The EPO's corruption is the norm now
THE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME. PUTTING aside the latest misleading noise from Team UPC (we can dispute the lies with a bunch of funny memes alone; more in Daily Links later tonight), over the past couple of days the EPO's "Mafia" showed that nothing is going to change; they want us to think that swapping/replacing Benoît Battistelli with his French friend António Campinos magically solved all the problems; nothing could be further from the truth and it's not "business as usual".
link) that "[t]he Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation convened for its 168th meeting on Wednesday 13 October 2021. At the meeting the Council members re-elected Josef Kratochvìl (CZ) as its Chairperson for another three-year term in office commencing in January 2022. They also re-elected Johannes Karcher (DE) as the Deputy Chairperson to the Committee on Patent Law, as well as appointing a new Boards of Appeal Committee member."
link), saying that "Europe and the US are leading innovation in plastic recycling and alternative plastics technologies, a new study published today by the European Patent Office (EPO) shows. Europe and the US each accounted for 30% of patenting activity worldwide in these sectors between 2010 and 2019, or 60% combined. Within Europe, Germany posted the highest share of patent activity in both plastic recycling and bioplastic technologies (8% of global total), while France, the UK, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium stand out for their higher specialisation in these fields."
link) severe privacy violations and outsourcing of EPO data to Microsoft in the United States. Notice how EPO management is looking to distract, yet again, from its gross privacy violations by throwing money at the problem and writing misleading press releases. Josef Kratochvìl played a major role in this cover-up and it's framed like North Korean propaganda with yet another one of those "Working Parties"; to quote:
The SACEPO Working Party on Rules met on 14 October 2021 via videoconference to discuss legal changes that will further enable the digitalisation of the patent grant process and enhance data protection.
Stakeholders from the patent profession and user communities were consulted on the Office's plans for amending the EPC Implementing Regulations, so as to bring a variety of rules into line with the new digital environment. EPO representatives reported on the implementation of the order of the Enlarged Board of Appeal in referral G1/21, as well as the ongoing evaluation of the pilot project for the conduct of oral proceedings by videoconference (on which a full analysis will be published in the coming weeks).