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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 5th, 2009 - Part 2


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_Hicham_balzac : :DMar 05 19:22
_Hicham_great observationMar 05 19:22
_Hicham_firefox 3.1 will play ogg out of the boxMar 05 19:28
_Hicham_it has a built-in pluginMar 05 19:28
_Hicham_that can be tested on http://olpc.dailymotion.comMar 05 19:28
schestowitz 05 19:28
_Hicham_does that talk about novell?Mar 05 19:29
_Hicham_the only real linux company is RedHatMar 05 19:30
_Hicham_the only flaw they have is their packaging systemMar 05 19:30
_Hicham_the rpmMar 05 19:30
trmancoschestowitz, check you inboxMar 05 19:30
schestowitztrmanco: thanks.Mar 05 19:32
schestowitz 05 19:32
trmancoschestowitz, and save my new key if it is not asking muchMar 05 19:32
schestowitz 05 19:38
trmancocoolMar 05 19:39
schestowitzI'll link to it laterMar 05 19:42
schestowitzThe Microsoft lads act like the mafia nowMar 05 19:42
schestowitzThreatening to take companies out of business if they don't pay Microsoft for... its rival's productMar 05 19:43
schestowitzMicrosoft wants to have it both way... no matter what you buy, you'll pay Microsoft.Mar 05 19:43
schestowitz"Intellectual property is the next software." --Microsoft goon.Mar 05 19:43
schestowitzI think we'll have to dive deeper into politics and those crooks in Bellevue who bribe such politicians for anti-FOSS lawsMar 05 19:44
schestowitzThey corrupted EU today, as wellMar 05 19:44
schestowitz"Innovation Day"... Microsoft and chums.Mar 05 19:45
trmancowispy might come here todayMar 05 19:50
schestowitzHow do you know?Mar 05 19:58
trmancoshe shouted on diggMar 05 19:58
schestowitzCool. She read my personal site a lot, so that's how I know her.Mar 05 19:58
trmancocoolMar 05 19:59
schestowitzCompiler News: LLVM 2.5 released < >Mar 05 19:59
schestowitzI'm very pissed off at Microsoft todayMar 05 19:59
schestowitzThey throw a ditry -orgy- party where they corrupt EU-based politiciansMar 05 19:59
_Hicham_why?Mar 05 19:59
schestowitzTheir company is dyingMar 05 19:59
schestowitzSo they throw fits Mar 05 19:59
schestowitzAnd they cause great damageMar 05 20:00
_Hicham_I hope soMar 05 20:00
schestowitzThey bully companies like TomTomMar 05 20:00
trmancothe try to throw fitsMar 05 20:00
schestowitzAnd I'm not sure how to best counter thisMar 05 20:00
schestowitzOne method: show they are criminals, publish Comes exhibitsMar 05 20:00
schestowitzAnother: analyse newsMar 05 20:00
schestowitzAnother: expose the names and role of crooks like Jonathan ZuckMar 05 20:00
schestowitzCOmpanies are people and authorities likewiseMar 05 20:01
schestowitzIf you can expose names and role of people (what they do), then they get nervousMar 05 20:01
schestowitzI can see from E-mail they send me that we do tremendous damage to their reputationMar 05 20:01
_Hicham_that is very big campaignMar 05 20:01
_Hicham_i am participatingMar 05 20:01
schestowitzNot reallyMar 05 20:02
schestowitzGroklaw is bigMar 05 20:02
schestowitzWe need PJ back on the saddleMar 05 20:02 is kaputMar 05 20:02
schestowitzStupid social media placeholderMar 05 20:02
schestowitzLike Uhuntu Brainstorm.Mar 05 20:02
schestowitzWikileaks is importanytMar 05 20:02
schestowitzSomeone from a EU-based MS-polluted committee mailed me this afternoon.Mar 05 20:03
schestowitzThere's chance of leaking lots more stuff... replacing the need for the old type of journalismMar 05 20:03
schestowitzThere's already an attempt to map some of the culprits: It's quite unprofessional though, compared to Source Watch.. 05 20:05
schestowitz "Europe's 500 is a listing of businesses, but it profiles Microsoft as "sponsor and partner" and has recently been calling for a single European patent system, which is code for "software patents"."Mar 05 20:06
schestowitzExcellent: They finally adapt to new business modelMar 05 20:10
schestowitzping zoobab01..?Mar 05 20:15
_Hicham_what if all the distributions directed their effort to provide the best distribution ever?Mar 05 20:17
_Hicham_would that counter M$?Mar 05 20:17
