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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: December 1st, 2008 - Part 3


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schestowitz "Top 10 Overall Searches:  1.      Britney Spears"Dec 01 17:50
schestowitzWorld's priority: celebs on drugsDec 01 17:50
kevin__lol... is it 2000 again?Dec 01 17:50
schestowitzyesDec 01 17:50
schestowitzI thought pr0n woul be up on topDec 01 17:51
twitterBritney Spears is porn.Dec 01 17:51
twitterIt's official now, US has been in recession since Dec 2007. 01 17:52
twitterDuh.Dec 01 17:52
schestowitz'Official'?Dec 01 17:53
schestowitzWhy? Rich person said so?Dec 01 17:53
twitterAdmitted by Bush administration officesDec 01 17:53
schestowitzIt's sickening how the media treats rich and famous people as though they know better than intellectuals about some field.Dec 01 17:53
kevin__we're all supposed to look up to them as superior beingsDec 01 17:54
schestowitzLike... they ask Ballmer and Gates about the economy... well, one if a nutter the other is a lawyer... why not ask some profs at Harvard? It makes no 'headline with big name'?Dec 01 17:54
twitterIt was the National Bureau of Economic Research, but yeah, fawning over rich fucks is out of control.Dec 01 17:54
schestowitzBTW Greespan admitted 'mistakes'Dec 01 17:54
schestowitz*GreenDec 01 17:54
schestowitzMSVVC latches onto partner, MS: "IT firm Alchemy Plus and a wing of software giant Microsoft are involved in the €£20m "cloud computing" project, earmarked for the city harbour." 01 17:56
schestowitzWhere was MSBBC when  made it big??Dec 01 17:56
schestowitzNo PR recommendation for article?Dec 01 17:57
twitterCNN now also covers ignored warnings from 2006, 01 17:58
schestowitzWhat about 2000?Dec 01 17:58
kevin__some industries just should not be tied together... like a music store and an operating system vendor, or a news company and operating system vendor :)Dec 01 17:58
twitteror 1990?Dec 01 17:58
twitterDon't know.  CNN is not a reliable source of information.Dec 01 17:58
schestowitz"Shut up, you l00n, it's xmas time.. gotta spend... Greenspan says it's hey OK"Dec 01 17:59
twitterI pointed to the above a exceptions to the rule.Dec 01 17:59
schestowitzI was surprised to find CNN listed among Fox as tosh news.Dec 01 17:59
kevin__i heard about someone getting trampled on fridayDec 01 17:59
schestowitzI used to think of the CNN more highlyDec 01 17:59
schestowitzEven the BBC is garbage now.Dec 01 17:59
kevin__they developed the dirac codec, but i haven't played with it in about a yearDec 01 18:00
schestowitzI have CNN>>Technology in my RSS feeds. It's a lot of fluffy stuff that appeals to a general audience and the wording is also suitably shallow.Dec 01 18:00
schestowitzDon't expect CNN to do an article about DRM and ACTADec 01 18:00
schestowitzPanda bear and extinction? Well, that's /drama/Dec 01 18:01
schestowitzMomma bear and sonny bear lose each other as Big Glacier melt and breaks off...Dec 01 18:01
schestowitzThat's 'news'... not global warning though...Dec 01 18:01
schestowitzAccording to the press, global warning is still "undecided" and controversial" (Big Oil pumping in money into research that makes it seem soDec 01 18:02
kevin__on the plus side, gas prices went down thoughDec 01 18:02
_dougschest: what Open Source apps would you recommend for Windows users ?Dec 01 18:03
twitter"Nova:  Ocean Animal Emergency"  drama about seals getting CT scans in CA where people can't afford basic medical care.  They noticed problems and tied it to run off but larger issues slid under the radar.Dec 01 18:03
schestowitzRadiation hazard in Glasgow: 01 18:03
twitterDebian is what I recommend for Windows users.Dec 01 18:03
