[Meme] You Can Punch, But the Joke is on You...
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2023-01-01 05:00:54 UTC
- Modified: 2023-01-01 05:00:54 UTC
Summary: Sirius ‘Open Source’ with its botched hatchet job continues to merely exploit people, who aren't even working at the company (some haven't worked in the company for about 3 year already, but the official site still shows them off in the page "Meet the Team")
Back in November a pathological liar was falsely accusing and even bullying my wife Rianne. A month later (after leaving) the company is
still using her for self-promotion/marketing purposes:
Update your site, Sirius. Or maybe you plan to take it all offline soon (regardless of updates). Quit
faking what you are.