Many Young People Joining Labor Unions?

        A growing number of young people are joining and forming labor unions. Some call them “Generation U.” The New York Times dubbed the phenomenon the “Revolt of the College-Educated Working Class.”1

      • The NationThis May Day, Let’s Celebrate the Campus Labor Movement

        Over the last few years, workers in the United States have propelled a resurgent wave of union organizing. With the approval of organized labor at its highest among young people, it’s no surprise that colleges and universities have been a linchpin of the movement. Across the country—from resident advisers at Columbia University to dining workers at William & Mary to undergraduates at Dartmouth and beyond—workers in higher education are demanding better pay and conditions as tuition and fees continue to skyrocket. To understand what’s at stake, we asked a few young organizers and student journalists to give an update on a few of these ongoing campus campaigns.

      • Common DreamsIn Largest May Day Turnout Since Pandemic, Workers Around the World March for Better Conditions

        Workers from Japan to France took to the street on Monday for the largest May Day demonstrations since Covid-19 restrictions pushed people inside three years ago.

      • AxiosSurvey: Nearly 75% of Chinese Americans report discrimination in past year

        Nearly three out of four Chinese Americans say they have experienced racial discrimination in the past 12 months, and two in three feel a need to stay vigilant about hate crimes or harassment, a new study says.

      • GizmodoHollywood Writers Strike Over Pay Disputes with Streaming Giants, AI Concerns

        One of the most interesting areas of dispute in the current negotiations is the role AI should or shouldn’t play in Hollywood’s writer’s rooms. In case you’ve missed it, new forms of automation are currently sweeping through the entertainment industry—leaving many creatives worried about how such shifts may displace or alter their roles. From deepfakes to AI-generated voices to screenwriting chatbots, new tools seem poised to disrupt the business in major ways. Some industry figures have suggested that TV and movies could soon be written largely by software—a development that has forced WGA to issue a response.

        To protect its members, WGA has sought to carve out distinct guardrails for the use of AI, which would make such content generation tools less of an active threat to writers’ livelihoods.

      • The HillTwo hospitals may have violated federal law in denying woman an emergency abortion, HHS says

        Farmer ended up traveling to an abortion clinic in Illinois for emergency treatment.

        “Fortunately, this patient survived. But she never should have gone through the terrifying ordeal she experienced in the first place,” HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement. “We want her, and every patient out there like her, to know that we will do everything we can to protect their lives and health, and to investigate and enforce the law to the fullest extent of our legal authority, in accordance with orders from the courts.”

      • The NationExploitation, Abuse, and Death: The Dark Side of Working in the Weed Industry

        There’s a memory that haunts Laura Bruneau, like a video playing over and over. She remembers the unremarkable “Have a good one” she gave her only child, Lorna McMurrey, as she dropped her off at the cannabis-processing facility in Holyoke, Mass., where she worked. It was January 4, 2022—the last day Bruneau saw her daughter conscious.1This article was copublished with The Shoestring, an independent news outlet in Western Massachusetts.

      • The NationCUNY Needs a Raise

        “The Harvard of the proletariat.” That was the vision of CUNY that my masters supervisor sold me back in 2017: the vision that prompted me to leave Australia for New York City. Having heard the list of people who passed through CUNY as students or teachers—June Jordan, Assata Shakur, Audre Lorde, Frances Fox-Piven—I didn’t bother applying anywhere else in the city. The prospect of being part of a public, proudly working-class institution, whose mission was to educate the children of New York’s laboring families, was enough to sell me.

      • The NationTop 12 May Day Songs

        For more than 150 years, May 1 has been an international day to celebrate and defend the rights of the working class. Here’s my stab at the impossible task of naming the best songs ever written about working people—a playlist for May Day.

      • EFFPodcast Episode: Dr. Seuss Warned Us

        You can also find this episode on the Internet Archive.

      • The NationGreen Rationales for Harsher Immigration Policies Are Nothing New

        It’s not often that conservative lobbyists beat the drum for increased environmental oversight and regulation. But that’s what happened this month when the far-right Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), through its legal arm, filed a brief in federal court demanding that the Department of Homeland Security conduct an extensive environmental impact study examining, of all things, immigration policy.1

    • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

      • APNICSpatial Division Multiplexing — a new (subsea) cable paradigm

        Guest Post: How submarine cable transmission technologies are evolving to support more capacity over longer distances.