schestowitz_doug: Firefox, OOo, I guess..Dec 01 18:04
kevin__gimp, audacity,, firefox, 7-zipDec 01 18:04
twitterDebian is a difficult install, but does not take as long to hunt down all of those other individual programs.Dec 01 18:04
kevin__7-zip can handle far more formats than windows canDec 01 18:04
_dougmobiles on the underground .. curses .. that's the only reason I use it .. to avoid some chav yelling in my ear .. :)Dec 01 18:04
schestowitz:-)Dec 01 18:05
twitterMepis and Ubuntu are easier installs.Dec 01 18:05
schestowitzForget about yelling.Dec 01 18:05
schestowitzThey're broadcasting next to you.Dec 01 18:05
schestowitzA renowned cancer doctor warned about use of these things in buses for this reason.Dec 01 18:05
_dougbest Open Source apps ? ?????Dec 01 18:06
schestowitzAnyway, now the police has underground surveillance too. :-)Dec 01 18:06
kevin__i really like audacity and the gimpDec 01 18:06
kevin__use them all the timeDec 01 18:06
kevin__... and ogg vorbis too, so i don't have to worry about a company taking my music hostage :)Dec 01 18:07
schestowitzI started using <video></video> in BNDec 01 18:08
twittercoolDec 01 18:08
schestowitzIt triggers validation errors, but..Dec 01 18:08
PetoKrausis ffx 3.1 out?Dec 01 18:09
PetoKrausor anything which can parse <video> tags and is FOSS?Dec 01 18:09
PetoKrauss/which/that/gDec 01 18:09
schestowitz"Red Hat to Webcast Results for Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2009 [...] will discuss results of its third quarter fiscal 2009 on Monday, December 22, 2008, beginning at 5:00 p.m. ET." < >Dec 01 18:09
kevin__what about software that can nab flash videos by capturing the raw packets?Dec 01 18:10
schestowitzSame as last year. JIT for XmasDec 01 18:10
schestowitzI came back from the Xmas party to see in LinuxToday that Red Hat results were up and the CEO was outDec 01 18:10
schestowitzThat's one year for James Whitehurst. So far, so good.Dec 01 18:10
kevin__they developed network manager, which has done a lot of people a lot of goodDec 01 18:11
schestowitzPetoKraus: I make a link to the Ogg too and if <video> is not supported, then it says so and links to the FF3.1 pageDec 01 18:11
schestowitzExample here: 01 18:11
schestowitzDown the middle (see the video). I give 4 options: YouTube, embedded, Ogg, or embedded OggDec 01 18:12
kevin__how is the quality of theora now that it's 1.0?Dec 01 18:13
schestowitzNovell's volunteer 'marketer' is at it again: new upload: 01 18:14
schestowitzHe wrote a comment in BN the other day (last one here: )Dec 01 18:14
_dougDivX .. what players support it ?Dec 01 18:15
kevin__i imagine vlc wouldDec 01 18:15
_dougI've noticed WMP says codec missing and refuses to fetch it .. unless it's certified ...Dec 01 18:17
_dougVLC will play the media, without complaint ..Dec 01 18:18
schestowitzThis too was in the Novell feed: (WTF?)Dec 01 18:18
_dougMArket-locking through the use of secret codecs ...Dec 01 18:18
kevin__wmp also applied copy prevention to your imported music by default :)Dec 01 18:18
schestowitzSilver Lies.Dec 01 18:18
kevin__looking out for the customer and their ability to transfer their music to another pc as usual :)Dec 01 18:19
schestowitzEU Commission still studies this poisonware...?Dec 01 18:19
*schestowitz adds poisonware to ispell fileDec 01 18:19
schestowitzPJ interview: 01 18:20
schestowitzWot da fork? Is ACCESS entertaining Windows Mobile now too..? 01 18:29
MinceR:/Dec 01 18:32
MinceRwell, since palm doesn't want to buy APL, maybe they have toDec 01 18:32
schestowitzThey ought to consider Android.Dec 01 18:34
schestowitzOthers think so too.Dec 01 18:34
schestowitzAndroid is nice. I saw it in action... it's not just for phones, either.Dec 01 18:34
