The Internet is Failing to Protect Democratic Processes and Human Knowledge
Amplifying lies, rewarding plagiarists
At risk of showing falsehoods (blurred above), we wanted to say that the media is already parroting Trump's lies. Many headlines just tell us what Trump tells... and that's a terrible approach.
Then again, we expected it all along, did we not? They write headlines to maximise "clicks" or "engagement", not to actually inform. It's a problematic incentive model.
And "apropos disinformation," someone told us, Eric Holscher has this new blog post, "AI search should sustain open source, not just index it". It says: "Current open source licenses mean that these companies could just train on the software and not pay for it. This is what they are currently doing, and with somewhat firmer legal standing than training on other copyrighted works that aren't openly licensed. But there seems like an opportunity for them to pay for the content, similar to what they are doing with news publishing."
There's a lawsuit over this. Class action.
The Internet - and the Web in particular - is circling down the drain. Along with that... society at large and creative works. β