Vista 7 Reality Log
Vista 7, like its predecessor Windows Vista, relied a lot on marketing, especially ahead of its arrival. The reality, however, is far from what marketing conveyed.
The following is a chronological, incomplete list of posts about Vista 7 ("Windows 7").
Microsoft Polices Coverage of Vista 7 by ‘Kicking Out’ Disobedient Journalist
Microsoft is Bribing Bloggers Again… for Vista 7 Raves
Praise Microsoft, Receive Bribe
Wanted: List of Bloggers, Journalists, and Analysts Whom Microsoft Bribed at PDC 2008
Partial Index: Summary of Bribed Sites, Journalists, and Bloggers (Vista 7)
Vista 7 Truths and Sins
Eye on Microsoft: Vista/7 Trouble and More Security Chaos
Cybercrime Rises and Vista 7 is Already Open to Hijackers
Microsoft Sends “Vista 7 PC Ecosystem Team” to Influence Free Software Projects
Vista 7 is Just Vista.1, Like Mandriva 2009.1 is to Mandriva 2009
Windows Vista 7: Less Gratis, Now with More Antifeatures
Microsoft Lies to Create Vista 7 Hype Whilst Vista Dies
Why Download 7apourware When the Real Thing (e.g. Ubuntu 8) is Free, Including Shipping?
Quote of the Day: Vista 7 Actually Worse than Vista
Verdict of 7 Reviews: Anti-Competitive, Disappointing
Signs That Seven (Bundy) is Vista’s Younger Twin
Vista 7: Broken Apart Before Arrival
Vista 7 is EDGI Enabled
Vista 7 — Just Like Vista — Starts Dropping Features Several Months Before Release
Vista 7 Delayed Already: Not in 2009?
Windows Vista Breaks the Internet, Vista 7 Fixes Nothing and Meanwhile Windows Fades Up North
Department of Homeland Security ‘Poisoned’ by Microsoft; Vista 7 is Open to Hijackers Again
Vista 7 Review (Video)
Does Microsoft Silence Dissent Against Vista 7?
Eye on Microsoft: Windows Vista 7, Vista 1, and Mobile
Vista 7 Death Watch
Why Microsoft Already Knows That Vista 7 Will Fail
Vista 7 Security “Cannot be Fixed. It’s a Design Problem.”
Why Vista 7 Could be the Least Secure Operating System Ever
Windows Vista 7 + XP = Comedy
Vista 7 Release Would be Good News to GNU/Linux
Man Who Shows That Vista 7 is as Heavy as Vista Gets Attacked
Articles About Diseased Candidate of Vista 7
Opera Complains About Vista 7
Vista 7 is Free (as in Free Tobacco) for One Year
Vista 7 is About Digital Rights. Not Yours, Microsoft’s.
Months Before Release, Vista 7 Puts Its Vest on and Becomes Fat Like Vista
GNU/Linux Gains Ground in Sub-notebooks Race as Vista 7 Gains Excessive Weight
With Vista 7 Already Disappointing, Is There a Future for Microsoft?
Today’s Vista 7 Links
Vista 7: Disablement as a Business Model
Does Microsoft Struggle to Find Leaders for Vista 7?
New Surveys Confirm: Vista 7 Will Fail in the Market
How Microsoft Daemonises the EU Commission and Advertises Vista 7, with the MSBBC’s Help
Microsoft CEO Admits That Vista 7 is Just Vapourware, Opera Complaints About It
Signs That Vista 7 — Like Vista — Will Pose Compatibility Issues
Vista 7 Could be Delayed Due to Massive Bug — Claim
Vista 7 Hard to Install, Slower Than Vista Sometimes
How Vista 7 Hype Gets Generated and Why GNU/Linux is in a Good Position
Vista 7 Starts Looking More Like Vista Agony
Vista 7 Vulnerable to Latest “Critical” Flaws
Another Review of Vista 7 and the Uncertain Future of Windows
Reason #1 to Avoid Vista 7: Insecurity
Microsoft Has Already Moved on to Vista 8 Vapourware
Xbox Show Crashes, Vista 7 Crashing Too
Microsoft Still Sabotages Linux MBRs in Vista 7
Vista 7 Just as Bad as Vista, But Microsoft Removes Choice
Vista 7 Campaign Starts Tomorrow
Microsoft Declares Vista 7 Ultimate Extras Dead
“Windows 7 Sins” Campaign a Great Success So Far
FSF Campaign Upsets Exactly Those Whom It Ought to Have Upset
Vista 7 Starter Edition Called “Too Wimpy” by IDG, Compatibility Problems Foreseen
More Delays in Vista 7 and Other Windows Setbacks
Vista 7 Less Secure Than Predecessors? Remote BSoD Now Possible!
Vista 7 Seemingly Affected by Several More “Critical” Flaws This Month
More Early Signs That Vista 7 Will be Rejected by Businesses
Vista 7 Hype is Torn Apart, One ‘Feature’ at a Time
Microsoft Openly Admits Vista is Not Good; Vista 7 Likely the Same
Microsoft Cheats and Bribes Again to Distort the Reality Regarding Vista 7
If Vista 7 is as Good as Microsoft Says, Then Why is Microsoft Actively Attacking GNU/Linux?
