Embracing and 'Extending' Git for Microsoft Windows
THE Git project's inception goes back almost a couple of decades (initial release was on 7 April 2005) when Linux needed better (and free, independent et cetera) tools for version control, collaboration etc. It was done primarily over E-mail, not some proprietary site like GitHub, which is now controlled and abused by Microsoft.
Years have passed and Microsoft is Embracing and 'Extending' (as in E.E.E. where the last "E" is "Extinguishing") GNU and then Linux (WSL and WSL2, respectively) by approaching Canonical to promote Windows instead of GNU/Linux.
Now, or mere hours ago, this thing shows up in the new release of Git:
Who's behind it? The same people whom Microsoft leverages through systemd to eliminate alternatives.
Yes, Microsoft.
Windows and more.
As Microsoft employees they promote GitHub (proprietary, prison for Free software) and Windows, not Git. Linux Foundation leadership could not care any less about operating systems or Freedom. It's all about money and power - corporate power. █