THE regime of the EPO is utterly disgusting. The staff is absolutely justified in calling them (the managers) "Mafia" because the tactics are indistinguishable; the Corsican Benoît Battistelli has quite some 'pedigree' and he left the Office in the hands of a French friend, who shamelessly lobbies the Boards of Appeal to allow European software patents -- a demand to which they oblige.
"The Office is so absolutely out of control that it has decided to attack bloggers and nothing has truly improved since then (we're still banned by the Office) except the lack of momentum in resistance."As long as the Office is run by aggressive thugs with platoons of lawyers and aggressive goons nothing will improve. The Office will perish for the sake of short-term money-grabbing moves.
The video above deals with this morning's post about the 2014 letter and EPO spying operations against Techrights (and myself, personally). The Office is so absolutely out of control that it has decided to attack bloggers and nothing has truly improved since then (we're still banned by the Office) except the lack of momentum in resistance. Almost like learned helplessness, instilling fear rather than acceptance. ⬆
Even more timely now that António Campinos is lawyering up against staff, based on internal documents