schestowitzWashington may be dumping Microsoft Office: 05 20:17
schestowitzThat seems like old news thoughMar 05 20:18
schestowitz_Hicham_: I doubt it. Neither RMS nor Linus are in favourMar 05 20:18
_Hicham_i know that it is old newsMar 05 20:18
schestowitzPeople use Linux because they are free to own and change and share it... we don't need another OS X.Mar 05 20:18
_Hicham_i dont mean sthg like os xMar 05 20:18
_Hicham_i m just thinking about hardware supportMar 05 20:19
schestowitzWhy did PJ link to this? 05 20:20
_Hicham_hardware vendors will think about giving working drivers for linux, if there a sort of unified frameworkMar 05 20:20
schestowitz_Hicham_: hardware is LinuxMar 05 20:20
schestowitzThere is (mostly) one LinuxMar 05 20:20
schestowitzBSD shares some driver, AFAIKMar 05 20:20
schestowitz_Hicham_: drivers go into the kernelMar 05 20:21
schestowitzThere's tons of FUD about this stuffMar 05 20:21
schestowitzSome distros branch out of the mainline kernel or use older kernelsMar 05 20:21
schestowitzBut the same applies to allMar 05 20:21
_Hicham_I know that they do into the kernelMar 05 20:21
_Hicham_as modulesMar 05 20:21
schestowitzInstallers might be more of a pain to them (but shouldn't)Mar 05 20:21
schestowitzOr sound systemMar 05 20:21
schestowitz"The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has created this Surveillance Self-Defense site to educate the American public about the law and technology of government surveillance in the United States, providing the information and tools necessary to evaluate the threat of surveillance and take appropriate steps to defend against it."Mar 05 20:22
schestowitz 05 20:22
schestowitzAsus' dual-screen concept laptop < >Mar 05 20:23
schestowitzNovell would be wise to distance itself from the anathema of Free software -- a company that is suing Linux at the moment thanks to Novell's legitimisation of Linux patent infringement. Novell should put FOSS people in charge, not 'IP'-savvy IBMers like Jaffe and Hovsepian. Why is the latter rewarded $7 million for taking the company in the wrong direction? Shareholders deserve answers.Mar 05 20:34
balzacAsus is suing Linux over software patent claims?Mar 05 20:37
balzacI'm going to buy a dell mini next time.Mar 05 20:37
_Hicham_balzac : where did u see that?Mar 05 20:38
balzacwait, nevermindMar 05 20:38
balzacI merged two of Roy's comments in my mind, assuming they were related.Mar 05 20:38
MinceRdell is in the patent racket, iircMar 05 20:38
*Casperin has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Mar 05 20:38
MinceRalso, dell sucksMar 05 20:38
balzacmichael dell is a moronMar 05 20:39
balzacHe got dissed badly by Vladimir PutinMar 05 20:39
_Hicham_asus have have nothing to do with softwareMar 05 20:39
_Hicham_dell is supporting linux, no?Mar 05 20:39
_Hicham_they sell laptops with with ubuntu preinstalledMar 05 20:39
_Hicham_what wrong with them?Mar 05 20:39
_Hicham_can u explain plz?Mar 05 20:39
balzacyes, Dell is selling ubuntu netbooksMar 05 20:40
balzacnice looking onesMar 05 20:40
balzacMinceR: What is Dell's involvement in software patents?Mar 05 20:40
balzacregardless, Michael Dell is still a pompous ass.Mar 05 20:40
_Hicham_asus also is selling netbooks with Xandros preinstalledMar 05 20:41
_Hicham_its EeePC seriesMar 05 20:41
balzacI bought an eeeMar 05 20:41
balzacI thought those two things Roy wrote were relatedMar 05 20:41
balzacprobably notMar 05 20:41
_Hicham_how was it?Mar 05 20:41
balzacit's pretty niceMar 05 20:42
_Hicham_was it with XP or Xandros?Mar 05 20:42
balzacAfter I read about Asus as firmware for fast-boot technology, I decided I'd buy more Asus productsMar 05 20:43
balzacGNU/Linux on every computer as firmware - I love thatMar 05 20:43
balzacXandrosMar 05 20:43
balzacand then I put Ubuntu, but I'm planning a switch to either Gnewsense or Debian in the futureMar 05 20:43
schestowitzMinceR: yes, Dell sold outMar 05 20:43
_Hicham_balzac : have u used Debian?Mar 05 20:44
balzacI've installed it a couple of timesMar 05 20:44
balzacI prefer debian-based distros to othersMar 05 20:44
balzacfor the package-managementMar 05 20:44