      • RIPEPushing the Needle Forward - A Community Engagement Quarterly Report

        At the RIPE NCC, we tailor our engagement to the needs and abilities of each part of the community - all with the aim of making a meaningful impact on the Internet ecosystem. In this first in a series of quarterly reports, I look at the work we do in community engagement and how we measure outcomes and impact.

      • Pro PublicaThe FCC Is Supposed to Protect the Environment. It Doesn’t.

        In a mountainous forest in southwest Puerto Rico, workers cleared a patch to make room for a 120-foot cellphone tower intended for use by AT&T and T-Mobile. The site, as the tower company later acknowledged, destroyed some of the nesting habitat of the Puerto Rican nightjar, a tiny endangered songbird. Fewer than 2,000 are believed to be alive today.

        In the northwestern New Mexico desert, a company called Sacred Wind Communications, promising to bring broadband to remote Navajo communities, planted a cell tower near the legally protected Pictured Cliffs archaeological site, which contains thousands of centuries-old tribal rock carvings.

      • HackadayOp Amp Challenge: An Op-Amp Buck Regulator

        Switching regulators have delivered such convenience and efficiency compared to their linear siblings, that it’s now becoming rare to see an old-style three-terminal regulator. Modern designs have integrated to such an extent that for many of us the inner workings remain something of a mystery. It’s still possible to make switching regulators from first principles though, which is what [Aaron Lager] has done by designing a buck regulator from a quad op-amp IC,

      • LatviaConcerns about unfair competition among Latvia's mobile providers

        The mobile provider sector has been fighting€ for influence in public procurement€ for several years now. Two of the most influential players in the market believe that procurements impose inappropriate and outdated requirements. In the meantime, the third company does not see any problems with the existing arrangements, Latvian Television reported on May 1.

    • Monopolies

      • Patents

        • Dennis Crouch/Patently-OSupreme Court Holds Over Two Patent Cases, Considers Two More on Patent Eligibility

          On May 1, the U.S. Supreme Court revealed its decisions from the April 28 conference. Among the three patent cases considered, the court denied certiorari for the pro se case of Wakefield v. Blackboard, while holding over the other two for reconsideration at a later conference. This development increases the likelihood of these two cases being heard by the court, although a grant of certiorari has not yet been announced.

          The held-over cases include: [...]

        • Unified PatentsVelos Media video codec patent reexam granted

          On April 20, 2023, less than two months after Unified filed an ex parte reexamination, the USPTO granted Unified’s request, finding substantial new questions of patentability on the challenged claims of U.S. Patent 9,497,469, owned and asserted by Velos Media, an NPE. The ‘469 patent relates to a device for indicating information about a leading picture for decoding images at a random access point.

        • CoryDoctorowA stately, columnated bank building, bedecked in garish payday lender signs. When you hear "fintech," think "unlicensed bank"

          In theory, patents are for novel, useful inventions that aren't obvious "to a skilled practitioner of the art." But as computers ate our society, grifters began to receive patents for "doing something we've done for centuries…with a computer." "With a computer": those three words had the power to cloud patent examiners' minds.

          Patent trolls – who secure "with a computer" patents and then extract ransoms from people doing normal things on threat of a lawsuit – are an underappreciated form of "tech exceptionalism." Normally, "tech exceptionalism" refers to bros who wave away things like privacy invasions by arguing that "with a computer" makes it all different.

        • TechdirtStupid Patent Of The Month: Trying To Get U.S. Patents On An AI Program

          Only people can get patents. There’s a good reason for that, which is that the patent grant—a temporary monopoly granted by the government—is supposed to be given out only to€ “promote the progress of science and useful arts.”€ Just like monkeys€ can’t get a copyright on a photo,€  because it doesn’t incentivize the monkey to take more photos, software can’t get patents, because it doesn’t respond to incentives.€ 

        • Dennis Crouch/Patently-OProfessional Liability risks of filing in DOCX [Ed: USPTO has been hijacked by Microsoft Vidal. Now they punish people who don't use proprietary formats and software of Microsoft. This is obscene.]

          Carl Oppedahl has been focused on the USPTO’s electronic filing and docketing system for several decades. Most recently, he has been calling out the USPTO for “pants-on-fire lies” about the workability of the DOCX standard.€  The PTO plans to institute a $400 surcharge for those who fail to use DOCX starting at the end of June 2023.

          Oppedahl is presenting two webinars on the topic, focusing on professional liability risks associated with the new process and some tips for reducing the risks...

