TODAY, Valentine's Day, the EPO decided to repost/recycle black humour about patent quality. Odd choice of day. It's not April 1st yet. Yesterday morning we published what we deem a fairly explosive leak in which even Battistelli's own staff (management) had debunked him on patent quality. On the same day the EPO published this co-called 'blog' by Battistelli, who is a terrible serial liar whose staff can never believe anymore. Today, a day later, the EPO promotes this 'blog', which says nothing new. It's just a recycling of something rather old -- something that we already covered. The EPO basically 'googlebombed' "patent quality" just a few weeks ago with a PR charade. Now Battistelli does a 'blog' about it and says:
But protecting quality is not enough. Our task, in line with both our reputation as a leader in this field – and our obligation to our users – is to continue to make constant improvements.
"Battistelli seems to be hellbent on destroying the EPO while perpetually lying about it. He doesn't even seem to mind being widely viewed as a liar (also receiving 0% approval rating from both staff and stakeholders)"Ladas & Parry LLP wrote and published an article about “Poisonous Divisionals” today [1, 2] -- a subject which we covered here before. It often seems like the only division of the Organisation which is capable of proper examination these days (thanks to being isolated from Battistelli, at least until 2014 when Battistelli attacked them too) is the group of appeal boards. They too seem to be going the way of the dodo (or Haar), thanks to Battistelli's "production" insanity. By the time the entire Organisation is destroyed and examiners are made redundant Battistelli will have already left the building (possible still forever pursing the UPC, which rumours say he wishes to head). EPO whistleblowers are sorely needed right now. Battistelli seems to be hellbent on destroying the EPO while perpetually lying about it. He doesn't even seem to mind being widely viewed as a liar (also receiving 0% approval rating from both staff and stakeholders). ⬆