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Links 24/06/2022: GNU PSPP 1.6.1

  • GNU/Linux

    • Linux Magazine

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Kernel Space

      • TechRadarLinus Torvalds: Rust is coming to the Linux kernel 'real soon'

        The next version of the Linux kernel may come bundled with support for the Rust programming language, creator Linus Torvalds has hinted.

        At the Linux Foundation’s Open Source Summit, Torvalds told the audience that support for Rust in the Linux kernel could arrive with version 5.20 of the operating system.

        The wider Linux community has been pretty excited about the prospect, with members of the audience giving Torvalds a round of loud applause at the very mention of Rust, VentureBeat reported earlier this week.

    • Applications

      • Make Use OfThe 5 Best Dictionary Apps for Linux

         Everyone comes across new words every day. With these dictionary tools, you can quickly learn more about such words on Linux.

        If your work involves reading or writing a lot of text on your computer, a dictionary is an indispensable tool for you. It can save you the trouble of looking up a word on the internet and, in turn, aid you in your workflow.

        Having a dictionary app on your computer makes it easy to find the meanings of words you encounter every day, check their spellings, and learn more about them, such as their synonyms and antonyms.

      • DedoimedoNotepadqq - A powerful text editor, somewhat forgotten

        If you're tuning late into the Dedoimedo show, here's a TL;DR on what's happening. I'd like to be able to move away from Windows as my primary computing platform for home use. This is easier said than done, because of a long software dependency exclusive to Windows, office and gaming being the prime culprits. My journey is starting now, but could take a good few years to complete. Along the way, I'm migrating my software workloads to Linux. Some programs are native, some aren't. One possible solution: WINE.

        WINE, the main reason why we're here. I've already shown you how to run Notepad++ this way. It' an amazing, flexible program, with superb capabilities, and in my opinion, unrivaled by any other program of this nature. The question is then, is it possible to get Notepad++ look & feel in Linux, natively?

        Today, I'd like to figure that out. I'm not stranger to text editors, it's just that my experience shows that whatever is out there, the other options aren't as good or friendly as Notepad++. However, I'm always testing and trying new things. I do quite frequently use KWrite, Kate, Geany, and to some extent, Notepadqq. Indeed, it is time to tell you a bit more about the latter.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • VituxHow to Echo Into File - VITUX

        The Linux shell has several operators to redirect or pipe the output of commands into a file. In this guide, I will show you several ways to redirect the echo output into a file. We will replace the content of a file with the echo output, then we will append text to an existing file using echo and finally, we will echo text to a file on a remote system by SSH. All examples that are shown here work on any Linux distribution like Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint, Rocky Linux, etc.

      • VideoHow to install EuroLinux 9.0 - Invidious

        In this video, I am going to show how to EuroLinux 9.0.

      • Install Kali Linux 2022.2 on VirtualBox -

        In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Kali Linux 2022.2 on VirtualBox. Kali Linux is an Advanced Penetration Testing Debian-based Linux distribution used for Penetration Testing, Ethical Hacking and network security assessments. Kali Linux 2022.2 is the second (Quarter 2) 2022 Kali Rolling release. It comes pimped with various awesome updates.

    • Games

      • RAGE

        The post apocalypse has always been heavily associated with the deep wilderness in my mind. As a youngling, one of the few possessions I brought with me on a family trip to Yosemite was, of all things, the novelization of RAGE. The game was the first piece of apocalyptic media that really grabbed me; my computer could barely run it, but it was the first big budget game I followed closely during it's pre-release, in that nascent early period of mass marketing on the internet.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • GNOME Desktop/GTK

        • OMG UbuntuClapper GTK Video App Bags Performance Boost in Latest Update

           I’ve written about this GStreamer-based GTK media player before, but it was a while ago and I haven’t mentioned it since. It’s actually added quite a few new features since then, including experimental and entirely opt-in Pipewire support.

