Manchester Airport
THERE are many negative things to be said about Vista 10, including criminal aspects of it. A lot of it began in its predecessor, Vista 8, which used so-called Dark Patterns ("User Interfaces Designed to Trick People") in order to seduce people into violating their own principles and accepting unacceptable things, clearly against their will.
"If you remotely download a keylogger onto people's PCs without their consent, you may end up in prison. Microsoft does the same and it's framed as benign, or "business as usual"."According to a growing number of reports, Microsoft is still operated by anti-competitive thugs, who even without users' consent take over Windows (prior versions, not Vista 10) and secretly download gigabytes of data for business reasons alone. Dumping Windows becomes imperative now, even versions prior to Vista 10. They're all part of a botnet and Microsoft commandeers this botnet to do just about anything it wishes. It's truly a menace, let alone a national security threat.
As put it, "Microsoft may be pushing the [Vista 10] install files onto your system" even if you did not consent to that. Some people are paying for their bandwidth, so what Microsoft does here is abusive and it can, as already reported elsewhere, cause severe issues to corporate and home networks (not just reduction in productivity but also something akin to DDOS). Quoting the original report from The Inquirer:
MICROSOFT HAS CONFIRMED that Windows 10 is being downloaded to computers whether or not users have opted in.
An INQUIRER reader pointed out to us that, despite not having 'reserved' a copy of Windows 10, he had found that the ~BT folder, which has been the home of images of the new operating system since before rollout began, had appeared on his system. He had no plans to upgrade and had not put in a reservation request.
He told us: "The symptoms are repeated failed 'Upgrade to Windows 10' in the WU update history and a huge 3.5GB to 6GB hidden folder labelled '$Windows.~BT'. I thought Microsoft [said] this 'upgrade' was optional. If so, why is it being pushed out to so many computers where it wasn't reserved, and why does it try to install over and over again?