schestowitzNew:  Introduction; the World’s First Fully Open Netbook < >Mar 05 20:44
balzac_Hicham_: have you tried Debian 5?Mar 05 20:44
_Hicham_im just downloading itMar 05 20:45
_Hicham_balzac : i heard that debian is pretty faster than ubuntuMar 05 20:45
_Hicham_and i want to check that by myselfMar 05 20:45
balzacI'm definitely going to give it a tryMar 05 20:46
_Hicham_it has full support for EeePCMar 05 20:46
balzacI'm not comfortable with the fact that Ubuntu is shipping monoMar 05 20:46
_Hicham_that is what ive redMar 05 20:46
_Hicham_me tooMar 05 20:46
balzacMono is contagiousMar 05 20:46
balzacI always rip it out, right awayMar 05 20:46
_Hicham_i ve deleted all mono crapMar 05 20:46
_Hicham_i dont know why they ship itMar 05 20:47
balzacaptitude rip-it-out monoMar 05 20:47
_Hicham_instead, they should have shipped more interesting packagesMar 05 20:47
_Hicham_like driversMar 05 20:47
balzacyesMar 05 20:47
_Hicham_and what is absurd is that they r not useMar 05 20:48
_Hicham_usedMar 05 20:48
balzacThere should be a aptitude flag to indicate your disapproval of a package's inclusion in the repositoriesMar 05 20:48
_Hicham_I think that they should move them from mainMar 05 20:49
balzacaptitude -reject monoMar 05 20:49
_Hicham_because they are not completely free softwareMar 05 20:49
_Hicham_who needs them anyway?Mar 05 20:49
_Hicham_build essential is absent when first installedMar 05 20:49
_Hicham_is that correct?Mar 05 20:50
balzacThe problem is, people choose their software based on social-positioning rather than principlesMar 05 20:50
_Hicham_because they dont know the consequencesMar 05 20:50
balzacIf RMS says this and Torvalds says that, I'm going to choose to be somewhere in between.Mar 05 20:50
_Hicham_there is no awareness about the softwareMar 05 20:51
balzacWhat are Mark Shuttleworth's criteria for selecting softwareMar 05 20:51
balzacI read that Canonical has a proprietary applicationMar 05 20:51
_Hicham_Mark Shuttleworth is an ex debian devMar 05 20:51
balzacWhat's up with the PHP guys and the Zend optimizer?Mar 05 20:51
_Hicham_launchpad is proprietaryMar 05 20:51
balzacsome (open source) people aren't very picky about licensesMar 05 20:52
taconemany can. prods are proprietaryMar 05 20:52
taconelaunchpad will be opensourced in july, though.Mar 05 20:52
taconebut landscape is proprietary, for example.Mar 05 20:52
_Hicham_Mark ShuttleworkMar 05 20:52
_Hicham_because he didnt have a good position in Debian i thinkMar 05 20:52
balzacthey're into "open source" methodology and they find themselves using free software all the time, calling it "open source", referring to GNU & Linux as Linux, etc.Mar 05 20:52
taconeubuntu has even an official partner repository for canonical's partners proprietary applicattionsMar 05 20:52
balzacAndroid is Linux. Embedded Linux is Linux.Mar 05 20:53
balzacMost "Linux" is GNU/Linux.Mar 05 20:53
_Hicham_tacone : that is not newMar 05 20:53
_Hicham_debian has the non-free repoMar 05 20:53
balzacIt just shows that Mark Shuttleworth is confused, even though he's smart and good at leadership.Mar 05 20:53
_Hicham_it is not sthg newMar 05 20:53
_Hicham_he s a good managerMar 05 20:53
_Hicham_that is for sureMar 05 20:53
balzacyeah, but he's lacking in visionMar 05 20:54
balzacyou could say the same of Linus TorvaldsMar 05 20:54
taconedebian non-free is a different thing.Mar 05 20:54
_Hicham_but what is said throughout the net is that canonical is contributing backMar 05 20:54
taconethat's the ubuntu's restricted repository equivalent.Mar 05 20:54
_Hicham_they r just repackagingMar 05 20:54
balzacBut Mark Shuttleworth doesn't keep whacking away at RMS' knees like Tanya Harding like Linus Torvalds does.Mar 05 20:54
MinceRno, they aren't just repackagingMar 05 20:54
*kentma1 has quit ("Leaving.")Mar 05 20:54
_Hicham_MinceR : what are they doing?Mar 05 20:55
tacone(silence)Mar 05 20:55
_Hicham_no one is talkingMar 05 20:56
taconelolMar 05 20:56
taconethey did a few thing for the open source communityMar 05 20:56
_Hicham_what is the company that contributes the most to Linux?Mar 05 20:56
_Hicham_it is easyMar 05 20:56