If Vista 7 is Wonderful Like Microsoft Claims, Then Why is Vista 8 Vapourware Already Surfacing?
Analysts Say That Vista 7 Will Fail to Spur Sales
If Microsoft is Right About Vista 7 Being So Great, Then Why Are the ‘Yes Men’ Usually Paid?
Microsoft Offers Gentle Bribes to People Who Mention Vista 7 in Twitter
Vista 7 Breaks Functionality That Worked Fine in Vista
Cringely Argues Vista 7 Promotion Includes “Bribes”, Hype Balloons Nonetheless
Vista 7 Cheats Buyers
Microsoft Cheats at Vista 7 ‘Speed’, Uses New Vapourware
Microsoft CEO Admits Vista 7 Won’t Sell PCs
Vista 7 Left Hijackable Again (Almost a Monthly Recurrence)
Microsoft Adds Product Delays and Vapourware
Even Some Big Windows Fans Worry About Vista 7
Company CEO Finds Out Why Windows 7 is Called Vista 7
Gartner Lied About Vista, So Why Should People Believe it Regarding Vista 7?
Microsoft Analysts Mock Free Software and Praise Vista 7
The Microsoft ‘Mouthpiece Theatre’ Starts the Vista 7 Marketing Blitz
Dvorak Slams Vista 7, New Benchmark Shows It’s a Hog, Kotaku Says It’s Bad for Gaming
Watch Microsoft’s Financial Results on Thursday, Ignore the Decoy (Vista 7)
Vista 7 Coverage a Mixed Bag on Release Date
Vista 7: Like Windows Vista All Over Again
Novell Recites Microsoft-Funded Lies About Vista 7
Vista 7 Launch Said to Have Failed
Microsoft Feeds Hundreds of Korean Bloggers to Promote Vista 7
Vista 7 Student Edition Broken on Arrival, All Vista 7 Editions Open to Hijackers Upon Installation
There is No Windows 7; Vista 7 is Actually Windows 6.1
What Went Wrong with Vista 7 Launch (and How GNU/Linux Already Takes Advantage)
Vista 7: Bad Connectivity with Windows Mobile Expected
The Real (and Negative) Reviews of Vista 7 Start Coming
Vista 7 Not Suitable for Family Guy; The Real Cost of Vista 7 Revealed
Businesses Massively Reject Vista 7 and Microsoft Ecosystem Starts Attacking Ubuntu Ahead of Release
Top Windows Executive Quits Microsoft Upon Vista 7 Release
Vista 7 Even Worse Than Vista in Some Ways — Claim
Computer Support Company: Wait Until Vista Service Pack 4 (at Least)
The Failures of Vista 7 Lead to Increased Exploration of GNU/Linux
Vista 7 Roundup: Microsoft Admits Upgrade Errors, People Wait for SP1, Compatibility Issues Identified
Response to The Guardian’s Boosting of Vista 7 (Including Transcript)
Vista 7 — Just Like Vista — Incompatible with Vital Services
Vista 7 as Insecure as Predecessors, Shows Sophos
Vista 7 Sales Not Good, Microsoft Does Not Want to Talk About It
Vista 7 Incompatibility Issues, Crashes, and More NPD Lies
Computer Shop: Acer Tells Windows Sales Flat Despite Vista 7
Jerry Seinfeld Dumps Vista, Some Users Prefer Vista Over Vista 7 Because of Incompatibility
Just One Way (Among More) Microsoft Cheats in Vista 7 Number Games
Vista 7 — Exactly like Vista — Fails to Deliver Promised Upgrades
Vista 7 Exploit is Out (Zero-Day Vulnerability)
Another Microsoft Product is Allegedly Dying, Vista 7 Rejected by Enterprises
Vista 7 Already Cracked (Within Weeks), Just Like Vista
Microsoft Imitates Google Revenue Model on the Desktop: Adverts Come to Vista 7 Desktops
Survey: Vista 7 Disliked by Sub-notebooks Buyers, GNU/Linux Emerges as a Winner
Microsoft Won’t Secure Firefox/Chrome Users, Shows More Negligence (Vista 7 Zero-Day Flaw)
Confirmed: Vista 7 Fails to Sell PCs, Mostly Replaces Vista
Windows, Cisco Do Not Support Vista 7
Microsoft Windows Advertising Goes Too Far, Parents Television Council Complains
Vista 7 Zero-Day Followed by Internet Explorer 7 Zero-Day
Reader’s Article: Vista 7 Versus Vista
Vista 7 Crashes on Certain Hardware, Stifles Samba Compatibility
Confirmed: Vista 7 — Just Like Vista — Has No Substantial Impact on Sales
More on the Hidden Costs of Vista 7
Vista 7 Hit by Black Screens of Death, Bill Gates Subpoenaed over Red Rings of Death
Vapourware After Vista 7 (Vista 8) Starts Much Earlier Than Vapourware After Vista (Vista 7)
Vista 7 — Just Like Vista — Resorts to Corny Bus Promotion
Microsoft Press Deceives the Masses About Windows
Trend Micro: Vista 7 Less Secure Than Vista
Vista 7 Lacks Compatibility But Finally Gains GPL Compliance
