I'm tired, though, having awakened to pee about 3:50am, and never really falling back asleep again.
So it's been a bit of internet, leftovers for breakfast, and capturing three fun photos:
- the moon in a portion of the horizon I suspect it's not seeing in much, along with an interesting double due to the pane of glass the photo was captured through
Over a decade ago I read suggestions that standing to work might be healthier than sitting, and tried it.
Shortly afterwards it seems like a lot of the world did the same: desks at my office were gradually swapped for motorized sit/stand desks, and such desks became the default.
It also quickly became apparent that despite having the choice right in front of them most people were going to mostly sit.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.