_Hicham_come onMar 05 20:56
_Hicham_answerMar 05 20:56
taconebut kernel contributions are limited (even though some were made)Mar 05 20:56
balzacThat's why Mark Shuttleworth is ascending as a business leader for "Linux", "open source" and free software.Mar 05 20:56
taconelol, microsoftMar 05 20:56
taconea lot of coupons for novellMar 05 20:57
_Hicham_tacone : good answer :DMar 05 20:57
_Hicham_noMar 05 20:57
_Hicham_it is not novellMar 05 20:57
_Hicham_it is well knows that the company that contribute the most to Linux is RedHatMar 05 20:57
taconemicrosoft is giving money away to many projectsMar 05 20:57
taconeyes, that's known.Mar 05 20:57
twitterM$FT coupons, LOL, their stock just hit a new 52 week low of $ 15.27Mar 05 20:58
_Hicham_and it is doing business very wellMar 05 20:58
twitterthey don't have money to give.Mar 05 20:58
schestowitzRed Hat makes the most patches to kernel spaceMar 05 20:58
balzacDoes Google use Redhat or some distro based on Redhat?Mar 05 20:58
taconeyes, contributing is not just patching the kernel, though.Mar 05 20:58
twittercorporate patches or overall?Mar 05 20:58
schestowitztwitter: good. They go down to $4 fastMar 05 20:58
_Hicham_i dont know about googleMar 05 20:59
balzacWhat kind of GNU/Linux does Google rely on? Maybe Google should try using Android to power their server farms instead of GNU/Linux.Mar 05 20:59
taconebalzac: i heard about a modified debianMar 05 20:59
taconebut i'm not sureMar 05 20:59
balzacinterestingMar 05 21:00
_Hicham_Microsoft is using Linux at some point on their servers :DMar 05 21:00
schestowitz 05 21:00
*schestowitz trying to find a recent ref about Microsoft predicated to sink to $4Mar 05 21:00
tacone_Hicham_: yes, on the download servers for sure.Mar 05 21:00
twitterwow, you did not just make that up ...Mar 05 21:00
twitterM$ is overMar 05 21:00
schestowitz_Hicham_: they doMar 05 21:01
_Hicham_tacone : not only on the download server, it is on everythingMar 05 21:01
schestowitzMicrosoft uses LinuxMar 05 21:01
schestowitzBut SHEESH. Don't talk about itMar 05 21:01
schestowitzIt's bad for MS marketingMar 05 21:01
Balrogof course they doMar 05 21:01
balzacAndroid is better than a purely proprietary mobile OS, but it's not the only implementation of the linux kernel for mobile devices.Mar 05 21:01
_Hicham_tacone : it is akamai technologyMar 05 21:01
Balrogthough it's interesting to note that and is now on windowsMar 05 21:01
balzacI expect a full featured GNU/Linux would prevail over android for power users.Mar 05 21:01
Balrog(at least one used to be linux)Mar 05 21:01
taconeday will come we'll discover all the .aspx pages are mod-rewritten php pagesMar 05 21:01
_Hicham_akamai is a company specialed in protecting servers running IISMar 05 21:02
balzacI don't know why I would bother with Android if I don't have GNU user-space included.Mar 05 21:02
balzactacone: that would be hilariousMar 05 21:02
taconelol, yeahMar 05 21:02
BalrogDon't criticize akamai too highly ... they do more than thatMar 05 21:02
BalrogI know one of their chief engineersMar 05 21:02
balzacThe new IIS would be Apache re-mapped to give IIS signaturesMar 05 21:02
schestowitzThe routers in Microsoft's campus run Linux tooMar 05 21:02
Balrogthey specialize in load-balancing &c.Mar 05 21:02
_Hicham_Balrog : I am not criticizing akamaiMar 05 21:02
Balrogheh ... most routers run Linux or VxWorks (an embedded UNIX)Mar 05 21:03
_Hicham_I am just stating a factMar 05 21:03
schestowitzAkamai is misusing software patebtsMar 05 21:03
_Hicham_and i didnt say that they do just thatMar 05 21:03
schestowitzThey legitimise the corrupt, brutal systemMar 05 21:03
schestowitzThey sue rival over patentsMar 05 21:03
Balrogyou mean from DDOS?Mar 05 21:03
Balrogwell I don't know what happens with the business side of thingsMar 05 21:03
schestowitzBalrog: they use Aruba NetworksMar 05 21:04
schestowitzIIRCMar 05 21:04
Balrogthis engineer complained that the 'business' people slow down progressMar 05 21:04
_Hicham_Linux is protecting Windows :DMar 05 21:04
Balrognow what about all those vxworks routers?Mar 05 21:05
Balrogand bsd-based ones?Mar 05 21:05