          The latest version of Clapper, version 0.5, introduces a ‘new and improved GSrreamer video sink’. This switch introduces performance improvements and lays groundwork for future performance in the future, and handles overlay of subtitles.

        • This Week in GNOME#49 New Views €· This Week in GNOME

          Update on what happened across the GNOME project in the week from June 17 to June 24.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • Web Browsers

      • Mozilla

        • The Fall of The House of Waterfox

          I try not to go onto the mainweb, and Gemini has been helpful there, but occasionally, there is no choice. I've been using the Waterfox browser for many years, as it seemed to be more privacy-oriented.

          In 2019, it was bought by an Internet advertising company System1. ****. System1 also bought Startpage, the search engine I was using, also for privacy reasons. ****ing ****.


          For the lack of anything better, I've reluctantly continued using Waterfox. Today a popup appeared, claiming that an update is available but I need to download it myself.

          So I did download the .tar.gz file, which, when unzipped, seems to contain the browser (in about 75MBytes), and no instructions of any sort. No installer. No scripts that make common sense. Now what the **** am I supposed to do with that?

    • GNU Projects

      • GNUPSPP 1.6.1 has been released.

        I'm very pleased to announce the release of a new version of GNU PSPP. PSPP is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data. It is a free replacement for the proprietary program SPSS.

    • Programming/Development

      • Perl / Raku

        • PerlAnnotated Perl::Critic Policy Index | Tom Wyant []

          In the wake of my postings on the file access tests (-r and friends) I wondered if there was a Perl::Critic policy to find them. So I constructed an annotated index of Perl Critic policies. Because of its size I stuck it on GitHub rather than in-line to this blog post.

          This index assumes that any CPAN module whose name begins with Perl::Critic::Policy:: is a Perl Critic Policy. The index entry for each module contains the name of the module itself (linked to Meta::CPAN), the name of the distribution which contains it, and the abstract for the module if it contains anything other than a repeat of the module name. I suppose the module description could have been added, but I hoped the abstract would be sufficient.

  • Leftovers

    • The Applicability of Tapes

      I've had my tape deck for around 4 months now, if memory serves. I don't know why I didn't opt in for one earlier, or how I did so long without one. For anybody who's interested in music production, or sound design, or audio science, a tape deck is a must-have.

    • Education

      • In The Case Of Online Classes

        It is what popularised online classes, or at least that made it happen for a good while. Usually, no matter if you like school or not, school life is typically more interesting to be dealt with with face to face classes (assuming you're going the "right" way of the school life) There are a lot more options for an "ideal" school life - during free time you can go to the library, the field, or stay at the classroom abd read some books/sleep. During class hours, you may learn via the textbook/notes, from teacher's speech, or sometimes even from advices of classmates. And with PE or Computer classes or alike where methods of learning are easily expandable, students would find different ways of retriving knowledge and ways of using the knowledge wisely.

    • Linux Foundation

      • PR NewswireLF Edge Releases Industry-Defining Edge Computing White Paper to Accelerate Edge/ IoT Deployments
      • TechTargetLinux Foundation to standardize, simplify the DPU ecosystem

        The Linux Foundation has launched the Open Programmable Infrastructure project to standardize the software stack and APIs supporting data processing units to make them easier to use in enterprise data centers.

        OPI will define the DPU and develop standardized software frameworks and application programming interfaces (APIs) to make DPUs, also called infrastructure processing units (IPUs), easier to deploy in enterprise data centers, the Linux Foundation said this week.

        DPUs are smartNIC semiconductors dedicated to offloading networking and communication functions from the CPU. Businesses pursuing digital transformation are producing more data than ever before. Having dedicated network and security silicon helps to reduce latency in network traffic.

    • Security

      • Reproducible Builds: Supporter spotlight: Hans-Christoph Steiner of the F-Droid project

        The Reproducible Builds project relies on several projects, supporters and sponsors for financial support, but they are also valued as ambassadors who spread the word about our project and the work that we do.