kevin__how many other exclusionary deals has ms done in the past? i know of at least one: the playsforsure one, but it fell throughDec 01 18:34
schestowitzI hope someone forks the heck out of Android to make it truly Google-independentDec 01 18:35
kevin__they wanted to say "if your hardware supports playsforsure, you can't support any other codecs"Dec 01 18:35
schestowitzkevin__: I don't think it's exclusive,Dec 01 18:35
schestowitzIt mentioned Linux at the bottomDec 01 18:35
schestowitzIt's just more like QtokiaDec 01 18:35
twitterand they got it, one way or another.  Ogg playback was pushed back for years.Dec 01 18:35
_dougUS antitrust trial against Microsoft unported to Youtube ..Dec 01 18:36
_doug 01 18:36
schestowitzMicrosoft Jack says that we should let the oggs rest. Right, _doug?Dec 01 18:36
schestowitz_doug: that's old newsDec 01 18:36
schestowitzI put it in BN last month.Bioth videosDec 01 18:37
_dougre: OGG: What's the point of having a codec that no one owns ?Dec 01 18:37
schestowitzWhere's the $$?Dec 01 18:37
schestowitzBad for the economyDec 01 18:37
kevin__no ties to any one playform/deviceDec 01 18:37
kevin__platform*Dec 01 18:37
twitterthe point of a free codec is that no one can control it and everyone can use it.  What device maker WANTS to pay licenses they don't have to?Dec 01 18:38
kevin__it has nothing to do with illegally distributing content which they would have you believe, because most average people don't even know what it isDec 01 18:38
twitterEEE PC uses ogv as a default.Dec 01 18:38
kevin__many games do tooDec 01 18:38
_dougtwitter, kevin .. you just said what the entire tech press don't seem to get ..Dec 01 18:38
*schestowitz on phoneDec 01 18:38
_dougDRM is nothing about illegal content, is about achieving total lock-in on the desktop ..Dec 01 18:39
schestowitzFile-level lock-inDec 01 18:40
kevin__they still don't support it out of the box either (wmp that is)Dec 01 18:41
kevin__but of course we can just install a filterDec 01 18:41
MinceRandroid is evil.Dec 01 18:41
MinceRit's just another retarded java phone platform.Dec 01 18:41
kevin__it can't be as bad as the iphoneDec 01 18:41
MinceRit isn't that badDec 01 18:42
kevin__they're like the mafia, taking 30% of people's revenues when they sell apps, and they can remove your app from the store just because they feel like itDec 01 18:42
MinceRbut i think it's worse than windows mobileDec 01 18:42
MinceRwm at least lets you write native code.Dec 01 18:42
schestowitzMandriva does a conference... 01 18:54
schestowitzBlech. Microsoft puppets (IDC): "Eszter Morvay, Senior Research Analyst at IDC  (European Personal Computing),"Dec 01 18:54
schestowitzIntel.. "The message is still the same: Are you sure that you want something like this? And if you really are, would you be willing to wait until 'some time in the future' (when W7 is out) instead of buying one now (which might be running Linux). " < >Dec 01 18:57
schestowitz "The netbook concept is the proof that for most needs (e-mail, web and basic office work) a processor and platform like the Atom is more than enough. Vista has been a failure, GNU/Linux is still widely unknown to many people, and Apple is out of reach ($$$)."Dec 01 18:58
schestowitz"This product has low margins, so we really wish people wouldn't buy them. And we really wish Asus had never been so dang insistent on . . . *competing* (horrid word) that they started selling them in the first place. We'd rather sell low-end chips than no chips at all so we'll keep on supplying, but this is all just too terribly awful for words."Dec 01 18:59
schestowitz These are responses to Intel's whine about price-fixing replaced by a 'netbook' monopoly that follows abuseDec 01 18:59