schestowitzJust in: Bilski Continues To Cause Software Patents To Get Rejected < >Mar 05 21:05
_Hicham_Cisco run ASP inside their routers, no?Mar 05 21:05
schestowitzBalrog: they exist tiiMar 05 21:05
schestowitz*tooMar 05 21:05
twitterAh, the Death Watch theme song is always good to hear, 05 21:05
BalrogI don't know of any router running WindowsMar 05 21:07
Balrogdo those exist?Mar 05 21:07
MinceR220205 < _Hicham_> MinceR : what are they doing?Mar 05 21:07
_Hicham_Balrog : yes, they doMar 05 21:07
MinceRmaking their own patches, for exampleMar 05 21:07
MinceR220240 < tacone> (silence)Mar 05 21:07
MinceRdiafMar 05 21:07
_Hicham_Balrog : do u work with cisco routers?Mar 05 21:07
Balrognope.Mar 05 21:07
Balrogwe don't work with routers at all hereMar 05 21:07
taconeuh ?Mar 05 21:08
Balrogthere's another division that does that, and we're not allowed toMar 05 21:08
_Hicham_Balrog : Cisco routers are the most widespread worldwideMar 05 21:08
Balrogand not surprisingly, tensions are high between the networking people and usMar 05 21:08
Balrogbut do they run Windows?Mar 05 21:08
_Hicham_you work with ASP to configure themMar 05 21:08
Balrogew.Mar 05 21:08
_Hicham_all the stuff is written is ASPMar 05 21:09
_Hicham_so IIS is installed there for sureMar 05 21:09
schestowitzDRM FAIL. "One tech idea that simply won't go away is the set-top box for streaming movies. It's been tried plenty of times before (Netflix, Vudu, Akimbo, Moviebeam, and more) with little success" 05 21:09
Balrogcan't you have apache with the asp extensions? Or do such extensions not exist?Mar 05 21:09
taconeBalrog:  asp = ?Mar 05 21:09
_Hicham_I dont know about thatMar 05 21:10
taconeah, that asp extension ? sure you can. they call it mono.Mar 05 21:10
_Hicham_noMar 05 21:10
_Hicham_tacone : Cisco can't work with such an immature frameworkMar 05 21:10
_Hicham_mono is very youngMar 05 21:11
_Hicham_they can't rely on itMar 05 21:11
taconei didn't read enough before answering :)Mar 05 21:12
schestowitzThe Stimulus Package Appears To Be Stimulating Scammers... < >Mar 05 21:12
schestowitzBRAVO Heise: German police close down cracker forum < >Mar 05 21:14
schestowitzNote headlineMar 05 21:14
schestowitz_Hicham_: mono is young, eh?Mar 05 21:14
schestowitzDoes it make it easier to deport?Mar 05 21:14
trmanco w3m -dump_head 05 21:15
trmancoReceived cookie: .ASPXANONYMOUS=0o vVP2rUyQEkAAAAOTBm MjgyNzktMDYwZi00ZmZkL WE0NTctYTI3ZTk4NzI0Mjk00Mar 05 21:15
trmancoReceived cookie: language=en-USMar 05 21:15
trmancoHTTP/1.1 200 OKMar 05 21:15
trmancoServer: Microsoft-IIS/5.0Mar 05 21:15
trmancoDate: Thu, 05 Mar 2009 21:21:55 GMTMar 05 21:15
trmancoX-Powered-By: ASP.NETMar 05 21:15
trmancoX-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727Mar 05 21:15
trmancoSet-Cookie: .ASPXANONYMOUS=0ovVP 2rUyQEkAAAAOTBmMj gyNzktMDYwZi 00ZmZkLWE0NTctYTI3ZTk4Nz I0Mjk00; expires=Thu, 14-May-2009 08:01:55 GMT; path=/; HttpOnlyMar 05 21:15
trmancoSet-Cookie: language=en-US; path=/; HttpOnlyMar 05 21:16
trmancoCache-Control: privateMar 05 21:16
trmancoContent-Type: text/html; charset=Windows-1252Mar 05 21:16
trmancoContent-Length: 24826Mar 05 21:16
trmancoIIS 5.0... idiotsMar 05 21:16
trmanco...Mar 05 21:16
BalroghehMar 05 21:17
twitterha haMar 05 21:18
twitterExcel can't do math, so what's it good for?Mar 05 21:21
twittergetting owned, what else? 05 21:22
twitterPaytard in office, ""The State of Colorado's Office of Technology (OIT) has setup work skills website. The problem is that the site says "DO NOT use FIREFOX or other Browsers besides IE. It has been decided that Mozilla based, non-IE browsers pose a security risk." (Original emphasis from site.) If the leading IT agency for the State is making these uneducated claims, should the people worry about their other decisions?"Mar 05 21:22
twitter 05 21:23
twitterlord, that's stupidMar 05 21:23
_Hicham_schestowitz : mono isnt young?Mar 05 21:24
schestowitzYou said it is.Mar 05 21:24
Balrogmono is rather soMar 05 21:24
_Hicham_isn't it?Mar 05 21:24
Balrog.NET has been around for a bitMar 05 21:25
Balrogbut still not as long as JavaMar 05 21:25
_Hicham_schestowitz : dont u agree?Mar 05 21:25