        This is the fifth instalment in a series featuring the projects, companies and individuals who support the Reproducible Builds project. We started this series by featuring the Civil Infrastructure Platform project and followed this up with a post about the Ford Foundation as well as a recent ones about ARDC, the Google Open Source Security Team (GOSST) and Jan Nieuwenhuizen on Bootstrappable Builds, GNU Mes and GNU Guix.

      • USCERTCitrix Releases Security Updates for Hypervisor | CISA

        Citrix has released security updates to address vulnerabilities that could affect Hypervisor. An attacker could exploit one of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system.

      • The RecordRansomware groups targeting Mitel VoIP zero-day - The Record by Recorded Future

        Ransomware groups are targeting a zero-day affecting a Linux-based Mitel VoIP appliance, according to researchers from CrowdStrike.

        The zero-day – tagged as CVE-2022-29499 – was patched in April by Mitel after CrowdStrike researcher Patrick Bennett discovered the issue during a ransomware investigation.

        In a blog post on Thursday, Bennett explained that after taking the Mitel VoIP appliance offline, he discovered a “novel remote code execution exploit used by the threat actor to gain initial access to the environment.”

    • Civil Rights/Policing

      • Public KnowledgeHere We Go Again: Another Round of Changes Haven’t Solved the Problems with the JCPA - Public Knowledge

        Back in April, Public Knowledge discussed articles in the Wall Street Journal and Politico’s Morning Tech newsletter (paywalled content) that recounted a significant amendment to the Journalism Competition & Preservation Act (JCPA), a bill that proposes to create a four-year “safe harbor” from antitrust law, allowing news companies to band together to negotiate compensation terms for their news stories with the largest online platforms. (We articulated our concerns about the bill here, joined with other civil society organizations urging Congress to amend it here, and talked specifically about the impact of the bill on copyright law here.) The new language would introduce baseball-style arbitration (under which an arbitrator panel chooses one side’s final offer to settle the dispute); a new clause focused on ensuring outlets of all viewpoints are eligible to participate in negotiations; and a size limit intended to focus financial help on small and local outlets. It would also extend the span of the “safe harbor” from four to ten years. The changes did nothing to assuage our (and others’) most important concerns about the bill.

        Well, we’re baaaaaaack. Last week, Bloomberg Government described another round of revisions, these intended to address concerns articulated by industry unions about the impact of the bill on actual news production. According to Bloomberg, one of the bill’s primary sponsors in the Senate, Senator Amy Klobuchar, has also confirmed the plan to schedule a markup on the bill. Spoiler alert: The changes described still don’t address the most important concerns we have about the bill.

    • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

      • Photogaphs And Fractals In Gemini, This Weeks Capsule Challenge

        I plan to take a sample of pictures and add them to my capsules photo gallery. I figured it would be okay to write up a little post on my thoughts seeing as there are fellow capsuleers adamantly opposed to such things.

        Cats, nature, pictures of my smoking pieces, books, some art stuff, fractals.