schestowitz ... The $62,550 machine no one boughtDec 01 19:01
*kevin__ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 01 19:08
*kevin8675309 ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 19:08
schestowitzThis doesn't look right:  This company make a commercial GNU/Linux distro, but watch the icon on the top right.Dec 01 19:20
_dougRe-RouterTM technology ?Dec 01 19:23
schestowitzWhat about the image?Dec 01 19:24
_dougFor WindowsXP ?Dec 01 19:24
schestowitzYesDec 01 19:24
schestowitzI didn't click on it to checl.Dec 01 19:25
schestowitzJust made a quick observation like yours, which is very fruitful sometimes.Dec 01 19:25
schestowitzI'll write about the IV thing later... helps organise and document notesDec 01 19:25
_doug"network-wide protection from any Windows XP desktop"Dec 01 19:25
_dougWhat kind of protection would a desktop provide ?Dec 01 19:26
schestowitzMaybe some client-side controller.Dec 01 19:26
schestowitzThe assumption is that if there is legal action we need to be equipped with info to be used, e.g. for firing back.Dec 01 19:26
_dougfirewall, application level ?Dec 01 19:27
schestowitzDoes Gates have an harassment front other than IV? Is there new evidence about Acacia?Dec 01 19:27
schestowitzIs somewhat watching who joins them?Dec 01 19:28
_dougIt's a tangled web ..Dec 01 19:28
schestowitzNov 21: (Acacia Subsidiary Acquires Rights to Patents for Improved Lighting Technology)Dec 01 19:28
schestowitzAcacia Research To Present At UBS Global Technology And Services Conference < >Dec 01 19:29
Omar87schestowitz:  You GOTTA write about this: ! :DDec 01 19:33
Omar87Microsoft using Apple netbooks and Playstation joystick for their ads! :)Dec 01 19:33
*kevin8675309 ( has left #boycottnovellDec 01 19:34
Omar87joysticks*Dec 01 19:34
*MinceR_ (n=mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 19:34
schestowitzOmar87: I think it's a stolen postDec 01 19:35
Omar87MinceR: You might wanna take a look at this: :)Dec 01 19:35
schestowitzRami wrote about this.Dec 01 19:35
schestowitzI liked to it.Dec 01 19:35
Omar87linked*Dec 01 19:35
schestowitzRami also reads Boycott Novell.Dec 01 19:35
Omar87Rami?Dec 01 19:35
schestowitz 01 19:35
*MinceR has quit (Dead socket)Dec 01 19:35
schestowitz"369 Comments" 01 19:36
Omar87schestowitz: Maybe it's not stolen, Roy, maybe it's just another website writing about the same incident.Dec 01 19:36
schestowitzMaybe.Dec 01 19:37
schestowitz 01 19:37
schestowitzOh wait...Dec 01 19:37
schestowitz"This is bad considering it’s currently on the main page of Digg. .. Some Agency has Microsoft Windows Vista promotional ads.. well.. displaying Apple Notebooks and PlayStation joysticks.. Good Job whoever this firm is…"Dec 01 19:37
schestowitzSo he basically copied this from Digg, i.e. RamiDec 01 19:38
twitterA lot of big box stores were using OSX screen shots to sell laptops with Vista a while back.Dec 01 19:39
schestowitzThey should use Compiz on high-end PCs with frontal screen shots... Microsoft is still pushing Linux out of storesDec 01 19:41
schestowitzBut it calls it incentivesDec 01 19:42
schestowitzIt doesn't pay to  exclude Linux... it pays (or compensates) in only WIndows is displayedDec 01 19:42
schestowitzSame thing, different explanationsDec 01 19:42
twitterI hear they gave CompUSA, Circuit City and DSG a lot of "incentives" - good business!Dec 01 19:43
schestowitzMicrosoft did not bribe in NigeriaDec 01 19:43
schestowitzIt just paid for \marketing help'Dec 01 19:43
schestowitzVista capable fiasco has them further exposed.Dec 01 19:43
-tomaw-[Global Notice] Hi! One of our servers had a short-lived problem causing some users to be disconnected. It should be back online now, sorry for the downtime and thanks for using freenode!Dec 01 19:44