Vista 7 and Microsoft Under New Sieges by Analysts
Microsoft Makes Vista 7 More Expensive and Starts Forcing Users to Migrate
IDC Speculation That Vista 7 is Last PC Operating System from Microsoft, Windows Mobile 7 Already Slips
Vista 7 Limitations, Compatibility Issues, and Hype from the Microsoft Ecosystem
Deceptive Vista 7 Advertising, Neglect, Bugs, and More Security Problems
Latest Vista 7 Failures, Xbox 360 Failures, and Microsoft Cartel
More Critical Vulnerabilities in Vista 7, Windows Left Unsafe for Another Month
Latest Vista 7 Failures and Microsoft Dumping
Vista Mobile 7 Likely Delayed One Year; Vista 7 Always Rented, Not Sold
The Register Gloats About Microsoft Vapourware and Daemonises the Victim Red Hat, Which Microsoft/Novell Are Assaulting
Microsoft Takes the Axe to Another Product, Future Grim Based on CES (see bottom portion)
Microsoft is Lying About Vista 7 Sales, Bloat
Vista 7 Fails in Business and More Layoffs May Come
Vista 7: The Battery Guzzler
Huge Internet Explorer Flaw, Vista 7 “Kills Batteries”, and Windows Mobile is Virtually Dead
Microsoft is Killing Another Xbox Product and Vista 7 is Already in Trouble
Windows ‘Battery Killer’ (Vista 7) Also Has USB Data Transfer Issues and Stability Problems, Does Not Sell Well
Even Windows Fans Turn Their Backs on Vista 7 Hype
Microsoft is in Denial Again ("Microsoft is being accused of “hand washing” (or whitewashing) the battery problems that were found in Vista 7")
Vista 7’s 8th Sin: Another Antifeature Appended with Windows Update
New Study Confirms That Vista 7 is Bloated
Business Down for Some Large OEMs Despite Vista 7
Vista 7 is Still Trying to Catch up With GNU/Linux
Randall C. Kennedy is a Scam, But Vista 7 is Still Bloated
7 New Problems ("Products that are labeled “7″ continue to falter (holes, delays, lack of acceptance, etc.)")
Intel Unhappy With Failed Migration to Vista 7, Radical Microsoft Spin Begins
Vista 7 Unacceptable for Large Businesses and Windows XP Still Not Secure
AstroTurfing for Vista 7 Still Alive
Microsoft Should be “Sued for Breach of Contract” in Vista 7
Jerry Seinfeld Makes “Lousy Celebrity Endorsement” for Microsoft After Reportedly Dumping Windows
Vista 7 Does Have Battery Issues (Microsoft Lied) and Microsoft Gives “MVP” to Man Who Loves “to Argue Against Linux Fanatics”
Aggressive Marketing for Vista 7
Microsoft Windows Profits Decline Over the Years
Another Reason Why Vista 7 Was Released Prematurely
Another Microsoft Product (With Vista 7) Dies Because of GNU/Linux That Allegedly Replaces It
New Indications That HP is Dumping Windows (Vista 7) for Linux (for Mobile Form Factors)
BusinessWeek on Vista 7 Being Bad for Business, Reducing Efficiency
Microsoft Lied About Vista for Several Years and It is Now Lying About Vista 7
Gartner Group Urged Businesses to Move to Vista, Now It Does the Same With Vista 7
The Economist Says “Migration From XP to Windows 7 Has Been Little More Than a Trickle”; Windows News is Still News About Flaws
Reuters: 'Dell {...} Estimated the Percentage of Commercial PC Users Who Have Updated to Microsoft's Windows 7 as Still Being in “Single Digits.”'
John Dvorak: Vista 7 Was “a Face-saving Vista Re-do”
Users of Microsoft Office 2010 Hate It, is Loved, Vista 7 is a ‘Meh’
ASUS Dumps Vista 7, Goes With Linux Instead (and Windows Has Other New Problems)
Video: Vista 7 From a GNU/Linux User’s Point of View
Adoption of Vista 7 is Poor and SP1 Not Out Until Next Year
Vista 7 Price Drops Show Its Sales Are Poor
Microsoft’s Most Profitable Windows (Vista) is Already Dead, Microsoft Camp Urges a Rush to Vista 7
More Indications That ‘Sales’ of Vista 7 Are Worse Than Sales of Vista
Vista 7 is Still Scarcely Adopted and Reportedly Broken
Windows 7 breaks through 20% market share
Vista 7: The Illusion Finally Breaks
OEMs to Potentially be Forced to Unbundle Windows as Forced Vista 7 ‘Sales’ Lead to Class Action Lawsuit
Vista 7 Patches Break Crucial Software
Vista 7 Top ‘Feature’ is Access to Intruders
Survey: In 2 Years, Vista 7 Enters Just a Quarter of Businesses

The following is a chronological, incomplete list of posts about Vista 7 ("Windows 7").