      • Trademarks

        • TechdirtDisappointing: Sweetgreen Changes Name Of Burrito Bowl, Bowing To Chipotle

          A few weeks back, we talked about a lawsuit Chipotle filed against Sweetgreen, a restaurant chain dedicated mostly to serving salads and grain bowls. The suit centered on Sweetgreen announcing a new menu item: a “Chipotle Burrito Bowl.” We found the entire suit quite odd, given that Sweetgreen’s menu item is named in a way that makes it purely descriptive. It’s a burrito bowl with chipotle flavoring. That isn’t the sort of thing that equates to trademark infringement and mostly serves to point out that Chipotle, the restaurant, did a terrible job naming itself if it wanted to trademark its business name. I concluded the post thusly:

        • TTAB BlogTTAB Posts May 2023 Hearing Schedule

          The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (Tee-Tee-Ä€-Bee) has scheduled nine oral hearings for the month of May 2023. Four of the hearings will be held via video conference; five will be held "in-person" in Alexandria, VA. Briefs and other papers for each case may be found at TTABVUE via the links provided.

      • Copyrights

        • US News And World ReportEd Sheeran: Other Artists Are Cheering on Copyright Fight

          Ed Sheeran says he's getting encouragement from other performers who also worry that they'll be sued after they heard he is testifying against claims that he stole material from Marvin Gaye's “Let's Get It On.”

        • Torrent FreakAfter $1bn Piracy Loss, Cox Latest ISP to Face DMCA Subpoena Dilemma

          In 2005, the RIAA's efforts to obtain file-sharers' personal details using cheap DMCA subpoenas ended when a court declared that they only apply to ISPs that directly store, cache, or provide links to infringing material. Almost two decades later, movie studios known for their cash settlement model are obtaining subpoenas regardless. Their latest target is Cox Communications, because that makes complete sense.

        • Creative CommonsCC’s #BetterSharing Collection | May: The Future Is Open

          Each month throughout 2023, we will be spotlighting a different CC-licensed illustration from the collection on our social media headers and the CC blog. For May, we’re excited to showcase “The Future Is Open” by Mumbai-based fashion and graphic designer, Preeti Singh. The piece, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, was inspired by a quote from Ebenezar Wikina, Founder, Policy Shapers, and Advocacy Coordinator, Foundation for Partnerships Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND Foundation):

        • Torrent FreakCourt Protects Redditors' Right to Anonymous Speech in Piracy Case

          A California federal court has denied a request to compel Reddit to unmask several anonymous Redditors. Film companies say the users' comments could serve as relevant evidence in a piracy liability case against Internet provider RCN. However, the court believes that the Redditors' First Amendment right to anonymous speech outweighs the interest of rightsholders.

        • LatviaInternet radio station offers a classic Latvian playlist

          An€ internet radio station dubbed "Vecās Plates"€ (Old Records) was launched in April€ by Latvian Radio, offering a non-stop supply of around 1,000 classic cuts.

        • The Kent StaterThe Woodsy’s way: Music store in downtown Kent plays important role in local history

          Woodsy’s Music has been a staple in the Kent community for over 40 years, offering musicians and music lovers a vast array of musical instruments and accessories since 1972. The Woodsy’s team has played an important role in the history of downtown Kent.

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • Dream

        Unsettled. Woke up this morning and remembered my last dream (I often don't). I'm in a house. I'm holding a rat, stroking it. (This part is fine.) A distant voice asking me if I want to hold [redacted]. I suddenly find myself stroking a different, red-eyed rat.

      • What a day for a post dream

        The Lankavatara Sutra likes covering that in the phrase "Mind Only".

        But there are so many other descriptions that might lead to the necessary dissolution of the seeming individual "I".

      • 🔤SpellBinding: AUINOTD Wordo: CAPES
      • Indoor skydiving 🪂

        I went to an indoor skydiving place. You go into a cylinder with air blowing upwards really fast and you float in the air current. I had two flights of a minute each, and on the second one an instructor flew with me while they turned the wind speed up, and we went up surprisingly high. The flights weren't really long enough to learn how to control myself in the air flow, beyond getting stable ebough that the instructor wasn't holding you all the time. If you get good at it you can steer yourself around, flip onto your back, or even fly in a sitting position.

      • Can Perez win the championship? 🤔🏎️

        When one team has a dominant car, the only doubt about the championship is which of their drivers will win. And it's usually obvious which is the stronger. So maybe we should just give Verstappen the championship trophy now.

        In the Schumacher years at Ferrari, or the Vettel years at Red Bull, or the Hamilton years at Mercedes, their team mates were stong enough to win races, but not to give them a serious challenge. The one exception was Nico Rosberg who beat Hamilton. But he knew that it had taken everything he had plus some luck, so he retired after that season.

