Bypassing the Governments, Hijacking the Courts, Bribing the Largest Media Outlets/Publishers
Plagiarism is not "AI". Plagiarism is plagiarism.
THIS world has gone mad. The governments bail out corporations (and their rich shareholders) instead of people in actual need. The courts have corporate moles in them, e.g. mothers of Microsoft employees deciding on Microsoft or corporations such as Nokia having "part-time" judges in the UPC. This new comment illuminates how ridiculous the situation already is in the EU, stating "further I believe UPC case law , supported by the influence of the EU, will become intertwined with EPO case law, leading to much more leniency at the EPO" (which is hugely corrupt and violates its very own rules).
"The leniency will come from the UPC," it says, "realising it needs to be less formalistic than the EPO when acting judicially and deciding on huge amounts of money to be given in damages. At the moment the EPO doesn't really see the financial implications of its decisions and therefore has become too abstract and academic..."
So basically patent law in the EU has been 'bought' by the billionaires and their lawyers, their 'courtroom mercenaries'.
Watchtroll has expectedly blasted British courts for not taking patent applications generated by a computer. This is how the fanatical mind of patent maximalists works. They also have no comprehension or very poor comprehension of what "AI" is, probably because they never actually developed anything. Yes, blunt, but true... not strident. Anything with some "logic" built in (like an alarm clock) is "AI" to them.
All this "era of AI", "year of AI", "AI revolution" nonsense is good way to filter out "journalists" who are basically corporate spammers, assisting a fraudulent scheme (pump and dump) in exchange for a payment. There's no revolution, it's just loads of buzzwords and hype - a self-feeding loop, which will definitely implode sooner or later.
As a reminder, Microsoft is now lobbying the US government under the guise of 'advising' it on "AI" ("Microsoft is Stacking a Closed Door Panel in Washington (Commissioned by a Microsoft-Sponsored Senator), Pushing Its Products Using Buzzwords and Getting More Bailouts From the US Government, i.e. From Taxpayers") and one reader says that China's Xi visited Bill Gates prior to visiting the US president on his first visit to the US. Is Gates the 'shadow' (and unelected) US President? "It looked as a snub to president Obama," the reader adds. "The 2023 visit was to undermine Blinken's planned visit."
When your own elected government is bypassed by oligarchs, laws are put forth by oligarchs, and even the courtrooms are controlled by oligarchs maybe we should look inwards before 'bashing' China and Russia. We have a political crisis and all Gates needs to do is speak of "AI arms race", then receive billions of dollars in "defence" budget from already-indebted taxpayers. █
"Microsoft, the world’s most valuable company, declared a profit of $4.5 billion in 1998; when the cost of options awarded that year, plus the change in the value of outstanding options, is deducted, the firm made a loss of $18 billion, according to Smithers."