Linux Foundation is associated with a lot of waste and fraud. It now charges $150,000 for membership, i.e. it prices individuals and small businesses out of reach. It's still based in one of the country's and perhaps the world's most expensive office estates/spaces (after moving there years ago to burn money faster). It might be safer for the Microsoft-funded Sheela Zemlin, who is a fugitive from the law (she had defrauded many people [1, 2, 3] and there's a class action lawsuit for securities fraud).
Summary: The Linux [sic] Foundation's tax filings (divulged by the Nonprofit Explorer) show that it now pays "CHRIS ANISZCZYK" and "JAMES ZEMLIN" more than it pays "LINUS TORVALDS", sans bonuses. Torvalds fell to third place already. Mr. Zemlin pays himself over $1.2 million a year. He doesn't even use Linux. He lacks credentials and accomplishments (except for selling out to companies like Microsoft), but he keeps pandering to power and money (Bill Gates). It should be noted that the Torvalds bonus was added only after backlash had erupted.
Perhaps tomorrow or perhaps next week we'll share more information about what happened and what was reported to the California Privacy Protection Agency