        This year, Perez has made a strong start against Verstappen. They have two wins each. How will it play out?

      • Aloha

        Hello, I'm new here :-) An occasional surfer, when the moon allows it, but it keeps me up all night. I'll stick to beer for tonight. I hope everyone is having a good time.

      • Album #251: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Deja Vu

        My mother had a CSNY sticker on a bread bin. I grew up seeing it with no curiosity. It was a band she liked once. We sing along to Dr Hook in the car. Who cares about the other band?

        Now she's gone and I know who that band was. Given the choice, I'd go back to ignorance and Dr Hook.

      • May 1st

        I didn't have class today as it's the first of May, so I'm going to practice singing on my own. There's this tricky exercise I'm working on where you go down 3 notes in total, ascend 2 notes, then leap down to the lowest note in the phrase, then back up 1 to the note you skipped. I'll illustrate it using parallagḗ (which are solfegé but for Byzantine music lol)

    • Technical

      • Morgan’s Gemlog: Generating STL Models
      • AI Ceiling

        The above might be seen as something of a pro-AI view. However, no reason would include the risk of yet another AI winter, warnings about bad actors abusing AI, a web that is flooded with output that is fed back to... oh, Spammerville? Yeah, you don't want to go there. There may also be computational or other technological limits that the "not small" models soon or have already run into. How do small humans learn so much running on so little? What other problems could there be?

      • Package Management - Introduction

        As I'm working through one project, I'm frequently planning the next. I noticed that a number of my future ideas, fantasies as you will, all have one thing in common: packages. It doesn't if it is a game idea or working on programming calendars[1] or Author Intrusion[2], they all need some form of package management.

      • struggling

        I have a system for remembering passwords. I don't like password managers and I never let browsers save passwords. I just don't trust these things, and I operate on the belief that everyone gets hacked eventually.

        My phone is pattern-locked and most apps are separately pin-locked. I've been using complicated passwords for at least 20 years. Not always "strong" because of repeating characters and lack of mixed case or symbols, but nothing easy to guess.

      • My Fediverse blocklists

        A large list of instances that I find worth suspending. After the first couple hundred entries (imported and then reviewed), I started collecting receipts. Since early 2023, every entry has documented reasons and receipts. I share these with multiple people in a collaborative document, but I don't share it publicly due to risk of harassment.

      • Internet/Gemini

        • Szczeżuja's tinylo

          I've made a quick look into the small net. Everything is on its place. I read several articles, I felt calmness of Bongusta.

      • Programming

        • 02 May 2023

          Some time ago i found the book "Common Lisp: A gentle introduction to symbolic computation" at a flea market and a few nights ago i benefited from a sleepless night in the way that i started to read. So far it lives up to its name and offers a somehow friendly way to look into lisp.

