The People Who Trained Narcissistic Sociopath Bill Gates to Seem Social Before He Started Bribing All the Major Media
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2020-05-06 10:20:44 UTC
- Modified: 2020-05-06 10:20:44 UTC
"In the fall of 1982, Pam Edstrom [of Waggener Edstrom], a diminutive woman with piercing blue eyes, was recruited by Microsoft. [...] In modern-day business, flacks were responsible not only for avoiding bad press, but for spinning the good. [...] Hanson and Edstrom would spin a whole new image for Gates himself. They would tap the best and worst of Chairman Bill, changing his clothes, his voice, and his allegiances, driving him to become not just the boss, but, essentially, the company mascot—a sort of high-technology Colonel Sanders." --
Pam Edstrom's daughter
Summary: Acting or the art of pretending best describes Bill's transition from villain (actually serial criminal) to supposed hero and "philanthropist"
SINCE we've just mentioned the corruption of ZDNet, which became little but Microsoft advertising and propaganda [1, 2, 3, 4], we thought the above quote would be timely. We remind readers that the media which presents Gates as a pandemics expert has been paid by him repeatedly (the repetition means they must be "nice" to receive the next 'installment'). We spent years naming some of the culprits, noting that the bribery budget (for media alone) is around 100 million dollars per year. It's disguised as "supporting journalism" (of course!) and there are obvious strings attached. ⬆

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"He [Bill Gates] acted like a spoiled kid, which is what he was."
--Ed Roberts, Gates' employer at MITS in the 1970's (Atlanta Journal-Costitution, 04-27-97)