The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: Deity project schedule problems

From: Brian White <>
> If you can't keep my role as VP seperate from my role as Deity manager
> seperate, then you might as well do that.

Up until this morning, I thought you were managing Deity in your capacity
as VP. I also thought you were issuing proposals to change the FTP
organization as Guy Maor's manager, which looked awful strange considering
that he had little to do with the proposals. So, if I have problems
separating these roles, it's because I don't think they are separate.

> The only reason I'm doing the VP role anyway is because I want to help
> the project.

I can't really say that you are helping the project. The main reason
is that you still don't get the free software thing, which is the reason
the project exists. It does not exist to make another Red Hat or Caldera,
which is what you get if you ignore the free software issue. There is no
reason for us to clone them - they do a fine job at being what they are.
The second reason I think you are not helping is that you led us down the
garden path with Deity, got us to commit to use it rather than to improve
dselect, and now you are saying it's going to be delivered at some
indeterminate date with no deadline, and that we have no say over that
or any other aspect of its development. How are you helping?

> Gee, Bruce.  I thought when it came to free software, you were allowed to
> do almost anything you want with it.  That would mean you could take the
> released version and start your own stream of it, managing it as you wish.

Yes, that's right.

> So, do you want control over the final tool or control over the original
> development of it?

I want to have confidence that the project will be done when we need
it, and that it will address our needs.  If we don't have that
confidence, we will not use it as our primary package manager. We will
start working on an alternative to Deity right away. It will still be
free software, though, and you will still be welcome to make it an
optional package in Debian.

The Debian developers and I trusted you to manage Deity, and even
let you run roughshod over the project's philosophy of open-ness because
you thought you could only get it done that way. Now we're sorry. You have
let us down.

Can you get your operating system fixed when you need it?
Linux - the supportable operating system.
Bruce Perens K6BP   NEW PHONE NUMBER: 510-620-3502

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