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

Recent Techrights' Posts

The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): The OSI Election is Rigged, Biased Against People Who Oppose the Openwashing of GPL-Violating Bots Operated by Microsoft for Profit (OSI Gets Paid to Promote This)
they reckon that pretence of calm would serve them best, helped by puff pieces
In Vietnam, statCounter Sees Microsoft Windows Falling Below 7% "Market Share"
Can Microsoft still demand $500 or more per Windows licence?
Fresh IBM Layoffs Reported in Europe and North America, Jobs Allegedly Moved to South Asia (Low Salaries)
As usual, IBM does not talk about this
The Ludicrous Mythology of Commonality as Signal of Value, Merit, Popularity
Devalue what's true, promote marketing?
[Video] Richard Stallman on the Four Essential Freedoms (Manuel Cuda News, 2025)
Added to a channel several days ago by Manuel Cuda News
[Video] Richard Stallman on Understanding the Misconception of So-called 'Artificial Intelligence'
to "know and understand"
Microsoft Layoffs Are Infectious (Don't Get Acquired or Become a Partner)
It seems like companies choosing to become "buddies" with Microsoft are dooming themselves and their products
A Closer Look Inside the EPO, Courtesy of Benoît Battistelli's Submissive Lapdogs Roberta Romano-Götsch and Elodie Bergot
new report comes from the Local Staff Committee Munich (LSCMN)
Links 10/03/2025: Staff Strikes, Mass Layoffs in Gaming Industry
Links for the day
Gemini Links 10/03/2025: "Eat The Rich" and Two-Year Anniversary of the 'Space Elevator' Orbit (Like 'Webring')
Links for the day
Links 10/03/2025: Small Web Praised, LLM Chatbots Exposed as Worse Than Useless Again
Links for the day
A Call for GNU/Linux and BSD Developers to Unite Against GAFAM and the Regime They Empower
We have long encouraged and continue to encourage people who value Software Freedom to altogether boycott GAFAM
Gemini Links 10/03/2025: Realisation About Young People, Punks, and Discord IPO
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 09, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 09, 2025
FSF's Defective by Design (DBD): Amazon Tightens the Digital Handcuffs
Reproduced verbatim
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Plenty of Issues, Plenty of Censorship
The OSI is abusive on many levels!
EPO Staff Appraisals Apparently Benefit Kakistocracy, Including Cheaters Who Grant Illegal Patents and Punish Good Patent Examiners (Who Find Valid Reasons for Denials)
In prior reports the staff representatives said that rewards typically went to people who granted many patents, i.e. didn't do proper examination and instead just allowed many fake patents get enshrined as EPs, causing fiasco (from which some patent attorneys could profit)
As The Web Gets Drowned Out, Sinking in a Pool of LLM Slop, Real News Sites With Real News Become Increasingly Rare If Not Extinct
This is a real problem
Links 09/03/2025: Moderna Patents Thrown Out, Climate United Sues E.P.A.
Links for the day
Gemini Links 09/03/2025: Lagrange 1.18.5 and Writing Mannerisms
Links for the day
Links 09/03/2025: FiveThirtyEight Killed by Disney, Nature (Journal) Chooses Suicide by Slop
Links for the day
Links 08/03/2025: International Women's Day, Software Patents Being Squashed
Links for the day
Hiding Problems Doesn't Work
transparent organisations will be more stable and sustainable
The Harder They Try to Censor, the Bigger the Scandal (and the Impact) Will Be
We don't plan to self-censor our coverage; sometimes we just delay publication a little
Gemini Links 09/03/2025: Leasehold Derangement Syndrome, Raspberry Pi, and More
Links for the day
All-Time Low for Microsoft in Africa
it helps show how irrelevant Microsoft is becoming
French woman (frontaliere) trafficked to promote unauthorised cross border Swiss insurance
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
New York Times & Guardian reporting on Modern Slavery Act prosecution of Glodi Wabelua
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Diana & Adrian von Bidder-Senn, EVP, Palm Sunday & Debian death on wedding day
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
The RTO (Return-to-office) Layoffs or 'Soft' Layoffs at IBM and Red Hat
There are certainly many layoffs going on there, but many are described as "resignations" or "retirements" after RTO or some other form of relocation
Under the Pen Name "John O'Donnell" (LLM Slop, Not Real Article or Author) LinuxLinks Pushes Spammy Page
it happened some hours ago.
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 08, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, March 08, 2025
Graveyard of Mastodons: A Vast Number of Inactive Accounts
More than 80% of users in (the "big one") are no longer active
Gemini Links 08/03/2025: Reading Cory Doctorow's 'Little Brother', Abandoning GAFAM Forever
Links for the day
No, We Don't Want to Go "Viral" (and You Probably Don't, Either)
"Viral" junk gets forgotten quickly
Windows is Being Eradicated
On the Web, in Africa in particular, user strings or UAs that say "Windows" are becoming more rare
For International Women's Rights Day (Today) Staff Representatives at the European Patent Office (EPO) Opened Up on Gender Discrimination at the Office
Office discrimination against women is widely known; unless you sleep with men in management
Links 08/03/2025: Tariff Self Harm and Mostly Solved Diseases Making a Comeback
Links for the day
Links 08/03/2025: Climate Change Causing Food Shortages, Selling Off Chrome Still in the Cards
Links for the day
Gemini Links 08/03/2025: Driving in Japan, GrapheneOS, Tariffs Silver Lining
Links for the day
Working Like a Pack of Hyenas, the Microsofters Try Hard to Hide the Truth and Actively Censor Critics
They even target women
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Bylaws of the OSI a Shocking Oversight
That's what the OSI is right now: a salesperson
Thinking About Abandoning 'Google News' Altogether Due to Easy Poisoning by LLM Slop
As long as Google News keeps sending traffic to these leeches, it'll be very hard to justify relying on Google News for anything at all
Links 08/03/2025: Microsoft Failures, Further Attacks on Speech in Hong Kong
Links for the day
Gemini Links 08/03/2025: Physical Albums, Analog Computing, Deleting All Social Control Media
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, March 07, 2025
IRC logs for Friday, March 07, 2025