Managing IP Still Champions Fake 'News' for Team UPC
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2020-07-31 23:59:18 UTC
- Modified: 2020-07-31 23:59:18 UTC
Spectacular headlines, one day apart, giving the false impression that UPC is coming
Summary: Managing IP does not care about its reputation; all it cares about is appeasing its clients by spreading falsehoods and perpetuating baseless hope
ISN'T it incredible that JUVE became a mouthpiece of Team UPC and the EPO's management? They apparently value the corrupt Benoît Battistelli and António Campinos more than truth itself.
But days ago we saw two misleading pieces in
Managing IP as well. "Pierluigi Perrotti, at the Court of Milan, discusses why patents are in a ‘little universe’ and says Italy stands ready should it get the nod for a UPC seat,"
the above says, but UPC is dead and
Italy has already been betrayed. We don't suppose this site cares about the law, about constitutions and about truth itself.
Managing IP is little but a mouthpiece of the litigation 'industry' (follow the money, too). These sorts of headlines with loaded quotes are done a lot by JUVE as well. This misleads the general public. IAM and Kluwer do that as well, but check who's behind them...