Balrogalso .NET isn't as cross platform as JavaMar 05 21:25
_Hicham_Java is very matureMar 05 21:25
schestowitzMono is under 10Mar 05 21:25
_Hicham_.NET isnt cross platform as allMar 05 21:25
BalrogI meant .NET+MonoMar 05 21:25
schestowitzAnd still failing, like Big Brother MS.NETMar 05 21:26
schestowitzBut Novell is trying to shills for MicrosoftMar 05 21:26
Balrogthough Mono has many missing featuresMar 05 21:26
schestowitzIt spreads Mono in macs and LinuxMar 05 21:26
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 05 21:26
schestowitzIn return, Microsoft gives it infusions.Mar 05 21:26
schestowitzNovell is an extension of MicrosoftMar 05 21:26
_Hicham_they have tainted GTK with their workMar 05 21:26
schestowitzIt's Microsoft battalion inside LinuxMar 05 21:26
schestowitzOT: Poll: Oracle admins have a poor update install record < >Mar 05 21:26
twitterPriceless, the Colorado site barfed when I sent them a comment about how stupid they are.Mar 05 21:27
twitterServer Error in '/SKILLS' Application.Mar 05 21:27
twitter               Object reference not set to an instance of an object.                               Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.Mar 05 21:27
twitter             Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Mar 05 21:27
*twitter has quit (Excess Flood)Mar 05 21:27
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 05 21:28
twitterGotta love that .NET stuff.Mar 05 21:28
Balrogtwitter: that's VB.NET I assume....Mar 05 21:28
_Hicham_twitter : that sounds like great memory management feature :DMar 05 21:28
twittermade me laughMar 05 21:28
BalrogIt's a known bug in .NET 1.x, I thinkMar 05 21:29
Balrogor it could beMar 05 21:29
Balrogthat could mean many thingsMar 05 21:29
twitterIt means IIS and .NET suck lifeMar 05 21:29
_Hicham_I dont understand why people do rely on itMar 05 21:29
Balrogsure they suckMar 05 21:29
Balrogbecause people think MS is goodMar 05 21:29
schestowitzLinux administrator Wanted - Send Word Resume < >Mar 05 21:29
Balrogsomeone said to me tjat MS makes stuff easier for developersMar 05 21:30
_Hicham_people use ASP because of Visual Studio I thinkMar 05 21:30
twitterIt's amazing how some people can ignore evidence of massive suck.Mar 05 21:30
schestowitz 05 21:30
Balrogalso here they require information science and technology students to take a year of VB.NETMar 05 21:30
schestowitzThat's a sinMar 05 21:31
Balrogsure it isMar 05 21:31
twitterDon't trust your lying eyes, listen to me, do as I say and all will be well, Gold Pawn^H^H^H^H partnerMar 05 21:31
schestowitzNo academic body should sell kids to companiesMar 05 21:31
schestowitzThey should teach methodsMar 05 21:31
Balrogthat's one reason I'm doing computer science and not ISTMar 05 21:31
BalrogThey *say* they are teaching methodsMar 05 21:31
schestowitztrmanco has a similar issueMar 05 21:31
schestowitzHis country got corrupted pretty badly by the VoleMar 05 21:31
schestowitzThe president sure seems to be in bed with the bulliesMar 05 21:32
trmancoBalrog, I wish it was just a damn yearMar 05 21:32
trmancoschestowitz, not the president, the prime minister who finished university on a Sunday...Mar 05 21:33
balzacI feel sorry for whoever made that websiteMar 05 21:33
balzaccoworkforceMar 05 21:33
balzacthat makes me sadMar 05 21:33
trmancomaybe who made the website is a fanboyMar 05 21:33
schestowitztrmanco: ah, OK, thanksMar 05 21:34
trmancololMar 05 21:35
schestowitzKDE 4.2.1 release big on bug fixes  < >Mar 05 21:35
trmancothat is trueMar 05 21:35
Balrogschestowitz: got my PM?Mar 05 21:36
schestowitzHehe. We made FP of LinuxToday. I didn't notice until 6 hours laterMar 05 21:38
Balrogwhere?Mar 05 21:38
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellMar 05 21:38
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerMar 05 21:38
schestowitzOops. I forget to checkMar 05 21:38
BalrogI seeMar 05 21:39
BalrognowMar 05 21:39
schestowitz 05 21:39
schestowitzBalrog: Ewwww. NSFW[ork]Mar 05 21:40
schestowitzDidn't they get the memos about Microsoft sinking and more jobs requiring Free software?Mar 05 21:40