twitterVista capable is, of course, the tip of the iceberg.Dec 01 19:44
_dougRPX Corporation -> Transmeta -> Intellectual Ventures -> Novafora -> charles river ventures ..Dec 01 19:44
twitterSomeone was asking what exclusives M$ had.  The answer is everything.  Drivers, browsers, every kind of program you can think of - they want it exclusively.Dec 01 19:45
schestowitztwitter fp? 01 19:45
twitterA company that asks for exclusivity in one thing will ask for it everywhere.Dec 01 19:46
_dougWilliam P. Tai  ..  plans to retire  .. at Charles River Ventures, a venture capital firm ..Dec 01 19:46
twitteryeah, that's me.  See the related firehose to see.Dec 01 19:46
Omar87I just wonder, why don't M$ make their own laptops?Dec 01 19:47
twitterbecause they can't?Dec 01 19:47
Omar87lol :)Dec 01 19:47
schestowitz_doug: RPX? Where?Dec 01 19:47
schestowitzAnd RPX closes a loopDec 01 19:48
schestowitzRPX is made out of IV employeesDec 01 19:48
Omar87twitter: why can't they?Dec 01 19:48
twittertheir business model depends on treating OEMs as "commodity" vendors, all selling Windows.Dec 01 19:48
schestowitzOmar87: see Zune for details.Dec 01 19:49
schestowitzOr XBox360... 67% failure rate... $7 billion in lossesDec 01 19:49
twitterOh yeah, technical competence and greed are extenuating factors.Dec 01 19:49
Omar87twitter: and how come they can't build laptops, while they can build MS Surface?Dec 01 19:49
Omar87lol :)Dec 01 19:49
schestowitz*LOL*Dec 01 19:50
twitterIf M$ ever made a laptop, every brand and OEM would hit the GNU/Linux exit and M$ would fail.Dec 01 19:50
schestowitzSurface... the $15000 'PC' nobody wants... or can fit in the house... or will program for.Dec 01 19:51
schestowitzIt was going to be aborted... killed before birth... that's how bad it is.Dec 01 19:51
twitterI think that happened to Vista one or twice.Dec 01 19:51
schestowitzThey must have lost hundreds of millions on this project so far.Dec 01 19:51
schestowitzOnce I think.Dec 01 19:51
schestowitzVista was put in the wastebasket in 2005Dec 01 19:52
twitterVista7 will make 2.Dec 01 19:52
schestowitzAllchin came to the office saying that it couldn't be run... or worked out...Dec 01 19:52
schestowitzIt was time to "reboot" (their own word)Dec 01 19:52
schestowitzBut DRM stayedDec 01 19:52
twitterXP drivers were dumped.Dec 01 19:52
schestowitzNow that crow about a new thing.Dec 01 19:52
schestowitzIn the news you find mentionings of SP2 for Vista.Dec 01 19:53
twitterAll vapor.Dec 01 19:53
schestowitzVista was a rushed job of dressing up XPDec 01 19:53
twitterI saw someone complaining that XP had been sabotaged by the latest "updates"Dec 01 19:53
Omar87schestowitz: ROFLMAO!! :DDec 01 19:53
schestowitzThe investors waited 6 years for a release of the crown 'jewel'Dec 01 19:53
twitterI know they slipped XP the Genuine Advantage and black screen of death.Dec 01 19:54
schestowitzMaking Vista was like that Mr. Bean scene where he dresses up in the car and brushes his teeth on the way to work (driving)... 01 19:55
schestowitztwitter: they are permitted to change Windows on /your/ PC... it's in the EULA.Dec 01 19:56
schestowitzYou rent deformable binaries that reside on your chipsDec 01 19:56
_dougcutting edge technologies developed in Microsoft ..Dec 01 19:59
*_doug has quit (Excess Flood)Dec 01 19:59
twitterSure, but if it's true it's all the more reason to go GNU/LinuxDec 01 19:59
*_doug ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 19:59
twitterdivide by zero _doug?Dec 01 20:00
_dougI guess ..Dec 01 20:00
_dougI've seen #6 on Youtube ..Dec 01 20:00
_doug 01 20:03
twitterSponsored by the letter C ?Dec 01 20:03
twitterPaper documents sheeple behavior in music 01 20:03
_dougJames Bond uses the MS interactive table .. :)Dec 01 20:04
