Tux Machines Anniversary, Then Gemini Protocol Anniversary
No, not that Google chatbot that's conveniently hijacking the word "Gemini"
THIS is today's 34th post and 120th since Monday.
This weekend should be a lot calmer as we prepare for next week's anniversary parties and go out to celebrate.
Much to the chagrin of the ritual defamers, despite constant attacks (such as threats, sabotage etc.) our traffic is up, our productivity remains high, and we're very happy. Yesterday we clocked about a million hits and today we expect the same (the day is not over).
The "new cycles" are basically drying up (journalists slow down or get laid off), which means we'll have more capacity to produce stories rather than curate other people's. Gemini Protocol is turning 5 in less than a fortnight (June 20th). Geminispace is very much alive. β