schestowitzDigg, Flickr, Yahoo, Google, Facebook,e tc.Mar 05 21:40
Balrogschestowitz: hmm??Mar 05 21:40
Balrogwhat are you referring to?Mar 05 21:40
schestowitzCOurses that are not safe for workMar 05 21:41
Balrogthat's which ones? those two?Mar 05 21:41
schestowitzEven Microsoft doesn't use .NETMar 05 21:41
schestowitzVista ignores this.Mar 05 21:41
_Hicham_schestowitz : M$ uses MFCMar 05 21:41
Balrogwell I don't have to take any of those, and I won'tMar 05 21:41
schestowitzBalrog: bothMar 05 21:42
_Hicham_and they that is the best seller for MSVCMar 05 21:42
_Hicham_they even encourage open source projects to use itMar 05 21:42
*tacone ( has left #boycottnovellMar 05 21:42
Balrogalso professors are lazyMar 05 21:42
_Hicham_but i always wonder : do we have to use closed source products in open source ones?Mar 05 21:43
Balrogwe set up eclipse for one on solaris and the prof. moved the students to MSVC on windows because (a) it took us an extra day to get eclipse working and (b) the prof. doesn't know eclipseMar 05 21:43
trmancoomfg -> 05 21:43
_Hicham_Balrog : is eclipse is hardMar 05 21:43
_Hicham_Balrog : eclipse is hard indeedMar 05 21:44
trmancoIE is going to win this years fiasco awards for being such a safe browserMar 05 21:44
Balrogeclipse is hard to set upMar 05 21:44
Balrognot that hard to useMar 05 21:44
_Hicham_Balrog : eclipse is a complete IDE, but lacks the speed of MSVCMar 05 21:45
_Hicham_it is Java's fault thoughMar 05 21:45
_Hicham_RedHat has made it nativeMar 05 21:45
_Hicham_but even with that, it is still terribly slowMar 05 21:45
Balroghm. it works reasonably well for meMar 05 21:45
Balrogeven on solarisMar 05 21:45
_Hicham_but not on linuxMar 05 21:46
_Hicham_on Linux, eclipse is such a painMar 05 21:46
_Hicham_but again, it is java's faultMar 05 21:47
Balrognot in my experienceMar 05 21:47
_Hicham_Sun are porting their efforts towards Java for WindowsMar 05 21:47
_Hicham_and it obvious that Java runs faster on Windows than on LinuxMar 05 21:47
_Hicham_on Solaris, it might another thingMar 05 21:48
BalrogSun writes SolarisMar 05 21:48
_Hicham_i havent used it on SolarisMar 05 21:48
Balrogtests indicate that Java runs fastest on SolarisMar 05 21:48
_Hicham_that what i was gonna sayMar 05 21:48
_Hicham_for sureMar 05 21:48
_Hicham_they want to promote their platform firstMar 05 21:48
_Hicham_silence againMar 05 21:50
_Hicham_no one is in the roomMar 05 21:50
BalrogI'm hereMar 05 21:50
Balrogjust a little busyMar 05 21:50
_Hicham_okMar 05 21:50
schestowitztrmanco: Colorado is just insulting itsefMar 05 21:50
schestowitzIt's treated with humourMar 05 21:50
schestowitzGoog publicity for Firefox tooMar 05 21:50
trmancololMar 05 21:50
trmancooh yeahMar 05 21:50
schestowitz*GoodMar 05 21:50
_Hicham_how do u see the firefox rebranding in debian and gnu?Mar 05 21:51
_Hicham_is it rational?Mar 05 21:52
_Hicham_does it need all that fuss?Mar 05 21:52
_Hicham_is it bad for a company to protect its brand?Mar 05 21:52
Balrogthat Colorado site is using "Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.1433; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.1433"Mar 05 21:53
twitterIt's kind of stupid for Mozilla to not have what Debian does, like ports to other architectures, 64 bit implementations, etc.Mar 05 21:53
_Hicham_they should have used drupalMar 05 21:53
_Hicham_they would have saved time and moneyMar 05 21:53
*mib_aenqlv (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 05 21:53
*mib_aenqlv has quit (Client Quit)Mar 05 21:54
twitterprotecting yourself from Debian is like protecting yourself from a good doctorMar 05 21:54
schestowitz_Hicham_: you can reverse the question:Mar 05 21:54
_Hicham_twitter : Mozilla didn't approve some security patchesMar 05 21:54
schestowitzwhy can't Mozilla be happy with rebranding?Mar 05 21:54
_Hicham_twitter : that is how it beganMar 05 21:54
twitterWhatever.  I think they have worked things out well enough.Mar 05 21:55
Balrogwhat about all the security flaws in IE?Mar 05 21:55
schestowitzI like the weasel iconMar 05 21:55
_Hicham_schestowitz : what the point in rebranding the same code?Mar 05 21:55