_doug 01 20:05
twitterEquilibrium is like that, it has no defined state.  A critical reactor has no particular power level, a neutral buoyancy object has no particular elevation.  These systems go where they are pushed.Dec 01 20:05
twitterBroadcast pushes, people follow.Dec 01 20:05
_dougre: #6, the Youtube video demo, used a camera to follow the hands on the underside of the screen.Dec 01 20:06
*MinceR_ is now known as MinceRDec 01 20:07
twitter , "  software on this page is primarily meant for developers and may not run without proper the development tools installed."  He mentions C# and other M$ tools but nothing proper.Dec 01 20:09
_doug 01 20:09
MinceROmar87: i don't see the issue -- windows runs on crApple PC-s and playstation gamepads use USB :>Dec 01 20:10
_dougLucid Touch: good idea, now how to sispense with the camera, how about a touch sensitive screen on both sides ?Dec 01 20:11
twitter 01 20:11
_doug"The Microsoft and Mitsubishi research departments"Dec 01 20:12
_doug 01 20:12
_dougAh, I figure the INNOV~1 didn't originate at REDMO~1Dec 01 20:13
_dougPatrick Baudisch .. started at Xerox PARC ..Dec 01 20:14
twitterartificial vision is not a M$ invention by a long shot.Dec 01 20:14
schestowitzTrue.Dec 01 20:15
schestowitzIt's simpe geometryDec 01 20:15
_dougGerry Chu .. Xerox summer 2005 ...Dec 01 20:15
schestowitzWell, stereovision related.Dec 01 20:15
schestowitzMicrosoft hired this chap.Dec 01 20:15
schestowitzSome articles were published about the lawyer who dumpster-dived for code noticing the video.Dec 01 20:15
twitterThe bottom line of M$ exclusive deals - you won't see mass produced PC hardware that does anything innovative unless they do it on M$ first.Dec 01 20:16
schestowitzI think the new bit here is the Wiimote as input deviceDec 01 20:16
schestowitzAs in... given my XYZ coords, then do the routine calculation for position of objects (relative to position)Dec 01 20:16
_dougWoops, someone thinks they innovated it before MS ..Dec 01 20:17
_doug 01 20:17
_doug"I presented our backside touch technology to some touch sensor guys at MS research last June. They did not have a clue. It may be a coincidence but we disclosed our target applications very similar to those describe in the video"Dec 01 20:17
schestowitzMicrosoft subnetDec 01 20:17
twitterwell, sub millimeter infrared positioning is routine in cancer treatment.Dec 01 20:17
_dougNever !!!Dec 01 20:17
schestowitzThat's where ppl jump for dollers..Dec 01 20:17
schestowitzdollaz'Dec 01 20:17
twitter 01 20:21
twitterbblDec 01 20:21
twitterone last note, M$FT breaks $19 again, 01 20:23
twitterding, ding, ding.Dec 01 20:23
trmancoGates and Seinfeld Ads Voted Top 'Bad' Commercial: 01 20:23
schestowitzWhat does the sing signal? Sales of furniture in Redmond?Dec 01 20:24
trmanco"In fact, according to the Anderson Analytics 2008 fall survey involving college students, Microsoft could not have done any worse than to produce those video advertisements."Dec 01 20:24
schestowitz*dingDec 01 20:24
schestowitzA shame for Jerry..Dec 01 20:24
schestowitzNot only does he end up looking like a prick but he also departs as a loser.Dec 01 20:24
schestowitzI used to like his show..Dec 01 20:25
_dougschest: what can we do to make Microsoft cool again :>Dec 01 20:25
schestowitzI have an ides...Dec 01 20:26
schestowitzI have an idea...Dec 01 20:26
_dougSeinfeld: I never got the humor ?Dec 01 20:26
schestowitzMake a memorable video: 01 20:26
_douga show about nothing ?Dec 01 20:26
MinceRi think we can only destroy them. if they want to be cool and persist, only they can do that.Dec 01 20:26
MinceRthey need to change to become cool.Dec 01 20:26
MinceR(and by "we", i mean "everyone except microsoft")Dec 01 20:28
