Bonum Certa Men Certa

Microsoft is 'Embracing' Linux (or GNU and Android) to Death, Already Proceeding to 'Extend' in Some Cases

Embrace and Extend
Credit: unknown (Twitter)

Summary: Microsoft continues its effort to dominate and control the competitor which is winning the battle -- a tactic so familiar that it takes amnesia not to recognise it

Young people (post-antitrust days) or willfully naive people wish to believe that Microsoft has really changed and that the company is willing to see GNU/Linux succeed. It's a fairy tale for the wishful and the gullible. This is the company which refers to GNU/Linux success stories as “Linux infestations". It now increasingly brings GNU/Linux under its own control. It can also control the experience and make GNU/Linux look bad, as it has done in the past to other rivals which it "embraced" (lots of examples here).

"This is the company which refers to GNU/Linux success stories as “Linux infestations"."Microsoft booster Matt Weinberger spreads some of the latest “loves Linux” Microsoft-led propaganda and grooms Nadella in the process. This is a continuation of other such puff pieces, whose main purpose it to fool (or lull) us into the idea that Microsoft is our friend.

The E.E.E. which portrays "Linux" (Bash or Ubuntu) as just a Windows 'app' (see the article "Ubuntu for Windows") or a 'feature' with lots of artificial limitations (making GNU/Linux look bad, difficult, and as boring as a command line) is noteworthy so far this month. A lot of articles right now try to frame GNU/Linux as just some kind of 'add-on' for Vista 10 [1, 2], an extensive pieces of mass surveillance software. If one checks the owner of Linux (kernel, e.g. uname -a) in this setup, it says "Microsoft". The strategy of Microsoft cannot be understood only by the willfully blind.

"This is a continuation of other such puff pieces, whose main purpose it to fool (or lull) us into the idea that Microsoft is our friend."Consider this new article by Jack Wallen with a provocative image (Microsoft owning Linux) and bizarre headline (maybe the editor's choice rather than Wallen's). It is titled "The truth comes out: Microsoft needs Linux". Well "Microsoft needs [to kill] Linux," but it must get close to Linux in order to extinguish (kill) it; this kind of modus operandi always starts with "embrace" (the first E in E.E.E.).

"Those who do not learn from the past," one person told me, "are doomed to..? Microsoft learned.

"But has the OSS community? Don't trust Microsoft."

"It doesn’t take a “Free software zealot” to develop distrust/hatred for Microsoft -- all it requires is for one to be properly informed of what Microsoft really does."Based on this other new article, Microsoft E.E.E. with Vista 10 and mass surveillance (trying to associate Vista 10 with GNU/Linux, Bash, and Ubuntu to increase adoption/sales) is progressing to "extend" and Microsoft is now trying to convert Android devices into Microsoft listening devices. How long before Microsoft can just dump Android (with users who depends on Microsoft 'apps' and Microsoft servers that hold their data) and make it through to "extinguish"? My wife, who sent me this article that angered her, says that Microsoft is “evil” and “desperate”, just trying to “hijack Android”. It doesn’t take a “Free software zealot” to develop distrust/hatred for Microsoft -- all it requires is for one to be properly informed of what Microsoft really does.

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