schestowitzAnd as long as stupid Webmasters don't sniff headers (which they mustn't), then all is welMar 05 21:55
twitterAsk yourself what Mozilla really gets out of the deal.Mar 05 21:55
schestowitz_Hicham_: why compile a kernel? Cause you can !! ;-) :-)Mar 05 21:56
_Hicham_schestowitz : sniffing headers is essentialMar 05 21:56
schestowitzUnder what circumstances?Mar 05 21:56
schestowitzLack of standards compliance?Mar 05 21:56
schestowitzSpying?Mar 05 21:56
_Hicham_schestowiz : we compile a kernel to learn, and fix thingsMar 05 21:56
schestowitzFun displays of user-agent?Mar 05 21:56
_Hicham_schestowitz : it is mainly because or IEMar 05 21:57
twitterto each his own _HichamMar 05 21:57
schestowitz_Hicham_: Debian fixed artwork ;-)Mar 05 21:57
schestowitz_Hicham_: true, IEMar 05 21:57
schestowitzI.e. because of a corrupt companyMar 05 21:57
schestowitzWhose E-mails show this was intended to breakMar 05 21:57
_Hicham_I like the Debian ConstitutionMar 05 21:57
_Hicham_IE corrupted the webMar 05 21:57
schestowitzSee 05 21:57
_Hicham_we still rely on javascript because of IEMar 05 21:58
schestowitzBill Gates: "In one piece of mail people were suggesting that Office had to work equally well with all browsers and that we shouldn’t force Office users to use our browser. This Is wrong and I wanted to correct this."Mar 05 21:58
schestowitzThere's s*loads more of thisMar 05 21:58
schestowitzI'll need to properly post about these one dayMar 05 21:58
_Hicham_Do you know that uncle Billy have used Firefox?Mar 05 21:59
_Hicham_and that the Security Chief in M$ uses Firefox?Mar 05 21:59
schestowitzI know.Mar 05 21:59
schestowitzHe said this in an interviewMar 05 21:59
schestowitzHe tried itMar 05 21:59
_Hicham_yesMar 05 22:00
schestowitzThey use Google tooMar 05 22:00
schestowitzIt scared the pants out of SweatyBMar 05 22:00
_Hicham_because livesearch is such a crapMar 05 22:00
Balrogms live search SUCKSMar 05 22:00
Balrogdoesn't even find what you wantMar 05 22:00
schestowitzThey must gain thereMar 05 22:00
schestowitzThey'll try to strike a deal with YahooMar 05 22:00
schestowitzThey don't know howMar 05 22:00
schestowitzAnd they have little money leftMar 05 22:00
BalrogI don't think they willMar 05 22:00
_Hicham_that is why they are bidding for YahooMar 05 22:00
_Hicham_they won'tMar 05 22:01
schestowitzSince they corrupted WA, they can probably go through with a Yahoo! dealMar 05 22:01
Balrogthe current Yahoo CEO isn't interested I thinkMar 05 22:01
schestowitzThey already have cronies appointed under OBAMAAMar 05 22:01
schestowitzThey also have hired 'lobbyists' (criminals) who are close to DemocratsMar 05 22:01
_Hicham_how is M$ doing with Obama?Mar 05 22:01
schestowitzBalrog: the CFO was, sort ofMar 05 22:01
schestowitzMaybe she's pretendingMar 05 22:01
schestowitzPlays hard to get with SweatyBMar 05 22:01
Balrogbe back laterMar 05 22:02
schestowitz_Hicham_: OBAMMAA met gatesMar 05 22:02
schestowitzThey are in good touchMar 05 22:02
schestowitzNo ChangeMar 05 22:02
_Hicham_wowMar 05 22:02
schestowitzJust PRMar 05 22:02
schestowitzBeastyB invested in OBAMAAMar 05 22:02
_Hicham_so they are always in the whitehouse?Mar 05 22:03
schestowitzBeatyB's wife tooMar 05 22:03
_Hicham_wowMar 05 22:03
schestowitzBlench?Mar 05 22:03
schestowitzCan't recall her name..Mar 05 22:03
schestowitzAnd the two pharma investors also (Bill and Melinda French)Mar 05 22:03
schestowitzAnd Smith the patent bullyMar 05 22:03
schestowitz$50k eachjMar 05 22:03
schestowitzMaximum personal contributionMar 05 22:03
_Hicham_wowMar 05 22:03
schestowitzLunch with MichelleMar 05 22:03
schestowitzLet me find an E-mail for youMar 05 22:04
schestowitz(leaked)Mar 05 22:04
schestowitz 05 22:04

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to "know and understand"
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it helps show how irrelevant Microsoft is becoming
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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
The RTO (Return-to-office) Layoffs or 'Soft' Layoffs at IBM and Red Hat
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