_dougget serious Schest, leave the man alone ... :)Dec 01 20:28
schestowitzOKDec 01 20:28
schestowitzIt's a funny videoDec 01 20:29
trmancoloooolDec 01 20:30
trmanco 01 20:33
trmancoMac fanDec 01 20:33
_dougFor real funny see: 'Kids in the Hall' a Canadian MonthyPython type sketch show ..Dec 01 20:33
trmanco"Indeed. While Moody would undoubtedly like to see more of that Vista angst turn into Linux love, it's more likely that it's helping the Mac, which saw its market share jump again in November to nearly 9 percent, according to Net Applications."Dec 01 20:33
schestowitztrmanco: I don't read him anymoreDec 01 20:34
schestowitzhe's misleading people who think he has something to do with freedom.Dec 01 20:34
schestowitz_doug: got Tuby URL?Dec 01 20:35
trmancoWindows is going down -> 01 20:35
_dougTuby URL ?Dec 01 20:37
schestowitzYouTubeDec 01 20:38
schestowitzCouldn't say Tubby... like hugeurlDec 01 20:38
MinceRteletubby?Dec 01 20:39
MinceRhugeurl ftwDec 01 20:39
schestowitzIDG BSDec 01 20:39
schestowitzThey make it sounds like it's a fact.Dec 01 20:39
schestowitzLike it has only just happened.Dec 01 20:39
schestowitzThey give validity to numbers that are based on REFERRALS between site.Dec 01 20:39
schestowitzWhat does that mean? Does that say anything about... what?Dec 01 20:40
_doug"The more home users who are online, using Macs and Firefox and Safari, the more those shares go up,"Dec 01 20:40
schestowitzIt reminds me of articles that say "Windows most secure"Dec 01 20:40
schestowitzInstead of "Microsoft claims Windows is most scure"Dec 01 20:40
_dougWhat's the linkage between browser and stock value ?Dec 01 20:40
_doug"Windows' share typically falls on weekends and after work hours, as users surf from home computers, a larger percentage of which run Mac OS X than do work machines."Dec 01 20:41
_dougEXCUSE~1 yea ..Dec 01 20:41
schestowitzWhat is work hours?Dec 01 20:41
schestowitzAustralia? China? America?Dec 01 20:42
_dougHome users mostly use OS X .. that's news to me ..Dec 01 20:42
PetoKraushome users?Dec 01 20:42
schestowitzOhn usersDec 01 20:42
PetoKraushmm fkn nvidiaDec 01 20:43
PetoKraus 01 20:43
_dougquestion: how do they know browsert sharte dips at the weekend ?Dec 01 20:44
PetoKrausisn't 20% actually nice number?Dec 01 20:44
_doug 01 20:45
PetoKrausisn't 20% actually nice number?Dec 01 20:45
PetoKrausi saw that link, that's why i'm askingDec 01 20:45
_dougOS usage says the Mac is at 8.87% .. browser usage is at  7.13% .. what are the other 1.74 MAc users browsing on ?Dec 01 20:47
PetoKrausffx?Dec 01 20:47
_douggtgDec 01 20:47
*_doug has quit ()Dec 01 20:47
schestowitz 01 20:52
trmanco 01 21:07
trmancoLinux Evolution Reveals Origins of Curious Mathematical PhenomenonDec 01 21:07
schestowitzSeen it,thanksDec 01 21:11
schestowitzThis is nice too: 01 21:11
schestowitzMicrosoft on the outer of schools funding < >Dec 01 21:27
schestowitzTurns out this this guy who mailed me if a former Softie :-S < >Dec 01 21:27
twitter_doug, GPLing all M$ their code will go a long way towards convincing people M$ is no longer evil, if it does not make them "cool"Dec 01 21:33
twitterheh, that crappy book downloads 99% and closes the connection every time. 01 21:54
twitterwget retried five times before I gave up.Dec 01 21:54
twitterI wonder if Cox is playing traffic games again.Dec 01 21:55
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 01 22:01
twitterabsolutely unbelievable funny, 01 22:09
schestowitzDon't miss Stuart the Microsoftvell apologist: 01 22:12
twitterWhat a weenie.  In the same breath that he notes how successful Red Hat is, he sets up a straw man and implies Red Hat is like M$, not meeting investor expectations.Dec 01 22:17