Recent Techrights' Posts

The Ludicrous Mythology of Commonality as Signal of Value, Merit, Popularity
Devalue what's true, promote marketing?
[Video] Richard Stallman on the Four Essential Freedoms (Manuel Cuda News, 2025)
Added to a channel several days ago by Manuel Cuda News
[Video] Richard Stallman on Understanding the Misconception of So-called 'Artificial Intelligence'
to "know and understand"
Gemini Links 09/03/2025: Lagrange 1.18.5 and Writing Mannerisms
Links for the day
Links 08/03/2025: International Women's Day, Software Patents Being Squashed
Links for the day
Links 10/03/2025: Small Web Praised, LLM Chatbots Exposed as Worse Than Useless Again
Links for the day
A Call for GNU/Linux and BSD Developers to Unite Against GAFAM and the Regime They Empower
We have long encouraged and continue to encourage people who value Software Freedom to altogether boycott GAFAM
Gemini Links 10/03/2025: Realisation About Young People, Punks, and Discord IPO
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 09, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 09, 2025
FSF's Defective by Design (DBD): Amazon Tightens the Digital Handcuffs
Reproduced verbatim
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Plenty of Issues, Plenty of Censorship
The OSI is abusive on many levels!
EPO Staff Appraisals Apparently Benefit Kakistocracy, Including Cheaters Who Grant Illegal Patents and Punish Good Patent Examiners (Who Find Valid Reasons for Denials)
In prior reports the staff representatives said that rewards typically went to people who granted many patents, i.e. didn't do proper examination and instead just allowed many fake patents get enshrined as EPs, causing fiasco (from which some patent attorneys could profit)
As The Web Gets Drowned Out, Sinking in a Pool of LLM Slop, Real News Sites With Real News Become Increasingly Rare If Not Extinct
This is a real problem
Links 09/03/2025: Moderna Patents Thrown Out, Climate United Sues E.P.A.
Links for the day
Links 09/03/2025: FiveThirtyEight Killed by Disney, Nature (Journal) Chooses Suicide by Slop
Links for the day
Hiding Problems Doesn't Work
transparent organisations will be more stable and sustainable
The Harder They Try to Censor, the Bigger the Scandal (and the Impact) Will Be
We don't plan to self-censor our coverage; sometimes we just delay publication a little
Gemini Links 09/03/2025: Leasehold Derangement Syndrome, Raspberry Pi, and More
Links for the day
All-Time Low for Microsoft in Africa
it helps show how irrelevant Microsoft is becoming
French woman (frontaliere) trafficked to promote unauthorised cross border Swiss insurance
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
New York Times & Guardian reporting on Modern Slavery Act prosecution of Glodi Wabelua
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Diana & Adrian von Bidder-Senn, EVP, Palm Sunday & Debian death on wedding day
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
The RTO (Return-to-office) Layoffs or 'Soft' Layoffs at IBM and Red Hat
There are certainly many layoffs going on there, but many are described as "resignations" or "retirements" after RTO or some other form of relocation
Under the Pen Name "John O'Donnell" (LLM Slop, Not Real Article or Author) LinuxLinks Pushes Spammy Page
it happened some hours ago.
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 08, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, March 08, 2025
Graveyard of Mastodons: A Vast Number of Inactive Accounts
More than 80% of users in (the "big one") are no longer active
Gemini Links 08/03/2025: Reading Cory Doctorow's 'Little Brother', Abandoning GAFAM Forever
Links for the day
No, We Don't Want to Go "Viral" (and You Probably Don't, Either)
"Viral" junk gets forgotten quickly
Windows is Being Eradicated
On the Web, in Africa in particular, user strings or UAs that say "Windows" are becoming more rare
For International Women's Rights Day (Today) Staff Representatives at the European Patent Office (EPO) Opened Up on Gender Discrimination at the Office
Office discrimination against women is widely known; unless you sleep with men in management
Links 08/03/2025: Tariff Self Harm and Mostly Solved Diseases Making a Comeback
Links for the day
Links 08/03/2025: Climate Change Causing Food Shortages, Selling Off Chrome Still in the Cards
Links for the day
Gemini Links 08/03/2025: Driving in Japan, GrapheneOS, Tariffs Silver Lining
Links for the day
Working Like a Pack of Hyenas, the Microsofters Try Hard to Hide the Truth and Actively Censor Critics
They even target women
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Bylaws of the OSI a Shocking Oversight
That's what the OSI is right now: a salesperson
Thinking About Abandoning 'Google News' Altogether Due to Easy Poisoning by LLM Slop
As long as Google News keeps sending traffic to these leeches, it'll be very hard to justify relying on Google News for anything at all
Links 08/03/2025: Microsoft Failures, Further Attacks on Speech in Hong Kong
Links for the day
Gemini Links 08/03/2025: Physical Albums, Analog Computing, Deleting All Social Control Media
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, March 07, 2025
IRC logs for Friday, March 07, 2025