*schestowitz should have a good post comingDec 01 22:17
schestowitztwitter: he's considered part of the issue at OSDL.Dec 01 22:17
schestowitzI will write about this in BN laterDec 01 22:18
twitterI hope he's sitting on a pile of M$FT bought at $58/share.Dec 01 22:20
schestowitz 01 22:35
schestowitzThis is probably worth a FP in big sitesDec 01 22:35
twitterI agree, that's a big deal.Dec 01 22:52
twitterMost tech people know that Dell does not mean it when they say, "Dell recommends Vista," but this proof that should have leaked out long ago.Dec 01 22:53
twitterI'm having a look at the "confidential" guidebook.Dec 01 22:53
twitterdid you look for metatags that might give away your leak?Dec 01 22:56
schestowitzI threw away the 'shells'Dec 01 22:57
schestowitzIt should be stripped off evidence.Dec 01 22:57
MinceRit could do with a bit more context thoughDec 01 22:57
schestowitzTrue, but I'm in a hurry (more posts)Dec 01 22:58
twitterI gave it a look and did not see anything obvious but I'm not a PDF expert and M$ could have included binary tags if they were with it.Dec 01 23:03
*wispy (i=9f5b894f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 23:08
wispyheyyy roy!Dec 01 23:08
*wispy has quit (Client Quit)Dec 01 23:12
*wispy (i=9f5b894f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 23:12
wispyanyone there?Dec 01 23:12
PetoKraussureDec 01 23:12
wispyoh heyDec 01 23:12
PetoKrausjust i guess he's doing somethingDec 01 23:12
PetoKraus<schestowitz> True, but I'm in a hurry (more posts) [23:07]Dec 01 23:13
wispyhe was just active on digg, i checkedDec 01 23:13
wispy30 mins agoDec 01 23:13
wispyoh okDec 01 23:13
wispyi'll come back later, see yaDec 01 23:13
*wispy has quit (Client Quit)Dec 01 23:13
schestowitzOops.Dec 01 23:18
schestowitzWas writing some stuff.Dec 01 23:18
PetoKrausheheDec 01 23:21
PetoKrausperfect timing :DDec 01 23:21
*twitter has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 01 23:24
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 01 23:34
twitterOK, here are a couple of submissions based on some of today's more explosive content.Dec 01 23:36
twitterFormer M$ Programmer Writes FOSS Book. 01 23:37
twitterand the interesting leak, "The Nuts and Bolts of M$ OEM Manipulation," 01 23:40
schestowitzThat writer wrote to me.Dec 01 23:40
schestowitzHe said nothing (anywhere) about the roots int he VoleDec 01 23:41
twitterroots in the Vole?Dec 01 23:44
twitterThese are official M$ communications, right?Dec 01 23:44
twitterOh, you are confusing the two stories, ha ha.  Don't worry, they are not the same submission.Dec 01 23:46
twitterCompletely different stories.  One is interesting because it reveals how clueless people who work at M$ are kept.  The other is interesting because it lays bare some OEM manipulation that's unethical and may be illegal.Dec 01 23:48
schestowitzLong item about BECTA: 01 23:54

Recent Techrights' Posts

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Microsoft Asia President Ahmed Mazhari Leaves the Company
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This is Not a Sustainable Way to Run Microsoft
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Contrary to What Microsoft Claims, Teams Were Cut Yesterday, XBox Sales Have Collapsed, Layoffs Announced at 3AM (in the Morning)
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"when you are doing your computing you must not entrust that to somebody else's server because users including you should have control over their own computing but you can never have control over what somebody else's server does because somebody else installs software in that computer and configures it and thus decides what computing it is going to do."
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